
Ecological Modelling

Volume 222, Issue 3, 10 February 2011, Pages 475-484
Ecological Modelling

Predicting modes of spatial change from state-and-transition models

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.11.018Get rights and content


State-and-transition models (STMs) can represent many different types of landscape change, from simple gradient-driven transitions to complex, (pseudo-) random patterns. While previous applications of STMs have focused on individual states and transitions, this study addresses broader-scale modes of spatial change based on the entire network of states and transitions. STMs are treated as mathematical graphs, and several metrics from algebraic graph theory are applied—spectral radius, algebraic connectivity, and the S-metric. These indicate, respectively, the amplification of environmental change by state transitions, the relative rate of propagation of state changes through the landscape, and the degree of system structural constraints on the spatial propagation of state transitions. The analysis is illustrated by application to the Gualalupe/San Antonio River delta, Texas, with soil types as representations of system states. Concepts of change in deltaic environments are typically based on successional patterns in response to forcings such as sea level change or river inflows. However, results indicate more complex modes of change associated with amplification of changes in system states, relatively rapid spatial propagation of state transitions, and some structural constraints within the system. The implications are that complex, spatially variable state transitions are likely, constrained by local (within-delta) environmental gradients and initial conditions. As in most applications, the STM used in this study is a representation of observed state transitions. While the usual predictive application of STMs is identification of local state changes associated with, e.g., management strategies, the methods presented here show how STMs can be used at a broader scale to identify landscape scale modes of spatial change.


Environmental changes in landscapes are often spatially complex, due to multiple forcings, spatial heterogeneity of initial conditions, and interactions among components within the landscapes. The purpose of this paper is to introduce methods for identifying the modes of changes in ecosystems and landscapes, as an independent tool for interpreting observed changes, as a guide for the selection of appropriate predictive models, and as a means for predicting modes of change from knowledge of networks of environmental state-changes.

“Mode” has various definitions, but this project is concerned with mode defined as how something happens, or as a particular functioning condition or arrangement. Modes of environmental change are qualitatively different forms, styles, or genres of change. Thus, for example, infiltration-excess or saturation-excess overland flow are different modes of surface runoff generation; and C3, C4, and CAM plants represent different modes of carbon fixation.

In the spatial context, modes are characterized by different spatial patterns of change. The response of coastal wetlands to sea-level rise, for example, may be framed in terms of several different modes, from several different perspectives. Geomorphologically, the areal extent of wetlands may increase, decrease, or remain constant depending on the balance between net vertical accretion and coastal submergence. In terms of vegetation communities, transformations could occur along environmental gradients of elevation, salinity, or hydroperiod, with community transitions occurring when critical thresholds are transgressed. Or, transitions could occur in (pseudo-) random patterns as complex interactions among biota, hydrology, geomorphology, and soils create a spatial mosaic, rather than an advancing front, of changes. Conceivably, then, representations of change could be based on linear succession or gradient-type models (e.g., Brinson et al., 1995), random models (c.f. Erfanzadeh et al., 2010), or nonlinear dynamical systems models (e.g., Phillips, 1992).

This study is framed in terms of state-and-transition models (STMs), most commonly used in range ecology (see overviews by Briske et al., 2005, Bestelmeyer et al., 2009), but increasingly applied in ecosystem science more generally (e.g., van der Wal, 2006, Hernstrom et al., 2007, Czembor and Vesk, 2009, Zweig and Kitchens, 2009). Essentially, a STM identifies potential system states, commonly vegetation communities, and the possible transformations among them. The conditions under which these transformations occur are typically further refined based on theoretical or empirically determined probabilities, or on ecologically based rules or principles. While STMs were conceived as an alternative to classical deterministic succession models, the latter are special cases of STMs, where the state transitions occur in a single linear sequence. Random models are another special case of STM, where transition between any two states is equally likely. Zweig and Kitchens (2009) discuss the application of STMs to address complex succession patterns in wetlands, particularly where multiple stable states are possible.

