Hochschulbibliothek - FH Potsdam FHPKat

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¬The museum is open

towards a transnational history of museums 1750-1940

Verlagsort, Verlag, Jahr: Berlin, De Gruyter, 2014
Schlagwort1: Museum , Nationalbewusstsein , Kulturaustausch , Geschichte 1750-1940
Schlagwort2: Museum , Transnationalisierung , Geschichte 1750-1940
ISBN: 978-3-11-029882-6


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Medienart: eBook
Titel: ¬The museum is open
Zusatz z. Titel: towards a transnational history of museums 1750-1940
Hrsg./Bearb.: Meyer, Andrea, 1968-
Hrsg./Bearb.: Savoy, Bénédicte
Vorlageform: editors Andrea Meyer, Bénédicte Savoy
Verlagsort: Berlin
Verlag: De Gruyter
ISBN: 978-3-11-029882-6
Jahr: 2014
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (265 Seiten)
Serie/Reihe: Contact zones ; volume 1
Schlagwort1: Museum
Schlagwort2: Museum
Schlagwort1: Nationalbewusstsein
Schlagwort2: Transnationalisierung
Schlagwort1: Kulturaustausch
Schlagwort2: Geschichte 1750-1940
Schlagwort1: Geschichte 1750-1940
Volltext: hier klicken
Schlagwort: eBook DeGruyter
Sprache: eng
Abstract: Museum science, museum analysis, museum history, and museum theory - all of these composite designations have come into our parlance in recent years. Above all, this expanding terminology underscores the growing scholarly interest in museums. In this new scholarship, a recurring assertion is that as an institution, the museum has largely functioned as a venue for the formation of specifically national identities. This volume, by contrast, highlights the museum as a product of transnational processes of exchange, focusing on the period from ca. 1750 to 1940
Verbund-ISN: BV042348829