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    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784710255 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Content: These two volumes survey the most important scholarly writings in economics and political science that explain the drivers and constraints to freer world trade. This authoritative collection, with contributions by leading academics, includes seminal studies that have changed the course of thinking about international trade over past centuries and considers both pro free trade and anti free trade arguments. Along with an original introduction, the editors have also selected a few non-academic pronouncements that have shaped popular views about free trade. This collection will be of immense value to anyone with an interest in the economics of free trade and will serve as an excellent reference source to students and academics.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson. 2005. 'The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth,' American Economic Review 95:3, 546-79 (June). -- Adler, Mathew and Gary Clyde Hufbauer. 2009. Policy Liberalization and US Merchandise Trade Growth, 1980-2006. Peterson Institute Working Paper 09-2. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. -- Aldonas, Grant D., Robert Z. Lawrence and Matthew J. Slaughter. 2007. 'Succeeding in the Global Economy: A New Policy Agenda for the American Worker.' The Financial Services Forum Policy Research Report. Washington, DC: The Financial Services Forum. -- Alt, James E. and Michael Gilligan. 1994. 'The Political Economy of Trading States: Factor Specificity, Collective Action Problems, and Domestic Political Institutions,' Journal of Political Philosophy 2:2, 165-92. -- Amiti, Mary and Shang-Jin Wei. 2005. 'Service Offshoring, Productivity, and Employment: Evidence from the United States.' IMF Working Papers 05/238, Washington: The International Monetary Fund. -- Amiti, Mary and Jozef Konings. 2007. 'Trade Liberalization, Intermediate Inputs, and Productivity: Evidence from Indonesia,' American Economic Review 97:5, 1611-38 (December). -- Anderson, James E. 1979. 'A Theoretical Foundation for the Gravity Equation,' American Economic Review 69:1, 106-16. -- Anderson, James E. and Eric van Wincoop. 2001. 'Borders, Trade and Welfare,' NBER Working Papers 8515. National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge: Massachusetts. -- Anderson, James E. and Eric van Wincoop. 2003. 'Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle,' American Economic Review 93:1, 170-92 (March). -- Anderson, Kym, Will Martin and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe. 2006. 'Doha Merchandise Trade Reform: What Is at Stake for Developing Countries?' World Bank Economic Review 20:2, 169-95. -- Arndt, Sven W. 1997. 'Globalization and the Open Economy,' North American Journal of Economics and Finance 8:1, 71-9. -- Autor, David H., Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane. 2003. 'The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Exploration,' Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118:4, 1279-333 (November). -- Badinger, Harald. 2001. 'Growth Effects of Economic Integration: The Case of the EU Member States (1950-2000).' IEF Working Papers No. 40. Research Institute for European Affairs. -- Baier, Scott L. and Jeffrey H. Bergstrand. 2001. 'The Growth of World Trade: Tariffs, Transport Costs, and Income Similarity,' Journal of International Economics 53:1, 1-27. -- Baier, Scott L., Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, Peter Egger and Patrick A. McLaughlin. 2008. 'Do Economic Integration Agreements Actually Work? Issues in Understanding the Causes and Consequences of the Growth of Regionalism,' World Economy 31:4, 461-97. -- Baldwin, Richard. 1996. 'A Domino Theory of Regionalism,' in Expanding Membership of the European Union, edited by Richard Baldwin, Pentti Haaparanta, and Jaakko Kiander, New York: Cambridge University Press for the Centre for Economic Policy Research. -- Baldwin, Richard. 2006. 'Multilateralizing Regionalism: Spaghetti Bowls as Building Blocs on the Path to Global Free Trade.' CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5775. London: Centre for Economic and Policy Research. -- Baldwin, Richard E. and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano. 2001. 'Multiproduct Multinationals and Reciprocal FDI Dumping,' Journal of International Economics 54:2, 429-48 (August). -- Baldwin, Richard and Patrick Low (eds). 2009. Multilateralizing Regionalism: Challenges for the Global Trading System. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , Baldwin, Robert E. 1997. The Political Economy of U.S. Import Policy. Cambridge: MIT Press. -- Bayard, Thomas and Kimberly Elliott. 1994. Reciprocity and Retaliation. Washington: Institute for International Economics. -- Becker, Sascha O., Ekholm, Karolina and Muendler, Marc-Andreas. 2009. 'Offshoring and the Onshore Composition of Tasks and Skills,' CEPR Discussion Paper 7391, August. -- Bergsten, C. Fred. 1981. 'The Costs of Reaganomics,' Foreign Policy, 44 (Autumn), 24-36. -- Bergsten, C. Fred. 1995. 'APEC: The Bogor Declaration and the Path Ahead,' APEC Working Paper Series No. 95-1. Washington: Institute for International Economics. -- Bergsten, C. Fred. 2007. 'The Global Imbalances and the US Economy.' Testimony before the Subcommittees on Trade, Ways and Means Committee: Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, Energy and Commerce Committee; and Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology, Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives, May 9. -- Bernard, Andrew B. and Bradford Jensen. 2007. 'Firm Structure, Multinationals, and Manufacturing Plant Deaths,' The Review of Economics and Statistics 89:2, 193-204 (May). -- Bernstein, Jared and L. Josh Bivens. 2007. 'Cheerleaders Gone Wild,' The Huffington Post, April 9, 2007 (available at -- Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1958. 'Immiserizing Growth: A Geometrical Note,' Review of Economic Studies 25:3, 201-05 (June). -- Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1988. Protectionism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1995. 'U.S. Trade Policy: The Infatuation with Free Trade Agreements,' in Jagdish Bhagwati and Anne O. Krueger (eds), The Dangerous Drift to Preferential Trade Agreements. Washington: AEI Press. -- Bhagwati, Jagdish and Vivek H. Dehejia. 