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  • 1
    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784710477
    Anmerkung: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): John B. Davis (2008), 'Complex Individuals: The Individual in Non-Euclidian Space', in Hardy Hanappi and Wolfram Elsner (eds), Advances in Evolutionary Institutional Economics: Evolutionary Mechanisms, Non-Knowledge and Strategy, Chapter 6, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 123-42 -- David Lane, Franco Malerba, Robert Maxfield and Luigi Orsenigo (1996), 'Choice and Action', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 6 (1), 43-76 -- Félix-Fernando Muñoz, María-Isabel Encinar and Carolina Cañibano (2011), 'On the Role of Intentionality in Evolutionary Economic Change', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 22 (3), September, 193-203 -- Caroline Gerschlager (2012), 'Agents of Change', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22 (3), July, 413-41 -- Thomas Grebel, Andreas Pyka and Horst Hanusch (2003), 'An Evolutionary Approach to the Theory of Entrepreneurship', Industry and Innovation, 10 (4), December, 493-514 -- , Anthony M. Endres and Christine R. Woods (2010), 'Schumpeter's "Conduct Model of the Dynamic Entrepreneur": Scope and Distinctiveness', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (4), August, 583-607 -- Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Marengo and Giorgio Fagiolo (2005), 'Learning in Evolutionary Environments', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 9, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 255-338 -- Richard R. Nelson and Davide Consoli (2010), 'An Evolutionary Theory of Household Consumption Behavior', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (5), October, 665-87 -- Ulrich Witt (2001), 'Learning to Consume - A Theory of Wants and the Growth of Demand', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11 (1), January, 23-36 -- Gunnar Eliasson (1990), 'The Firm as a Competent Team', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 13 (3), June, 275-98 -- , Sidney G. Winter (2006), 'Toward a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm', Industrial and Corporate Change, 15 (1), February, 125-41 -- Richard N. Langlois (2002), 'Modularity in Technology and Organization', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49 (1), September, 19-37 -- Herbert A. Simon (2005), 'Darwinism, Altruism and Economics', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 4, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 89-104 -- Leigh Tesfatsion (2002), 'Agent-Based Computational Economics: Growing Economies from the Bottom Up', Artificial Life, 8 (1), March, 55-82 -- Andreas Pyka and Giorgio Fagiolo (2007), 'Agent-Based Modelling: A Methodology for Neo-Schumpeterian Economics', in Horst Hanusch and Andreas Pyka (eds), Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Chapter 29, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 467-87 -- , David A. Lane (1993), 'Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part I', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 3 (2), 89-107 -- David A. Lane (1993), 'Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part II', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 3 (3), 177-97 -- Katherine Nelson and Richard R. Nelson (2002), 'On the Nature and Evolution of Human Know-How', Research Policy, 31 (5), July, 719-33 -- Ulrich Witt (2009), 'Novelty and the Bounds of Unknowledge in Economics', Journal of Economic Methodology, 16 (4), December, 361-75 , David A. Lane and Robert R. Maxfield (2005), 'Ontological Uncertainty and Innovation', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 15 (1), January, 3-50 -- Thomas Grebel (2009), 'Technological Change: A Microeconomic Approach to the Creation of Knowledge', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 20 (4), December, 301-12 -- Kurt Dopfer, John Foster and Jason Potts (2004), 'Micro-Meso-Macro', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14 (3), July, 263-79 -- Elinor Ostrom and Xavier Basurto (2011), 'Crafting Analytical Tools to Study Institutional Change', Journal of Institutional Economics, 7 (3), September, 317-43 -- Olivier Brette and Caroline Mehier (2008), 'Building on the Micro-Meso-Macro Evolutionary Framework: The Stakes for the Analysis of Clusters of Innovation', in Wolfram Elsner and Hardy Hanappi (eds), Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals: Regulation, Welfare and the New Economy, Chapter 11, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 227-49 -- , John Stanley Metcalfe (2008), 'Accounting for Economic Evolution: Fitness and the Population Method', Journal of Bioeconomics, 10 (1), April, 23-49 -- Uwe Cantner and Jens J. Krüger (2008), 'Micro-Heterogeneity and Aggregate Productivity Development in the German Manufacturing Sector: Results from a Decomposition Exercise', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18 (3), April, 119-33 -- Horst Hanusch and Andreas Pyka (2007), 'Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31 (2), March, 275-89 -- Esben Sloth Andersen (2008), 'Fundamental Fields of Post-Schumpeterian Evolutionary Economics', DRUID Working Paper No. 08-25, i, 1-34 -- Alain Alcouffe and Thomas Kuhn (2004), 'Schumpeterian Endogenous Growth Theory and Evolutionary Economics', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14 (2), June, 223-36 -- Kurt Dopfer (2012), 'The Origins of Meso Economics: Schumpeter's Legacy and Beyond', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22 (1), January, 133-60 -- , Witold Kwasnicki and Halina Kwasnicka (1992), 'Market, Innovation, Competition: An Evolutionary Model of Industrial Dynamics', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 19 (3), December, 343-68 -- Sidney G. Winter, Yuri M. Kaniovski and Giovanni Dosi (2003), 'A Baseline Model of Industry Evolution', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13 (4), October, 355-83 -- Franco Malerba (2006), 'Innovation and the Evolution of Industries', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16 (1), April, 3-23 -- Andreas Pyka (2000), 'Informal Networking and Industrial Life Cycles', Technovation, 20 (1), January, 25-35 -- Uwe Cantner and Georg Westermann (1998), 'Localized Technological Progress and Industry Structure: An Empirical Approach', Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 6 (2-3), 121-45 -- Steven Klepper (1997), 'Industry Life Cycles', Industrial and Corporate Change, 6 (1), 145-81 -- , Johann Peter Murmann and Koen Frenken (2006), 'Toward a Systematic Framework for Research on Dominant Designs, Technological Innovations, and Industrial Change', Research Policy, 35 (7), September, 925-52 -- Simona Iammarino and Philip McCann (2006), 'The Structure and Evolution of Industrial Clusters: Transactions, Technology and Knowledge Spillovers', Research Policy, 35 (7), September, 1018-36 , Thorbjørn Knudsen (2002), 'Economic Selection Theory', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12 (4), October, 443-70 -- Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh and John M. Gowdy (2009), 'A Group Selection Perspective on Economic Behavior, Institutions and Organizations', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 72 (1), October, 1-20 -- Nathalie Lazaric and Alain Raybaut (2005), 'Knowledge, Hierarchy and the Selection of Routines: An Interpretative Model with Group Interactions', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 15 (4), October, 393-421 -- Koen Frenken, Paolo P. Saviotti and Michel Trommetter (1999), 'Variety and Niche Creation in Aircraft, Helicopters, Motorcycles and Microcomputers', Research Policy, 28 (5), June, 469-88 -- , Paul A. David (2005), 'Path Dependence in Economic Processes: Implications for Policy Analysis in Dynamical System Contexts', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 6, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 151-94 -- W. Brian Arthur (1989), 'Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events', Economic Journal, 99 (394), March, 116-31 -- Ron Martin and Peter Sunley (2010), 'The Place of Path Dependence in an Evolutionary Perspective on the Economic Landscape', in Ron Boschma and Ron Martin (eds), The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 62-92 -- Richard R. Nelson and Bhaven N. Sampat (2001), 'Making Sense of Institutions as a Factor Shaping Economic Performance', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 44 (1), January, 31-54 -- , Jason Potts (2007), 'Evolutionary Institutional Economics', Journal of Economic Issues, XLI (2), June, 341-50 -- Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1997), 'The Ubiquity of Habits and Rules', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21 (6), November, 663-84 -- Richard R. Nelson (2008), 'What Enables Rapid Economic Progress: What Are the Needed Institutions?', Research Policy, 37 (1), February, 1-11 -- Wolfram Elsner (2010), 'The Process and a Simple Logic of "Meso". Emergence and the Co-Evolution of Institutions and Group Size', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (3), June, 445-77 -- Richard P.F. Holt, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. and David Colander (2011), 'The Complexity Era in Economics', Review of Political Economy, 23 (3), July, 357-69 -- Peter M. Allen (2005), 'Understanding Social and Economic Systems as Evolutionary Complex Systems', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 13, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 431-58 -- , Sylvie Geisendorf (2009), 'The Economic Concept of Evolution: Self-Organization or Universal Darwinism?', Journal of Economic Methodology, 16 (4), December, 377-91 -- John Foster (2011), 'Evolutionary Macroeconomics: A Research Agenda', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 21 (1), February, 5-28 -- Domenico Delli Gatti, Edoardo Gaffeo and Mauro Gallegati (2010), 'Complex Agent-Based Macroeconomics: A Manifesto for a New Paradigm', Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 5 (2), December, 111-35 -- Bart Verspagen (2002), 'Evolutionary Macroeconomics: A Synthesis