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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Pub
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1,248 p) , cm
    ISBN: 9781785360794
    Series Statement: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
    Content: Recommended readings (Machine generated): Lysias (c. 386 B.C.), "Against the Corn Dealers." -- Case of Monopolies (1607), 11 Coke 84b-88b. The English Reports, LXXVII, 1260-1266. -- Adam Smith (1776) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, in Edwin Cannan (ed.), London: Methuen. -- James Madison (1787), "The Federalist No. 10," in Jacob E. Cooke (ed.) (1961), The Federalist, Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 56-65. -- Henry C. Simons (1936), "The Requisites of Free Competition," American Economic Review, Supplement, 68-76. -- Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (1980), "Competition Policy and Antitrust: Some Comparative Observations," Zeitschrift fuer die Gasamte Staatswissenschaft, September, 387-398. -- John Bates Clark (1900), "Trusts," Political Science Quarterly, XV (2), June, 181-195. -- Arthur T. Hadley (1887), "Private Monopolies and Public Rights," Quarterly Journal of Economics, reprinted 1961, 1, 28-44. -- Robert Liefmann (1915), "Monopoly or Competition as the Basis of a Government Trust Policy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXIX, 308-325. -- Richard T. Ely (1887), "The Future of Corporations," Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 75, July, 259-266. -- Alfred Marshall (1980), Some Aspects of Competition: Presidential Address Delivered to the Economic Science and Statistics Section of the British Association, at Leeds, 1890, London: Harrison and Sons, 5-35. -- Jeriamiah W. Jenks (1900), The Trust Problem, New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. -- Eliot Jones (1920), "Is Competition in Industry Ruinous," Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXXIV, 473-519. -- Kojiro Niino (1962), "The Logic of Excessive Competition - With Reference to the Japanese Inter-firm Competition," Kobe University Economic Review, 8, 51-62. -- Ruytaro Komiya (1990), The Japanese Economy: Trade, Industry, and Government, Tokyo: Tokyo University Press. -- Robert H. Bork (1966), "Legislative Intent and the Policy of the Sherman Act", Journal of Law and Economics, IX, October, 7-48. -- Robert H. Lande (1989), "Chicago's False Foundation: Wealth Transfers (Not Just Efficiency) Should Guide Antitrust," Antitrust Law Journal, 58, 631-644. -- Richard A. Posner (1975), "The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation," Journal of Political Economy, 83 (4), August, 807-827. -- William S. Comanor and Robert H. Smiley (1975), "Monopoly and the Distribution of Wealth," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXXIX (2), May, 177-194.
    Content: James C. Miller III, Thomas F. Walton, William E. Kovacic and Jeremy A. Rabkin (1984), "Industrial Policy: Reindustrialization Through Competition or Coordinated Action?" Yale Journal on Regulation, 2 (1), 1-37. -- Kurt Bloch (1932) "On German Cartels," Journal of Business, V (3), July, 213-222. -- David B. Audretsch (1989), "Legalized Cartels in West Germany," Antitrust Bulletin, 34, Fall, 579-600. -- Klaus Stegemann (1977), "The Exemption of Specialization Agreements: As Proposed for Stage II Amendments to the Combines Investigation Act," Canadian Public Policy, 3 (4), Autumn, 533-545. -- John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande (2012), "Cartels as Rational Business Strategy: Crime Pays," Cardozo Law Review, 34 (2), 101-157. -- John M. Connor (2000), Global Price Fixing, Boston: Kluwer. -- Peter Asch and Joseph J. Seneca (1975), "Characteristics of Collusive Firms," Journal of Industrial Economics, XXIII, March, 223-237. -- James P. Cairns (1964), "Benefits from Restrictive Agreements: The British Experience," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, XXX (2), May, 228-240. -- R. W. Shaw and S. A. Shaw (1983), "Excess Capacity and Rationalisation in the West European Synthetic Fibres Industry," Journal of Industrial Economics, XXXII (2), December, 149-66. -- Merton J. Peck, Richard C. Levin and Akira Goto (1988), "Picking Losers: Public Policy Toward Declining Industries in Japan," in John B. Shoven (ed.), Government Policy Towards Industry in the United States and Japan, Cambridge: CUP, 195-221, 235-239. -- William H. Nicholls (1949), "The Tabacco Case of 1946," American Economic Review, XXXIX (3), May, 284-296. -- Jesse Markham (1951), "The Nature and Significance of Price Leadership," American Economic Review, XLI, December, 891-905. -- F. M. Scherer (2015), "The Federal Trade Commission, Oligopoly, and Shared Monopoly," Review of Industrial Organization, 46, 5-23. -- Charles J. Bullock (1901), "Trust Literature: A Survey and a Criticism," Quarterly Journal of Economics, XV, February, 167-217. -- F. M. Scherer (1987), "Antitrust, Efficiency, and Progress," New York University Law Review, 62 (5), November, 998-1019. -- F. M. Scherer (2011), "Standard Oil as a Technological Innovator," Review of Industrial Organization, 38, 225-233. -- George W. Stocking and Willard F. Mueller (1955), "The Cellophane Case and the New Competition," American Economic Review, XLV, March, 29-63. -- Oliver E. Williamson (1972), "Dominant Firms and the Monopoly Problem: Market Failure Considerations," Harvard Law Review, 85, June, 1512-1531. -- Erich Kaufer (1980), "The Control of the Abuse of Market Power by Market-Dominant Firms Under the German Law Against Restraints of Competition," Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 136 (3), September, 510-532.
    Content: Eleanor M. Fox (1986), "Monopolization and Dominance in the United States and the European Community: Efficiency, Opportunity, and Fairness," Notre Dame Law Review, 61 (5), 981-1020. -- F. M. Scherer (2011), "Abuse of Dominance by High Technology Enterprises: A Comparison of U.S. and E.C. Approaches," Economia e Politica Industriale (Journal of Industrial and Business Economics), March, 39-62. -- Richard E. Caves (1974), "International Trade, International Investment, and Imperfect Markets," Special Papers in International Economics No. 10, International Finance Section, Princeton University, November 1-34. -- Lester G. Telser (1966), "Cutthroat Competition and the Long Purse," Journal of Law and Economics, IX, October, 259-270. -- Basil S. Yamey (1972), "Predtatory Price Cutting: Notes and Comments," Journal of Law and Economics, XV (1), April, 129-42. -- Malcolm R. Burns (1986), "Predatory Pricing and the Acquisition Cost of Competitors," Journal of Political Economy, 94 (2), April 266-296. -- Phillip Areeda and Donald F. Turner (1975), "Predatory Pricing and Related Practices under Section 2 of the Sherman Act," Harvard Law Review, 88 (4), February, 697-733. -- Oliver E. Williamson (1977), "Predatory Pricing: A Strategic and Welfare Analysis," Yale Law Journal, 87 (284), December, Sections I-II, VII, 284-315, 337-340. -- William J. Baumol (1979), "Quasi-Permanence of Price Reductions: A Policy for Prevention of Predatory Pricing," Yale Law Journal, 89 (1), November 1-26. -- George J. Stigler (1950), "Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger," American Economic Review, XL (2), May, 23-34. -- George Bittlingmayer (1985), "Did Antitrust Policy Cause the Great Merger Wave?" Journal of Law and Economics, XXVIII (1), April, 77-98, 116-118. -- Shaw Livermore (1935), "The Success of Industrial Mergers," Quarterly Journal of Economics, L, November, 68-96. -- Jürgen Müller (1976), "The Impact of Mergers on Concentration: A Study of Eleven West German Industries," Journal of Industrial Economics, XXV (2), 113-132. -- David M. Barton and Roger Sherman (1984), "The Price and Profit Effects of Horizontal Merger: A Case Study," Journal of Industrial Economics, XXXIII (2), December, 165-177. -- Henry G. Manne (1965), "Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control," Journal of Political Economy, LXXIII, April, 110-120. -- Richard E. Caves (1989), "Mergers, Takeovers, and Economic Efficiency: Foresight vs. Hindsight," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 7, March, 151-174. -- Ajit Singh (1971), Take-overs: Their Relevance to the Stock Market and the Theory of the Firm, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Oliver E. Williamson (1968), " Economies as an Antitrust Defense: The Welfare Tradeoffs," American Economic Review, LVIII, March, 18-36. -- U.S. Department of Justice Merger Guidelines (June 14 1984), 1-11, 13-15.