1994. 'Freer Trade and Wages of the Unskilled - Is Marx Striking Again?' in Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Marvin Kosters (eds), Trade and Wages: Leveling Wages Down? Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 36-75. -- Blinder, Alan S. 1997. 'Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?' Foreign Affairs, 85:2, 113-28 (March-April). -- Blomström, Magnus, Robert E. Lipsey and Ksenia Kulchycky. 1988. 'U.S. and Swedish Direct Investment and Exports,' in Robert E. Baldwin (ed.), Trade Policy Issues and Empirical Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 259-97. -- Blonigen Bruce A. 1997. 'In Search of Substitution Between Foreign Production and Exports,' Journal of International Economics, 53:1, 81-104 (February). -- Blonigen, Bruce A. and Chad Bown. 2003. 'Antidumping and Retaliation Threats,' Journal of International Economics 60:2, 249-73 (August). -- Blonigen, Bruce A. and Wesley W. Wilson. 1999. 'Explaining Armington: What Determines Substitutability Between Home and Foreign Goods?' Canadian Journal of Economics 32:1, 1-21. -- Bosworth, Barry P. and Susan M. Collins. 1999. 'Capital Flows to Developing Economies: Implications for Saving and Investment', Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1, 143-69. -- Brander, James. 1981. 'Intra-Industry Trade in Identical Commodities', Journal of International Economics 11:1, 1-14 (February). , Brecher, Richard A. and Carlos F. Díaz Alejandro. 1977. 'Tariffs, Foreign Capital and Immiserizing Growth,' Journal of International Economics 7:4, 317-22. -- Brock, William A. and Stephen P. Magee. 1978. 'The Economics of Special Interest Politics: The Case of the Tariff,' American Economic Review 68:2, 246-50 (May). -- Broda, Christian. 2004. 'Terms of Trade and Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries,' Journal of International Economics 63:1, 31-58 (May). -- Brown, Sherrod. 2004. Myths of Free Trade: Why American Trade Policy Has Failed. New York: The New Press. -- Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, Alastair Smith, Randolph M. Siverson and James D. Morrow. 2003. The Logic of Political Survival. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. -- Cadot, Olivier, Jaime P. de Melo and Marcelo Olarreaga. 2001. 'Can Regionalism Ease the Pain of Multilateral Trade Liberalization?' European Economic Review 45, 27-44. -- Case, James. 2007. Competition: The Birth of a New Science. New York: Hill & Wang. -- Castejón, Carmen Fillat, Joseph Francois and Julia Woerz. 2008. 'Cross-Border Trade and FDI in Services.' CEPR Discussion Paper 7074. -- Caves, Richard. E. 1997. 'Economic Models of Political Choice: Canada's Tariff Structure,' Canadian Journal of Economics 9:2, 278-300 (May). -- Chinn, Menzie. 2004. 'Incomes, Exchange Rates and the U.S. Trade Deficit, Once Again,' International Finance 7:3, 451-69. -- Chinn, Menzie and Jaewoo Lee. 2009. 'Three Current Account Balances: A 'Semi-Structuralist' Interpretation,' Japan and the World Economy 21:2, 202-12. -- Chinn, Menzie and Shang-Jin Wei. 2008. 'A Faith-Based Initiative: Does a Flexible Exchange Rate Regime Really Facilitate Current Account Adjustment?' NBER Working Paper 14420. Cambridge: NBER. -- Chipman, John S. 1997. 'External Economies of Scale and Competitive Equilibrium,' The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84:3, 347-85. -- Choate, Pat. 2008. Dangerous Business: The Risks of Globalization for America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. -- Cline, William R. 1997. Trade Policy and Global Poverty. Washington: Institute for International Economics. -- Cline, William R. and John Williamson. 2009. Equilibrium Exchange Rates,, (June 18). -- Corden, Max. 1967. 'Protection and Foreign Investment,' Economic Record. 43, 209-32. -- Corden, Max. 1972. 'Economies of Scale and Customs Union Theory,' Journal of Political Economy 80:3, 465-75. -- Corden, Max. 1991. 'Exchange Rate Policy in Developing Countries,' in Jaime de Melo and Andre Sapir (eds), Trade Theory and Economic Reform - North, South and East: Essays in Honor of Bela Balassa. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. , Davis, John R. 1997. Britain and the German Zollverein, 1848-66. New York: St. Martin's Press. -- Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern. 1994. 'Multilateral Trade Negotiations and Preferential Trading Arrangements,' in A. Deardorff and R. Stern (eds), Analytical and Negotiating Issues in the Global Trading System. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. -- Deardorff, Alan V. 1997. 'Fragmentation in Simple Trade Models.' Research Seminar in International Economics Discussion Paper No. 422. University of Michigan, School of Public Policy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. -- DeRosa, Dean. A. 1997. International Trade and Investment Data Set by 1-Digit SITC, 1976-2005 (Gravity model data set developed for the Peterson Institute and the World Trade Institute). Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. -- Dixit, Avinash K. and V. Norman. 1980. Theory of International Trade: A Dual General Equilibrium Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Dixit, Avinash K. and Gene M. Grossman. 1982. 'Trade and Protection with Multistage Production,' Review of Economic Studies 49:4, 583-94. -- Dobbs, Lou. 2006. Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas. New York: Business America Press. -- Dollar, David and Aart Kraay. 2001. 'Trade, Growth, and Poverty,' World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2615. Washington: World Bank. -- Donnenfeld, Shabtai and Shlomo Weber. 2000. 'Exporting versus Foreign Direct Investment,' Journal of Economic Integration 15:1, 100-26 (March). -- Dorgan, Byron L. 1997. Take This Job and Ship It: How Corporate Greed and Brain-Dead Politics Are Selling Out America. New York: Thomas Dunne Books. -- Eicher, Theo and Christian Henn. 2008. 'In Search of WTO Trade Effects: Preferential Trade Agreements Promote Trade Strongly, But Unevenly,' University of Washington, Department of Economics Working Papers UWEC-2008-22. -- Engel, Charles. 2009. 'Exchange Rate Policies,' Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Staff Papers No. 8, November. -- Engel, Charles and John H. Rogers. 2000. 