between Neo-Schumpeterian and Post-Keynesian Lines of Thought', Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modeling and Economic Dynamics, article 1007: http//www.e-jemed.org/1007/index.php, i, 1-21 -- Giovanni Dosi, Giorgio Fagiolo and Andrea Roventini (2010), 'Schumpeter Meeting Keynes: A Policy-Friendly Model of Endogenous Growth and Business Cycles', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34 (9), September, 1748-67 , Ping Chen (2005), 'Evolutionary Economic Dynamics: Persistent Cycles, Disruptive Technology and the Trade-Off between Stability and Complexity', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 15, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 472-505 -- Fulvio Castellacci (2009), 'The Interactions between National Systems and Sectoral Patterns of Innovation: A Cross-Country Analysis of Pavitt's Taxonomy', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19 (3), June, 321-47 -- Pier Paolo Saviotti and Andreas Pyka (2008), 'Micro and Macro Dynamics: Industry Life Cycles, Inter-Sector Coordination and Aggregate Growth', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18 (2), April, 167-82 -- Michael Peneder (2003), 'Industrial Structure and Aggregate Growth', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 14 (4), December, 427-48 -- , Richard R. Nelson (2008), 'Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Economic Theory', Oxford Development Studies, 36 (1), March, 9-21 -- J. Stanley Metcalfe (2001), 'Evolutionary Approaches to Population Thinking and the Problem of Growth and Development', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope, Chapter 4, Boston, MA, Dordrecht, The Netherlands and London, UK: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 141-64 -- Gerald Silverberg and Bart Verspagen (2005), 'Evolutionary Theorizing on Economic Growth', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 16, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 506-39 -- J. Stan Metcalfe, John Foster and Ronnie Ramlogan (2006), 'Adaptive Economic Growth', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 30 (1), January, 7-32 -- , Pier Paolo Saviotti and Andreas Pyka (2004), 'Economic Development, Qualitative Change and Employment Creation', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 15 (3), September, 265-87 -- Bengt-Åke Lundvall (1988), 'Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User-Producer Interaction to the National System of Innovation', in Giovanni Dosi, Christopher Freeman, Richard Nelson, Gerald Silverberg and Luc Soete (eds), Technical Change and Economic Theory, Chapter 17, London, UK and New York, NY: Pinter Publishers, 349-69 -- Chris Freeman (1995), 'The "National System of Innovation" in Historical Perspective', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19 (1), February, 5-24 -- Tim Kastelle, Jason Potts and Mark Dodgson (2009), 'The Evolution of Innovation Systems', Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference, 2009, i, 1-24 -- Ulrich Witt (2003), 'Economic Policy Making in Evolutionary Perspective', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13 (2), April, 77-94 -- , Uwe Cantner and Andreas Pyka (2001), 'Classifying Technology Policy from an Evolutionary Perspective', Research Policy, 30 (5), May, 759-75 -- Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Susana Borrás (2005), 'Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy', in Jan Fagerberg, David C. Mowery and Richard R. Nelson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Chapter 22, Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 599-631 -- Uwe Cantner, Bernd Ebersberger, Horst Hanusch, Jens J. Krüger and Andreas Pyka (2004), 'The Twin Peaks in National Income: Parametric and Nonparametric Estimates', Revue économique, 55 (6), November, 1127-44 -- Carlota Perez (1985), 'Microelectronics, Long Waves and World Structural Change: New Perspectives for Developing Countries', World Development, 13 (3), March, 441-63 -- Dan Johansson (2010), 'The Theory of the Experimentally Organized Economy and Competence Blocs: An Introduction', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (2), April, 185-201 -- , Kurt Dopfer and Jason Potts (2008), 'Generic Policy', in The General Theory of Economic Evolution, Chapter 7, London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge, 167-78, references , This three volume set gathers together selected key articles in evolutionary economics, ordering these into the domains of micro analysis (concerned with agents), meso analysis (concerned with rule populations and trajectories) and macro analysis (concerned with the structure and development of the whole economy). This authoritative collection, with an original introduction by the editors, will be of interest to scholars and researchers seeking to understand how evolutionary economics fits together and to advance such an integrated approach
    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 2
    Totowa, NJ :Humana Press :
    Umfang: 1 online resource (XIII, 377 p. 103 illus., 44 illus. in color.)