STMs are typically used to link ecological theory and/or observations to ecosystem management and restoration, or as tools to model, predict, or describe ecological changes based on prior knowledge of processes or phenomena (Bestelmeyer et al., 2009, Zweig and Kitchens, 2009). However, the predictive applications have focused on individual states and transitions. For example, given a particular semi-arid vegetation community, what will be the changes in community composition in response to grazing strategies, fire regimes, or brush control? In this study, the concern is with assessing broader-scale modes of spatial change based on the entire network of states and transitions represented by a STM.

Ecosystem states and the transitions between them can be treated as a network, with states as the nodes of the network or vertices of the associated graph, and transitions as the links among the nodes. STMs are, indeed, typically represented as box-and-arrow diagrams directly translatable to mathematical graphs. Applications of graph theory in landscape ecology go back to at least the early 1990s (Cantwell and Forman, 1993), and earlier in other aspects of ecology, though the methods are unfamiliar enough to most ecologists that introductions to basic graph theory concepts are still presented in most recent papers (e.g., Tremi et al., 2008, Urban et al., 2009). Previous applications dealt primarily with issues of connectivity and centrality of landscape and habitat elements, and dispersal mechanisms or movement pathways (e.g., Cantwell and Forman, 1993, Bunn et al., 2000, Bode et al., 2008, Tremi et al., 2008, Urban et al., 2009, Padgaham and Webb, 2010). This paper is concerned with the synchronization properties of ecological systems represented as graphs, which has not been studied in landscape ecology or biogeography. Graph theory has also not previously been applied to STMs.

Several end-member or archetypal network structures of STMs can be identified. These provide a template for evaluating the structural connectivity of real-world landscapes and interpreting modes of landscape change. A linear sequential STM is a classic succession-type form. For example, in a four-state system with states A, B, C, D, A leads to B leads to C and finally to D (with reversals possible due to disturbance). A cyclical sequential variant may be identified, with state D leading back to A. Examples of this would include succession where disturbance returns the final state back to A. A second case is termed radiation. In this case a single state (A) can transition to or from any of several states (in this case B, C, D). This could correspond, for example, to a state A dominated by a highly successful invading species, whereby invasion of any other state (B, C, D) can result in a transition to A (and removal of the non-native may restore B, C, or D). The third extreme is termed maximum connectivity, in which all states are linked so that, e.g., A, B, C, or D could transition to any of the other states. This is equivalent to a random model, because if any transition is equally possible, then over a broad enough area all will be observed. These archetypes are illustrated in Fig. 1.

Depicting a STM as a network with an associated graph, three metrics are employed here from algebraic graph theory and spectral graph theory (Biggs, 1994) to characterize the modes of spatial change. Spectral radius is an indicator of the degree of amplification or filtering of changes or perturbations by the system. Fath and colleagues, for instance, have used this measure as an indicator of the intensity of cycling in food webs represented as graphs (Fath, 2007, Fath and Halnes, 2007, Fath et al., 2007). A second metric is algebraic connectivity, commonly used as an indicator of the synchronizability of networks (Biggs, 1994). In the context of this study, high levels of synchronization indicate rapid propagation of effects through the spatial network (and vice versa). The S-metric was derived by Li et al. (2005) as an indication of the extent to which a system is scale-free. The index is sensitive to the degree to which network nodes are hubs with multiple links. In the context of this study the S-metric is an indication of (system) structural constrains on state transitions. These metrics will be discussed further below.

Each STM can be considered as a network represented by a graph with N nodes (the states) and m edges or links (transitions between states). These graphs may be directed (transitions are only possible in one direction along any edge) or undirected (transitions are possible in both directions). Undirected graphs will be considered here, as most STMs allow two-way transitions among pairs of states. Graphs are connected if it is possible to follow a path of one or more edges between any two nodes. Any graph has a N × N adjacency matrix A, the entries of which are 1 if the row and column states or nodes are connected, and zero otherwise. For the case of an undirected, connected graph A is symmetric. The adjacency matrix has N eigenvalues λ, which may be complex numbers, the real parts of which are ordered such that λ1 > λ2 > λN−1 > λN. The largest eigenvalue is the spectral radius, and λ1 is an important determinant of many system properties (Restrepo et al., 2007). The spectral radius is directly related to the number of paths or cycles in a network. λ1 < 1 indicates damping or filtering behavior, so that changes are essentially absorbed by the system. If λ1 > 1 amplification effects are indicated, with higher values indicating stronger amplification.

