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Single-cell RNA-seq landscape midbrain cell responses to red spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus infection

Fig 7

Screening of cell types attacked by RGNNV.

(A) The number of cells in each cell cluster in control and RGNNV-infected grouper. (B) The tSNE plots showing the GLU1 and GLU3 clusters for control and RGNNV-infected grouper. (C) The tSNE plot showing that expression of the marker gene slc17a7 was restricted to specific GLU1 and GLU3 clusters among all of the cell clusters. (D) Violin plot showing the expression of pan marker genes across the 35 cell clusters. (E) Multicolor FISH staining to validate the Slc17a7 and RGNNV states, GLU1 and GLU3 cells were marked with Slc17a7. The middle row (1) shows high magnification of the boxed areas 1 in the top row (panorama). FISH staining shows that Slc17a7 and RGNNV were co-located in the same neuron (scale bars 10 μm). The bottom row (2) shows high magnification of the boxed areas 2 in the top row (panorama). RGNNV and Slc17A7 did not co-locate, but they localized in different areas of the same neuron (scale bars 10 μm). Scale bars in the panorama view are 200 μm.

Fig 7
