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Chinese contract law

theory and practice'

Verfasser: Zhang, Mo    
Verlagsort, Verlag, Jahr: Leiden ; Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, [2006]
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (xiii, 372 Seiten)
ISBN: 978-90-47-41797-2


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Titel: Chinese contract law
Zusatz zum Titel: theory and practice
Verfasser: Zhang, Mo
Volltext: hier klicken
DOI: 10.1163/ej.9789004150416.i-372
Verfasserangabe: by Mo Zhang
Verlagsort: Leiden ; Boston
Verlag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-47-41797-2
Jahr: [2006]
Jahr: © 2006
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (xiii, 372 Seiten)
Allgemeine Bemerkung: Includes bibliographical references and index
Allgemeine Bemerkung: Contract law in Chinese tradition -- Freedom of contract in Chinese concept -- Enforceability of contracts -- Formation of contracts -- Terms of contracts -- Defenses to formation of contracts : validity issues -- Performance of contracts -- Modification of contracts and assignment -- Dissolution and termination of contracts -- Breach of contracts and remedies -- Third parties -- International contracts