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1664368620  Zitierlink
Soulware : the American way in China's higher Education / Way Kuo
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley-Scrivener [2019], 2019
pages cm
Includes index
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-119-50990-5
Library of Congress Classification: LA1133
Dewey Decimal Classification: 378.51
"This book is a critical account of the history, evolution and challenges of higher education in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, with important reflections on other systems, notably those in the US, UK, Korea and Japan.  In addition to hardware and software, it introduces the concept of “software” in global higher education and analyses its importance for internationalization and the pursuit of excellence.  In an age where robots and artificial intelligence are impacting our jobs and our daily lives, its critical analysis and insightful reflections provide considerable value for a range of global stakeholders interested in higher education reform to nurture talent and promote innovation to prepare students for an unpredictable future.     “Professor Kuo’s perspective provides considerable value for a range of global stakeholders both in the east and the west. As American universities awake to the realization that the demand for higher education is an increasingly global phenomena, his contribution could not be more timely." Mike Crow, PhD President, Arizona State University   “Way Kuo advances a powerful historical argument for the means to achieve excellence in Asian universities. His recipe is bold leadership, combining excellence in teaching and research, and embracing the lessons of western university successes and failures. A superb combination of history and forward thinking." Michael Kotlikoff, VMD, PhD Provost, Cornell University   "Way’s book is not just about the past or the present. Rather, it offers useful insights into the future. In an age where robots and artificial intelligence are impacting our jobs and our daily lives, he introduces the concept of “soulware” and analyzes its importance for higher education." G. P. “Bud” Peterson, PhD President, Georgia Institute of Technology   "Wisdom is the ultimate goal of higher education. It is the illumination of that wisdom among audiences, English-speaking or Chinese-speaking, to which Way Kuo’s book hopes to kindle a spark." Frank H. Shu, PhD President, 2002-06, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan University Professor, University of California System"--
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