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840818017  Zitierlink
Berlin ;Boston : De Gruyter Mouton, [2015]
Online-Ressource (1 online resource)
Description based upon print version of record
Mehr zum Titel:
Frontmatter -- Language issues in China’s urbanization process in the context of globalization: Foreword to The Language Situation in China: Vol. 3 -- Contents -- Part I: Language Work -- 1. An update on the use and management of standard spoken and written Chinese -- 2. Current situation of the management of spoken and written languages -- 3. Present situation of the work concerning ethnic languages -- 4. Sixty years’ work with spoken and written languages -- Part II: Special Research -- 5. The global spread of the Chinese language -- 6. Development of the language information industry in China -- 7. The use of sign language and related issues -- 8. The language of Chinese films and TV series -- 9. Folk cant and folk life -- 10. The development of an international language environment in Beijing -- 11. The Beijing migrant children’s language and identity -- 12. Language barrier and assistance during the earthquake relief operations in Yushu, Qinghai Province -- 13. A survey of the Russian language use in Inner Mongolia’s Ergun City -- 14. Compilation of dictionaries of the Chinese language -- 15. Chinglish at the crossroads -- 16. The academic community on language life -- Part III: Language Focuses -- 17. Chinese characters: Traditional versus simplified debate -- 18. Debate on The General Table of Standard Chinese Characters -- 19. A heated discussion on the “crisis in writing Chinese characters” -- 20. Reflections on the incident of the “Preservation of Cantonese” in Guangzhou -- 21. The phenomenon of the Martian language -- 22. Chinese Internet buzzwords and catchphrases of 2009 -- 23. Comparisons of Chinese characters, words and phrases used in the media (2005–2009) -- 24. Chinese neologisms of the year (2009–2010) -- 25. A survey of annual catchwords in the media (2009–2010) -- 26. Changes in biliteracy and trilingualism in the Hong Kong education sector -- 27. Survey of “Yuanxingdi” as street name in Macau -- 28. Language situation in Taiwan (2009–2010) -- 29 Special. Social responses spurred on by the Report on the Language Situation in China -- Appendix -- Newspapers in written Chinese minority languages -- A record of major Chinese language events (2009) -- A record of major Chinese language events (2010) -- Contents (Chinese version 2009) -- Contents (Chinese version 2011) -- Postscript -- Editorial Teams of the English Edition -- Index
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Print version: The Language Situation in China, Volume 3
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-5015-1110-3 (Printausgabe)
Library of Congress Classification: P119.32.C6
Dewey Decimal Classification: [23] 306.4
[23] 400
China, with the world's largest population, numerous ethnic groups, and vast geographical space, is also rich in languages. Since 2006, China's State Language Commission has been publishing annual reports on 'language life' in China. These reports cover language policy and planning, new trends in language use, and major events concerning languages in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Now these reports are available in English. Li Yuming,Ministry of Education, China; Li Wei, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK.
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