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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784712747
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Akerlof, G.A., W.T. Dickens and G.L. Perry (1996), 'The Macroeconomics of Low Inflation', Brookings Papers on Economics Activity, 1, 1-76. -- Arrow, K.J. and G. Debreu (1954), 'Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy', Econometrica, 22, 265-90. -- Blanchflower, D. and A. Oswald (1994), The Wage Curve, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Card, D. (1995), 'The Wage Curve: A Review', Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIII, 785-99. -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2010), 'Darwinian versus Newtonian Views of the Economy: the Schumpeterian versus New Classical Theories', paper presented at the 13th International Schumpeter Society Conference Aalborg, Denmark, June 21-24, 2010 -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2011) 'Sustained Endogenous Growth Driven by Structured and Evolving General Purpose Technologies', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, in press. -- , Crawford, A. and A. Harrison (1998), 'Testing for downward rigidity in nominal wage rates', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Dosi, Giovanni, Christopher Freeman, Richard Nelson, Gerald Silverberg and Luc Soete (eds) (1988), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Pinter. -- Dupasquier, C. and N. Ricketts (1998), 'Non-linearities in the output-inflation relationship', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Fisher, I. (1973), 'I discovered the Phillips Curve: a statistical relation between unemployment and price changes', Journal of Political Economy, 81 (2 part II), 496-502. -- Fortin, P. (1991), 'The Phillips Curve, macroeconomic policy, and the welfare of Canadians', Canadian Journal of Economics, 24, 774-803. -- , Freeman, Christopher and Francisco Louçã (2001), As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fuhrer, J., J. Sneddon Little, Y.K. Kodrzycki and G.P. Olivei (eds) (2009), Understanding Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy: A Phillips Curve Retrospective, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Gordon, R.J. (2011), 'The history of the Phillips Curve: consensus and bifurcation', Economica, 78, 10-50. -- Granger, C.W.J.. and Y. Jeon (2011), 'The evolution of the Phillips Curve: a modern time series viewpoint', Economica, 78, 51-66. -- Hicks, J.R. (1937), 'Mr. Keynes and the classics; a suggested interpretation', Econometrica, 5, 147-59. -- Hicks, J.R. (1950), A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle, Oxford: Clarendon Press. -- Hornstein, A. (2008), 'Introduction to the New Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 301-9. -- , Howitt, P. and P. McAfee (1992), 'Animal spirits', American Economic Review, 82, 493-507 , Kaldor, Nicholas (1959), 'Economic growth and the problem of inflation - Part II', Economica, 26, 287-98. -- Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London: Macmillan. -- King, R.G. (1986), 'The new IS-LM model: language, logic and limits', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 86, 45-103. -- King, R.G. (2008), 'The Phillips Curve and U.S. macroeconomic policy: snapshots, 1958-1996', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 311-59. -- Laidler, D.E.W.. and M. Parkin (1975), 'Inflation: a survey', Economic Journal, 85, 741-809. -- Leeson, Robert (1994), 'Some misunderstandings concerning the contributions made by A.W.H. Phillips and R.G. Lipsey to the inflation-unemployment literature', History of Economics Review, 22, 70-82. -- Leeson, Robert (ed.) (2000), A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- , Leijonhuvfud, A. (1973), 'Effective demand failures', Swedish Economic Journal, 74, 27-48. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2007), 'Reflections on the general theory of second best at its golden jubilee', International Tax Public Finance, 14, 349-64. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2010), 'Evolutionary economics and the disappearing NAIRU and Phillips Curve', in 'Schumpeter for our Century', Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus, 27 (1/2), 145-76. -- Lipsey, Richard G., Kenneth Carlaw and Clifford Bekar (2005), Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth', Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. (2007), Macroeconomics, sixth edition, New York: Worth. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Coordination Failures and Real Rigidities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- , Mankiw, N.G. and W. Scarth (2011), Macroeconomics, fourth Canadian edition, New York: Worth. -- McCallum, B.T. (1980), 'Rational expectations and macroeconomic stabilization policy: an overview', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 12, 716-46. -- Meiselman, D. (1968), 'Comment: is there a meaningful trade-off between inflation and unemployment?', Journal of Political Economy, 76, 743-9. -- Mussa, M. (1981), 'Sticky prices and disequilibrium adjustment in a rational model of the inflationary process', American Economic Review, 71, 1020-27. -- Nason, J.M. and G.W. Smith (2008), 'The new-Keynesian Phillips Curve: lessons from single-equation econometric estimation', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 361-95 , Nelson, R. and S. Winter (1982), An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- Newlyn, Walter, (2000), 'The origins of the machine in a personal context', Chapter 8 in Robert Leeson (ed.), A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 31-8. -- Paish, F.W. (1966), Studies in an Inflationary Economy: The United Kingdom, 1948-1961, London: Macmillan. -- Phillips, A.W.H.. (1957), 'Stabilisation policy and the time-forms of lagged responses', Economic Journal, 67, 265-77. -- Ramsey, Frank P. (1928), 'A mathematical theory of saving', Economic Journal, 38, 543-59. -- Ravenna, F. and C. Walsh (2008), 'Vacancies, unemployment, and the Phillips Curve', European Economic Review, 52, 1494-521. -- Rosen, H. and R.E. Quandt (1978), 'Estimating a disequilibrium aggregate labor market', Review of Economics and Statistics, 60, 371-9. -- , Rosenberg, Nathan (1982), Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Rosenberg, Nathan (1994), Exploring The Black Box: Technology, Economics And History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Rosenberg, Nathan (2010), Studies on Science and the Innovation Process, New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Company. -- Sargent, T.J. (1982), 'The ends of four big inflations', in R.E. Hall (ed.), Inflation, Chicago: Chicago University Press. -- Schorfheide, F. (2008), 'DSGE model-based estimation of the new-Keynesian Phillips Curve, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 397-433. -- Schmitt-Grohé, S. and M. Uribe (2008), 'Policy implications of the new-Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 435-65. -- Schumpeter, Joseph (1934), The Theory of Economic Development, English Translation, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (first published in German 1912). -- , Turnovsky, S.J. (2011), 'Stabilization theory and policy: 