
Ihre Suchanfrage BVB-Nr. = BV049077280

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Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Sonstige Pers.: Mete, Cem    
Ersch.-Ort, Verlag, Ersch.-Jahr: Washington, D.C, World Bank, 2008
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 136 Seiten)
ISBN: 0-8213-7337-4, 978-0-8213-7337-8


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Volltext: hier klicken
Sonstige Pers.: Mete, Cem
Institution/Veranstaltung: World Bank
Titel: Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
Verantwortlich: edited by Cem Mete
Ersch.-Ort: Washington, D.C
Verlag: World Bank
Ersch.-Jahr: c2008
ISBN: 0-8213-7337-4
ISBN: 978-0-8213-7337-8
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 136 Seiten)
Anmerkung: Includes bibliographical references
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Chronic Disease ¬x economics ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Statistics
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Chronic Disease ¬x economics ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Tables
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Chronic diseases ¬x Economic aspects ¬z Europe, Eastern
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Chronic diseases ¬x Economic aspects ¬z Former Soviet republics
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Disabled Persons ¬x statistics & numerical data ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Tables
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Socioeconomic Factors ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Statistics
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Socioeconomic Factors ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Tables
LoC-Schlagwort: ¬a Unemployment ¬x statistics & numerical data ¬z Europe, Eastern ¬v Tables
Sprache: eng