    Content: F. M. Scherer (2012), "Merger Efficiencies and Competition Policy," Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development conference paper, DAF/COMP/WD(2012). -- Alexis Jacquemin (1990), "Horizontal Concentration and European Merger Policy," European Economic Review, 34, May, 539-550. -- William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner (1981), "Market Power in Antitrust Cases," Harvard Law Review, 94 (5), March, 937-983. -- George J. Stigler and Robert A. Sherwin (1985), "The Extent of the Market," Journal of Law and Economics, XXVIII (1), October, 555-585. -- F. M. Scherer (2009), "On the Paternity of a Market Delineation Approach," American Antitrust Institute working paper 09-01, -- The Economist (2016), March, 23-28. -- William Breit and Kenneth G. Elzinga (1974), "Antitrust Enforcement and Economic Efficiency: The Uneasy Case for Treble Damages, " Journal of Law and Economics, XVII (2), October, 329-356. -- F. M. Scherer (1990), 'Sunlight and Sunset at the Federal Trade Commission', Administrative Law Review, 42 (4), Fall, 461-487. -- The Case of Monopolies', (1907), 11 Coke 84b-88b, The English Reports, LXXVII, 1260-66 -- Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, in Edwin Cannan (ed.), London, Methuen, Volume I, 63-4, 124-7, 130, Volume II, 245-6 -- James Madison (1961), 'The Federalist No. 10', in Jacob E. Cooke (ed.), The Federalist, Middletown, CT; Wesleyan University Press, 56-65 -- Arthur T. Hadley (1887), 'Private Monopolies and Public Rights', Quarterly Journal of Economics, reprinted 1961, 1, 28-44 -- Richard T. Ely (1887), 'The Future of Corporations', Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 75, July, 259-66 -- Alfred Marshall (1890), Some Aspects of Competition: Presidential Address Delivered to the Economic Science and Statistics Section of the British Association, at Leeds, 1890, London: Harrison and Sons, 5-35 -- John Bates Clark (1900), 'Trusts', Political Science Quarterly, XV (2), June, 181-95 -- Henry C. Simons (1936), 'The Requisites of Free Competition', American Economic Review, XXVI (1), March (Supplement), 68-76 -- Robert Liefmann (1915), 'Monopoly or Competition as the Basis of a Government Trust Policy', Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXIX, 308-25 -- Eliot Jones (1920), 'Is Competition in Industry Ruinous', Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXXIV, 473-519 -- Kojiro Niino (1962), 'The Logic of Excessive Competition - With Reference to the Japanese Inter-firm Competition', Kobe University Economic Review, 8, 51-62.
    Content: Ryutaro Komiya (1990), The Japanese Economy: Trade, Industry, and Government, Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 297-301, notes and references -- Robert H. Bork (1966), 'Legislative Intent and the Policy of the Sherman Act', Journal of Law and Economics, IX, October, 7-48 -- Robert H. Lande (1989), 'Chicago's False Foundation: Wealth Transfers (Not Just Efficiency) Should Guide Antitrust', Antitrust Law Journal, 58, 631-44 -- Richard A. Posner (1975), 'The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation', Journal of Political Economy, 83 (4), August, 807-27 -- William S. Comanor and Robert H. Smiley (1975), 'Monopoly and the Distribution of Wealth', Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXXIX (2), May, 177-94 -- James C. Miller III, Thomas F. Walton, William E. Kovacic and Jeremy A. Rabkin (1984), 'Industrial Policy: Reindustrialization Through Competition or Coordinated Action?', Yale Journal on Regulation, 2 (1), 1-37 -- (1926), 'Against the Corn Dealers', Lysias, Classical Library, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 490-503 -- Kurt Bloch Dr. (1932), 'On German Cartels', Journal of Business, V (3), July, 213-22 -- Emst-Joachim Mestmacker (1980), 'Competition Policy and Antitrust: Some Comparative Observations', Zeitschrtfi filr die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 136 (3), September, 387-98, 404-7 -- David B. Audretsch (1989), 'Legalized Cartels in West Germany', Antitrust Bulletin, 34, Fall, 579-600 -- Klaus Stegemann (1977), 'The Exemption of Specialization Agreements: As Proposed for Stage II Amendments to the Combines Investigation Act', Canadian Public Policy, 3 (4), Autumn, 533-45 -- James P. Cairns (1964), 'Benefits from Restrictive Agreements: The British Experience', Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, XXX (2), May, 228-40 -- R.W. Shaw and S.A. Shaw (1983), 'Excess Capacity and Rationalisation in the West European Synthetic Fibres Industry', Journal of Industrial Economics, XXXII (2), December, 149-66 -- Merton J. Peck, Richard C. Levin and Akira Goto (1988), 'Picking Losers: Public Policy Toward Declining Industries in Japan', in John B. Shoven (ed.), Government Policy Towards Industry in the United States and Japan, Cambridge: CUP, 195-221, 235-9 -- William H. Nicholls (1949), 'The Tobacco Case of 1946', American Economic Review, XXXIX (3), May, 284-96 -- Jesse W. Markham (1951), 'The Nature and Significance of Price Leadership', American Economic Review, XLI, December, 891-905 -- Peter Asch and Joseph J. Seneca (1975), 'Characteristics of Collusive Firms', Journal of Industrial Economics, XXIII, March, 223-37 -- Charles J. Bullock (1901), 'Trust Literature: A Survey and a Criticism', Quarterly Journal of Economics, XV, February, 167-217 -- F.M. Scherer (1987), 'Antitrust, Efficiency, and Progress', New York University Law Review, 62 (5), November, 998-1019.
    Content: George W. Stocking and Willard F. Mueller (1955), 'The Cellophane Case and the New Competition', American Economic Review, XLV, March, 29-63 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1972), 'Dominant Firms and the Monopoly Problem: Market Failure Considerations', Harvard Law Review, 85, June, 1512-31 -- Erich Kaufer (1980), 'The Control of the Abuse of Market Power by Market-Dominant Firms Under the German Law Against Restraints of Competition', Zeitschrifi fir die Gesamte Staaiswissenschaft, 136 (3), September, 510-32 -- Eleanor M. Fox (1986), 'Monopolization and Dominance in the United States and the European Community: Efficiency, Opportunity, and Fairness', Notre Dame Law Review, 61 (5), 981-1020 -- Richard E. Caves (1974), 'International Trade, International Investment, and Imperfect Markets', Special Papers in International Economics No. 10, International Finance Section, Princeton University, November, 1-34 -- L.G. Telser (1966), 'Cutthroat Competition and the Long Purse', Journal of Law and Economics, IX, October, 259-70 -- B.S, Yamey (1972), 'Predatory Price Cutting: Notes and Comments', Journal of Law and Economics, XV (1), April, 129-42 -- Malcolm R. Burns (1986), 'Predatory Pricing and the Acquisition Cost of Competitors', Journal of Political Economy, 94 (2), April, 266-96 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1977), 'Predatory Pricing: A Strategic and Welfare Analysis', Yale Law Journal, 87 (284), December, Sections I-H, VII, 284-315, 337-40 -- William J. Baumol (1979), 'Quasi-Permanence of Price Reductions: A Policy for Prevention of Predatory Pricing', Yale Law Journal, 89 (1), November, 1-26 -- George J. Stigler (1950), 'Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger', American Economic Review, XL (2), May, 23-34 -- George Bittlingmayer (1985), 'Did Antitrust Policy Cause the Great Merger Wave?', Journal of Law and Economics, XXVIII (1), April, 77-98, 116-18 -- Shaw Livermore (1935), 'The Success of Industrial Mergers', Quarterly Journal of Economics, L, November, 68-96 -- Jürgen Müller (1976), 'The Impact of Mergers on Concentration: A Study of Eleven West German Industries', Journal of Industrial Economics, XXV (2), December, 113-32 -- David M. Barton and Roger Sherman (1984), 'The Price and Profit Effects of Horizontal Merger: A Case Study', Journal of Industrial Economics, XXXHI (2), December, 165-77 -- Henry G. Marine (1965), 'Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control', Journal of Political Economy, LXXHI, April, 110-20 -- Richard E. Caves (1989), 'Mergers, Takeovers, and Economic Efficiency: Foresight vs. Hindsight', International Journal of Industrial Organization, 7, March, 151-74 -- Oliver E. Williamson (1968), 'Economies as an Antitrust Defense: The Welfare Tradeoffs', American Economic Review, LVIII, March, 18-36 -- Alexis Jacquemin (1990), 'Horizontal Concentration and European Merger Policy', European Economic Review, 34, May, 539-50.
    Content: William M. Landes and vRichard A. Posner (1981), 'Market Power in Antitrust Cases', Harvard Law Review, 94 (5), March, 937-83 -- George J. Stigler and Robert A. Sherwin (1985), 'The Extent of the Market', Journal of Law and Economics, XXVIII (1), October, 555-85 -- U.S. Department of Justice Merger Guidelines (June 14 1984), 1-11, 13-15 -- William Breit and Kenneth G. Elzinga (1974), 'Antitrust Enforcement and Economic Efficiency: The Uneasy Case for Treble Damages', Journal of Law and Economics, XVH (2), October, 329-56 -- F.M. Scherer (1990), 'Sunlight and Sunset at the Federal Trade Commission', Administrative Law Review, 42, Fall, 461-87.