    Ausgabe: 1st ed. 2013.
    ISBN: 1-62703-363-7
    Serie: Methods in Molecular Biology, 1001
    Inhalt: Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine represents a wide array of cell, biomaterial and cell/biomaterial based approaches focusing on the repair, augmentation, and regeneration of diseases tissues and organs. Organ Regeneration: Methods and Protocols has been assembled in response to the growing interest in organ and tissue regeneration as a means to treat disease. Topics cover methods such as isolation and characterization of cells from selected soft tissues and solid organs, preparation and evaluation of natural and synthetic biomaterial scaffolding, implantation of regenerative constructs within experimental animals, and evaluation of regenerative outcomes by molecular and histological methodologies. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easily accessible, Organ Regeneration: Methods and Protocols serves as a detailed guide to aid newcomers and seasoned veterans in their developmental and experimental work in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
    Anmerkung: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Isolation and Characterization of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Use in Tissue Engineering -- Isolation of Smooth Muscle Cells from Bladder for Generation of Engineered Urologic Organs -- Isolation of Urothelial Cells from Bladder Tissue -- Isolation of Pulsatile Cell Bodies from Esophageal Tissue -- Cell Isolation Through Whole Liver Perfusion and Preparation of Hepatocytes for Cytochrome P450 Analysis -- Ex Vivo Culture and Separation of Functional Renal Cells -- Isolation and Myogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) for Urologic Tissue Engineering -- Xeno-Free Adaptation and Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells -- Reverse Engineering Life: Physical and Chemical Mimetics for Controlled Stem Cell Differentiation into Cardiomyocytes -- Phenotypic Analysis of Bioactive Cells for Application in Regenerative Medicine -- Preparation and Evaluation of Natural Scaffold Materials for Kidney Regenerative Applications -- Rapid Production of Autologous Fibrin Hydrogels for Cellular Encapsulation in Organ Regeneration -- Electrospinning Tubular Scaffolds with Tissue-Like Mechanical Properties and Biomimetic Surface Features -- Design, Fabrication, and Preparation of Synthetic Scaffolds for Urologic Tissue Engineering -- Characterization of a PGA Based Scaffold for Use in a Tissue Engineered Neo-Urinary Conduit -- Migration Assay to Evaluate Cellular Interactions with Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine Applications -- Care of Rodent Models used for Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Tissue Engineered/Regenerative Medicine Product Candidates -- Bioreactor Design Considerations for Hollow Organs -- Construction of a Multicoaxial Hollow Fiber Bioreactor -- Microencapsulation of Pancreatic Islets for Use in a Bioartificial Pancreas -- Bioengineered Skin Substitutes -- Formulation of Selected Renal Cells for Implantation into a Kidney -- Human Liver Bioengineering Using a Whole Liver Decellularized Bioscaffold -- A "Living Bioreactor" for the Production of Tissue Engineered Small Intestine -- Tissue Engineering of Esophagus and Small Intestine in Rodent Injury Models -- Scanning Electron Microscopy Evaluation of Endothelialized Tissue Engineered Constructs -- Genotypic and Phenotypic Analysis of in vivo Tissue Regeneration in an Animal Model -- Histological Evaluation of Tissue Regeneration Using Biodegradable Scaffold Seeded by Autologous Cells for Tubular/Hollow Organs Applications. , English
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 1-62703-362-9
    Sprache: Englisch
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 3
    Umfang: 401 S.