'Relative Price Volatility: What Role Does the Border Play?' in G. Hess and E. van Wincoop (eds), Intranational Macroeconomics. Cambridge University Press, 92-111. -- Estevadeordal, Antoni. 2000. 'Negotiating Preferential Market Access: The Case of the North American Free Trade Agreement,' Journal of World Trade 34:1, 141-66 (February). -- Estevadeordal, Antoni, Caroline Freund and Emanuel Ornelas. 2008. 'Does Regionalism Affect Trade Liberalization Towards Nonmembers?,' Quarterly Journal of Economics 123:4, 1531-75 (November). -- Estevadeordal, Antoni and Kati Suominen, with Jeremy Harris and Matthew Shearer. 2009a. Bridging Regional Trade Agreements in the Americas. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. -- Estevadeordal, Antoni and Kati Suominen. 2009b. The Sovereign Remedy: Trade Agreements in the Globalizing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Estevadeordal Antoni, Kati Suominen and Robert Teh. (eds). 2009. Regional Rules in the Global Trading System. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Ethier, Wilfred J. 1997. 'Decreasing Costs in International Trade and Frank Graham's Argument for Protection,' Econometrica 50, 1243-68. , Ethier, Wilfred. J. 1997. 'Regionalism in a Multilateral World,' Journal of Political Economy 106:6, 1214-45. -- Evenett, Simon J. and Wolfgang Keller. 2002. 'On Theories Explaining the Success of the Gravity Equation,' Journal of Political Economy 110:2, 281-316 (April). -- Feenstra, Robert C. 1997 'Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy,' Journal of Economic Perspectives 12:4: 31-50 (Fall). -- Feenstra, Robert C. and Gordon H. Hanson. 1996. 'Globalization, Outsourcing, and Wage Inequality', American Economic Review 86:2, 240-45 (May). -- Ferguson, Niall and Moritz Schularick. 2009. 'The End of Chimerica,' Harvard Business School Working Paper 10-037. -- Finger, J. Michael (ed.). 1993. Antidumping, How It Works and Who Gets Hurt. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. -- Francois, Joseph F. 1997. 'Producer Services, Scale, and the Division of Labor,' Oxford Economic Papers New Series 42:4, 715-29 (October). -- Frankel, Jeffrey A., Ernesto Stein and Shang Jin Wei Stein. 1997. Regional Trading Blocs in the World Economic System. Washington: Institute for International Economics. -- Freund, Caroline. 2000. 'Multilateralism and the Endogenous Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements,' Journal of International Economics 52:2, 359-76. -- Friedman, Milton. 1953. 'The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates,' in Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Friedman, Milton and Rose Friedman. 1980. 'The Tyranny of Controls,' in Milton Friedman, Free to Choose: A Personal Statement, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. -- Fujita, Masahisa, Paul Krugman and Anthony J. Venables. 1999. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade. Cambridge and London: MIT Press. -- Glaeser, Edward L. and Joshua Gottlieb. 2009. 'The Wealth of Cities: Agglomeration Economics and Spatial Equilibrium in the United States,' Journal of Economic Literature 47:4, 983-1028 (December). -- Goldstein, Judith. 1993. Ideas, Interests, and American Trade Policy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. -- Goldstein, Judith, Douglas Rivers and Michael Tomz. 2007. 'Institutions in International Relations: Understanding the Effects of the GATT and the WTO on World Trade,' International Organization 61 (Winter), 37-67. -- Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman. 1994. 'Protection for Sale,' American Economic Review 84:4, 833-50. -- Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman. 1995. 'The Politics of Free Trade Agreements,' American Economic Review 85:4, 667-90. -- Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman. 1999. 'The Internationalization of Economic Activity.' Paper resulting from a National Science Foundation grant (July). -- Grubel, Herbert. 1967. 'Intra-Industry Trade and the Pattern of Specialization,' Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 33:3 (August), 374-88. , Gundlach, Erich and Peter Nunnenkamp. 1996. Falling Behind or Catching Up? Developing Countries in the Era of Globalization. Kiel Institute of World Economics, Discussion Papers, 263. Kiel: Institute of World Economics. -- Hanson, Gordon H. 1997. 'North American Economic Integration and Industry Location,' Oxford Review of Economic Policy 14:2, 30-44. -- Haskel, Jonathan E., Sonia C. Pereira and Matthew J. Slaughter. 2007. 'Does inward Foreign Direct Investment Boost the Productivity of Domestic Firms?' Review of Economics and Statistics 89:3, 482-96. -- Hausmann, Ricardo, Jason Hwang and Dani Rodrik. 2005. 'What You Export Matters,' NBER Working Paper 11905. -- Head, Keith and John Ries. 1999. 'Rationalization Effects of Tariff Reductions,' Journal of International Economics 47:2, 295-320. -- Head, Keith and John Ries. 2002. 'Offshore Production and Skill Upgrading by Japanese Manufacturing Firms,' Journal of International Economics 58:1, 81-105. -- Heckscher, Eli F. 1997. Mercantilism. London: Allen & Unwin. -- Henning, C. Randall. 2008. Accountability and Oversight of US Exchange Rate Policy. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. -- Hicks, John. 1951. 'Free Trade and Modern Economics,' Bulletin MSS. -- Hillman, Arye L. 1997. 'Declining Industries and Political-Support Protectionist Mo-Tives,' American Economic Review 72, 1180-87. -- Hiscox, Michael J. 1997. 'The Magic Bullet? The RTAA, Institutional Reform, and Trade Liberalization,' International Organization 53:4, 669-98 (Autumn). -- Hiscox, Michael J. 1997. International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility. Princeton: Princeton University Press. -- Hooper, Peter, Karen Johnson and Jaime Marquez. 2000. 'Trade Elasticities for G-7 Countries,' Princeton Studies in International Economics no. 87. Princeton: Princeton University. -- Horstmann, Ignatius and James R. Markusen. 1987. 'Licensing versus Direct Investment: A Model of Internalization by the Multinational Enterprise,' Canadian Journal of Economics 20, 464-81. -- Howe, Anthony. 1997. 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'Trade Costs 1870-2000,' American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 98:2, 529-34. -- Johnson, Harry G. 1997. 'An Economic Theory of Protectionism, Tariff Bargaining, and the Formation of Customs Unions,' Journal of Political Economy 73, 256-83. -- Johnson, Harry G. 1997. 'The Possibility of Income Losses from Increased Efficiency or Factor Accumulation in the Presence of Tariffs,' The Economic Journal 77:305, 151-54 (March). -- Johnson, Harry G. 1997. 'The Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments. Theory and Policy: Explanation and. Policy Implications,' Economica 44, 217-29. -- Jones, Ronald W. 1997. 'A Three-Factor Model in Theory, Trade and History,' Chapter 1 in Jagdish Bhagwati, Ronald Jones, Robert Mundell and Jaroslav Vanek (eds), Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth. Amsterdam: North-Holland, Amsterdam. -- Jones, Ronald W. 1997. Globalization and the Theory of Input Trade. Cambridge: MIT Press. -- Jones, Ronald W. and Henryk Kierzkowski. 1990. 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    Cheltenham, UK :Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
