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Sonst. Personen: 
Dordrecht : Springer, 2013
Online-Ressource (XII, 346 p. 93 illus., 70 illus. in color, digital)
Description based upon print version of record
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Buchausg. u.d.T.: ISBN 978-94-007-5589-5
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-007-5589-5 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
MicroRNA Cancer Regulation; Preface; Background; The Systems Perspective on microRNAs in Cancer; Scope of This Book and Target Audience; Structure; How to Read This Book; Biologists and Clinicians; Computational Scientists and Modellers; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1: MicroRNAs in Human Cancer; 1.1 miRNA Overview; 1.2 Methods for Studying miRNA Genetics and Expression; 1.2.1 miRNA Profiling; 1.2.2 miRNA Databases and Validation; 1.3 Mechanisms of Alteration of miRNA Levels in Malignancy; 1.3.1 General Principles of miRNA Genomic Organization
1.3.2 Alterations in Genomic miRNA Copy Numbers and Location1.3.3 Alterations in miRNA Transcriptional Regulation; 1.3.4 miRNA Biogenesis Pathway in Tumorigenesis; miRNA Biogenesis; Alterations in RNASEN/DGCR8 and DICER1/TARBP2; Alterations in Other Pathway-Related RBPs; 1.4 Dysregulation of miRNA-mRNA Target Recognition; 1.4.1 miRNA Function/Mechanism; 1.4.2 Organization of miRNAs into Sequence Families; 1.4.3 miRNA-mRNA Stoichiometry; 1.4.4 Changes in the miRNA Targets; 1.5 Cancer Tissues Have Distinct miRNA Profiles; 1.5.1 miRNA Cancer Database
1.5.2 Tissue Heterogeneity1.5.3 miRNAs as Tumor Suppressors and Oncogenes; 1.5.4 miRNA-Regulated Pathways; 1.6 Alterations of miRNA Sequence; 1.7 miRNA Target Identification; 1.8 miRNAs as Diagnostics; 1.9 miRNAs as Therapeutics; References; 2: Bioinformatics, Non-coding RNAs and Its Possible Application in Personalized Medicine; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Background; 2.2.1 Types of ncRNAs; 2.2.2 miRNA Function; 2.2.3 miRNA Networks in Cancer; 2.2.4 miRNA Identification; 2.2.5 Deep Sequencing; NGS Data Analysis; NGS and ncRNAs; 2.3 miRNA Gene Prediction; 2.3.1 Prediction Factors
2.3.2 Prediction Methods2.4 miRNA Target Prediction; 2.5 miRNAs in Clinical Practice; 2.5.1 Cancer Predisposition and Development; Diagnosis, Prognosis and Metastasis; 2.6 Conclusion; References; 3: MicroRNA Target Prediction and Validation; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Computational Methods to Identify microRNA Targets; 3.2.1 Thermodynamic Stability of the microRNA:mRNA Duplex; 3.2.2 Sequence Conservation of the Target Site Between Multiple Species; 3.2.3 Multiple Targets in the Same 3'UTR; 3.2.4 Functional Category of Targets; 3.2.5 Combining microRNA and mRNA Expression Data
3.2.6 Concluding Remarks Regarding Computational Methods3.2.7 Future Directions; 3.3 Experimental Identification and Validation of microRNA Targets; 3.3.1 Reporter Assays; 3.3.2 Proteomics Methods; 3.3.3 Biochemical Approaches; 3.3.4 Molecular Methods; 3.3.5 Concluding Remarks; References; 4: MicroRNA-Regulated Networks: The Perfect Storm for Classical Molecular Biology, the Ideal Scenario for Systems Biology; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Systems Biology in a Nutshell; 4.2.1 Network Construction; 4.2.2 Mathematical Model Construction; 4.2.3 Model Calibration; 4.2.4 Model Analysis
4.3 MicroRNAs as Components of Complex Network Motifs
Preface -- 1 MicroRNAs in human cancer -- 2 Bioinformatics, non-coding RNAs and its possible application in personalized medicine -- 3 MicroRNA target prediction and validation -- 4 MicroRNA-regulated networks: the perfect storm for classical molecular biology, the ideal scenario for systems biology -- 5 The p53/microRNA network in cancer: experimental and bioinformatics approaches.-6 MicroRNAs in melanoma biology -- 7 MicroRNA in the lung -- 8 The E2F1-miRNA cancer progression network -- 9 Modeling of microRNA-transcription factor networks in cancer -- 10 Coordinated networks of microRNAs and transcription factors with evolutionary perspectives -- 11 Mathematical modeling of microRNA-mediated mechanisms of translation repression -- 12 Web resources for microRNA research -- 13 Discovery of microRNA regulatory networks by integrating multidimensional high-throughput data -- 14 Discovering the functional microRNA-mRNA regulatory modules in heterogeneous data -- 15 Elucidating the role of microRNAs in cancer through data mining techniques -- 16 Working together: Combinatorial regulation by microRNAs.  .
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: RC261-271
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 614.5999; ; 616.994042;
Book Industry Communication: MJCL
bisacsh: MED062000
This book reflects the current state of knowledge about the role of microRNAs in the formation and progression of solid tumours. The main focus lies on computational methods and their applications in combination with cutting edge experimental techniques that are used to approach all aspects of microRNA regulation in cancer. The use of high-throughput quantitative techniques makes an integrative experimental and computational approach necessary. This book will be a resource for researchers starting out with microRNA research, but is also intended for the experienced researcher who wants to incorporate concepts and tools from systems biology and bioinformatics into his work. Bioinformaticians and modellers are provided with a general perspective on microRNA biology, and the state-of-the-art in computational microRNA biology
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