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Komparatistik. Außereuropäische Sprachen/Literaturen
    Schlagwort(e): Neo ; Englisch ; Wörterbuch ; Neo ; Einführung ; Einführung
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 4
    New York, NY :Springer US :
    Umfang: 1 online resource (XII, 304 p. 57 illus., 48 illus. in color.)
    Ausgabe: 1st ed. 2020.
    ISBN: 1-0716-0327-2
    Serie: Methods in Molecular Biology, 2120
    Inhalt: This volume focuses on a variety of in silico protocols of the latest bioinformatics tools and computational pipelines developed for neo-antigen identification and immune cell analysis from high-throughput sequencing data for cancer immunotherapy. The chapters in this book cover topics that discuss the two emerging concepts in recognition of tumor cells using endogenous T cells: cancer vaccines against neo-antigens presented on HLA class I and II alleles, and checkpoint inhibitors. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and authoritative, Bioinformatics for Cancer Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols is a valuable research tool for any scientist and researcher interested in learning more about this exciting and developing field.
    Anmerkung: Bioinformatics for Cancer Immunotherapy -- An Individualized Approach for Somatic Variant Discovery -- Ensemble-Based Somatic Mutation Calling in Cancer Genomes -- SomaticSeq: An Ensemble and Machine Learning Method to Detect Somatic Mutations -- HLA Typing from RNA Sequencing and Applications to Cancer -- Rapid High-Resolution Typing of Class I HLA Genes by Nanopore Sequencing -- HLApers: HLA Typing and Quantification of Expression with Personalized Index -- High-Throughput MHC I Ligand Prediction using MHCflurry -- In Silico Prediction of Tumor Neoantigens with TIminer -- OpenVax: An Open-Source Computational Pipeline for Cancer Neoantigen Prediction -- Improving MHC-I Ligand Identification by Incorporating Targeted Searches of Mass Spectrometry Data -- The SysteMHC Atlas: A Computational Pipeline, A Website, and A Data Repository for Immunopeptidomics Analysis -- Identification of Epitope-Specific T Cells in T Cell Receptor Repertoires -- Modeling and Viewing T Cell Receptors using TCRmodel and TCR3d -- In Silico Cell Type Deconvolution Methods in Cancer Immunotherapy -- Immunedeconv - An R Package for Unified Access to Computational Methods for Estimating Immune Cell Fractions from Bulk RNA Sequencing Data -- EPIC: A Tool to Estimate the Proportions of Different Cell Types from Bulk Gene Expression Data -- Computational Deconvolution of Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Components with Bulk Tumor Gene Expression Data -- Cell Type Enrichment Analysis of Bulk Transcriptomes using xCell -- Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE), A Quantitative and Genome-Wide Assay of Transcription Start Sites.
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 1-0716-0326-4
    Sprache: Englisch
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 5
    New York, NY :Springer US :
    Umfang: 1 online resource (XV, 272 p. 61 illus., 46 illus. in color.)
    Ausgabe: 1st ed. 2021.
    ISBN: 1-0716-1134-8
    Serie: Methods in Molecular Biology, 2250
    Inhalt: This volume details the most up-to-date technologies used in plant transposable element studies and provides easy-to-follow protocols. Chapters guide readers on available database resources, annotation of different families of transposon, and experimental methods to detect their transposition intermediates, neo-transposed DNAs, and transposition events. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Plant Transposable Elements: Methods and Protocols aims to provide web-lab and dry-lab methodologies targeted at various levels from beginner to experienced.
