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ESPN and the changing sports media landscape / edited by Greg G. Armfield, John McGuire, & Adam Earnheardt
New York ; Bern ; Berlin : Peter Lang [[2019]], [2019]
Art des Inhalts:
xviii, 393 pages
Includes bibliographical references and index
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4331-5172-9, 978-1-4331-5173-6, 978-1-4331-5174-3
*Sport Subject / Medien Subject /
Library of Congress Classification: GV742.3
Dewey Decimal Classification: 070.449796
Preface : September 8, 2011 / Greg G. Armfield, John McGuire, and Adam C. Earnheardt -- Sports programming as a public good : a complicated congressional legacy / Stephen W. Dittmore -- ESPN's search for a sustained global competitive advantage / David Bockino -- A whole new ball game? The changing European sports rights marketplace / Paul Smith -- Ascending as the fantasy giant : ESPN fantasy, mainstreaming fantasy gaming, and the role of Goliath / Brody J. Ruihley and Andrew C. Billings -- ESPN and esports : capturing and joining a rising sport / Steve Young, Sean Fourney, and Braden Bagley -- Tune it or stream it? Can millennials and the internet save ESPN? / Kevin Hull, Miles Romney, and David Cassilo -- ESPN's double standard? The politics of frame and tone in sports / Ryan Broussard and Jonathan Graffeo -- A fireable offense? Jemele Hill and the rhetoric of public correction / Katherine L. Lavelle -- Jemele Hill, twitter, and ESPN : thinking inside the (potter) box / David Staton -- Adapting to the digital age : ESPN's crisis communication during the 2015 and 2017 layoffs / J. Scott Smith -- The present (but not future) ESPN ombudsman : levying accountability through the inception of the digital age / Xavier Ramon, José Luis Rojas Torrijos, and Andrew C. Billings -- Sportscenter at 40 : evolving with the times / John McGuire -- ESPN's evolving mobile motives : development, consumption, competition / Jake Kucek, Zach Humphreys, Adam C. Earnheardt, and Greg G. Armfield -- Creation of the Longhorn Network : shadow of a dying business model / Jared Johnson -- National vs. local : Fox Sports 1 and Fox Sports networks in the 2010s / William M. Kunz -- "Seeking a storybook ending" : examining the future distribution of women's sporting events / Anji L. Phillips and Dunja Antunovic -- "Tying the brand to something a little bit bigger" : a political economy analysis of ESPNW / Sarah Wolter -- Storytelling at the worldwide leader in sports : an interview with John Walsh, executive vice president of ESPN, retired / Michael L. Butterworth -- Modern pathways of sports consumption : an interview with Paul Melvin, senior director of communications for ESPN / Melvin Lewis -- Sports media in 2020 : patterns, trends, and crystal-ball gazing / Andreas Hebbel-Seeger & Thomas Horky -- Visualizing 2020 : the future of sports media panel discussion : a panel presented at the International Association of Communication and Sports (IACS) 11th summit on communication and sport.
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