Bibliothek der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin

Ihre Suchanfrage Verbund-ID = BV047426980

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ASH-Bibliothek (1/1)

(Über Hochschulnetz und Fernzugriff)

Genogramm- und Netzwerkanalyse

Die Visualisierung familiärer und sozialer Strukturen

Autor: Beushausen, Jürgen, 1955-    
Ort, Verlag, Jahr: Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012
ISBN: 978-3-647-40183-6


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Auflage: 1st ed
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (158 Seiten)
Illustrat.: mit 15 Abb. und 2 Tab
Sprache: ger
Annotation: In order to understand the familial and social relationships of one´s clients, the therapist can use various means to depict the ongoing therapy and counseling processes. Genograms and network analysis are the best-known tools to this end.What is the present life situation of the client and what is the client´s history? What is the structure of the client´s family and what resources do clients have at their disposal? These are the things a counselor needs to know before beginning to work with the client´s system.Jürgen Beushausen presents a number of case examples to illustrate three methods for looking at the client and the client´s world: the genogram, the network analysis and the visual analysis. Of particular practical interest in all forms of psychosocial work is the downloadable annotated manual for creating genograms
Verbund-ID: BV047426980
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