Inhaltsverzeichnis: Inhalt: J. J. Hesse / C. Hood / B. G. Peters, Introduction - B. G. Peters, The Failure of Managerial Reform in a Managerial Society: Public Sector Reform in the United States - J. P. Burns, Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in the People's Republic of China - A. Nakamura, Reform in Japan's Public Management: The Changing Role of Bureaucrats, Paradoxes and Dilemmas - J. Halligan, Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in Australia and New Zealand - C. Hood, From Public Bureaucracy State to Re-regulated Public Service: The Paradox of British Public Sector Reform - P. Laegreid / P. G. Roness, Administrative Reform Programmes and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government - J. Pierre, When the Bottom Line is the Bottom Line: Public Sector Reform in Sweden - J. J. Hesse, Stability Turned Rigidity. Paradoxes in German Public Sector Development - T. A. J. Toonen, Substance Came with Little Hype. Public Sector Reform in the Netherlands - G. Carcassonne, Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: The Case of France - G. della Cananea, Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in Italy - A. Ágh, Regional Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in East Central Europe - D. Dimitrakopoulos / E. C. Page, Paradoxes in EU Administration - J. J. Hesse / C. Hood / B. G. Peters, Conclusion