    Content: This review draws on a collection of seminal writings dealing with the development of competition policy in Europe, the United States and Japan. It begins by discussing the writings of leading philosophers and scholars on the rationale and desirability of competition in market economies. These interpretations range in time of origin from ancient Greece through to Adam Smith and James Madison to very recent contributions in the competition policy debate. Having established relevant philosophical foundations, the review offers analyses by leading British, American, German and Japanese scholars on the interpretation and administration of laws concerning price-fixing and other restrictive agreements, market dominance and monopolization, predatory practices and mergers
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Includes bibliographical references
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784713089 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Content: Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor. Bent Flyvbjerg, the leading and most cited authority in the field, has used crowdsourcing and 25 years of experience to cherry-pick from several hundred articles and books the writings that define this new and exciting area of policy, business and academic inquiry. This volume will be an indispensable resource for those wishing to speak with authority about how megaprojects are prepared, delivered and fought over. The target audience is students, academics, practitioners, and media pundits alike, as well as communities affected by megaprojects.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Aaltonen, Kirsi and Jaakko Kujala (2010), 'A Project Lifecycle Perspective on Stakeholder Influence Strategies in Global Projects', Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26 (4), December, 381-97 -- Adelman, Jeremy (2013), Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press -- Anguera, Ricard (2006), 'The Channel Tunnel: An Ex Post Economic Evaluation', Transportation Research Part A, 40, 291-315 -- Brabham, Daren C. (2008), 'Crowdsourcing as a Model for Problem Solving: An Introduction and Cases', Convergence, 14 (1), February, 75-90 -- Bruzelius, Nils, Bent Flyvbjerg and Werner Rothengatter (1998), 'Big Decisions, Big Risks: Improving Accountability in Mega Projects', International Review of Administrative Sciences, 64 (3), September, 423-40 -- Cantarelli, Chantal C., Bent Flyvbjerg, Bert van Wee and Eric J.E. Molin (2010), 'Lock-In and Its Influence on the Project Performance of Large-Scale Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Investigating the Way in Which Lock-In Can Emerge and Affect Cost Overruns', Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 73 (5), 792-807 -- Danish Ministry for Transport and Energy, Transport- og Energiministeriet (2006), Aktstykke om nye budgetteringsprincipper, Aktstykke nr. 16, Finansudvalget, Folketinget, Copenhagen, October 24 -- Danish Ministry for Transport and Energy, Transport- og Energiministeriet (2008), 'Ny anlægsbudgettering på Transportministeriets område, herunder om økonomistyrings-model og risikohåndtering for anlægsprojekter', Copenhagen, November 18 -- Drummond, Helga (1998), 'Is Escalation Always Irrational?', Organization Studies, 19 (6), 911-29 -- Dutch Commission on Infrastructure Projects, Tijdelijke Commissie Infrastructuurprojecten (2004), Grote Projecten Uitvergroot: Een Infrastructuur voor Besluitvorming, The Hague: Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal -- Economist, The (2008), 'Building BRICs of Growth', June 7, p. 80 -- Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), 'Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review', Academy of Management Review, 14 (1), 57-74 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2005), 'Design by Deception: The Politics of Megaproject Approval', Harvard Design Magazine, (22), Spring/Summer, 50-59 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2006), 'From Nobel Prize to Project Managment: Getting Risks Right', Project Management Journal, 37 (3), August, 5-15 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2009), 'Survival of the Unfittest: Why the Worst Infrastructure Gets Built, and What We Can Do about It', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25 (3), 344-67 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2011), 'Over Budget, Over Time, Over and Over Again: Managing Major Projects', in Peter W.G. Morris, Jeffrey K. Pinto and Jonas Söderlund (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 321-44 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2012), 'Why Mass Media Matter to Planning Research: The Case of Megaprojects', Journal of Planning Education and Research, 32 (2), 169-81 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent (2013), 'Quality Control and Due Diligence in Project Management: Getting Decisions Right by Taking the Outside View', International Journal of Project Management, 31 (5), May 760-74 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent, Nils Bruzelius and Werner Rothengatter (2003), Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , Flyvbjerg, Bent and Alexander Budzier (2011), 'Why Your IT Project Might Be Riskier than You Think', Harvard Business Review, 89 (9), September, 24-27 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent, Massimo Garbuio and Dan Lovello (2009), 'Delusion and Deception in Large Infrastructure Projects: Two Models for Explaining and Preventing Executive Disaster', California Management Review, 51 (2), Winter, 170-93 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent, Mette Skamris Holm and Søren Buhl (2002), 'Understanding Costs in Public Works Projects: Error or Lie?', Journal of the American Planning Association, 68 (3), Summer, 279-95 -- Flyvgjerg, Bent, Mette K. Skamris Holm and Søren L. Buhl (2004), 'What Causes Cost Overrun in Transport Infrastructure Projects?', Transport Reviews, 24 (1), January, 3-18 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent, Mette K. Skamris Holm and Søren L. Buhl (2005), 'How (In)accurate Are Demand Forecasts in Public Works Projects?: The Case of Transportation', Journal of the American Planning Association, 71 (2), Spring, 131-46 -- Flyvbjerg, Bent, Todd Landman and Sanford Schram (eds) (2012), Real Social Science: Applied Phronesis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press -- Frick, Karen Trapenberg (2008), 'The Cost of the Technological Sublime: Daring Ingenuity and the New San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge', in Hugo Priemus, Bent Flyvbjerg and Bert van Wee (eds), Decision-Making on Mega-Projects: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Planning, and Innovation, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 239-62 -- Froomkin, Dan (2009), 'Obama's Radical New Discourse', The Washington Post, February 24,, accessed April 5, 2012 -- Gladwell, Malcolm (2013), 'The Gift of Doubt: Albert O. Hirschman and the Power of Failure', The New Yorker, June 24 -- Helm, Dieter (2008), 'Time to Invest: Infrastructure, the Credit Crunch and the Recession', Monthly Commentary, December 18,, accessed April 5, 2012 -- Hirschman, Albert O. (1967a), Development Projects Observed, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution -- Hirschman, Albert O. (1967b), 'The Principle of the Hiding Hand', Public Interest, 6, Winter, 10-23 -- HM Treasury (2003), The Green Book: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government, Treasury Guidance, London: TSO -- Hodge, Graeme A. and Carsten Greve (2009), 'PPPs: The Passage of Time Permits a Sober Reflection', Economic Affairs, 29 (1), March, 33-39 -- Kahneman, Daniel (2011), 'The Outside View', in Thinking, Fast and Slow, Chapter 23, New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 245-54, notes -- Kahneman, Daniel and Amos Tversky (1979a), 'Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decisions under Risk', Econometrica, 47, 313-27 -- Kahneman, Daniel and Amos Tversky (1979b), 'Intuitive Prediction: Biases and Corrective Procedures', in S. Makridakis and S.C. Wheelwright (eds), Studies in the Management Sciences: Forecasting, vol. 12, Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 313-27 -- Kuhn, Thomas S. (2012), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 4th edition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press -- McKinsey Global Institute (2013), Infrastructure Productivity: How to Save $1 Trillion a Year, McKinsey and Company. , Merrow, Edward W. (2011), 'Project Outcomes', in Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success, Chapter 3, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 37-50, notes -- Morris, Peter W.G. (1994), The 1960s: Apollo and the Decade of Management Systems', in The Management of Projects, Chapter 5, London, UK: Thomas Telford, 38-88 -- Morris, Peter W.G. and George H. Hough (1987), The Anatomy of Major Projects: A Study of the Reality of Project Management, New York: John Wiley and Sons -- Murray, Peter (2004), The Saga of Sydney Opera House: The Dramatic Story of the Design and Construction of the Icon of Modern Australia, London and New York: Spon Press -- Parliament of Victoria (2012), 'Inquiry into Effective Decision Making for the Successful Delivery of Significant Infrastructure Projects', Public Accounts and Estimates Committee, Melbourne, March 20, proof version,, accessed April 4, 2012 -- Pickrell, Don H. (1992), 'A Desire Named Streetcar: Fantasy and Fact in Rail Transit Planning', Journal of the American Planning Association, 58 (2), Spring, 158-76 -- Reichold, Klaus and Bernhard Graf (2004), Buildings That Changed the World, London: Prestel -- Ross, Jerry and Barry M. Staw (1993), 'Organizational Escalation and Exit: Lessons from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant', Academy of Management Journal, 36 (4), August, 701-32 -- Sawyer, John E. (1952), 'Entrepreneurial Error and Economic Growth', Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, 4 (4), 199-204 -- Scott, W. Richard (2012), 'The Institutional Environment of Global Project Organizations', Engineering Project Organization Journal, 2 (1-2), March-June, 27-35 -- Söderlund, Jonas and Joana Geraldi (2012), 'Classics in Project Management: Revisiting the Past, Creating the Future', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5 (4), 559-77 -- Standish Group, The (2009), CHAOS Report, West Yarmouth, MA: Author -- Stiglitz, Joseph (1989), 'Principal and Agent', in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (eds), The New Palgrave: Allocation, Information and Markets, New York: W.W. Norton -- Swiss Association of Road and Transportation Experts (2006), Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen im Strassenverkehr, Grundnorm 641820, valid from August 1, Zürich: Author -- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2010), The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, 2nd edition, London and New York: Penguin -- Teitz, Michael and Andrejs Skaburskis (2003), Forecasts and Outcomes', Planning Theory and Practice, December, 429-42 -- UK Department for Transport (2006), The Estimation and Treatment of Scheme Costs: Transport Analysis Guidance, TAG Unit 3.5.9, October, accessed April 5, 2012 -- United States Government Accountability Office, GAO (2010), Defense Acquisitions: Managing Risk to Achieve Better Outcomes, Report GAO-10-374T, Washington, DC: GAO, January 20 -- Wachs, Martin (1990), 'Ethics and Advocacy in Forecasting for Public Policy', Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 9 (1 and 2), 141-57. , White House, The (2009), Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Opening of Fiscal Responsibility Summit, February 23, 2009. Office of the Press Secretary, February 23., accessed April 5, 2012 -- White, Richard (2012), 'A Waste of Money, for Years to Come', The New York Times, January 27,, accessed March 12, 2012 -- Williams, Terry and Knut Samset (2010), 'Issues in Front-End Decision Making on Projects', Project Management Journal, 41 (2), April, 38-49 -- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (2009), Philosophical Investigations, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell -- Paul O. Gaddis (1959), 'The Project Manager', Harvard Business Review, 37 (3), May/June, 89-97 -- Peter W.G. Morris (1994), 'The 1960s: Apollo and the Decade of Management Systems', in The Management of Projects, Chapter 5, London, UK: Thomas Telford, 38-88 -- Christophe Midler (1995), '"Projectification" of the Firm: The Renault Case', Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11 (4), 363-75 -- Paul R. 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Molin (2010), 'Lock-In and Its Influence on the Project Performance of Large-Scale Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Investigating the Way in Which Lock-In Can Emerge and Affect Cost Overruns', Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37 (5), 792-807 -- Martin Wachs (1990), 'Ethics and Advocacy in Forecasting for Public Policy', Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 9 (1 and 2), 141-57 -- Bent Flyvbjerg (2006), 'From Nobel Prize to Project Management: Getting Risks Right', Project Management Journal, 37 (3), August, 5-15 -- Bent Flyvbjerg, Massimo Garbuio and Dan Lovallo (2009), 'Delusion and Deception in Large Infrastructure Projects: Two Models for Explaining and Preventing Executive Disaster', California Management Review, 51 (2), Winter, 170-93 -- Daniel Kahneman (2011), 'The Outside View', in Thinking, Fast and Slow, Chapter 23, New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 245-54, 466-67 -- W. Richard Scott (2012), 'The Institutional Environment of Global Project Organizations', Engineering Project Organization Journal, 2 (1-2), March-June, 27-35 -- Ryan J. Orr and W. Richard Scott (2008), 'Institutional Exceptions on Global Projects: A Process Model', Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (4), June, 562-88 -- Roger Miller and Brian Hobbs (2005), 'Governance Regimes for Large Complex Projects', Project Management Journal, 36 (3), September, 42-50 -- Nils Bruzelius, Bent Flyvbjerg and Werner Rothengatter (1998), 'Big Decisions, Big Risks: Improving Accountability in Mega Projects', International Review of Administrative Sciences, 64 (3), September, 423-40 -- Barbara S. Romzek and Melvin J. 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Shivers- Blackwell (2006), 'A Case Study of Project and Stakeholder Management Failures: Lessons Learned', Project Management Journal, 37 (5), December, 26-35 , Hilary Schaffer Boudet and Leonard Ortolano (2010), 'A Tale of Two Sitings: Contentious Politics in Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Siting in California', Journal of Planning Education and Research, 30 (1), 5-21 -- Doug McAdam, Hilary Schaffer Boudet, Jennifer Davis, Ryan J. Orr, W. Richard Scott and Raymond E. Levitt (2010), '"Site Fights": Explaining Opposition to Pipeline Projects in the Developing World', Sociological Forum, 25 (3), September, 401-27 -- Bent Flyvbjerg (2012), 'Why Mass Media Matter to Planning Research: The Case of Megaprojects', Journal of Planning Education and Research, 32 (2), 169-81 -- Benjamin C. Esty (2004), 'Why Study Large Projects? 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    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784714352 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in business
    Content: It is over twenty years since the first research article on social entrepreneurship was published. The literature has reached the critical mass necessary for reflection and singling out of exemplar pieces, and the exponential growth in research interest in the field now merits identification of foundational and model papers to aid and guide future advancements. In creating this collection, the editors have successfully brought together the most important and influential social entrepreneurship articles to date. Topics covered include social entrepreneurship opportunities and creation, developing business models and organizational forms, social impact and contextual influences on social entrepreneurship. The research review will be of immense value to students, researchers and scholars interested in the field of social entrepreneurship.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Sarah H. Alvord, L. David Brown and Christine W. Letts (2004), 'Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Transformation: An Exploratory Study', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40 (3), September, 260-82 -- S. Trevis Certo and Toyah Miller (2008), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Key Issues and Concepts', Business Horizons, 51 (4), July-August, 267-71 -- Alex Nicholls and Albert Hyunbae Cho (2008), 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Structuration of a Field', in A. Nicholls (ed.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Chapter 5, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 99-118, reset -- Ana María Peredo and Murdith McLean (2006), 'Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept', Journal of World Business, 41 (1), February, 56-65 -- Shaker A. Zahra, Eric Gedajlovic, Donald O. Neubaum and Joel M. Schulman (2009), 'A Typology of Social Entrepreneurs: Motives, Search Processes and Ethical Challenges', Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (5), September, 519-32 -- Jay Weerawardena and Gillian Sullivan Mort (2006), 'Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: A Multidimensional Model', Journal of World Business, 41 (1), February, 21-35 -- David Bornstein (1998), 'Changing the World on a Shoestring', Atlantic Monthly, 281 (1), January, 34, 36-9, reset -- J. Gregory Dees (1998), 'The Meaning of "Social Entrepreneurship"', Kauffman Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership, October, 1-6 -- Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg (2007), 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition', Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring, 29-39 -- Dave Roberts and Christine Woods (2005), 'Changing the World on a Shoestring: The Concept of Social Entrepreneurship', University of Auckland Business Review, Autumn, 45-51 -- Gillian Sullivan Mort, Jay Weerawardena and Kashonia Carnegie (2003), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Towards Conceptualisation', International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8 (1), 76-88 -- Elizabeth Chell (2007), 'Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship: Towards a Convergent Theory of the Entrepreneurial Process', International Small Business Journal, 25 (1), 5-26 -- Silvia Dorado (2006), 'Social Entrepreneurial Ventures: Different Values so Different Process of Creation, No?', Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 11 (4), 319-43 -- Kai Hockerts (2006), 'Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Social Purpose Business Ventures', in Johanna Mair, Jeffrey Robinson and Kai Hockerts (eds), Social Entrepreneurship, Chapter 10, Basingstoke, UK and New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 142-54 -- Patrick J. Murphy and Susan M. Coombes (2009), 'A Model of Social Entrepreneurial Discovery', Journal of Business Ethics, 87 (3), 325-36 -- Brett R. Smith, Joshua Knapp, Terri F. Barr, Christopher E. Stevens and Benedetto