50 years after the Phillips Curve', Economica, 78, 67-88. -- Vandercamp, J. (1972), 'Inflation: a simple Friedman theory with a Phillips twist', Journal of Monetary Economics, 1(1), 117-22. -- Wulwick, Nancy J. (1987), 'The Phillips Curve: Which? Whose? To do What? How?', Southern Economics Journal, 53, 834-57. -- Irving Fisher (1926), 'A Statistical Relation Between Unemployment and Price Changes', International Labour Review, XIII (6), June, 785-92Thomas M. Humphrey (1985), 'The Early History of the Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review, 71 (2), September/October, 17-24 , A.W. Phillips (1958), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957', Economica, 25 (100), November, 283-99 -- Richard G. Lipsey (2010), 'The Phillips Curve', in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd (eds), Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Chapter 50, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 377-92 -- K.G.J.C. Knowles and C.B. Winsten (1959), 'Can the Level of Unemployment Explain Changes in Wages?', Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 21 (2), May, 113-20 -- Guy Routh (1959), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates: A Comment', Economica, 26 (104), November, 299-315 -- Richard G. Lipsey (1960), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1862-1957: A Further Analysis', Economica, 27 (105), February, 1-31 -- , James M. Holmes and David J. Smyth (1970), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and Excess Demand for Labour: An Examination of the Theory of the Phillips Curve', Economica, 37 (147), August, 311-15 -- Richard G. Lipsey (1974), 'The Micro Theory of the Phillips Curve Reconsidered: A Reply to Holmes and Smyth', Economica, 41 (161), February, 62-70 -- Nancy J. Wulwick (1996), 'Two Econometric Replications: The Historic Phillips and Lipsey-Phillips Curves', History of Political Economy, 28 (3), 391-439 -- L.A. Dicks-Mireaux and J.C.R. Dow (1959), 'The Determinants of Wage Inflation: United Kingdom, 1946-56' and 'Discussion on Paper', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (General), 122 (2), 145-84 -- L.R. Klein and R.J. Ball (1959), 'Some Econometrics of the Determination of Absolute Prices and Wages', Economic Journal, 69 (275), September, 465-82 -- , John H. Pencavel (1971), 'A Note on the Comparative Predictive Performance of Wage Inflation Models of the British Economy', Economic Journal, 81 (321), March, 113-19 -- S.G.B. Henry, M.C. Sawyer and P. Smith (1976), 'Models of Inflation in the United Kingdom: An Evaluation', National Institute Economic Review, 77, 60-71 -- D.I. MacKay and R.A. Hart (1974), 'Wage Inflation and the Phillips Relationship', Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, XLII (2), June, 136-61 -- Paul A. Samuelson and Robert M. Solow (1960), 'Analytical Aspects of Anti-inflation Policy', American Economic Review, 50 (2), May, 177-94 -- G.L. Perry (1964), 'The Determinants of Wage Rate Changes and the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off for the United States', Review of Economic Studies, 31 (4), October, 287-308 -- William G. Bowen and R. Albert Berry (1963), 'Unemployment Conditions and Movements of the Money Wage Level', Review of Economics and Statistics, 45 (2), May, 163-72 -- , Otto Eckstein and Thomas A. Wilson (1962), 'The Determination of Money Wages in American Industry', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 76 (3), August, 379-414 -- Jim Taylor (1970), 'Hidden Unemployment, Hoarded Labor, and the Phillips Curve', Southern Economic Journal, XXXVII (1), July, 1-16 -- J.C.R. Rowley and D.A. Wilton (1973), 'The Empirical Sensitivity of the Phillips Curve', American Economist, XVII (2), Fall, 90-112 , Edward A. Kuska (1966), 'The Simple Analytics of the Phillips Curve', Economica, 33 (132), November, 462-7 -- G.C. Archibald, Robyn Kemmis and J.W. Perkins (1974), 'Excess Demand for Labour, Unemployment and the Phillips Curve: A Theoretical and Empirical Study', in D. Laidler and D. Purdy (eds), Inflation and Labour Markets, Chapter 5, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 109-63 -- A.P. Thirlwall (1969), 'Demand Disequilibrium in the Labour Market and Wage Rate Inflation in the United Kingdom (1)', Yorkshire Bulletin of Economic and Social Research, 21 (1), May, 66-76 -- David J. Smyth (1979), 'Unemployment Dispersion and Phillips Loops: A Direct Test of the Lipsey Hypothesis', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 41, 227-33 -- G.L. Reuber (1964), 'The Objectives of Canadian Monetary Policy, 1949-61: Empirical "Trade-offs " and the Reaction Function of the Authorities', Journal of Political Economy, LXXII (2), April, 109-32 -- , David Laidler (1997), 'The Emergence of the Phillips Curve as a Policy Menu', in B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Harris (eds), Trade, Technology and Economics: Essays in Honour of Richard G. Lipsey, Chapter 4, Cheltenham, UK and Brookfield, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 88-106 -- Robert Leeson (1997), 'The Trade-off Interpretation of Phillips's Dynamic Stabilization Exercise', Economica, 64 (253), February, 155-71 -- Richard G. Lipsey and M.D. Steuer (1961), 'The Relation Between Profits and Wage Rates', Economica, 28 (110), May, 137-55 -- E. Kuh (1967), 'A Productivity Theory of Wage Levels - An Alternative to the Phillips Curve', Review of Economic Studies, 34 (4), October, 333-60 -- Meghnad Desai (1975), 'The Phillips Curve: A Revisionist Interpretation', Economica, 42 (165), February, 1-19 -- C.L. Gilbert (1976), 'The Original Phillips Curve Estimates', Economica, 43 (169), February, 51-7 -- , Milton Friedman (1968), 'The Role of Monetary Policy', American Economic Review, LVIII (1), March, 1-17 -- Edmund S. Phelps (1967), 'Phillips Curves, Expectations of Inflation and Optimal Unemployment Over Time', Economica, 34 (135), August, 254-81 -- Edmund S. Phelps (1968), 'Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor-Market Equilibrium', Journal of Political Economy, 76 (4, part 2), July-August, 678-711 -- Milton Friedman (1977), 'Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment', Journal of Political Economy, 85 (3), June, 451-72 -- Robert E. Lucas, Jr and Leonard A. Rapping (1969), 'Price Expectations and the Phillips Curve', American Economic Review, 59 (3), June, 342-50 -- James Tobin (1972), 'Inflation and Unemployment', American Economic Review, 62 (1/2), March, 1-18 -- Gordon Tullock (1972), 'Can You Fool All of the People All of the Time?: A Comment', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 4 (2), May, 426-30 -- , James Tobin and Leonard Ross (1972), 'A Reply to Gordon Tullock', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 4 (2), May, 431-6 , Robert E. Lucas, Jr (1972), 'Econometric Testing of the Natural Rate Hypothesis', in Otto Eckstein (ed.), The Econometrics of Price Determination, Washington, DC: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Social Science Research Council, 50-59 -- Robert E. Lucas and Thomas J. Sargent (1978), 'After Keynesian Macroeconomics (including discussion by Benjamin M. Friedman and response and rebuttal by Robert E. Lucas and Thomas J. Sargent)', After the