The maximum spectral radius for a graph of a given number of nodes or states and edges or transitions isλ1,max=2m(N1)N0.5Based on this, maximum λ1 for the archetypal STM structures can be determined as follows:

  • Linear sequential, radiation: λ1,max=[2(N1)2/N]0.5

  • Cyclical sequential: λ1,max=[(2N)(N1)N1]0.5

  • Maximum connectivity: λ1 = λ1,max = N  1

Using λ1, λupper, λmax, respectively, to signify the observed largest eigenvalue, the upper bound on λ1 for given N and m, and the upper bound for a given N (Phillips, in press):ζconnectionζtotal=(λmaxλupper)(λmaxλ1)ζwiringζtotal=1ζconnectionζtotalThe contribution to reduction of λ1 associated with having fewer transitions or edges than the maximum connectivity or random case is given by ζconnection/ζtotal. The relative importance of the specific network of connections (i.e., how a given number of nodes are linked given a specific m) or “wiring” is indicated by ζwiring/ζtotal.

Algebraic connectivity is defined as the second-smallest eigenvalue (λN−1) of the Laplacian matrix L(A) of the adjacency matrix. The entries of L(A) are:aij=deg(vi)ifi=j1ifijandviadjacent tovj0otherwisewhere deg(vi) is the degree of vertex or node i. The degree is equal to the number of transitions or edges connected a node to other nodes.

Algebraic connectivity (λN−1) is a measure of the synchronizability of the system (Biggs, 1994, Duan et al., 2009), and is bounded by the vertex connectivity κ(A) and graph diameter D:4NDλN1κ(A)Vertex connectivity is the minimum number of vertices or nodes that could be removed to disconnect the graph. D is the maximum shortest path (number of links or edges) between any two vertices. Vertex connectivity is bounded by edge connectivity of A such that κ(A)  edge connectivity  minimum degree. Edge connectivity is the minimum number of edges that could be removed to disconnect the graph. Minimum degree is the smallest number of edges associated with any node or vertex.

Vertex connectivity for the sequential and radiation archetypes is 1, while k(A) = N−1 for the maximum connectivity case. D = N−1 for the linear sequential and N −2 for the cyclical sequential cases. For the radiation type, D = 2, and D = 1 for maximum connectivity. Thus the following intervals can be defined for algebraic connectivity:

  • linear sequential: 4/(N2  N)  λN−1  1

  • cyclical sequential: 4/(N2  2N)  λN−1  1

  • radiation: 4/(2N)  λN−1  1

  • maximum connectivity: 4/N  λN−1  N  1

The S-metric s(g) devised by Li et al. (2005) applies to undirected, simple, connected graphs with a fixed degree sequence:s(g)=i=1(N1)(didi+1)where d is the degree of a given node or state (these appear as the diagonal elements of the Laplacian). By arranging the adjacency matrix in order of increasing or decreasing degree, the fixed degree sequence requirement can be met. The S-metric measures the extent to which g has a hub-like core. Maximum s(g) values occur when high-degree nodes are connected to other high-degree nodes. Further comments on the mathematical developments and implications are given by Li et al. (2005).

For the archetypal cases:

  • linear sequential: s(g)=i=1N1(i1)N(i1)2N

  • cyclical sequential: s(g)=i=1N1(i1)N(i1)2

  • radiation: s(g) = (N  1) + (N  2)

  • maximum connectivity: s(g) = (N  1)3

The application of spectral radius, algebraic connectivity, and the S-metric is illustrated below.

