Erratum to: Cell Mol Life Sci (2011) 68:3933–3947 DOI 10.1007/s00018-011-0688-4

The original publication of this article unfortunately contained errors in figures. In page number 3942, Fig. 5b: The quantification of the blot was labelled incorrectly. It should read as GTP-Rac1/Rac1. The correct figure is shown below:

figure a

Page 3943, Fig. 6a: The blots for Rac2 and β-actin were incorrect. Before pull down of GTP-bound small GTPases protein expressions of total small GTPases were determined by western blotting experiments on the same blot after stripping. Therefore β-actin is the same loading control for Figs. 5b and 6a. The correct figure is shown below:

figure b