    Format: 1 online resource (2 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781786434760 (e-book)
    Series Statement: International library of critical writings in economics
    Content: Transaction cost economics began to take shape about 25 years ago. Although 25 years is comparatively young in the analytical scheme of things, numerous applications have been made and more are in prospect. Volume I deals with theory and concepts and volume II deals with applications and policy. This is an important selection of key articles on transaction cost economics by distinguished scholars including Ronald Coase, Herbert Simon, Kenneth Arrow and Richard A. Posner. This research review addresses key areas such as private ordering and credibility, contracts and organization, internal organization, vertical integration and contracting.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Williamson, Oliver E. and Scott E. Masten (1995), Transaction Cost Economics, Volume I: Theory and Concepts and Volume II: Policy and Applications, Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, VT, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1985), 'The Limits of Firms: Incentive and Bureaucratic Features', Chapter 6 in Oliver E. Williamson (ed.), The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting, New York: The Free Press, 131-62 and references -- Llewellyn, Karl (1931), 'What Price Contract? An Essay in Perspective', Yale Law Journal, 40 (May), 704-51 -- Commons, John R. (1934), Institutional Economics, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press -- Barnard, Chester (1938), The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press (fifteenth printing, 1962) -- Coase, Ronald H. (1937), 'The Nature of the Firm', Economica N.S., 4, 386-405. Reprinted in Oliver E. Williamson and Sidney Winter (eds) (1991), The Nature of the Firm: Origins, Evolution, Development, New York: Oxford University Press, 18-33 -- Commons, John R. (1925), 'Law and Economics', Yale Law Journal, 34, 371-82. -- Hayek, Friedrich (1945), 'The Use of Knowledge in Society', American Economic Review, 35 (4), September, 519-30 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1988), 'The Nature of the Firm: Influence', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4 (1), Spring, 33-48 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', Journal of Law and Economics, 3 (October), 1-44 -- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1969), 'The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Nonmarket Allocation', in The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditure: The PPB System, Vol. 1, U.S. Joint Economic Committee, 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 59-73 -- Matthews, R.C.O. (1986), 'The Economics of Institutions and the Sources of Economic Growth', Economic Journal, 96 (384), December, 903-18 -- Hodgson, Geoffrey (1988), Economics and Institutions, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press -- Posner, Richard A. (1993), 'The New Institutional Economics Meets Law and Economics', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 149 (1), March, 73-87 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1972), 'Industrial Organization: A Proposal for Research', in Victor R. Fuchs (ed.), Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. (Reprinted in The Economics of Transaction Costs, Volume I, Edward Elgar) -- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1974), The Limits of Organization (first edition), New York, NY, USA: W. W. Norton and Company Ltd. -- Simon, Herbert A. (1962), 'The Architecture of Complexity', Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106 (6), December, 467-82 -- Alchian, Armen A. and Harold Demsetz (1972), 'Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization', American Economic Review, LXII, December, 777-95 -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1971), 'The Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure Considerations', American Economic Review, 61 (2), May, 112-23. , Klein, Benjamin, Robert G. Crawford and Armen A. Alchian (1978), 'Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process', Journal of Law and Economics, XXI (2), October, 297-326 -- Demsetz, Harold (1988), 'The Theory of the Firm Revisited', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4 (1), Spring, 141-62 -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1979), 'Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations', Journal of Law and Economics, XXII (2), October, 233-61 -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1991a), 'Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives', Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (2), June, 269-96 -- Teece, David J. (1982), 'Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3, March, 39-63 -- Penrose, Edith Tilton (1959), The Theory of Growth of the Firm, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. -- Klein, Benjamin and Keith B. 