Section snippets

Modes of environmental change

Spectral radius, algebraic connectivity, and the S-metric are interrelated and not independent. Highly connected STMs, for instance, will have higher values of all three. They do, however, have different sensitivities to various aspects of network structure, and capture different aspects of spatial landscape response.

The spectral radius is most strongly influenced by the connectivity within the system. STMs where state transitions could be propagated indefinitely throughout the system without

Guadalupe/San Antonio River Delta

This study uses soil types in the Guadalupe-San Antonio River delta (GSARD) of Texas to represent system states. The case study was conducted in the context of a broader study of the effects of fluvial geomorphic changes (particularly channel shifts or avulsions, lateral channel migration, and meander cutoffs), coastal submergence due to a combination of sea-level rise and land subsidence, changes in freshwater inflow due to climate change and water diversions and withdrawals, and hydrologic

Delta soils and transitions

The nine soils mapped in the GSARD area are shown in Table 1. The Aransas, Austwell, and Trinity series represent a catenary gradient of influence by brackish or saltwater flooding in the lower delta, with the series, respectively, representing slightly higher elevation or more upstream positions. The Placedo series occupies infilled or infilling abandoned channels in the same area. Transitions among these soils may thus be associated with coastal submergence, changes in freshwater inflow,


The observed spectral radius is more than double those for sequential configurations, and > 1.5 times that of a radiation model. The spectral radius for the GSARD soil graph is more than half the maximum possible value for a nine-state system. This indicates more rapid and complex spatial landscape transitions than would be predicted or successfully modeled by successional, sequential, or cyclical models, or by radiation to or from a single key component. All the configurations predict


State-and-transition models of landscape and ecosystem change can potentially represent many modes of environmental change, from simple successional or gradient-driven transitions to complex and (pseudo-) random patterns. Representing STMs as mathematical graphs allows several metrics derived from albegraic graph theory to be applied to assessing modes of landscape change from STMs.

Spectral radius of the adjacency matrix of the STM graph reflects the number and length of cyclic transitions


Support for fieldwork in the case study area was provided by a research contract through the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority. Greg Malstaff of the Texas Water Development Board also provided significant support and encouragement for studies of environmental change in Texas deltaic areas.

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  • M.M. Brinson et al.

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  • M.D. Cantwell et al.

    Landscape graphs: ecological modeling with graph theory to detect configurations common to diverse landscapes

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  • A.C. Donaldson et al.

    Holocene Guadalupe Delta of the Texas Gulf Coast

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    Are networks with more edges easier to synchronize, or not?

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  • Guckian, W.J., 1986. Soil Survey of Refugio County, Texas. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources &...
  • Cited by (25)

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      2021, Landscape Evolution: Landforms, Ecosystems, and Soils
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      2019, Ecological Complexity
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      But in some cases, qualitative shifts in ecosystem states can occur. This is reflected in the application of state-and-transition models to ecosystem responses to climate, with states defined in terms of vegetation communities, vegetation-soil-landform complexes, and hydrological or geomorphological regimes (Rountree et al., 2000; Briske et al., 2008; Phillips, 2011; Bestelmeyer et al., 2015; Van Dyke, 2015). Evidence of a climate-driven ecohydrological state change was found, for instance, in North American prairie pothole wetlands by McKenna et al. (2017), and Phillips (2018) documented state changes in coastal environments due to rising relative sea-level.

    • Succession and Colonization

      2019, Encyclopedia of Ecology: Volume 1-4, Second Edition
    • Environmental gradients and complexity in coastal landscape response to sea level rise

      2018, Catena
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      λ1 is sensitive to the number of cycles in the graph (sequences of edges that begin and end at the same node), and is inversely related to the threshold at which a graph transitions from incoherent to coherent behavior (Restrepo et al., 2006, 2007). While not directly relevant to SAGs, the relationship of λ1 to threshold coupling strength for coherence reflects the fact that spectral radius is an indicator of the complexity of the graph (see, e.g., Fath, 2007; Phillips, 2011a,b). For any given graph structure, the spectral radius is directly proportional to N and m, the number of edges.

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