Phillips Curve: Persistence of High Inflation and High Unemployment, Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 49-83 -- Robert M. Solow (1978), 'Summary and Evaluation', After the Phillips Curve: Persistence of High Inflation and High Unemployment, Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 203-9 -- Arthur M. Okun (1978), 'Efficient Disinflationary Policies', American Economic Review, 68 (2), May, 348-52 -- , Edmund Phelps (1995), 'The Origins and Further Development of the Natural Rate of Unemployment', in Rod Cross (ed.), The Natural Rate of Unemployment: Reflections on 25 Years of the Hypothesis, Chapter 2, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 15-31 -- James Tobin (1995), 'The Natural Rate as New Classical Macroeconomics', in Rod Cross (ed.), The Natural Rate of Unemployment: Reflections on 25 Years of the Hypothesis, Chapter 3, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 32-42 -- Robert E. Lucas, Jr (1996), 'Nobel Lecture: Monetary Neutrality', Journal of Political Economy, 104 (4), August, 661-82 -- Thomas J. Sargent (1971), 'A Note on the "Accelerationist " Controversy', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 3 (3), August, 721-5 -- John B. Taylor (1979), 'Estimation and Control of a Macroeconomic Model with Rational Expectations', Econometrica, 47 (5), September, 1267-86 -- , George S. Alogoskoufis and Ron Smith (1991), 'The Phillips Curve, the Persistence of Inflation, and the Lucas Critique: Evidence from Exchange-rate Regimes', American Economic Review, 81 (5), December, 1254-75 -- Laurence Ball (1994), 'What Determines the Sacrifice Ratio?', in N. Gregory Mankiw (ed.), Monetary Policy, Chapter 5, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 155-82 -- Jeffrey C. Fuhrer (1995), 'The Phillips Curve is Alive and Well', New England Economic Review, March/April, 41-56 -- Laurence Ball and N. Gregory Mankiw (2002), 'The NAIRU in Theory and Practice', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16 (4), Fall, 115-36 -- Anthony M. Santomero and John J. Seater (1978), 'The Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off: A Critique of the Literature', Journal of Economic Literature, XVI (2), June, 499-544 -- Robert J. Gordon (1990), 'What is New-Keynesian Economics?', Journal of Economic Literature, XXVIII (3), September, 1115-71 -- , Robert G. King and Mark W. Watson (1994), 'The Post-war U.S. Phillips Curve: A Revisionist Econometric History', Carnegie- Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 41, December, 157-219 -- Charles L. Evans (1994), 'The Post-war U.S. Phillips Curve: A Comment', Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 41, December, 221-30 -- Bennett T. McCallum (1994), 'Identification of Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoffs in the 1970s: A Comment', Carnegie- Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 41, December, 231-41 -- Robert G. King and Mark W. Watson (1994), 'Rejoinder to Evans and McCallum', Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 41, December, 243-50 , Paul Beaudry and Matthew Doyle (2000), 'What Happened to the Phillips Curve in the 1990s in Canada?', Steven James, 'Discussion', Jeffrey Fuhrer, 'Discussion' and Maral Kichian, 'General Discussion', Price Stability and the Long-run Target for Monetary Policy: Proceedings of a Seminar Held by the Bank of Canada, June, 51-97 -- A.W. Phillips (1954), 'Stabilisation Policy in a Closed Economy', Economic Journal, 64 (254), June, 290-323 -- Richard G. Lipsey (1978), 'The Place of the Phillips Curve in Macroeconomic Models', in A.R. Bergstrom, A.J.L. Catt, M.H. Peston and B.D.J. Silverston (eds), Stability and Inflation: A Volume of Essays to Honour the Memory of A.W.H. Phillips, Chapter 4, Chichester, UK and New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 49-75 -- Bennett T. McCallum (1987), 'The Development of Keynesian Macroeconomics', American Economic Review, 77 (2), May, 125-9 -- Alan S. Blinder (1987), 'Keynes, Lucas, and Scientific Progress', American Economic Review, 77 (2), May, 130-36 -- , Richard G. Lipsey (2000), 'IS-LM, Keynesianism, and the New Classicism', in Roger E. Backhouse and Andrea Salanti (eds), Macroeconomics and the Real World, Volume 2: Keynesian Economics, Unemployment, and Policy, Chapter 4a, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 57-82 -- Stanley Fischer (1977), 'Long-term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule', Journal of Political Economy, 85 (1), February, 191-205 -- Edmund S. Phelps and John B. Taylor (1977), 'Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations', Journal of Political Economy, 85 (1), February, 163-90 -- Stephen J. Turnovsky (1984), 'Rational Expectations and the Theory of Macroeconomic Policy: An Exposition of Some of the Issues', Journal of Economic Education, 15 (1), Winter, 55-69 -- Alex Cukierman (1986), 'Central Bank Behavior and Credibility: Some Recent Theoretical Developments', Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, May, 5-17 -- , John B. Taylor (1994), 'The Inflation/Output Variability Trade-off Revisited (including 'Discussion' by Lawrence M. Ball)', in Jeffrey C. Fuhrer (ed.), Goals, Guidelines, and Constraints Facing Monetary Policymakers, Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 21-42 -- Michael Parkin (2000), 'What Have We Learned About Price Stability?', Peter Howitt, 'Discussion', W. Craig Riddell, 'Discussion', and Kim McPhail, 'General Discussion', Price Stability and the Long-run Target for Monetary Policy: Proceedings of a Seminar Held by the Bank of Canada, 223-81 -- Marvin Goodfriend (2004), 'Monetary Policy in the New Neoclassical Synthesis: A Primer', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 90 (3), Summer, 21-45 -- Jeffrey M. Lacker and John A. Weinberg (2007), 'Inflation and Unemployment: A Layperson's Guide to the Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 93 (3), Summer, 201-27 -- , Guillermo A. Calvo (1983), 'Staggered Prices in a Utility-maximizing Framework', Journal of Monetary Economics, 12 (3), September, 383-98 -- N. Gregory Mankiw (2001), 'The Inexorable and Mysterious Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment', Economic Journal, 111 (471), May, C45-C61 -- Jordi Galí (2000), 'The Return of the Phillips Curve and Other Recent Developments in Business Cycle Theory', Spanish Economic Review, 2, 1-10 -- Michael T. Kiley (2002), 'Partial Adjustment and Staggered Price Setting', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 34 (2), May, 283-98 -- N. Gregory Mankiw and Ricardo Reis (2003), 'Sticky Information: A Model of Monetary Nonneutrality and Structural Slumps', in Philippe Aghion, Roman Frydman, Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Woodford (eds), Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics: InHonor of Edmund S. Phelps, Chapter 3, Princeton, NJ and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press, 64-86 , Richard Dennis (2007), 'Fixing the New Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter, No. 2007-35, November, 1-3 -- Michael Woodford (2007), 'Interpreting Inflation Persistence: Comments on the Conference on "Quantitative Evidence on Price