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Purgatorio / Dante Alighieri ; D. M. Black ; D. M. Black ; Robert Harrison

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MedienartE-Book [E-Book]
Titel Purgatorio / Dante Alighieri ; D. M. Black ; D. M. Black ; Robert Harrison
PersonDante, Alighieri [Verfasser/in]
Black, D. M. [Verfasser/in]
Black, D. M. [Verfasser/in]
Harrison, Robert Pogue [Verfasser/in]
VeröffentlichungNew York Review Books, 2021
NYRB Classics
Zusammenfassung " A new translation of Dante's Purgatorio that celebrates the human elements of the second part of The Divine Comedy. This is a bilingual edition with an illuminating introduction from the translator.160 Purgatorio , the middle section of Dante&rsquo, great poem about losing, and subsequently finding, one&rsquo, way in the middle of one&rsquo, life is, unsurprisingly, the beating heart of The Divine Comedy , as this powerful and lucid new translation by the poet D. M. Black makes wonderfully clear. After days spent plumbing the depths of hell, the pilgrim staggers back to the clear light of day in a state of shock, the sense of pervasive dread and deep bewilderment with which he began his pilgrimage as intensified as it is alleviated by his terminal vision of evil. The slow and initially arduous climb up the mount of Purgatory that ensues, guided as always by Virgil, his poetic model and mentor, is simultaneously a reckoning with human limits and a rediscovery of human potential in the light of divine promise. Dante&rsquo, Purgatorio , which has been an inspiration to poets as varied as Shelley and T. S. Eliot, is a book full of human stories and philosophical inquiry,it is also a tale of individual reintegration and healing. Black, a distinguished psychoanalyst as well as a poet, provides an introduction and commentary to this masterpiece by Dante from a contemporary point of view in this bilingual edition."
Sammelrezension Biographisches: " Dante Alighieri &rsquo, (1265&ndash,321) most famous works are The New Life , which is available in the NYRB Poets series in a translation by Dante Gabriel Rosetti, De vulgari eloquentia , a defense of the use of the vernacular in literature,and his epic vision of the afterlife, The Divine Comedy . NYRB Classics also publishes Dante&rsquo, Inferno in a translation by Ciaran Carson.160"
Rezension(2): "Publisher's: November 11, 2002 In addition to the Pessoa title reviewed above, a tremendous amount of terrific poetry in translation is due this fall and winter. The books listed below, in varying ways, re-examine classics and introduce modern masters to English speakers. PURGATORIO Dante Alighieri, trans. from the Italian by Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander. Doubleday, $35 (656p) ISBN 0-385-49699-0 With its elegant, carefully negotiated translations and canto-by-canto notes, outlines and annotations, this second volume from the Hollanders takes its place beside last year39"
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