There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 28, 2018 | Version v5.9
Software Open

mesoscale Hydrologic Model


mHM v5.9 (July 2018)

New Features:

  • Major restructuralization of the mHM code.
  • MPR is now executed before mHM is run.
  • MPR can be compiled as a standalone tool.
  • mHM without mRM can be compiled.
  • The code in general is strictly reorganized into modules that belong to their respective processes (MPR, mHM, mRM). This is not only done for constants, global variables and so on, but also for every module and the reading of input as well as the namelists.
  • This leads to the creation of those folders:
    • `./common` (code shared by MPR, mHM and mRM) included for every compilation option
    • `./lib` (code shared by MPR, mHM and mRM) included for every compilation option
    • `./MPR` (code for MPR), not included for mRM standalone
    • `./common_mHM_mRM` (code shared by mHM and mRM), not included for MPR standalone
    • `./mHM` (code for mHM), not included for MPR and mRM standalone
    • `./mRM` (code for mRM), not included for MPR standalone and mHM without routing
  • Code is reformatted (indentation=2, spacing unified)
  • Removed many duplicate code parts (e.g. shared between mHM and mRM)
  • Check cases are minimized (reduced output, shorter time periods (<=2 years), less basins)
  • Check cases can now be set up more easily (by use of model_wrapper for automatic creation of new nml files)
  • Check cases now run a python script for output comparison, advantage: tolerance now also allowed for ascii-output and support of 4-D netCDF files without time dimension
  • fSealed is now an effective parameter
  • mHM effective parameters now all have three dimensions internally (nCells_L1, [iHorizon, LAI-Time], nLCoverScenes)
  • Introduction of new derived types:
    • `Grid` (merge of basin_info, basin_info_mrm, gridGeoRef, nCells, longitude, latitude, Id) used for each level (0, 1, 11, 2) individually
    • `GridRemapper` (merge of lower_bound, upper_bound, etc.)
  • mhm_eval and mrm_eval now have common procedure interface (needed for fully flexible optimisation)
  • A new post-processor can check and adapt some fields for doxygen generation
  • Changes that are not backwards-compatible:
    • Restart files are restructured (now contain only the minimum required for restart):
    • MPR: effective parameters at L1 + grid information
    • mHM: effective parameters, states and fluxes at L1 + grid information
    • mRM: routing-specific parameters, states, fluxes, configs at L1/L11 + grid information
    • mhm.nml is restructured and not backwards compatible mainly due to the reorganization of modules in dependency of their processes
    • gridded LAI values are now used for all effective parameters (no fallback to LAIclasses anymore)
    • canopy height used for aerodynamic resistance is now scaled with the actual LAI timeseries and not with a dummy timeseries of intensive orchard
  • Considerable improvements and reduced redundancy in estimation of an empirical distribution of slopes (sort function in the mo_startup). Example for the Australian domain (180 million L0 cells), it reduced time for sorting slope from 32hours to only 1 minute.
  • mtCLIM preprocessor in pre-proc/mtCLIM, based on [mtCLIM v4.3]( This code is able to estimate humidity (vapore pressure or vapore pressure deficit) and incoming shortwave radiation based on meteorological variables (minimum and maximum air temperature, precipitation) and morphological characteristics of the underlying terrain (digital elevation model, slope, aspect).
  • mHM2OGS preprocessor in pre-proc/GIS2FEM3. This code converts the triangular-wise or quadrilateral-wise recharge data from mHM into the nodal source terms of a three dimensional finite element model for [OGS](
  • Updated documentation for CYGWIN installations under Windows 7 and 10.
  • Added new objective function number 31: weighted NSE (NSE is weighted with observed discharge)
  • Removal of bin files and related code (only nc and ascii files are used)

Bugs resolved from release 5.8:

  • Enable use of i8 for time_data in common/mo_read_forcing_nc.f90, otherwise netcdf time stamps with initial dates prior to 1900 were wrong (due to overflow)

Known bugs:



  • For gfortran compilers mHM supports only v4.8 and higher.
  • If you wish to use features connected to ground albedo neutrons (processCase(9)), please contact Martin Schrön.
  • If you wish to use the multi-scale Routing Model as stand-alone version, please contact Stephan Thober.


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