Determination", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 39 (1), February (Supplement), 203-10 -- Mark Gertler and John Leahy (2008), 'A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation', Journal of Political Economy, 116 (3), 533-72 -- John M. Roberts (1995), 'New Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27 (4, part 1), November, 975-84 -- Jeff Fuhrer and George Moore (1995), 'Inflation Persistence', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (1), February, 127-59 -- Jeremy Rudd and Karl Whelan (2007), 'Modeling Inflation Dynamics: A Critical Review of Recent Research', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 39 (1), February (Supplement), 155-70 -- Luca Benati (2008), 'Investigating Inflation Persistence Across Monetary Regimes', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123 (3), August, 1005-60 -- Jean-Marie Dufour, Lynda Khalaf and Maral Kichian (2006), 'Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Identification Robust Econometric Analysis', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30, 1707-27 -- Andreas Hornstein (2007), 'Evolving Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 93 (4), Fall, 317-39 , '... the volume constitutes an important collection, which portrays the evolution of the Phillips Curve and the potency of policy debates in a single canvas in an elegant and comprehensive manner. The gaps that seem to have remained may be remedied by the editors in the form of a companion volume discussing open economies and global interdependence. The production quality and editing of the book are also excellent ...'--Biswajit Chatterjee, Indian Society of Labour Economics. This authoritative three-volume collection provides a comprehensive anthology of many of the most important and influential articles written since the publication of Phillips' 1958 study - the most-cited macroeconomic paper published in the 20th century. Along with an original introduction by the editors, the papers evaluate the original contribution and place it in its historical context. The works also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the New Classical critique and the expectations augmented Phillips Curve that resulted from it, and critique the part played by the 'New Keynesian Phillips Curve' in the New neo-Classical Synthesis that has emerged in macroeconomics. This indispensable volume will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in the field of economics, and the Phillips Curve in particular
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Makroökonomie ; Neuklassizismus ; Electronic books ; Electronic books
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    Cheltenham, U.K ; Northampton, Mass : Edward Elgar
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    Subjects: Economics
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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
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    ISBN: 9781784713836
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Michael E. Porter (1996), 'What is Strategy?', Harvard Business Review, November-December, 61-78 -- R.H. Coase (1937), 'The Nature of the Firm', Economica, 4 (16), November, 386-405 -- Edith Penrose (1955), 'Limits to the Growth and Size of Firms', American Economic Review, 45 (2), May, 531-43 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1967), 'Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size', Journal of Political Economy, 75 (2), April, 123-38 -- David J. Teece (1982), 'Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3 (1), March, 39-63 -- Gareth R. Jones and Charles W.L. Hill (1988), 'Transaction Cost Analysis of Strategy-Structure Choice', Strategic Management Journal, 9 (2), March-April, 159-72 -- Robert M. Grant (1996), 'Toward a Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm', Strategic Management Journal, 17, Winter Special Issue, 109-22 -- , Julia Porter Liebeskind (1996), 'Knowledge, Strategy, and the Theory of the Firm', Strategic Management Journal, 17, Winter Special Issue, 93-107 -- Kathleen R. Conner and C.K. Prahalad (1996), 'A Resource-based Theory of the Firm: Knowledge Versus Opportunism', Organization Science, 7 (5), September-October, 477-501 -- Gary S. Hansen and Birger Wernerfelt (1989), 'Determinants of Firm Performance: The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors', Strategic Management Journal, 10 (5), September-October, 399-411 -- Richard P. Rumelt (1991), 'How Much Does Industry Matter?', Strategic Management Journal, 12 (3), March, 167-85 -- Thomas H. Brush and Philip Bromiley (1997), 'What Does A Small Corporate Effect Mean? A Variance Components Simulation of Corporate and Business Effects', Strategic Management Journal, 18 (10), 825-35 -- Edward H. Bowman and Constance E. Helfat (2001), 'Does Corporate Strategy Matter?', Strategic Management Journal, 22 (1), 1-23 -- , Michael C. Jensen (1986), 'Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers', American Economic Review, 76 (2), May, 323-9 -- Birger Wernerfelt and Cynthia A. Montgomery (1988), 'Tobin's q and the Importance of Focus in Firm Performance', American Economic Review, 78 (1), March, 246-50 -- Larry H.P. Lang and René M. Stulz (1994), 'Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance', Journal of Political Economy, 102 (6), December, 1248-80 -- Philip G. Berger and Eli Ofek (1995), 'Diversification's Effect on Firm Value', Journal of Financial Economics, 37 (1), January, 39-65 -- Robert Comment and Gregg A. Jarrell (1995), 'Corporate Focus and Stock Returns', Journal of Financial Economics, 37 (1), January, 67-87 -- C.K. Prahalad and Richard A. Bettis (1986), 'The Dominant Logic: A New Linkage Between Diversity and Performance', Strategic Management Journal, 7 (6), November-December, 485-501 , David J. Collis and Cynthia A. Montgomery (1998), 'Creating Corporate Advantage', Harvard Business Review, 76 (3), May- June, 71-83 -- Brian S. Silverman (1999), 'Technological Resources and the Direction of Corporate Diversification: Toward an Integration of the Resource-Based View and Transaction Cost Economics', Management Science, 45 (8), August, 1109-24 -- James Robins and Margarethe F. Wiersema (1995), 'A Resource-Based Approach to the Multibusiness Firm: Empirical Analysis of Portfolio Interrelationships and Corporate Financial Performance', Strategic Management Journal, 16 (4), May, 277-99 -- Belén Villalonga (2004), 'Diversification Discount or Premium? New Evidence from the Business Information Tracking Series', Journal of Finance, LIX (2), April, 479-506 -- Constantinos C. Markides and Peter J. Williamson (1994), 'Related Diversification, Core Competencies and Corporate Performance', Strategic Management Journal, 15, Special Issue, Summer, 149-65 -- , Harry P. Bowen and Margarethe F. Wiersema (2005), 'Foreign-Based Competition and Corporate Diversification Strategy', Strategic Management Journal, 26 (12), 1153-71 -- Donald D. Bergh and Michael W. Lawless (1998), 'Portfolio Restructuring and Limits to Hierarchical Governance: The Effects of Environmental Uncertainty and Diversification Strategy', Organization Science, 9 (1), January-February, 87-102 -- Leslie E. Palich, Laura B. Cardinal