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Prices and Process in Long-Term Contracts', Journal of Law and Economics, XXXIV (1), April, 69-99 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1976), 'Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopolies - In General and with Respect to CATV', Bell Journal of Economics, 7 (1), Spring, 73-104 -- Victor P. Goldberg (1976), 'Regulation and Administered Contracts', Bell Journal of Economics, 7 (2), Autumn, 426-48 -- George L. Priest (1993), 'The Origins of Utility Regulation and the 'Theories of Regulation" Debate', Journal of Law and Economics, XXXVI (1), Part 2, April, 289-323 -- Brian Levy and Pablo T. Spiller, 'The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment: A Comparative Analysis of Telecommunications Regulation', now published in Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 10 (2), Fall, 1994, 201-46 -- Barry R. Weingast and William J. Marshall (1988), 'The Industrial Organization of Congress; or, Why Legislatures, Like Firms, Are Not Organized as Markets', Journal of Political Economy, 96 (1), 132-63 -- Rafael Gely and Pablo T. Spiller (1990), 'A Rational Choice Theory of Supreme Court Statutory Decisions with Applications to the State Farm and Grove City Cases', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 6 (2), Fall, 263-300 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1979), 'Assessing Vertical Market Restrictions: Antitrust Ramifications of the Transaction Cost Approach', University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 127, April, 953-93 -- Roy W. Kenney and Benjamin Klein (1983), 'The Economics of Block Booking', Journal of Law and Economics, XXVI (3), October, 497-540 -- Scott E. Masten and Edward A. Snyder (1993), 'United States versus United Shoe Machinery Corporation: On the Merits', Journal of Law and Economics, XXXVI (1), Part 1, April, 33-70.
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    Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :
    Format: 1 online resource (318 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2023.
    ISBN: 981-9919-95-9
    Content: This book is a collection of essays in Indonesian history and archaeology dealing with different and multiple trajectories, along four broad themes. The first part of the book covers competing or evolving representations of events, customs or traditions, and historical personae in Indonesian official and popular expression, as they are shaped by economic, political, and cultural forces. The second part deals with memories of war and peace, examining transnational conflict and collaboration, the role of political elites and state projects dealing with the aftermath of military aggression, while also focusing on the impact and responses of civilians. The third part focuses on how state and civil societies frame historical figures, in ways that transcend the dichotomy of heroes and victims. The fourth part of the book looks at the way Indonesian museums and museology serve as sites where new kinds of memory work occur, in a post-1998 era. The book is designed with the aim of clearing a space for a plurality of memory works. Discussions in this volume extend from Loloda island in Eastern Indonesia, to Sabang island at the north westernmost end of the archipelago, and to the cosmopolitan centers. Temporally, it covers the colonial, the post-independence and contemporary eras. By juxtaposing diverse works, the book offers a new vista of multiple trajectories of memory being traced out in and about Indonesia. This is an open access book. Melani Budianta is Professor of literature and cultural studies, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. She has a scholarly interest in the politics of representation, gender, power and cultural diversity. She has done transdisciplinary work in cultural commoning with cultural activists in Indonesia. Sylvia Tiwon is Associate Professor of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. She teaches literature, gender, oral and cultural studies of Southeast Asia with a focus on Indonesia. Her areas of interest include national and pre-national literature, oral discourse and mythologies, as well as socio-cultural formations.
    Note: Part I: Introduction -- 1. Trajectories of Memory: An Introduction -- Part II. Politics of Memory -- 2. The Leadership of Muhammad Masserie in Perhimpoenan Kaoem Betawi (The Association of Ethnic Betawi) 1923-1940 -- 3. Locating Sikuru, “Hero of Loloda” -- 4. The Treaty of Tumbang Anoi, 1894: Impact on Borneo’s Social Structure -- 5. Minangkabau Silek Harimau: Evolving Oral Traditions, Performance and Choreography -- Part III. Remembering War and Peace -- 6. National Histories, Private Memories: Indonesia and the Japanese Occupation -- 7. Japanese War Memory and Transnational Activism for Indonesian Survivors of Enforced Military Prostitution During World War Two -- 8. Memory of the Seroja Struggle: Challenges of Life after Military Operations 1978-1998 -- 9. From Stalin to Khruschev: The Dynamics of the Soviet Union - Indonesia Relations (1945-1964) -- Part IV. Tracing Agency -- 10. Politics of Recognition: Heroes, Victims, and the Contest over History in post-Suharto Indonesia -- 11. Contestation and Coalition: The Role of Botoh in Local Political Dynamics, Tuban District, 1974-2006 -- 12. Indoctrination in Higher Education: Guided Democracy Politics in Campus Environment (1961-1965) -- 13. Indonesia’s Student and Non-Student Protesters in May 1998: Break and Reunification -- Part V. Curating Memory -- 14. Youth Visitor’s Meaning-Making Process on The National History of Indonesia in The Museum Sejarah Nasional: A Study of Constructivist Learning -- 15. Engaging with the Public: Comparing the National Museum of Indonesia and the Kolong Tangga Museum from the perspective of New Museology -- 16. Building Meaning in The Balai Kirti Presidential Museum of The Republic of Indonesia.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 981-9919-94-0
    Language: English
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    Durham ; London : Duke University Press
    Format: 1 online resource (496 pages)
    ISBN: 9780822390701 , 9781478090885
    Series Statement: Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society
    Content: This bold collection of essays demonstrates the necessity of understanding fascism in cultural terms rather than only or even primarily in terms of political structures and events. Contributors from history, literature, film, art history, and anthropology describe a culture of fascism in Japan in the decades preceding the end of the Asia-Pacific War. In so doing, they challenge past scholarship, which has generally rejected descriptions of pre-1945 Japan as fascist. The contributors explain how a fascist ideology was diffused throughout Japanese culture via literature, popular culture, film, design, and everyday discourse.
