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Ihre Suchanfrage = BV037195426

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Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry

Structure and Mechanism'
Verfasser: Sinnott, Michael    
Verlagsort, Verlag, Jahr: Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (762 p.)
Schlagwort: Kohlenhydrate , Chemie
Schlagwort: Kohlenhydrate , Biochemie
ISBN / ISSN: 1-8475-5801-1, 978-1-8475-5801-5


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Titel: Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry
Verfasser: Sinnott, Michael
Hrsg./Bearb.: Williams, Andrew
Hrsg./Bearb.: Page, Michael I.
Schlagwort: Kohlenhydrate / Chemie
Schlagwort: Kohlenhydrate / Biochemie
ISBN / ISSN: 1-8475-5801-1
ISBN / ISSN: 978-1-8475-5801-5
Zusatz zum Hauptsachtitel: Structure and Mechanism
Jahr: 2007
Verlag: Royal Society of Chemistry
Verlagsort: Cambridge
Sprache: eng
Erscheinungsform: m
Allg. Fussnoten: Carbohydrates play important roles in biological systems as energy sources, as structural materials, and as informational structures, This graduate textbook is aimed at providing researchers new to the subject with information on the structure and mechanisms in the chemistry, biochemistry or processing of carbohydrates. The book contains everything the reader needs to know about a non-synthetic carbohydrate research project. It gives excellent coverage of carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry, particularly including the principles of reactivity, in the process industries, such as pulp, paper and food. It also employs use of the same concepts to describe enzymic and non-enzymic reactivity
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