and C. Chet Miller (2000), 'Curvilinearity in the Diversification-Performance Linkage: An Examination of Over Three Decades of Research', Strategic Management Journal, 21 (2), 155-74 -- Ernest H. Hall, Jr. and Caron H. St. John (1994), 'A Methodological Note on Diversity Measurement', Strategic Management Journal, 15 (2), February, 153-68 -- Rachel Davis and Irene M. Duhaime (1992), 'Diversification, Vertical Integration, and Industry Analysis: New Perspectives and Measurement', Strategic Management Journal, 13 (7), October, 511-24 -- , James A. Robins and Margarethe F. Wiersema (2003), 'The Measurement of Corporate Portfolio Strategy: Analysis of the Content Validity of Related Diversification Indexes', Strategic Management Journal, 24 (1), January, 39-59 -- Harry P. Bowen and Margarethe F. Wiersema (1999), 'Matching Method to Paradigm in Strategy Research: Limitations of Cross-Sectional Analysis and Some Methodological Alternatives', Strategic Management Journal, 20, 625-36 -- Barton H. Hamilton and Jackson A. Nickerson (2003), 'Correcting for Endogeneity in Strategic Management Research', Strategic Organization, 1 (1), 51-78 -- David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen (1997), 'Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management', Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7), August, 509-33 -- Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Jeffrey A. Martin (2000), 'Dynamic Capabilities: What Are They?', Strategic Management Journal, 21 (10/11), October-November, 1105-21 -- , Donald C. Hambrick and Phyllis A. Mason (1984), 'Upper Echelons: The Organization as a Reflection of its Top Managers', Academy of Management Review, 9 (2), April, 193-206 -- Donald C. Hambrick (1989), 'Putting Top Managers Back in the Strategy Picture', Strategic Management Journal, 10, Special Issue, Summer, 5-15 -- Marta A. Geletkanycz and Donald C. Hambrick (1997), 'The External Ties of Top Executives: Implications for Strategic Choice and Performance', Administrative Science Quarterly, 42 (4), December, 654-81 -- Margarethe F. Wiersema and Karen A. Bantel (1992), 'Top Management Team Demography and Corporate Strategic Change', Academy of Management Journal, 35 (1), March, 91-121 , Ken G. Smith, Ken A. Smith, Judy D. Olian, Henry P. Sims, Jr., Douglas P. O'Bannon and Judith A. Scully (1994), 'Top Management Team Demography and Process: The Role of Social Integration and Communication', Administrative Science Quarterly, 39 (3), September, 412-38 , This authoritative title, co-edited by an internationally recognised expert on corporate strategy, includes seminal articles on the theory underlying corporate strategy, the empirical evidence linking corporate strategy to firm performance and the influence of the firm's upper echelon on corporate strategy. In addition, the collection includes key articles addressing methodological issues of concern to strategy researchers. This indispensable research review, with an original introduction by the editors, will be of immense value to academicians doing research in the field of corporate strategy
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784714376
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Black, C. (2008), Working for a Healthier Tomorrow, Norwich: The Stationery Office. -- Cooper, C.L., P.J. Dewe and M.P. O'Driscoll (2001), Organizational Stress, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. -- Costa, P.T. and R.R. McCrae (1992), Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R): Professional Manual, Odessa, USA: Psychological Assessment Resources. -- van Dierendonck, D., C. Haynes, C. Borrill and C. Stride (2004), 'Leadership behavior and subordinate wellbeing', Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 9, 165-75. -- Ford, M.T., C.P. Cerasoli, J.A. Higgins and A.L. DeCesare (2011), 'Relationships between psychological, physical, and behavioural health and work performance: A review and meta-analysis', Work & Stress, 25, 185-204. -- Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project (2008), Final Project Report, London: The Government Office for Science. -- , Fredrickson, B.L. (1998), 'What good are positive emotions?', Review of General Psychology, 2, 300-319. -- Johnson, S.K. (2008), 'I second that emotion: Effects of emotional contagion and affect at work on leader and follower outcomes', The Leadership Quarterly, 19, 1-19. -- Kuper, H. and M. Marmot (2003), 'Job strain, job demands, decision latitude, and risk of coronary heart disease within the Whitehall II study', Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 57, 147-53. -- Lundberg, U. and C.L. Cooper (2011), The Science of Occupational Health, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. -- Lyubomirsky, S., L. King and E. Diener (2005), 'The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success?', Psychological Bulletin, 131 (6), 803-55. -- Macleod, D. and C. Brady (2008), The Extra Mile. How to engage your people to win, London: Prentice Hall. -- , Nixon, A.E., J. Mazzola, J. Bauer, J.R. Krueger and P.E. Spector (2011), 'Can work make you sick? A meta-analysis of the relationships between job stressors and physical symptoms', Work & Stress, 25, 1-22. -- Robertson, I.T., M.P. Healey, G.P. Hodgkinson, J. Flint-Taylor and F. Jones (under review), Leader personality and employees' experience of workplace stressors: An exploratory study. -- Talbot, S.M. (2007), The Cortisol Connection: Why stress makes you fat and ruins your health, Alamaeda, CA, USA: Hunter House. -- Taris, T.W. and P.J. Schreurs (2009), 'Wellbeing and organizational performance: An organizational-level test of the happy-productive worker hypothesis', Work & Stress, 23, 120-36. -- World Health Organization (1946), Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June 1946. Official Records of the World Health Organization, 2, 100. -- , Ilona Boniwell and Jane Henry (2007), 'Developing Conceptions of Well-Being: Advancing Subjective, Hedonic and Eudaimonic Theories', Social Psychological Review, 9 (1), April, 3-18 -- Barbara L. Fredrickson (2001), 'The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions', American Psychologist, 56 (3), March, 218-26 -- Yoichi Chida and Andrew Steptoe (2008), 'Positive Psychological Well-Being and Mortality: A Quantitative Review of Prospective Observational Studies', Psychosomatic Medicine, 70 (7), September, 741-56 , Paul Dolan, Tessa Peasgood and Mathew White (2008), 'Do We Really Know What Makes Us Happy? A Review of the Economic Literature on the Factors Associated with Subjective Well-Being', Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 (1), February, 94-122 -- Julian Barling and Jennifer Carson (2010), 'The Impact of Management Style on Mental Wellbeing at Work', in Cary L. Cooper, John Field, Usha Goswami, Rachel Jenkins and Barbara J. Sahakian (eds), Mental Capital and Wellbeing, Chapter 55, Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 657-62 -- Brad Gilbreath and Philip G. Benson (2004), 'The Contribution of Supervisor Behaviour to Employee Psychological Well-Being', Work and Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health and Organisations, 18 (3), July, 255-66 -- , Kara A. Arnold, Nick