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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 1861140002
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1st ed. 2023.
Cham : Springer International Publishing [2023.] ; Cham : Imprint: Springer [2023.], 2023
1 Online-Ressource(XX, 200 p. 75 illus., 73 illus. in color.)
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9783031217302
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9783031217326
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9783031217333
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-3-031-21730-2 (Druckausgabe), 978-3-031-21732-6 (Druckausgabe), 978-3-031-21733-3 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Thema: 
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 910.021;
Book Industry Communication: RGL
bisacsh: SCI030000
1-Using the GIS of regional boundaries to analyse historical data on population and GDP -- 2-The urbanization process: Covering the evolution of 7,269 cities in Europe, 1870-2020 -- 3-The spread of railways in Europe: 1830-2020 -- 4-Main roads in Europe: from 1835 to the first motorway network -- 5-European ports : a location analysis -- 6-A combined view of the impact of transport infrastructure on population distribution and urbanization processes in Europe -- 7-Using Historical Aerial Photographs to Study Long Term Landscape Dynamics -- 8-The Transport Revolution on Land and Sea: Fishing and Railways in Great Britain, Spain and Portugal, 1840-1914 -- 9-Mapping one century of accessibility on the French railway network, 1830-1930 -- 10-The Expansion of Mail Service and Railways in Britain and France, 1840-1914 -- 11-The Historical Economic Geography of Worker Welfare Ratios and Skill Premiums Across 603 Cantons of Southwest France based on ca. 1857 L’enquete Agricole Archival Data -- 12-The uses of census data to study the evolution of two indicators of human development: infant mortality and fertility in Europe -- 13-The use of urban cartography to analyse the spread of cities through history -- 14-Identifying historical landscapes and cultural heritage using GIS.
This volume promotes the use of Historical GIS (H-GIS) for both education and research. It consists of a coherent set of chapters that allow readers to study the spatial histories of cities, infrastructure, landscapes, and more across Europe. Each chapter is accompanied by Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) including GIS data, guides and complementary material in .pdf format, and more. To date, there are no similar materials available in this field compiled in a single book. Interdisciplinarity in spatial research is a main theme of this volume, and the text and tools provided here allow readers to combine inputs relating to the study of earth sciences, population, urban growth and transportation, focusing on changes over both space and time. Each chapter provides data in GIS format and also a user's guide to enable readers to deeply engage with the contents themselves. Guidelines are provided to help locate new data about other areas of the world, which users will be able to develop independently. The book is divided into three parts, each presenting different scales of study and analysis at the local, regional and national levels. Part One deals with general subjects analyzed across large areas, mainly within Europe. Part Two provides more specific subjects and data. Part Three covers sources and teaching with H-GIS. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics, teachers and students from secondary schools up to university level. Each subject and tutorial is aimed at a multi-level audience. .
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