L. Cannatelli (2010), 'Social Enterprises and the Timing of Conception: Organizational Identity Tension, Management, and Marketing', Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 22 (2), 108-34 -- Muhammad Yunus, Bertrand Moingeon and Laurence Lehmann-Ortega (2010), 'Building Social Business Models: Lessons from the Grameen Experience', Long Range Planning, 43 (2-3), April-June, 308-25 -- Lars Hulgård and Roger Spear (2006), 'Social Entrepreneurship and the Mobilization of Social Capital in European Social Enterprises', in Marthe Nyssens (ed.), with the assistance of Sophie Adam and Toby Johnson, Social Enterprise: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society, Chapter 6, London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge, 85-108 -- Shalei V.K. Simms and Jeffrey A. Robinson (2008), 'Activist or Entrepreneur?: An Identity-Based Model of Social Entrepreneurship', in Jeffrey A. Robinson, Johanna Mair and Kai Hockerts (eds), International Perspectives on Social Entrepreneurship, Chapter 1, Basingstoke, UK and New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 9-26 -- Yohanan Stryjan (2006), 'The Practice of Social Entrepreneurship: Notes Toward a Resource-Perspective', in Chris Steyaert and Daniel Hjorth (eds), Entrepreneurship as Social Change: A Third Movements in Entrepreneurship Book, Chapter 2, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 35-55 , John Elkington (2006), 'Governance for Sustainability', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 14 (6), November, 522-9 -- Rory Ridley-Duff (2007), 'Communitarian Perspectives on Social Enterprise', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15 (2), March, 382-92 -- Kate Cooney (2006), 'The Institutional and Technical Structuring of Nonprofit Ventures: Case Study of a U.S. Hybrid Organization Caught between Two Fields', Voluntas, 17 (2), June, 143-61 -- Sarah E. Dempsey and Matthew L. Sanders (2010), 'Meaningful Work? Nonprofit Marketization and Work/Life Imbalance in Popular Autobiographies of Social Entrepreneurship', Organization, 17 (4), 437-59 -- Robert E. McDonald (2007), 'An Investigation of Innovation in Nonprofit Organizations: The Role of Organizational Mission', Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 36 (2), June, 256-81 -- Sarah-Anne Muñoz and Stephen Tinsley (2008), 'Selling to the Public Sector: Prospects and Problems for Social Enterprise in the UK', Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 32, Winter, 43-62 -- Ayalla Ruvio, Zehava Rosenblatt and Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz (2010), 'Entrepreneurial Leadership Vision in Nonprofit vs. For- Profit Organizations', Leadership Quarterly, 21 (1), February, 144-58 -- Jerr Boschee (1995), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Some Nonprofits are Not Only Thinking about the Unthinkable, They're Doing It - Running a Profit', Across the Board: The Conference Board Magazine, XXXII (3), March, 20-25 -- Angela M. Eikenberry and Jodie Drapal Kluver (2004), 'The Marketization of the Nonprofit Sector: Civil Society at Risk?', Public Administration Review, 64 (2), March/April, 132-40 -- Ruth V. Aguilera, Deborah E. Rupp, Cynthia A. Williams and Jyoti Ganapathi (2007), 'Putting the S Back in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Multilevel Theory of Social Change in Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 32 (3), July, 836-63 -- Beth Battle Anderson and J. Gregory Dees (2008), 'Rhetoric, Reality, and Research: Building a Solid Foundation for the Practice of Social Entrepreneurship', in Alex Nicholls (ed.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Chapter 7, Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 144-68, reset -- Peter A. Dacin, M. Tina Dacin and Margaret Matear (2010), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Why We Don't Need a New Theory and How We Move Forward from Here', Academy of Management Perspectives, 24 (3), August, 37-57 -- Johanna Mair and Ignasi Martí (2006), 'Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction, and Delight', Journal of World Business, 41 (1), February, 36-44 -- Todd W. Moss, G.T. Lumpkin and Jeremy C. Short (2010), 'Social Entrepreneurship: A Historical Review and Research Agenda', in Hans Landström and Franz Lohrke (eds), Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research, Chapter 14, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 318-40 -- Ana María Peredo and James J. Chrisman (2006), 'Toward a Theory of Community-Based Enterprise', Academy of Management Review, 31 (2), April, 309-28 -- MariaLaura Di Domenico, Paul Tracey and Helen Haugh (2009), 'The Dialectic of Social Exchange: Theorizing Corporate-Social Enterprise Collaboration', Organization Studies, 30 (8), 887-907 -- John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan (2008), 'Creating Successful Business Models', in The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World, Chapter 1, Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press, 29-54, notes -- John W. Selsky and Barbara Parker (2005), 'Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address Social Issues: Challenges to Theory and Practice', Journal of Management, 31 (6), December, 849-73 -- Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair (2005), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Creating New Business Models to Serve the Poor', Business Horizons, 48 (3), 241-6 , Adalbert Evers (2001), 'The Significance of Social Capital in the Multiple Goal and Resource Structure of Social Enterprises', in Carlo Borzaga and Jacques Defourny (eds), with the assistance of Sophie Adam and John Callaghan, The Emergence of Social Enterprise, Chapter 17, London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge, 296-311 -- Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau and Stephen H. Linder (2003), 'Two Decades of Research Comparing For-Profit and Nonprofit Health Provider Performance in the United States', Social Science Quarterly, 84 (2), June, 219-41 -- J. Gregory Dees, Beth Battle Anderson and Jane Wei-Skillern (2004), 'Scaling Social Impact: Strategies for Spreading Social Innovations', Stanford Social Innovation Review, 1 (4), Spring, 24-32 -- Paul N. Bloom and Aaron K. Chatterji (2009), 'Scaling Social Entrepreneurial Impact', California Management Review, 51 (3), Spring, 114-33 -- Alex Nicholls (2009), '"We Do Good Things, Don't We?": "Blended Value Accounting" in Social Entrepreneurship', Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34 (6-7), August-October, 755-69 -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter and David V. Summers (1987), 'Doing Well While Doing Good: Dilemmas of Performance Measurement in Nonprofit Organizations and the Need for a Multiple-Constituency Approach', in Walter W. Powell (ed.), The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Chapter 9, New Haven, CT and London, UK: Yale University Press, 154-66 -- Robert D. Behn (2003), 'Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures', Public Administration Review, 63 (5), September-October, 586-606 -- Jed Emerson (2003), 'The Blended Value Proposition: Integrating Social and Financial Returns', California Management Review, 45 (4), Summer, 35-51 -- Alex Jacobs (2006), 'Helping People Is Difficult: Growth and Performance in Social Enterprises Working for International Relief and Development', in Alex Nicholls (ed.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Chapter 12, Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 247-69, reset -- Alex Nicholls (2010), 'The Functions of Performance Measurement in Social Entrepreneurship: Control, Planning and Accountability', in Kai Hockerts, Johanna Mair and Jeffrey Robinson (eds), Values and Opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship, Chapter 13, Basingstoke, UK and New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 241-72 -- S. Bacq and F. Janssen (2011), 'The Multiple Faces of Social Entrepreneurship: A Review of Definitional Issues Based on Geographical and Thematic Criteria', Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23 (5-6), June, 373-403 -- Johanna Mair and Ignasi Marti (2009), 'Entrepreneurship in and around Institutional Voids: A Case Study from Bangladesh', Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (5), September, 419-35 -- Janelle A. Kerlin (2006), 'Social Enterprise in the United States and Europe: Understanding and Learning from the Differences', Voluntas, 17 (3), September, 247-63 -- John Catford (1998), 'Social Entrepreneurs are Vital for Health Promotion - But They Need Supportive Environments Too', Health Promotion International, 13 (2), 95-7 -- Cara C. Maurer, Pratima Bansal and Mary M. Crossan (2011), 'Creating Economic Value Through Social Values: Introducing a Culturally Informed Resource-Based View', Organization Science, 22 (2), March-April, 432-48 -- Sherri Leronda Wallace (1999), 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Social Purpose Enterprises in Facilitating Community Economic Development', Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 4 (2), Fall/Winter, 153-74 -- Leo Paul Dana (2008), 'Community-Based Entrepreneurship in Norway', Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 9 (2), 77-92 -- Harvey Johnstone and Doug Lionais (2004), 'Depleted Communities and Community Business Entrepreneurship: Revaluing Space through Place', Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16 (3), May, 217-33 -- Boyd Cohen and Monika I. Winn (2007), 'Market Imperfections, Opportunity and Sustainable Entrepreneurship', Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (1), January, 29-49 , Jeremy K. Hall, Gregory A. Daneke and Michael J. Lenox (2010), 'Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship: Past Contributions and Future Directions', Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (5), September, 439-48 -- Kai Hockerts and Rolf Wüstenhagen (2010), 'Greening Goliaths versus Emerging Davids - Theorizing about the Role of Incumbents and New Entrants in Sustainable Entrepreneurship', Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (5), September, 481-92 -- Thomas J. Dean and Jeffery S. McMullen (2007), 'Toward a Theory of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Reducing Environmental Degradation through Entrepreneurial Action', Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (1), January, 50-76 -- Fiona Tilley and William Young (2009), 'Sustainability Entrepreneurs: Could They Be the True Wealth Generators of the Future?', Greener Management International, 55, February, 79-92 -- Liisa Harjula (2007), 'Tensions between Venture Capitalists' and Business-Social Entrepreneurs' Goals: Will Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Strategies Offer a Solution?', Greener Management International, 51, June, 79-87 -- Julia Sass Rubin (2009), 'Developmental Venture Capital: Conceptualizing the Field', Venture Capital, 11 (4), October, 335-60 -- Niels Hermes and Robert Lensink (2007), 'The Empirics of Microfinance: What do we Know?', The Economic Journal, 117, February, F1-F10 -- David Hulme (2000), 'Impact Assessment Methodologies for Microfinance: Theory, Experience and Better Practice', World Development, 28 (1), 79-98 -- James C. Brau and Gary M. Woller (2004), 'Microfinance: A Comprehensive Review of the Existing Literature', Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures, 9, 1-27 -- Paul Tracey and Nelson Phillips (2007), 'The Distinctive Challenge of Educating Social Entrepreneurs: A Postscript and Rejoinder to the Special Issue on Entrepreneurship Education', Academy of Management Learning and Education, 6 (2), June, 264-71 -- Matthew M. Mars and Sharon Garrison (2009), 'Socially-Oriented Ventures and Traditional Entrepreneurship Education Models: A Case Review', Journal of Education for Business, 84 (5), May/June, 290-96 -- Regina Pefanis Schlee, Mary T. Curren and Katrin R. Harich (2009), 'Building a Marketing Curriculum to Support Courses in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Venture Competitions', Journal of Marketing Education, 31 (1), April, 5-15
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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    Format: 1 online resource (459 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
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    Content: This 50th edition of Publication Design Annual celebrates the winners of The Society for Publication Design's competition
    Note: Cover -- Title -- "In Any Medium, Magazines are the Work of Totalitarians" -- 1 Eight by Eight -- 2 New York -- 3 Bon Appétit -- 4 Wired -- 5 Wired Italia -- 6 ESPN The Magazine -- 7 GQ -- 8 Men's Health -- 9 The Pitchfork Review -- 10 Time -- 11 National Geographic -- 12 The Pitchfork Review -- 13 GQ -- 14 New York -- 15 Time -- 16 Wired -- 17 Bon Appétit -- 18 Fast Company -- 19 The New York Times Magazine -- 20 The New York Times Magazine -- 21 New York -- 22 Variety -- 23 Wired -- 24 Volkskrant -- 25 Elephant -- 26 Entertainment Weekly -- 27 ESPN The Magazine -- 28 Marie Claire -- 29 New York -- 30 New York -- 31 Real Simple -- 32 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 33 Time Out New York -- 34 Vanity Fair -- 35 Variety -- 36 Variety -- 37 Wired -- 38 GQ -- 39 Wired Italia -- 40 GQ -- 41 The New York Times Magazine -- 42 Wired -- 43 Wired -- 44 Bon Appétit -- 45 GQ -- 46 Achtung -- 47 Bon Appétit -- 48 Fast Company -- 49 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 50 Cosmopolitan -- 51 Fast Company -- 53 Texas Monthly -- 54 Wired -- 55 Self -- 56 Consumer Reports -- 57 AFAR -- 58 Billboard -- 59 Golf Digest -- 60 New York Observer -- 61 Condé Nast Traveler -- 62 Consumer Reports -- 63 Consumer Reports -- 64 Wired Italia -- 65 Wired -- 66 ESPN The Magazine -- 67 Fast Company -- 68 Cincinnati -- 69 Fortune -- 70 Wired Italia -- 71 Time Out New York -- 72 Achtung -- 73 W -- 74 Achtung -- 75 W -- 76 Achtung -- 77 Elle Mexico -- 78 WSJ. -- 79 W -- 80 Harper's Bazaar -- 81 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 82 Marie Claire -- 83 WSJ. -- 84 WSJ. -- 85 InStyle -- 86 W -- 87 W -- 88 Elle Mexico -- 89 Earnshaw's -- 90 Washingtonian Bride andamp -- Groom -- 91 Marie Claire Runway -- 92 Elle Mexico -- 93 Elle Mexico -- 94 InStyle -- 95 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 96 Elle Mexico -- 97 Vanity Fair France -- 98 WSJ. -- 99 InStyle -- 100 WSJ , 101 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 102 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 103 The Last Magazine -- 104 W -- 105 Marie Claire Runway -- 106 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 107 Allure -- 108 Elle Mexico -- 109 T: The New York Times Style Magazine -- 110 The Last Magazine -- 111 WSJ. -- 112 W -- 113 Achtung -- 114 Allure -- 115 Earnshaw's -- 116 W -- 117 WSJ. -- 118 Wired Italia -- 119 Fortune -- 120 Popular Mechanics -- 121 Popular Mechanics -- 122 Fast Company -- 123 Popular Mechanics -- 124 Fast Company -- 125 Wired Italia -- 126 Wired Italia -- 127 Fortune -- 128 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 129 Quo Mexico -- 130 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 131 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 132 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 133 Fast Company -- 134 Wired Italia -- 135 Popular Science -- 136 Fast Company -- 137 Fast Company -- 138 Fast Company -- 139 Wired Italia -- 140 Fast Company -- 141 Incorporated -- 142 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 143 Wired Italia -- 144 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 145 Fast Company -- 146 Fast Company -- 147 Fast Company -- 148 Popular Mechanics -- 149 Wired Italia -- 150 Popular Mechanics -- 151 Quo -- 152 Wired Italia -- 153 Fast Company -- 154 Fast Company -- 155 Fortune -- 156 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 157 Fortune -- 158 Fortune -- 159 Harvard Business Review -- 160 Stanford Medicine -- 161 Wired Italia -- 162 Bloomberg Businessweek -- 163 Fortune -- 164 Popular Science -- 165 Wired Italia -- 166 Fortune -- 167 Incorporated -- 168 Incorporated -- 169 Money -- 170 Popular Science -- 171 Money -- 172 Incorporated -- 173 Popular Science -- 174 Wired Italia -- 175 Variety -- 176 ESPN The Magazine -- 177 Entertainment Weekly -- 178 ESPN The Magazine -- 179 Entertainment Weekly -- 180 ESPN The Magazine -- 181 Variety -- 182 Entertainment Weekly -- 183 Entertainment Weekly -- 184 Variety -- 185 Variety -- 186 ESPN The Magazine -- 187 ESPN The Magazine , 188 Little White Lies -- 189 The Pitchfork Review -- 190 Variety -- 191 ESPN The Magazine -- 192 Times of Oman's World Cup 2015 -- 193 Variety -- 194 Variety -- 195 ESPN The Magazine -- 196 ESPN The Magazine -- 197 ESPN The Magazine -- 198 Golf Digest -- 199 Bicycling -- 200 ESPN The Magazine -- 201 Golf Digest -- 202 Rolling Stone -- 203 The Hollywood Reporter -- 204 Variety -- 205 Entertainment Weekly -- 206 Victory Journal -- 207 Entertainment Weekly -- 208 ESPN The Magazine -- 209 Golf Digest -- 210 Times of Oman's World Cup 2015 -- 211 Rolling Stone -- 212 Variety -- 213 Billboard -- 214 ESPN The Magazine -- 215 ESPN The Magazine -- 216 Times of Oman's World Cup 2015 -- 217 ESPN The Magazine -- 218 Golf Digest -- 219 Golf Digest -- 220 Golf Digest -- 221 Rivista Ufficiale NBA -- 222 Entertainment Weekly -- 223 Rolling Stone -- 224 ESPN The Magazine -- 226 Variety -- 227 Golf Digest -- 228 The Hollywood Reporter -- 229 ESPN The Magazine -- 230 Entertainment Weekly -- 231 Entertainment Weekly -- 232 ESPN The Magazine -- 233 ESPN The Magazine -- 234 Variety -- 235 Variety -- 236 Variety -- 238 Variety -- 239 Variety -- 240 Billboard -- 241 Billboard -- 242 Billboard -- 243 ESPN The Magazine -- 244 Entertainment Weekly -- 245 ESPN The Magazine -- 246 People -- 247 The Hollywood Reporter -- 248 Interview -- 249 Billboard -- 250 Entertainment Weekly -- 251 Golf Digest -- 252 People -- 253 People -- 254 Bon Appétit -- 255 Bon Appétit -- 256 Condé Nast Traveler -- 257 Bon Appétit -- 258 Condé Nast Traveler -- 259 Condé Nast Traveler -- 260 Condé Nast Traveler -- 261 AFAR -- 262 AFAR -- 263 Bon Appétit -- 264 Bon Appétit -- 265 Condé Nast Traveler -- 266 AFAR -- 267 Bon Appétit -- 268 AFAR -- 269 Condé Nast Traveler -- 270 Condé Nast Traveler -- 271 AFAR -- 272 Bon Appétit -- 273 Bon Appétit -- 274 Bon Appétit -- 275 Dwell -- 276 Bon Appétit -- 277 AFAR , 278 Bon Appétit -- 279 Bon Appétit -- 280 Interior Design -- 281 Sunset -- 282 Bon Appétit -- 283 Bon Appétit -- 284 Bonvoyage -- 285 Dwell -- 286 Condé Nast Traveler -- 287 Travel + Leisure -- 288 Travel+Leisure Mexico -- 289 Bon Appétit -- 290 Condé Nast Traveler -- 291 Condé Nast Traveler -- 292 Condé Nast Traveler -- 293 Pineapple -- 294 Bon Appétit -- 295 Bon Appétit -- 296 Bon Appétit -- 297 Bon Appétit -- 298 Coastal Living -- 299 Cooking Light -- 300 Escapades -- 301 Food Network -- 302 Old House Journal -- 303 Sunset -- 304 Travel + Leisure -- 305 Virtuoso Life -- 306 Bon Appétit -- 307 Condé Nast Traveler -- 308 Condé Nast Traveler -- 309 Elle Decor Mexico -- 310 Sunset -- 311 Bon Appétit -- 312 Bon Appétit -- 313 Aire -- 314 Saveur -- 315 Departures -- 316 Departures -- 317 Pineapple -- 318 Bon Appétit -- 319 Condé Nast Traveler -- 320 Bon Appétit -- 321 Condé Nast Traveler -- 322 AFAR -- 323 Bon Appétit -- 324 Food andamp -- Wine -- 325 Interior Design -- 326 Saveur -- 327 