Turner, Julian Barling, E. Kevin Kelloway and Margaret C. McKee (2007), 'Transformational Leadership and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work', Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12 (3), July, 193-203 -- Fehmidah Munir, Karina Nielsen and Isabella Gomes Carneiro (2010), 'Transformational Leadership and Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Study', Journal of Affective Disorders, 120 (1), January, 235-39 -- Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe, John Alban-Metcalfe, Margaret Bradley, Jeevi Mariathasan and Chiara Samele (2008), 'The Impact of Engaging Leadership on Performance, Attitudes to Work and Wellbeing at Work: A Longitudinal Study', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 22 (6), 586-98 -- Margaret Lindorff, Les Worrall and Cary Cooper (2011), 'Managers' Well-Being and Perceptions of Organizational Change in the UK and Australia', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 49 (2), June, 233-54 -- , Aline D. Masuda, Steven A.Y. Poelmans, Tammy D. Allen, Paul E. Spector, Laurent M. Lapierre, Cary L. Cooper, Nureya Abarca, Paula Brough, Pablo Ferreiro, Guillermo Fraile, Luo Lu, Chang-Qin Lu, Oi Ling Siu, Michael P. O'Driscoll, Alejandra Suarez Simoni, Satoru Shima and Ivonne Moreno-Velazquez (2012), 'Flexible Work Arrangements Availability and their Relationship with Work-to-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: A Comparison of Three Country Clusters', Applied Psychology: An International Review, 61 (1), January, 1-29 -- James K. Harter, Frank L. Schmidt and Corey L.M. Keyes (2003), 'Well-Being in the Workplace and its Relationship to Business Outcomes: A Review of the Gallup Studies', in Corey L.M. Keyes and Jonathan Haidt (eds), Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived, Chapter 9, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 205-24 -- , Russell Cropanzano and Thomas A. Wright (1999), 'A 5-Year Study of Change in the Relationship Between Well-Being and Job Performance', Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 51 (4), Fall, 252-65 -- Ian Donald, Paul Taylor, Sheena Johnson, Cary Cooper, Susan Cartwright and Susannah Robertson (2005), 'Work Environments, Stress, and Productivity: An Examination Using ASSET', International Journal of Stress Management, 12 (4), November, 409-23 -- Fred Luthans, Bruce J. Avolio, James B. Avey and Steven M. Norman (2007), 'Positive Psychological Capital: Measurement and Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction', Personnel Psychology, 60 (3), Autumn, 541-72 -- Russell Cropanzano and Thomas A. Wright (2001), 'When a "Happy" Worker is Really a "Productive" Worker: A Review and Further Refinement of the Happy-Productive Worker Thesis', Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 53 (3), Summer, 182-99 -- , Barry M. Staw, Robert I. Sutton and Lisa H. Pelled (1994), 'Employee Positive Emotion and Favorable Outcomes at the Workplace', Organization Science, 5 (1), February, 51-71 -- Ivan T. Robertson and Cary L. Cooper (2010), 'Full Engagement: The Integration of Employee Engagement and Psychological Well-Being', Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 31 (4), 324-36 -- Ivan T. Robertson, Alex Jansen Birch and Cary L. Cooper (2012), 'Job and Work Attitudes, Engagement and Employee Performance: Where Does Psychological Well-Being Fit In?', Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 33 (3), 224-32 -- Arie Shirom, Simona Shechter Gilboa, Yitzhak Fried and Cary L. Cooper (2008), 'Gender, Age and Tenure as Moderators of Work-Related Stressors' Relationships with Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis', Human Relations, 61 (10), October, 1371-98 -- , Carol D. Ryff, Burton H. Singer and Gayle Dienberg Love (2004), 'Positive Health: Connecting Well-Being with Biology', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 359 (1449), September, 1383-94 -- Thomas A. Wright, Russell Cropanzano, Douglas G. Bonett and W. John Diamond (2009), 'The Role of Employee Psychological Well-Being in Cardiovascular Health: When the Twain Shall Meet', Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 30 (2), February, 193-208 , E.B. Faragher, C.L. Cooper and S. Cartwright (2004), 'A Shortened Stress Evaluation Tool (ASSET)', Stress and Health, 20 (4), October, 189-201 -- Peter Hills and Michael Argyle (2002), 'The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A Compact Scale for the Measurement of Psychological Well-Being', Personality and Individual Differences, 33 (7), November, 1073-82 -- Michele M. Tugade and Barbara L. Fredrickson (2004), 'Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back from Negative Emotional Experiences', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86 (2), February, 320-33 -- Teresa M. Amabile, Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller and Barry M. Staw (2005), 'Affect and Creativity at Work', Administrative Science Quarterly, 50 (3), September, 367-403 -- Pamela J. Feldman, Sheldon Cohen, William J. Doyle, David P. Skoner and Jack M. Gwaltney, Jr. (1999), 'The Impact of Personality on the Reporting of Unfounded Symptoms and Illness', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77 (2), August, 370-78 -- Frank W. Bond and David Bunce (2000), 'Mediators of Change in Emotion-Focused and Problem-Focused Worksite Stress Management Interventions', Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5 (1), January, 156-63 -- Brenda Gardner, John Rose, Oliver Mason, Patrick Tyler and Delia Cushway (2005), 'Cognitive Therapy and Behavioural Coping in the Management of Work-Related Stress: An Intervention Study', Work and Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health and Organisations, 19 (2), April-June, 137-52 -- Dan Hasson, Ulla Maria Anderberg, Töres Theorell and Bengt B. Arnetz (2005), 'Psychophysiological Effects of a Web-Based Stress Management System: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Intervention Study of IT and Media Workers', BMC Public Health, 5, July, 78-91 -- Richard Layard (2006), 'Happiness and Public Policy: A Challenge to the Profession', Economic Journal, 116 (510), March, C24-C33 , This authoritative book brings together many of the leading published articles in the field of workplace wellbeing and happiness. It highlights the costs of a lack of wellbeing at work, what research suggests are the sources of depleted and enhanced wellbeing, as well as happiness at work. It also looks at the issue of what interventions are necessary to promote wellbeing and happiness in the workplace
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
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    Cheltenham, Glos, U.K ; Northampton, Mass : Edward Elgar
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (ix, 301 Seiten) , ill., maps
    ISBN: 9781848449350
