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If the Shoe Fits : A Meant to be Novel / Julie Murphy ; Jen Ponton [Erzähler/in]

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MedienartE-Audio [E-Audio]
Titel If the Shoe Fits : A Meant to be Novel / Julie Murphy ; Jen Ponton [Erzähler/in]
PersonMurphy, Julie [Verfasser/in]
Ponton, Jen [Erzähler/in]
VeröffentlichungHyperion Avenue, 2021
Zusammenfassung "If the Shoe Fits encompasses everything I love about rom-coms. I laughed, I swooned, I smiled. Another hit for Julie Murphy! 8212 Colleen Hoover, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Hopeless If the shoe doesn't fit, maybe it's time to design your own. Cindy loves shoes. A well-placed bow or a chic stacked heel is her form of self-expression. As a fashion-obsessed plus-size woman, she can never find designer clothes that work on her body, but a special pair of shoes always fits just right. With a shiny new design degree but no job in sight, Cindy moves back in with her stepmother, Erica Tremaine, the executive producer of the world's biggest dating reality show. When a contestant on Before Midnight bows out at the last minute, Cindy is thrust into the spotlight. Showcasing her killer shoe collection on network TV seems like a great way to jump-start her career. And, while she's at it, why not go on a few lavish dates with an eligible suitor? But being the first and only fat contestant on Before Midnight turns her into a viral sensation8212 and a body-positivity icon8212 overnight. Even harder to believe? She can actually see herself falling for this Prince Charming. To make it to the end, despite the fans, the haters, and a house full of fellow contestants she's not sure she can trust, Cindy will have to take a leap of faith and hope her heels8212 and her heart8212 don't break in the process. Best-selling author Julie Murphy's reimagining of a beloved fairy tale is an enchanting story of self-love and believing in the happy ending each and every one of us deserves."
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