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* Ihre Aktion  Suchen ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 724206175
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Washington, D.C : The World Bank, 2002
Online-Ressource (1 online resource (48 p.))
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
*Communities & Human Settlements ; Crowding Out ; Economic Growth ; Farm Productivity ; Finance and Financial Sector Development ; Financial Labor ; Household Head ; Household Income ; Household Welfare ; Human Capital ; Human Capital Investment ; Income ; Income Redistribution ; Labor Policies ; Land and Real Estate Development ; Municipal Housing and Land ; Poverty Impact Evaluation ; Poverty Reduction ; Private Sector Development ; Real Estate Development ; Rural Development ; Rural Poverty Reduction ; Services and Transfers to Poor ; Social Protections and Labor ; Communities & Human Settlements ; Crowding Out ; Economic Growth ; Farm Productivity ; Finance and Financial Sector Development ; Financial Labor ; Household Head ; Household Income ; Household Welfare ; Human Capital ; Human Capital Investment ; Income ; Income Redistribution ; Labor Policies ; Land and Real Estate Development ; Municipal Housing and Land ; Poverty Impact Evaluation ; Poverty Reduction ; Private Sector Development ; Real Estate Development ; Rural Development ; Rural Poverty Reduction ; Services and Transfers to Poor ; Social Protections and Labor
Cox uses date from the 1992-93 and 1997-98 Vietnam Living Standards Survey (VLSS) to describe patterns of money transfers between households. Rapid economic growth during the 1990s did little to diminish the importance of private transfers in Vietnam. Private transfers are large and widespread in both surveys, and are much larger than public transfers. Private transfers appear to function like means-tested public transfers, flowing from better-off to worse-off households and providing old age support in retirement. Panel evidence suggests some hysteresis in private transfer patterns, but many households also changed from recipients to givers and vice versa between surveys. Changes in private transfers appear responsive to changes in household pre-transfer income, demographic changes, and life-course events. Transfer inflows rise upon retirement and widowhood, for example, and are positively associated with increases in health expenditures. It also appears that private transfer inflows increased for households affected by Typhoon Linda, which devastated Vietnam's southernmost provinces in late 1997. This paper is a product of Macroeconomics and Growth, Development Research Group. The study was funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget under the research project Economic Growth and Household Welfare: Policy Lessons from Vietnam. The author may be contacted at
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