    Content: Alan Tansman's introduction places the essays in historical context and situates them in relation to previous scholarly inquiries into the existence of fascism in Japan.Several contributors examine how fascism was understood in the 1930s by, for example, influential theorists, an antifascist literary group, and leading intellectuals responding to capitalist modernization. Others explore the idea that fascism's solution to alienation and exploitation lay in efforts to beautify work, the workplace, and everyday life. Still others analyze the realization of and limits to fascist aesthetics in film, memorial design, architecture, animal imagery, a military museum, and a national exposition. Contributors also assess both manifestations of and resistance to fascist ideology in the work of renowned authors including the Nobel-prize-winning novelist and short-story writer Kawabata Yasunari and the mystery writers Edogawa Ranpo and Hamao Shirō.
    Content: In the work of these final two, the tropes of sexual perversity and paranoia open a new perspective on fascist culture. This volume makes Japanese fascism available as a critical point of comparison for scholars of fascism worldwide. The concluding essay models such work by comparing Spanish and Japanese fascisms.Contributors. Noriko Aso, Michael Baskett, Kim Brandt, Nina Cornyetz, Kevin M. Doak, James Dorsey, Aaron Gerow, Harry Harootunian, Marilyn Ivy, Angus Lockyer, Jim Reichert, Jonathan Reynolds, Ellen Schattschneider, Aaron Skabelund, Akiko Takenaka, Alan Tansman, Richard Torrance, Keith Vincent, Alejandro Yarza
    Note: Erscheint als Open Access bei De Gruyter
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 978-0-8223-4452-0
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 978-0-8223-4468-1
    Language: English
    Subjects: History , Sociology
    Keywords: Japan ; Kultur ; Rechtsradikalismus ; Geschichte 1926-1945 ; Japan ; Faschismus ; Geschichte 1926-1945 ; Aufsatzsammlung
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Rutherford (eds) (1998), The Transformation of American Economics: From Interwar Pluralism to Postwar Neoclassicism, Annual Supplement to Volume 30 of History of Political Economy, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 85-107. -- , Barnett, William A., John Geweke and Karl Shell (eds) (1989), Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles and Nonlinearity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Baumol, William J. and Jess Benhabib (1989), 'Chaos, Significance, Mechanism, and Economic Applications', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(1), Winter, 77-105. -- Baumol, William J. and Stephen M. Goldfield, (eds) (1968), Precursors in Mathematical Economics: An Anthology, London: London School of Economics. -- Baumol, William J. and Richard E. Quandt (1985), 'Chaos Models and Their Implications for Forecasting', Eastern Economic Journal, 11(1), January-March, 3-15. -- Benacerraf, Paul and Hilary Putnam (eds) (1984), Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. -- Benhabib, Jess (ed.) (1992), Cycles and Chaos in Economic Equilibrium, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. -- , Blaug, Mark (1999), 'The Formalist Revolution or What Happened to Orthodox Economics After World War II?', in Roger E. Backhouse, and John Creedy (eds) (1999), From Classical Economics to the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of D. P. O'Brien, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 257-80. -- Boland, Lawrence A. (1989), The Methodology of Economic Model Building: Methodology after Samuelson, London and New York: Routledge. -- Bowen, Howard R. (1953), 'Graduate Education in Economics', American Economic Review Supplement, Graduate Education in Economics, 43(4), Part 2, September, pp. ii-xv, 1-223. -- Brems, Hans (1975), 'Marshall on Mathematics', Journal of Law and Economics, 18(2), October, 583-5. -- Brock, William A., David A. Hsieh and Blake LeBaron (1991), Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability: Statistical Theory and Economic Evidence, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- , Buchanan, James M. (1969), 'Is Economics the Science of Choice?', in Erich Streissler (ed.) (1969), Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 47-64. -- Bullard, James and Alison Butler (1993), 'Nonlinearity and Chaos in Economic Models: Implications for Policy Decisions', Economic Journal, 103(4), July, 849-67. -- Bush, Paul Dale (1983), 'An Exploration of the Structural Characteristics of a Veblen-Ayres-Foster Defined Institutional Domain', Journal of Economic Issues, 17(1), March, 35-66. -- Chatterjee, Amah and Bikas K. Chakrabati (eds) (2007), Econophysics of Markets and Business Networks, Berlin: Springer , Colander, David C. (2005) 'The Making of an Economist Redux', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(1), Winter, 175-98. -- Cook, Simon J. (2009), The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science: A Rounded Globe of Knowledge, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. -- Cornwall, John and Wendy Cornwall (2001), Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century: An Evolutionary-Keynesian Analysis, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. -- Cournot, Augustin (1838), Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses, Paris: Hachette. -- Davis, John B. (2006), 'The Turn in Economics: Neoclassical Dominance to Mainstream Pluralism?' Journal of Institutional Economics, 2(1), April, 1-20. -- Day, Richard H. (1983), 'The Emergence of Chaos from Classical Economic Growth', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 98, 201-12. -- Day, Richard H. and Wayne Shafer, (1985), 'Keynesian Chaos', Journal of Macroeconomics, 7, 277-95. -- , Edgeworth, Francis Y. (1881), Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences, London: Kegan Paul. -- Ekelund, Robert B. Jr. and Robert F. Hébert, (2002), 'The Origins of Neoclassical Economics', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16(3), Summer, 197-215. -- Fisher, Irving (1892), Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -- Fisher, Irving (1898), 