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Ihre Aktion suchen [und] ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 878322183 | 1 Treffer
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
878322183  Zitierlink
Nottingham : Inter Varsity Press UK, 2012
1 Online-Ressource (80 pages)
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-84474-569-2 (Printausgabe)
Falsche ISBN:
Dewey Decimal Classification: 230
I'm a Christian, Aren't I? -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Introduction: Unwrapping the jigsaw puzzle -- Real lives - Gloria -- 1. Those who are confused -- 2. Those who are disappointed with God -- 3. Those who stop short -- The authentic Christian -- Real lives - Dan -- Let the puzzle begin -- Questions for reflection -- Piece 1: Believing -- Getting God in focus -- A million miles away or down to earth? -- Abstract or personal? -- Real lives - Liz -- Indifferent or compassionate? -- Perfect, or just powerful? -- Condemning or rescuing? -- Beginning to believe -- Real lives - Ian -- Is belief enough? -- Questions for reflection -- Piece 2: Belonging -- What is church? -- Picture postcards of the church -- 1. The church is the family of God -- 2. The church is like a building -- 3. The church is the body of Christ -- Do I have to go to church to be a Christian? -- Real lives - Amanda -- How can I get the most out of church? -- Real lives - Rich -- Is belonging to a church enough? -- Questions for reflection -- Piece 3: Behaving -- Common objections -- Objection 1: 'Jesus died to forgive me. Surely it won't matter if I carry on sinning?' -- Objection 2: 'Didn't Jesus say he came to set me free from rules?' -- Real lives - Samantha -- Objection 3: 'Aren't the Bible's commands 2,000 years out of date?' -- Objection 4: 'I've messed up big time already. There's no point trying to start being holy now.' -- Objection 5: 'But I don't want to change!' -- What motivates Christians to behave like Jesus? -- Motivation 1: We comply with Jesus' commands as a mark of our love for him -- Real lives - Amy -- Motivation 2: We behave like Jesus because we represent him to others -- Motivation 3: When we act as Jesus did - serving others - we serve Jesus himself -- Motivation 4: We obey what Jesus says because he is our Lord -- Real lives - Trevor
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