Travel + Leisure -- 328 Bon Appétit -- 329 Departures -- 330 Dwell -- 331 Interior Design -- 332 Interior Design -- 333 Wallpaper -- 334 The New York Times Magazine -- 335 Wired -- 336 Wired -- 337 Wired -- 338 The New York Times Magazine -- 339 New York -- 340 Wired -- 341 Wired -- 342 Time -- 343 The New York Times Magazine -- 344 New York -- 345 Volkskrant -- 346 Wired -- 347 The New Yorker -- 348 The New Yorker -- 349 Wired -- 350 New York -- 351 New York -- 352 The New York Times Magazine -- 353 The California Sunday -- 354 Wired -- 355 The New York Times Magazine -- 356 New York -- 357 The New Yorker -- 358 The Guardian -- 359 The New York Times Magazine -- 360 New York -- 361 The New Republic -- 362 The New Yorker -- 363 New York -- 364 The New York Times Magazine -- 365 The New York Times Magazine -- 366 The New Yorker -- 367 IL -- 368 New York , 369 The New York Times Magazine -- 370 The New York Times Magazine -- 371 The New York Times Magazine -- 372 Wired -- 373 Wired -- 374 Wired -- 375 Wired -- 376 New York -- 377 New York -- 378 The California Sunday -- 379 The New York Times Magazine -- 380 The New York Times Magazine -- 381 Wired -- 382 Wired -- 383 New York -- 384 New York -- 385 Parade -- 386 New York Observer -- 387 Smithsonian -- 388 The California Sunday -- 389 The New York Times Magazine -- 390 Wired -- 391 Wired -- 392 New York -- 393 The California Sunday -- 394 The New York Times Magazine -- 395 Wired -- 396 Wired -- 397 Wired -- 398 New York -- 399 New York -- 400 New York -- 401 New York -- 402 The New York Times Magazine -- 403 The New York Times Magazine -- 404 The New York Times Magazine -- 405 Time -- 406 Volkskrant -- 407 Volkskrant -- 408 Wired -- 409 New York -- 410 The New York Times Magazine -- 411 The New Yorker -- 412 The New Yorker -- 413 Smithsonian -- 414 Times of Oman -- 415 IL -- 416 The New York Times Magazine -- 417 Superinteressante -- 418 The New York Times Magazine -- 419 Time -- 420 Wired -- 421 New York -- 422 New York -- 423 Samvirke -- 424 The California Sunday -- 425 The New York Times Magazine -- 426 The New York Times Magazine -- 427 The New York Times Magazine -- 428 The New York Times Magazine -- 429 Time -- 430 Volkskrant -- 431 New York -- 432 New York -- 433 The California Sunday -- 434 Wired -- 435 New York -- 436 New York -- 437 New York -- 438 New York -- 439 New York -- 440 New York -- 441 New York -- 442 New York -- 443 Reader's Digest -- 444 Samvirke -- 445 The California Sunday -- 446 The New Yorker -- 447 The New Yorker -- 448 Time -- 449 Time -- 450 Vanity Fair -- 451 Vanity Fair -- 452 National Geographic -- 453 New York -- 454 New York -- 455 Vanity Fair Italy -- 456 Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin -- 457 The California Sunday , 458 The New York Times Magazine
    Additional Edition: Print version Designers, Society of Publication 50th Publication Design Annual Isle of Man : Quarto Publishing Group USA,c2015 ISBN 9781631591112
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((OIS Credentials Required))
    URL: FULL  ((OIS Credentials Required))
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London : Taylor and Francis Group
    Format: 1 online resource (1460 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9781848933521 , 9781781445112
    Content: By the eve of the Great Depression, there existed in America the equivalent of a policy for every man, woman and child, and in Britain it grew from its narrow aristocratic base to cover all social classes. This primary resource collection is the first comparative history of British and American life insurance industries
    Note: Intro -- Anglo-American Life Insurance, 1800-1914: Volume 1 -- Contents of the Edition -- Contents to Volume 1 -- Acknowledgements -- General Introduction -- Introduction to Volume 1 -- Bibliography -- I. Guides and Prospectuses -- British Life Insurance in the 1840s -- Morgan, Familiar Observations on Life Insurance -- Life Insurance Offices, New and Speculative, with a Table of the Inducements -- The Emergence of American Life Insurance -- 'Securitas', 'Life Insurance' -- Jencks, 'Life Insurance in the United States, Number I' -- Jencks, 'Life Insurance in the United States, Number II' -- Early Prospectuses -- Frend, Rock Life Assurance Company -- An Address from the President and Directors of the Pennsylvania Company -- Proposals and Rats of the Standard Life Assurance Company -- New American Prospectuses -- Bard, A Letter to David E. Evans, Esquire, of Batavia, on Life Insurance -- Life Insurance: Its Principles, Operations and Benefits -- John Freestone, Where to Insure -- II. Religion and Domesticity -- Religion and Life Insurance in America -- Charter of the Corporation for the Relief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen -- 'Life Insurance', Religious Intelligencer -- 'Life Insurance - Ministers', Christian Secretary -- 'Life Insurance - A Scruple', Christian Secretary -- 'Life Insurance of Ministers', Christian Secretary -- 'Prospectus of the Dissenters' and General Life and Fire Assurance Company' -- Life Insurance as a Domestic Duty -- 'Life Insurance', Macon Weekly Telegraph -- Neal, 'Life Assurance' -- Scratchley, Observations on Life Assurance Societies, and Savings Banks -- Reade, 'Before the Wedding Ring' -- III. Varieties of Self-Help -- Benefit Societies versus Saving Banks and Insurance Companies -- Life Insurance and Savings Banks in America -- Johnson, 'The Relative Merits of Life Insurance and Savings Banks' , Collins, 'Life Insurance' -- Insurance and Self-Help in Britain -- 'Insurance amongst the Working Classes' -- Scudamore, Life Insurance by Small Payments -- Insurance and Self-Help in America -- Eldridge, 'Assessment Life Insurance' -- Meyer, 'Fraternal Beneficiary Societies in the United States' -- IV. New Markets -- Josiah C. Nott, 'Statistics of Southern Slave Population' -- Du Bois (edition), Some Efforts of American Negroes for their Own Social Betterment -- Tarn, 'Some Notes on Life Assurance in Greater Britain' -- Industrial Insurance in Britain -- Burn, 'Industrial Life Assurance' -- Williams, Life Insurance of the Poor -- Industrial Insurance in America -- Dryden, 'The Social Economy of Industrial Insurance' -- Hoffman, Life Insurance of Children -- V. Anglo-American Interlopers -- [Pelican Life Insurance Company], 'Life Insurance' -- 'The American Invasion' -- 'The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States' -- Allen, There is Dust in John's Eyes -- Book review of There is Dust in John's Eyes, Post Magazine -- 'The Mutual's English Business', Independent -- Editorial Notes -- Anglo-American Life Insurance, 1800-1914: Volume 2 -- Contents to Volume 2 -- Introduction to Volume 2 -- Bibliography -- I. Office Organization -- 'Insurance as a Profession' -- Hewat, 'The Actuary in Scotland' -- English, 'Home Office Management' -- II. The Work Environment -- Office Machinery -- 'Writing Machines, by a Caledonian Typist' -- Kaufman, 'Some Uses for the Hollerith Machines' -- Palatial Halls -- 'A Lady Clerk on the New Offices' -- McKeand, 'The Palatial Halls of Insurance' -- The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company -- III. The Sales Force -- Advice to Agents -- Eagle and Protector Life Assurance Company -- 'Advice to Insurance Agents' -- Popular Perceptions -- Sulivan, 'Insurance and Assurance' -- Chambers, 'The Life-Assurance Agents Appeal' , Scratchley, 'Life Assurance' -- Sprague, 'On the Grant of Settlement Policies' -- Editorial Notes -- List of Sources -- Anglo-American Life Insurance, 1800-1914: Volume 3 -- Contents to Volume 3 -- Introduction: Mortality and Risk -- Bibliography -- I. Mortality Tables and Premium Rates -- Moir, 'Mortality Tables -- British Combined Experience Tables -- Brown, On the Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies -- 'The New Life Tables' -- American Mortality Tables -- 'Vital Statistics. Importance of Registration' -- 'The First American Life Underwriters' Convention' -- 'Proceedings of the Life Insurance Convention' -- 'Mortality Tables' -- Higham, On the Value of Selection amongst Assured Lives -- Premium Rates -- Pocock, A Familiar Explanation of ... Assurances upon Lives -- 'Comparative Rates of Domestic and Foreign Life Insurance' -- Life Assurance Premiums Charged by Various Companies -- II. The Application and Medical Exam -- Medical Selection of Lives -- Editorial and Correspondence on Medical Fees -- Brinton, On the Medical Selection of Lives for Assurance -- Application Forms -- Glover Lyon, 'Some Medical Points of Difference' -- Burrage, 'Present Standards in Medical Selection' -- 'Form 8 - Medical Application for Life Insurance' -- Consumption -- 'Consumption' -- Ravenel, 'The Warfare against Tuberculosis' -- III. Risk Factors beyond Disease -- Gender -- 'Proportionate Longevity of the Two Sexes' -- Thorburn, 'Notes on Female Risks' -- 'Death Busy among the Bachelors' -- Travel and Climate -- 'Travelling and Life Insurance' -- Francis, 'Life-Assurance and Residence in Hot Climates' -- 'Life Insurance in California' -- Lutt, 'On Extra Premiums' -- War Risks -- Wright, 'War Risks of Life Insurance' -- Editorial on War Risks -- Correspondence on War Risks -- Review of 'The Mortality Experience of the Imperial Forces' , The American Civil War -- 'Life Insurance War Risks' -- 'Report of the Insurance Commissioners...' -- 'Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J.' -- Rush, 'To William Bard, Esq.' -- Broomhall, 'Temperance and Life Assurance' -- Alcohol Consumption -- 'Inebriety and Insurance' -- 'Liquor and Life Insurance' -- IV. Protecting against Moral Hazard, Fraud and Violations of Insurable Interest -- The Policy -- Fouse, 'The Policy' -- 'Form 