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741673835  Zitierlink
Handbook of neuroendovascular surgery / [edited by] Eric M. Deshaies, Christopher S. Eddleman, Alan S. Boulos
Sonst. Personen:
New York : Thieme, 2012
Online-Ressource (xii, 484 p) : ill
Includes bibliographical references and index
Mehr zum Titel:
Handbook of Neuroendovascular Surgery; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Media Center Information; Foreword; Preface; Contributors; I Introduction; 1 Cranial Vascular Anatomy; 2 Vascular Anatomy of the Spine and Spinal Cord; 3 Clotting Pathways and Inhibitory Medications; 4 Endovascular Anesthesia and Medications; II Equipment and Techniques; 5 Radiation Physics and Safety; 6 Vascular Access and Arteriotomy Closures; 7 Introduction to Endovascular Equipment; 8 Endovascular Techniques for Aneurysm Therapy, Arteriovenous Malformation Treatment, and Carotid Artery Stent Placement
9 Periprocedural Patient Evaluation10 Endovascular Complications; 11 Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring; 12 Diagnostic Endovenous Procedures; III Treatment of Specific Disease Entities; 13 Management of Cerebral Aneurysms; 14 Cranial Vascular Malformations; 15 Intracranial Arteriovenous Fistulae; 16 Ischemic Stroke Intervention; 17 Extracranial Arterial Occlusive Disease; 18 Intracranial Arterial Stenosis; 19 Vascular Injuries of the Head and Neck; 20 Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations; 21 Vascular Tumors of the Skull Base, Neck, and Spine; Appendix A
A1 Conversion Chart/Catheter SizesA2 Vascular Anatomy; A3 Angiographic Projections; A4 Endovascular Medications; A5 Endovascular Equipment; A6 Test Balloon Occlusion; A7 National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; A8 Aneurysm/AVM/dAVF Classifications; A9 Clinical Stenosis Trials; Appendix B; B1 Vascular Access; B2 Basic Catheterization; B3 Coil Embolization; B4 Stent Placement; B5 Stent-Coil Aneurysm Embolization; B6 Liquid/Particle Embolization of AVM; B7 Balloon Angioplasty; B8 Mechanical Thrombolysis; Index
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Print version: Handbook of Neuroendovascular Surgery
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-60406-300-4 (Printausgabe)
Library of Congress Classification: RD118.8
Dewey Decimal Classification: [23] 617.48
"The evolution of vascular neurosurgery has continued and now provides a new set of tools to treat hemorrhagic and ischemic disease. Clearly, this evolution is becoming mainstream in neurosurgical training and adds to the body of knowledge that currently exists within traditional neurosurgical education. This text is an excellent reference for neurosurgical residents and fellows and, though not comprehensive, it is certainly ideal for quick reference and for triggering the evaluation of further information. The topics covered in this text span the field of neuroendovascular surgery and are an absolute must for medical students, residents, and fellows who are caring for these patients"--Provided by publisher
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