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Early childhood education in Germany : exploring historical developments and theoretical issues / edited by Bianca Bloch, Melanie Kuhn, Marc Schulz, Wilfried Smidt, and Ursula Stenger
London ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
Art des Inhalts:
xi, 275 Seiten
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-0-429-27559-3
Library of Congress Classification: LB1139.3.G4
Dewey Decimal Classification: [23/ger] 372.210943
Introduction and structure of the edited volume / Bianca Bloch, Melanie Kuhn, Marc Schulz, Wilfried Smidt, and Ursula Stenger -- The matrix of the academic ECEC discourse / Ursula Stenger, Melanie Kuhn, Marc Schulz, Bianca Bloch, and Wilfried Smidt -- Historical development and current frameworks / Marc Schulz, Melanie Kuhn, Bianca Bloch, Wilfried Smidt, and Ursula Stenger -- Shifts between education, upbringing and childcare : on the transformation of basic concepts of early childhood pedagogy in the professional discourse of Germany / Cornelie Dietrich & Claus Stieve -- Paradigms of childhood in early childhood education / Roswitha Staege & Elmar Drieschner -- Phenomena : play and learning / Oktay Bilgi & Ursula Stenger -- Didactics in institutions of ECEC : a critical review / Dagmar Kasüschke & Florian Frank -- Difference and early childhood education in Germany : qualitative research and educational programme / Claudia Machold & Raphael Bak -- The German ECEC system : governance structure, policies, and constitutive norms / Nicole Klinkhammer & Antonia Scholz -- Child and childhood / Dominik Farrenberg -- Families and parenthood / Melanie Kubandt & Dominik Krinninger -- Primary school in relation to kindergarten / Karin Kämpfe & Britta Menzel -- The professionalization discourse in German early childhood education and care and its social scientific references / Peter Cloos & Stefan Faas -- Competence orientation as a key concept in professionalization and quality development processes / Iris Nentwig-Gesemann & Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff -- Action amid contradictions : research perspectives on areas of tension within professional ECEC practice in Germany / Stefanie Bischoff-Pabst & Peter Cloos -- Evidence- and efficiency-based models of professionalisation : how do they contribute to improving early childhood education? / Tina Friederich & Regine Schelle.
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