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index , 1. Introduction / Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon and James E. Moore II -- 2. Globalization, global business and global terrorism : the value of mutual support / Michael D. Intriligator -- 3. Business continuity : a systematic approach. / Yossi Sheffi -- 4. Assessing, managing and benefiting from global interdependent risks : the case of terrorism and national disasters / Howard C. Kunreuther and Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan -- 5. NBCR Terrorism : who should bear the risk? / Dwight Jaffee and Thomas Russell -- 6. The resilient response to economic terrorist targeting in the UK / Jon Coaffee -- 7. Terrorism, news flows and stock markets / Thomas Baumert -- 8. Dancing with wolves : avoiding transnational corporation interactions with terrorist groups / Dean C. Alexander -- 9. The impact of 9/11 on airport passenger density and regional travel / Garrett R. Beeler Asay and Jeffrey Clemens -- 10. The effect of transnational terrorism on bilateral trade / Quan Li -- 11. A global business strategy for North Korea / Harry W. Richardson and Chang-Hee Christine Bae -- 12. The Economic Impacts of International Border Closure : A State-by-State Analysis / Peter Gordon ... [et al.] -- 13. Macroeconomic impacts of shutting down the US Borders in response to a security or health threat / Adam Z. Rose ... [et al.] -- 14. Challenges of benefit-cost analyses for terrorism security regulations : observations from regulatory analysis of the western hemisphere travel initiative / Henry H. Willis and Tom LaTourrette , Global business is affected by global terrorism and the two are intricately linked on many levels. This book is an eclectic and enlightening compendium of research that explores the interrelationships between the two. A companion to and expansion on the authors' previous books on the area, Global Business and the Terrorist Threat takes a closer look at practical business management, as influenced by terrorist infrastructure, networks and actions
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    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Multinationales Unternehmen ; Risikomanagement ; Terrorismus ; Weltwirtschaft ; Welthandel ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Aufsatzsammlung
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    Bingley, U.K. : Emerald
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (271 Seiten)
    ISBN: 9781849501965
    Series Statement: Research in the history of economic thought and methodology v. 21, pt. 2
    Content: Four documents pertinent to the history of economic thought are published for the first time: a list of references in economics dating from 1880; a syllabus of lectures on the history of economics given by C.H. Hull in Cornell University in 1895; the outlines for Walton H. Hamilton's Principles-of Economics course in the University of Michigan, 1911; and notes taken in James S. Earley's course on the Development of Economics, 1954-1955, by Warren J. Samuels
    Note: An 1880 list of references in economics / Warren J. Samuels -- Walton H. Hamilton's outlines for the principles of economics, University of Michigan, 1911 / Warren J. Samuels -- Lectures by James S. Earley on the development of economics, University of Wisconsin, 1954-1955 / Warren J. Samuels -- Charles Henry Hull's Syllabus of lectures on the history of economic theories Cornell University, 1895 / Warren J. Samuels
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
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    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (xii, 220 Seiten) , ill
    ISBN: 1849501483 , 9781849501484
    Series Statement: Advances in business marketing and purchasing v. 11
    Content: This volume presents a collection of papers written by senior marketing scholars based on their presentations upon receiving the 'Society for Marketing Advances Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award'. Each paper reviews a stream of research in marketing and reflects the wisdom of authors highly cited in the literature - with citations of their work usually spanning several decades
    Note: Preface / Arch G. Woodside, Ellen M. Moore -- Advances in applied consumer behavior: a market segmentation programme / Henry Assael -- The interplay of cognitions and emotions in building services customers retention / Jean-Charles Chebat -- Technology and the new economy: implications for higher education and the marketing discipline / Joseph F. Hair, Barry J. Babin -- Selected issues in modeling consumer brand choice: the extended competitive vulnerability model / Michel Laroche -- Observations on some key psychometric properties of paper-and-pencil measures / Richard G. Netemeyer, Chris Pullig, William O. Bearden -- Marketing is a body of knowledge / Robert A. Peterson -- Distinguishing consumers' need for uniqueness from individuation and general need for uniqueness / Kelly Tepper Tian, William O. Bearden -- Social structural foundations of publication productivity in the Journal of Consumer Research / John P. Eaton, James C. Ward, Ajith Kumar, Peter H. Reingen
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    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 385 Seiten) , ill
    ISBN: 9781849803250
    Note: "This book is a result of the Center for Research in Regulated Industries (CRRI) 17th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics which was held from May 27 to May 30, 2009 in Bordeaux, France"--P. xvi. - Includes bibliographical references , Foreword : enduring questions and some lessons from practice / Joëlle Toledano -- 1. Access and the USO under full market opening / Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer -- 2. Access to infrastructure and service elements in the postal sector / Alessandra Fratini, Bernard Roy and Joost Vantomme -- 3. National regulation of postal services under the 2008 EU postal services directive / Richard Eccles -- 4. Abuse of dominance in the postal sector : the contribution of the guidance paper on Article 82 EC / Damien Geradin and David Henry -- 5. The Altmark ruling and approaches to measuring efficiency of postal operators / Vincenzo Visco Comandini ... [et al.] 6. Price-cap postal regulation : the French. experience / Bénédicte Bouin, Nicolas Curien and Guillaume Lacroix -- 7. Some dynamic models for mail demand : the French. case / François Boldron ... [et al.] -- 8. Forecasting mail volumes in an evolving market environment / Frédérique Fève ... [et al.] -- , 9. The effect of falling volumes on traditional efficiency analysis / Greg Harman ... [et al.] -- 10. Economies of scale and scope and opening hours in post offices and agencies / Massimo Filippini, Martin Koller and Urs Trinkner -- 11. Welfare and profit implications for changes in service specification within the universal service / Philippe De Donder ... [et al.] -- 12. An operational measure of the cost of universal service as cross-subsidy / Margaret Cigno, Diane Monaco and Edward S. Pearsall -- 13. Estimating the impact of a uniform price rule in a liberalized postal environment : the case of the United States postal service / Michael D. Bradley ... [et al.] -- 14. Funding the cost of universal service in a liberalized postal sector / Claire Borsenberger ... [et al.] -- 15. Cross-country comparisons of optimal mail delivery frequency / Claire Borsenberger ... [et al.] -- 16. The cost of the USO in the United States / Robert Cohen, Charles McBride and John C. Panzar -- , 17. Universal