'Cournot and Mathematical Economics', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 12(2), January, 119-38. -- Frantz, Roger S. (2005), Two Minds: Intuition and Analysis in the History of Economic Thought, Berlin: Springer. -- Friedman, Milton (1953), 'The Methodology of Positive Economics', in M. Friedman, Essays in Positive Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 3-43. -- Goodwin, Richard M. (1972), 'A Growth Cycle', in E. K. Hunt, and Jesse G. Schwartz, (eds) (1972), A Critique of Economic Theory, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 442-9. -- , Goodwin, Richard M. (1990), Chaotic Economic Dynamics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Grandmont, Jean-Michel (1986), 'Stabilizing Competitive Business Cycles', Journal of Economic Theory, 40(1), October, 57-76. -- Hands, D. Wade (2001), Reflection Without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. -- Hart, Oliver D. and John Moore (1990) 'Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm', Journal of Political Economy, 98(6), December, 1119-58. -- Hayek, Friedrich A. (1945), 'The Ue of Knowledge in Society', American Economic Review, 35(4), September, 519-30 , Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (1993a), 'The Mecca of Alfred Marshall', Economic Journal, 103(2), March, 406-15. -- Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (1993b), Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back Into Economics, Cambridge, UK and Ann Arbor, MI: Polity Press and University of Michigan Press. -- Hodgson, Geoffrey M. 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    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Electronic books
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    URL: Volltext  (Deutschlandweit zugänglich)
    Author information: Hodgson, Geoffrey M. 1946-
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    ISBN: 90-04-43820-3
    Series Statement: Sinica Leidensia ; 151
    Content: "Albert Hoffstadt, a classicist by training and polylingual humanist by disposition, has for 25 years been the editor chiefly responsible for the development and acquisition of manuscripts in Asian Studies for Brill. During that time he has shepherded over 700 books into print and has distinguished himself as a figure of exceptional discernment and insight in academic publishing. He has also become a personal friend to many of his authors. A subset of these authors here offers to him in tribute and gratitude 22 essays on various topics in Asian Studies. These include studies on premodern Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and Korean literature, history, and religion, extending also into the modern and contemporary periods. They display the broad range of Mr. Hoffstadt's interests while presenting some of the most outstanding scholarship in Asian Studies today"--
    Note: What Language Was Spoken by the People of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex? / Alexander Lubotsky -- India's Past Reconsidered / Johannes Bronkhorst -- A Trust Rooted in Ignorance: Why Ananda's Lack of Understanding Makes Him a Reliable Witness to the Buddha's Teachings / Jonathan A. Silk -- On the Early History of the Brahmanical Yugas / Vincent Eltschinger -- Size Matters: The Length of Korea's History and the Size of Its Historical Territory / Remco Breuker -- Polyglot Translators: Chinese, Dutch, and Japanese in the Introduction of Western Learning in Tokugawa Japan / Martin J. Heijdra -- Overcoming Distance / Richard Bowring -- Beyond Nativism: Reflections on Methodology and Ethics in the Study of Early China / Martin Kern -- Taking Horace to the Yellow Springs: Notes on Death and Alcohol in Chinese Poetry and Philosophy / Jan De Meyer --On Some Verses of Li Bo / Paul W. Kroll --An Early Medieval Chinese Poem on Leaving Office and Retiring to the Countryside / David R. Knechtges -- Lu Ji's Theory of Reading and Writing: Medieval Chinese Anxieties about Literary Creation / Wendy Swartz -- Terms of Friendship: Bylaws for Associations of Buddhist Laywomen in Medieval China / Stephen F. Teiser -- Women in the Religious and Publishing Worlds of Buddhist Master Miaokong (1826-1880) / Beata Grant -- Chinese Dualism Revisited / John Lagerwey -- An Ant and a Man, a Rock and a Woman: Preliminary Notes toward an Alternate History of Chinese Worldviews / Robert Ford Campany -- Self-Portrait of a Narcissist / Pierre-Etienne Will -- The Mask of Comedy in A Couple of Soles / Robert E. Hegel -- Making Up for a Loss: The Tragedy of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in Modern Zaju / Wilt L. Idema -- Transgression as Rule: Freebooters in Chinese Poetry / Maghiel van Crevel --Horatius Sinensis / Michael Lackner -- The Hazards of the Use of English as a Default Language in Analytic Philosophy: An Essay on Conceptual Biodiversity / Christoph Harbsmeier. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 90-04-43298-1
    Language: English
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :Bloomsbury Academic, | London :Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),
    Format: 1 online resource (288 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9781350440876
    Content: 〈b〉In 2024 the literary community commemorates the 100th anniversary of the death of Joseph Conrad. This volume of collected essays takes the opportunity to reflect on Conrad's enduring influence on literature and culture in the 21st century.〈/b〉 〈b〉 〈/b〉Offering reflections on Conrad's legacy by leading critics and scholars in the field of Conrad studies as well as by significant figures in the arts and cultural sector, it represents a unique contribution to Conrad studies and provides an overview of how the author continues to inspire and shape contemporary literature and culture in the 21st century. Covering a broad range of topics, from discussions of how Conrad has inspired contemporary films and operas through to the pertinence of his works to current conflicts and key contemporary issues, 〈i〉Joseph Conrad's Cultural Legacy 〈/i〉offers unique, original insights into the enduring relevance of one of the leading literary figures of the 20th century.
