Correction to: Acta Neuropathologica (2023) 145:49–69

In the original publication, incorrect version of Fig. 6 was published and the correct version (Fig. 6) is given below.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Clinical outcomes of patients with CNS embryonal tumor with PLAGL gene amplification. a Kaplan–Meier plots showing OS and PFS stratified by subgroup and sex. The log-rank test was used to show differences between the curves, p-values of the log-rank test are shown in each graph. b Swimmer plot showing available OS and PFS times per patient, including treatment information and clinical response/relapse. Samples are stratified by sex, PLAGL1/2 amplification status is indicated. Information about surgical resection (SUR) and presence of metastasis (MET) at the time point of primary diagnosis is displayed in the squares on the left where available (resections or metastases at later time points are not displayed), GTR, gross total resection; STR, subtotal resection; RES, resection (unknown, if GTR or STR). Information about chemotherapy (CT) and radiotherapy (RT) treatment regarding the entire follow-up time is displayed in the squares on the left where available

The original article has been corrected.