service auctions in liberalized postal markets / Joan Calzada, Christian Jaag and Urs Trinkner -- 18. A team of rivals : collaboration between United States postal service and UPS / Paul C. Smith and Paul E. Vogel -- 19. Customer satisfaction models for Itella's business customers / Lenni Kiikkilä -- 20. Postal product innovation using EPPML / Leon A. Pintsov and Andrei Obrea -- 21. The environmental impacts of the US mail : initial life cycle inventory model and analysis / Lawrence G. Buc, Peter A. Soyka and Sander S. Glick -- 22. Determining the impact of shape and weight of mail items on manual processing costs : an experimental approach. / Stéphane Bernard ... [et al.] -- 23. Assessing the cost of capital for USPs in Europe : a practical approach. / António Manuel Amaral ... [et al.] -- 24. Historical development of a universal service obligation in the United States / James I. Campbell Jr , This compilation of original essays by an international cast of top scholars addresses some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world. The European Commission and member states wrestle with the problem of how to implement the scheduled liberalization of these sectors and maintain the universal service obligation while the United States Postal Service is coming to terms with the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. In addition, the book addresses the impact of electronic competition as well as other problems facing the field
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druckausgabe ISBN 1848446985
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druckausgabe ISBN 9781848446984
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Post ; Technische Innovation ; Marktentwicklung ; Post ; Wettbewerb ; Konferenzschrift ; Aufsatzsammlung
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
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    Format: XIV, 492 S. , graph. Darst. , 23 cm
    ISBN: 0198273657 , 0198277784
    Note: Literaturverz. S. [459] - 469 , Hurrell, A. ; Kingsbury, B.: The international politics of the environment. S. 1-47. Birnie, P.: International environmental law: its adequacy for present and future needs. S. 51-84. List, M. ; Rittberger, V.: Regime theory and international environmental management. S. 85-109. Stairs, K. ; Taylor, P.: Non-governmental organizations and the legal protection of the oceans: a case study. S. 110-141. Susskind, L. ; Ozawa, C.: Negotiating more effective international environmental agreements. S. 142-165. Richardson, E. L.: Climate change: problems of law-making. S. 166-179. Thacher, P. S.: The role of the United Nations. S. 183-211. Piddington, K.: The role of the World Bank. S. 212-227. Haigh, N.: The European Community and international environmental policy. S. 228-249. Beckerman, W.: Global warming and international action: an economic perspective. S. 253-289. Cooper, R. N.: United States policy towards the global environment. S. 290-312. Bramble, B. J. ; Porter, G.: Non-governmental organizations an , Enth. 16 Beitr. , Global warming and international action : an economic perspective / Wilfred Beckerman -- United States policy towards the global environment / Richard N. Cooper -- Non-governmental organizations and the making of US international environmental policy / Barbara J. Bramble and Gareth Porter -- Japan's global environmental policies / Hanns W. Maull -- The unavoidability of justice / Henry Shue -- Brazil and the international politics of Amazonian deforestation / Andrew Hurrell -- The anatomy of environmental action : the case of tropical deforestation / Norman Myers. , The international politics of the environment : an introduction / Andrew Hurrell and Benedict Kingsbury -- International environmental law : its adequacy for present and future needs / Patricia Birnie -- Regime theory and international environmental management / Martin List and Volker Rittberger -- Non-governmental organizations and the legal protection of the oceans : a case study / Kevin Stairs and Peter Taylor -- Negotiating more effective international environmental agreements / Lawrence Susskind and Connie Ozawa -- Climate change : problems of law-making / Elliot L. Richardson -- The role of the United Nations / Peter S. Thacher -- The role of the World Bank / Kenneth Piddington -- The European community and international environmental policy / Nigel Haigh.
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics , Political Science , Law , General works
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    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (xv, 321 Seiten)
    ISBN: 9781847200136
    Series Statement: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
    Content: 1. Introduction / Christos Pitelis, Roger Sugden and James R. Wilson -- 2. A conceptual framework for firm cooperation and clusters, and their impact on productivity / Christos Pitelis and Anastasia Pseiridis -- 3. Clusters, governance and the development of local economies : a framework for case studies / Roger Sugden, Ping Wei and James R. Wilson -- 4. A perspective on clusters, localities and specific public goods / Marco Bellandi -- 5. Knowledge and clusters / Nick Henry and Steven Pinch -- 6. FDI, clusters and knowledge sourcing / Lisa De Propris and Nigel Driffield -- 7. The institutional dynamics at work in territories : between local governance and global regulation / Jean-Pierre Gilly and Jacques Perrat -- 8. Local clusters, trust, confidence and proximity / Claude Dupuy and André Torre -- 9. Clustering of productive activities : a terrain for employment relations / Miriam Quintana and Valeria Pulignano -- 10. Cluster trajectories in developing countries : a stage and eclectic approach applied to survival clusters in Central America / Mario Davide Parrilli -- 11. Globalisation, governance and clusters : North Staffordshire ceramic and Prato textile industries / Silvia Sacchetti and Philip R. Tomlinson -- 12. The policy process : clusters versus spatial networks in the Basque Country / Mari Jose Aranguren, Miren Larrea and Itziar Navarro -- 13. Is distance dead? : high-tech clusters, analysis and policy perspectives / Marco R. Di Tommaso ... [et al.]
    Content: Clusters and Globalisation brings together scholars with different perspectives and theoretical groundings, and from different disciplines, to consider conceptual arguments and case study material. In doing so the volume identifies key characteristics and requirements of the forms of cluster that are especially significant for the attainment of economic success in a globalising world
    Note: Edited papers from two workshops in Reus, Spain in 2003 and Toulouse, France in 2004 , "[Published] in association with L'institute (Institute for Industrial Development Policy), Universities of Birmingham (UK), Ferrara (Italy), and Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA)"--T.p , Includes bibliographical references and index
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9781843766759
    Additional Edition: ISBN 1843766752
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Konferenzschrift
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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