    Note: Introduction: Linda Dryden, Edinburgh Napier University, UK and Robert Hampson, Royal Holloway University of London, UK Chapter One: 'A Poetic Commemorations of Conrad's Death', Ewa Kujawska-Lis, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland SECTION I: MEDIATIONS Chapter Two: 'Joseph Conrad and Alfred Hitchcock, James Robertson, independent scholar Chapter Three: 'The making and unmaking of 〈i〉Secret Sharer 〈/i〉the movie', Peter Fudakowski, independent scholar Chapter Four: 'African Apocalypse', Rob Lemkin, independent scholar Chapter Five: '"Heart of Darkness"-the opera', Tarik O'Regan, independent scholar Chapter Six: 'Ian Sinclair's 〈i〉The Gold Machine〈/i〉: a Conradian entanglement', Robert Hampson, Royal Holloway University of London, UK 〈b〉Section II: Conrad's Reach〈/b〉 Chapter Seven: '〈i〉Lord Jim 〈/i〉the classic', Douglas Kerr, University of Hong Kong Chapter Eight: 'My Debt to Conrad: A Sri Lankan Perspective', DCRA Goonetilleke, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka Chapter Nine: 'Trial of the Foreign: Translating Conrad into Japanese', Kaoru Yamamoto, University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan Chapter Ten: 'Conrad and the African Museum in Tervuren', Grazyna Plebanek, independent scholar Chapter Eleven: 'Conrad's Cosmologies', Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan, University of Haifa, Israel Chapter Twelve: 'Conrad post-#metoo, Susan Jones, University of Oxford, UK 〈b〉 〈/b〉〈b〉Section III: Institutions〈/b〉 Chapter Thirteen: 'Travels with Conrad', Maya Jasanoff, Harvard University, USA Chapter Fourteen: '"I must close this macaronic letter": Conrad the correspondent', Laurence Davies, University of Glasgow, UK Chapter Fifteen: 'Portrait of the Artist in the Modern World', Linda Dryden, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Chapter Sixteen: 'Editing Conrad: 〈i〉The Cambridge Edition〈/i〉', Allan Simmons, St. Mary's University, UK Chapter Seventeen: 'Celebrating the Conrad Conference: 50 Years of Scholarly Congeniality from the Local to the Global', Kim Salmons, St. Mary's University, UK Chapter Eighteen: 'Conrad in My Life', Keith Carabine, University of Kent, UK Selected Bibliography
    Language: English
    Subjects: English Studies
    Keywords: Festschrift
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :UCL Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (xxiv, 309 pages) : , illustrations
    Content: The recent exhibitions dedicated to Botticelli around the world show, more than ever, the significant and continued debate about the artist. Botticelli Past and Present engages with this debate. The book comprises four thematic parts, spanning four centuries of Botticelli's artistic fame and reception from the fifteenth century. Each part comprises a number of essays and includes a short introduction which positions them within the wider scholarly literature on Botticelli. The parts are organised chronologically beginning with discussion of the artist and his working practice in his own time, moving onto the progressive rediscovery of his work from the late eighteenth to the turn of the twentieth century, through to his enduring impact on contemporary art and design. Expertly written by researchers and eminent art historians and richly illustrated throughout, the broad range of essays in this book make a valuable contribution to Botticelli studies.
    Note: Intro -- Halftitle Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of illustrations -- List of contributors -- Introduction -- Ana Debenedetti, Victoria and Albert Museum -- Part 1: Botticelli in his own time -- Introduction -- Michelle O'Malley, Warburg Institute -- 1. Sandro Botticelli and the birth of modern portraiture -- Patrizia Zambrano, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale -- 2. Botticelli's Portrait of a Lady known as Smeralda Bandinelli: a technical study -- Nicola Costaras, Victoria and Albert Museum and Clare Richardson, Courtauld Institute 3. Classicism and invention: Botticelli's mythologies in our time and their timePaul Holberton, independent scholar -- 4. Jacopo del Sellaio's adaptation of the Primavera -- Jerzy Miziołek, Museum of the University of Warsaw -- Part 2: The Botticelli effect -- Introduction -- Julius Bryant, Victoria and Albert Museum -- 5. Whigs and primitives: Dante and Botticelli in England from Jonathan Richardson to John Flaxman -- Mark Evans, Victoria and Albert Museum -- 6. Befriending Botticelli: psychology and connoisseurship at the fin de siècle -- Francesco Ventrella, University of Sussex -- 7. A woman's touch, Michael Field, Botticelli and queer desireAnna Gruetzner Robins, University of Reading -- Part 3: Botticelli between art history and connoisseurship -- Introduction -- Caroline Elam, Warburg Institute -- 8. Crowe and Cavalcaselle on Botticelli: new results -- Donata Levi, University of Udine -- 9. Why Botticelli? Aby Warburg's search for a new approach to Quattrocento Italian art -- Claudia Wedepohl, Warburg Institute -- 10. 'A Japanese Critic on Botticelli': fragmentation and universality in Yashiro's 1925 monograph -- Jonathan K. Nelson, Syracuse University, Florence -- 11. Jacques Mesnil's BotticelliMichel Hochmann, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (EPHE, PSL) -- Part 4: Botticelli now -- Introduction -- Stefan Weppelmann, Gemäldegalerie, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien -- 12. Ninfa fluida (a post-scriptum) -- Georges Didi-Huberman, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris -- 13. Into the abyss. On Salvador Dalì's Dream of Venus -- Riccardo Venturi, Académie de France, Villa Medici, Rome -- 14. Giving an edge to the beautiful line: Botticelli referenced in the works of contemporary artists to address issues of gender and global politics.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 1-78735-464-4
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Konferenzschrift
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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