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The Pink Line : The World's Queer Frontiers / Mark Gevisser

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MedienartE-Book [E-Book]
Titel The Pink Line : The World's Queer Frontiers / Mark Gevisser
PersonGevisser, Mark [Verfasser/in]
VeröffentlichungProfile, 2020
Profile Books
Zusammenfassung " CHOSEN AS ONE OF THE GUARDIAN 'S and FINANCIAL TIMES ' BOOKS OF 2020 'In intimate, often tender prose, Gevisser brings to live the complex movement for queer civil rights and the many people on whom it bears.' Colm Toibin, Guardian 'Powerful... meticulously researched' Andrew McMillan, Observer Book of the Week Six years in the making, The Pink Line follows protagonists from nine countries all over the globe to tell the story of how LGBTQ+ Rights became one of the world's new human rights frontiers in the second decade of the twenty-first century. From refugees in South Africa to activists in Egypt, transgender women in Russia and transitioning teens in the American Mid-West, The Pink Line folds intimate and deeply affecting stories of individuals, families and communities into a definitive account of how the world has changed, so dramatically, in just a decade. And in doing so he reveals a troubling new equation that has come in to play: while same-sex marriage and gender transition are now celebrated in some parts of the world, laws to criminalise homosexuality and gender non-conformity have been strengthened in others. In a work of great scope and wonderful storytelling, this is the groundbreaking, definitive account of how issues of sexuality and gender identity divide and unite the world today. "
Inhalt Biographisches: "Mark Gevisser's previous books include the award-winning A Legacy of Liberation: Thabo Mbeki and the Future of South Africa's Dream , and Lost and Found in Johannesburg: A Memoir . He writes frequently for Guardian , The New York Times , Granta , and many other publications. He helped organise South Africa's first Pride March in 1990, and has worked on queer themes ever since, as a journalist, film-maker and curator. He lives in Cape Town."
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