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Inflammatory bowel diseases

Sonstige Pers.: Bistrian, Bruce R. ¬[Herausgeber] ;     Walker-Smith, John A. ¬[Herausgeber]    
Ersch.-Ort, Verlag, Ersch.-Jahr: Basel, Karger, 1999
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 267 Seiten)
Schlagwort: Darmentzündung
Schlagwort: Chronische Darmentzündung
Schlagwort: Chronische Darmentzündung ; Ernährung
ISBN: 978-3-318-00441-0


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Sonstige Pers.: Bistrian, Bruce R. ¬[Herausgeber]
Sonstige Pers.: Walker-Smith, John A. ¬[Herausgeber]
Titel: Inflammatory bowel diseases
Verantwortlich: editors: Bruce R. Bistrian, John A. Walker-Smith
Ersch.-Ort: Basel
Verlag: Karger
Ersch.-Jahr: 1999
ISBN: 978-3-318-00441-0
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 267 Seiten)
Serie: Nestlé nutrition workshop series / Clinical & performance programme ; Vol. 2
Anmerkung: 2nd Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Clinical & Performance Program, 'Inflammatory Bowel Diseases', Pasadena, Calif., November 1998
Beziehung: Erscheint auch als, Druck-Ausgabe, 978-3-8055-6885-2
Notation RVK: YC 5322
Notation RVK: YT 2005
Abstract: Among inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are of particular importance to gastroenterologists treating both children and adults. Although the etiology of these diseases is still largely unknown, knowledge of their immunopathology is increasing. Typically, proinflammatory cytokine production is abnormal, and particularly in Crohn’s disease, the consequent inflammation is responsive to nutritional intervention or anticytokine therapy.The contributions in this volume focus on nutritional therapy, which is important for both the repletion of associated protein-energy malnutrition and for modulation of the inflammatory response. Highlights include the growing role of enteral nutrition as primary therapy in pediatric practice and investigations into the ideal diet composition, including type of formula (polymeric, protein hydrolysate or amino acid). Furthermore, the pro- and anti-inflammatory effects of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, respectively, and their impact on clinical response receive special attention.This publication offers a wealth of information for gastroenterologists dealing with both adults and children, as well as for clinical and research nutritionists, clinical immunologists and others interested in dietetic therapy
Formschlagwort: Konferenzschrift, 1998, Pasadena Calif.
Formschlagwort: Konferenzschrift, 1999, Vevey
Schlagwort: Darmentzündung
Schlagwort: Chronische Darmentzündung
Schlagwort: Chronische Darmentzündung / Ernährung
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Nutrition
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Gastroenterology
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Clinical Nutrition
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Dietetics
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Hospital Care
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Immunology
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Internal Medicine
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Nursing
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Pediatrics
Sprache: eng
Medium: Online