6 - Ordinary Life Policy' -- Insurable Interest -- Lord volume Dall -- Editorial on Life Insurance Trials -- 'Abstract of ... Insurable Interest' -- Insurance and Gambling -- 'Assurance and Insurance' -- 'Gaming, Betting, Lotteries, and Insurance' -- Fraud -- 'Union Mutual Life Insurance Company - Fraudulent Representations' -- 'Practical Points. Life Insurance' -- Editorial on Life Insurance Trials -- 'Novel Life Insurance Case' -- 'Insurance Legal Decision' -- 'Barrett vs. The Conn. Mutual Life.' -- Suicide -- Editorial on Life Insurance and Suicide -- 'Life Assurance' -- 'Important Cases in Life Insurance ... : Borradaile volume Hunter' -- Hitchman, 'An Extract from a Clinical Lecture' -- 'Suicide and Dueling' -- Incontestability and Indisputability -- 'Indisputable Policies' -- 'Unjust Toleration. A Warning to Life Insurance Companies' -- 'Life Assurance and Suicide' -- Faking Death -- 'Attempt to Swindle a Life Insurance Company' -- 'A Philadelphia Life Ins. Fraud.' -- Murder -- 'Another Life Insurance Horror' -- Illustrated Life and Career of William Palmer -- 'Does a Man Shorten his Life by Insuring It?' -- 'Henry Mayhew's Inquiries into Suspicious Deaths' -- Editorial Notes -- List of Sources -- Index , 'The Dodges of Life Insurance Agents' -- Browne, Life Agencies -- 'Bank Offi cials as Insurance Agents' -- Woods, 'Agency Management' -- IV. Institiutional Investment -- British Portfolios -- 'The Profits of Joint-Stock Enterprise: Life Insurance', -- 'Some Life Insurance Investments' -- Zartman, 'The Character of the Investments' -- 'Profits and Premiums of Life Insurance' -- Annuities -- 'Annuities, Life Insurance, Tontines, et cetera, Number I' -- 'Annuities, Life Insurance, Tontines, et cetera, Number II' -- 'Deferred Dividend Policies' -- 'Endowment Assurance' -- 'The Capabilities of Endowment Assurance and Annuities' -- V. When Things Fell Apart -- Early Life Insurance Failures -- 'Life Insurance', Hallowell Gazette -- 'Life Assurance', Monthly Review -- Laing-Meason, 'Insurance and Assurance' -- The Albert Failure -- 'The Failure of the Albert Insurance Company' -- 'An Insurer's Grievance' -- Embezzlement -- 'The Absconding Secretary of the Trust Company' -- 'Life Insurance', Galaxy Magazine -- VI. Life Insurance Regulation -- State Laws in America -- 'No. 32 - ... "An Act Relating to Insurance on Lives by Foreign Corporations" -- Knapp, Lectures on the Science of Life Insurance -- 'The First American Life Underwriters' Convention' -- 'Proceedings of the Life Insurance Convention' -- 'Valuation of Life Insurance Policies' -- Paul v. Virginia, Supreme Court of the United States -- British Calls for Reform -- Jellicoe, 'The Life Assurance Controversy' -- 'Life Assurance' -- The Life Assurance Companies Act -- 'The European Assurance Case' -- Malcolm and Hamilton, 'Report to the Board of Trade' -- Harding, 'British Life Assurance Companies and Colonial Legislation' -- The Armstrong Hearings -- 'Insurance Probers Seek these Reforms' -- Brooks, '"The Big Three," 1905-1912' -- Brosmith, 'State Laws' -- Protecting Dependants -- 'The Widow and the Fatherless'
    Additional Edition: Print version Alborn, Timothy Anglo-American Life Insurance, 1800-1914 London : Taylor & Francis Group,c2013 ISBN 9781848933521
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((OIS Credentials Required))
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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London : Bloomsbury Publishing USA
    Format: 1 online resource (265 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9781350023413
    Series Statement: Dress, Body, Culture Series
    Note: Cover -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgements -- Note on the Text -- Timeline -- Introduction -- SECTION ONE Fashion Theory in the Nineteenth Century -- 1 Thomas Carlyle, from Sartor Resartus -- 2 Sarah Stickney Ellis, from 'Dress and Manners' in The Women of England, Their Social Duties, and Domestic Habits -- 3 George H. Darwin, 'Development in Dress', Macmillan's Magazine -- 4 Thorstein Veblen, 'The Economic Theory of Woman's Dress', Popular Science Monthly -- SECTION TWO Dress Reform -- 5 Eliza Lynn Linton, 'The Girl of the Period', Saturday Review -- 6 Mary Eliza Haweis, 'Beauty in Dress' and 'Taste in Dress' in The Art of Dress -- 7 Florence Pomeroy, Viscountess Harberton, 'Rational Dress Reform', Macmillan's Magazine -- 8 Oscar Wilde, 'The Philosophy of Dress', New York Daily Tribune -- SECTION THREE Crinolines and Corsets -- 9 'Crinoline', from Illustrated News of the World -- 10 Harriet Martineau [From the Mountain], 'A New Kind of Wilful Murder', Once a Week -- 11 Violet Greville, 'Victims of Vanity', The National Review -- 12 Contemporary Reports of Crinoline and Corsets -- SECTION FOUR Men's Dress -- 13 'Dress, Dandies, Fashion, andamp -- c.', Fraser's Magazine -- 14 'Modern Beau Brummellism', London Society -- 15 W. S. Gilbert, 'When I first put this uniform on', from Patience -- or, Bunthorne's Bride! -- SECTION FIVE Occasional Dress: Wedding, Mourning, Children's and Fancy Dress -- 16 Contemporary Accounts of Victorian Weddings -- 17 Richard Davey, from A History of Mourning -- 18 Ardern Holt, from Fancy Dresses Described: Or, What to Wear at Fancy Dress Balls -- 19 'Children's Dress', Bradford Daily Telegraph -- SECTION SIX Production and Industry -- 20 [George Dodd] 'Wallotty Trot', Household Words -- 21 'How we get Mauve and Tyrian Purple', Chambers's Journal , 22 'Progress of the Sewing-Machine', Bow Bells -- SECTION SEVEN International Influences and Echoes -- 23 [Myra], 'The Latest from Paris', Myra's Journal of Dress and Fashion -- 24 'Death of the Chief Ruler of the Fashionable World', The Ladies' Treasury -- 25 'A Japanese Village in London', The Ladies' Treasury -- SECTION EIGHT Coda: Reflecting on the Victorians -- 26 Virginia Woolf, 'Modes and Manners of the Nineteenth Century', Times Literary Supplement -- Glossary -- Further Reading -- Index
    Additional Edition: Print version Mitchell, Rebecca Fashioning the Victorians London : Bloomsbury Publishing USA,c2018 ISBN 9781350023390
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books
    URL: Full-text  ((OIS Credentials Required))
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    London, UK :Apollo, ; 1.1925,1(Jan) - 76.1962,444(Feb) ; N.S. 76.1962,1(Mar) -
    Format: volumes.
    ISSN: 0003-6536 (print)
    Content: MACHINE-GENERATED SUMMARY NOTE: "Founded in 1925 and published monthly, Apollo is one of the world's oldest and most respected magazines on the visual arts. It covers everything from antiquities to contemporary work, as well as providing in-depth discussion of the latest art news and debates; exclusive interviews with the world's greatest collectors and artists; expert information on the market, authoritative guidance on collecting, and reviews and previews of exhibitions worldwide."
    Note: FREQUENCY: monthly (double issue for Jul/Aug). , NUMBERING PECULIARITIES: 1.1925,1(Jan) - 76.1962,444(Feb) ; new series : 76.1962,1(Mar) - , MISNUMBERINGS: * 156.2002,488-489 misnumbered as 156.2002,489-490 and on back cover misnumbered as 155.2002,488-489; * 157.2003,491 misnumbered as 156.2003,491; * 158.2003,500 misnumbered as 159.2003,500; * reprint edition: 76 misnumbered as 75. , ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL FORM: online edition, ISSN: 2059-5247. , ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL FORM: reprint: Nendeln, Liechtenstein : Kraus.
    Language: English
    Keywords: Periodicals
    URL: FULL  (: 2009 - present (OIS Credentials Required))
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    Grünwald, Germany ; : Stiebner, | München, Germany :Bruckmann, ; 43.1972 - 67.1996; 1997 -
    Format: volumes
    ISSN: 1438-1753 (print) , 0302-9794 (print) , 0340-1987 (print)
    Content: MACHINE-GENERATED SUMMARY NOTE: "novum – World of Graphic Design is a magazine featuring the best in contemporary graphic design, illustration, photo design, corporate design and typography. novum also spotlights new talents and the latest trends. It presents a balanced mix of visions for the future and state-of-the-art design – to inspire all creatives in the world of international graphic and communication design. In the novum plus section each issue takes a close look at a different field of design such as typography, paper, book design or illustration. The individual themes are looked at from the point of view of technical experts, clients and designers, making novum an even more collectible and valuable source of reference for all those involved in design."
    Content: MACHINE-GENERATED SUMMARY NOTE: "First published in 1924 – novum World of Graphic Design is a leading and influential design magazine. Each month this bilingual journal presents the very best in graphic design, illustration, photo-design, corporate design, paper, packaging, advertising and typography. novum also spotlights new talents and the latest trends. For over 90 years novum has been providing professionals with an inspiring mix of international graphic design and advertising, and it also delivers a unique haptic experience in terms of an exciting array of cover materials and treatments."
    Note: PREDECESSOR TITLE: Gebrauchsgraphik : Monatszeitschrift für visuelle Communication und künstlerische Werbung = International advertising art = Graphisme publicitaire. München, Germany : Bruckmann. 1.1924/25 - 20.1943/44 ; 21.1950 - 42.1971. , FREQUENCY: monthly. , ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL FORM: online edition. , LANGUAGE NOTE: text in English and German.
    Language: German
    Keywords: Periodicals
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