    Anmerkung: A Predictive Approach to Infer the Activity and Natural Variation of Retrotransposon Families in Plants -- In silico Identification of Stress Associated Transposable Elements in Arabidopsis thaliana using Public Transcriptome Data -- A Practical Guide on Computational Tools and Databases for Transposable Elements in Plants -- A Tutorial of EDTA: Extensive de-novo TE Annotator -- Mining of Miniature Transposable Elements in Brassica species at BrassicaTED -- Genome-wide Identification of Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable Elements by Targeted High-Throughput Sequencing -- Identification of Extrachromosomal Circular Forms of Active Transposable Elements Using Mobilome-Seq -- Identification of Active Transposable Elements in Plants: The mobilome-seq Approach -- High-throughput Profiling of Extrachromosomal Linear DNAs of Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons by ALE-seq -- Bioinformatics Analysis Guides to LTR Retrotransposon-Derived Extrachromosomal Linear DNAs Identified by ALE-seq -- Determination of TE insertion Positions using Transposon Display -- Detection of Transposition Events from Next-Generation Sequencing Data -- Rapid Detection of Transposon-Induced Genome Rearrangements -- Detection of Transposable Element Insertions in Arabidopsis Using Sequence Capture -- Efficient Detection of Transposable Element Insertion Polymorphisms Between Genomes Using Short-Read Sequencing Data -- Quantitative Measurement of Transposon Copy Number using the Droplet Digital PCRDetecting Signatures of TE Polymorphisms in Short-read Sequencing Data -- How to Activate Heat-responsible Retrotransposon ONSEN in Brassicaceae Species -- Measurement of Genetic Mobility Using a Transposon-Based Marker System In Sorghum -- Sequence-specific Amplified Polymorphism (SSAP) and Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) Markers in Zea mays -- Analysis of Plant DNA Methylation Profiles using R -- Arabidopsis thaliana Mature Endosperm Dissection and Isolation of Seed Tissue Genomic DNA -- Transposon-Based Tagging in Silico using FastPCR Software -- Bamboo Transposon Research: Current Status and Perspectives. .
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 1-0716-1133-X
    Sprache: Englisch
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 6
    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784710477 (e-book)
    Serie: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Inhalt: This three volume set gathers together selected key articles in evolutionary economics, ordering these into the domains of micro analysis (concerned with agents), meso analysis (concerned with rule populations and trajectories) and macro analysis (concerned with the structure and development of the whole economy). This authoritative collection, with an original introduction by the editors, will be of interest to scholars and researchers seeking to understand how evolutionary economics fits together and to advance such an integrated approach.
    Anmerkung: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): John B. Davis (2008), 'Complex Individuals: The Individual in Non-Euclidian Space', in Hardy Hanappi and Wolfram Elsner (eds), Advances in Evolutionary Institutional Economics: Evolutionary Mechanisms, Non-Knowledge and Strategy, Chapter 6, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 123-42 -- David Lane, Franco Malerba, Robert Maxfield and Luigi Orsenigo (1996), 'Choice and Action', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 6 (1), 43-76 -- Félix-Fernando Muñoz, María-Isabel Encinar and Carolina Cañibano (2011), 'On the Role of Intentionality in Evolutionary Economic Change', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 22 (3), September, 193-203 -- Caroline Gerschlager (2012), 'Agents of Change', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22 (3), July, 413-41 -- Thomas Grebel, Andreas Pyka and Horst Hanusch (2003), 'An Evolutionary Approach to the Theory of Entrepreneurship', Industry and Innovation, 10 (4), December, 493-514 -- Anthony M. Endres and Christine R. Woods (2010), 'Schumpeter's "Conduct Model of the Dynamic Entrepreneur": Scope and Distinctiveness', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (4), August, 583-607 -- Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Marengo and Giorgio Fagiolo (2005), 'Learning in Evolutionary Environments', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 9, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 255-338 -- Richard R. Nelson and Davide Consoli (2010), 'An Evolutionary Theory of Household Consumption Behavior', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (5), October, 665-87 -- Ulrich Witt (2001), 'Learning to Consume - A Theory of Wants and the Growth of Demand', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11 (1), January, 23-36 -- Gunnar Eliasson (1990), 'The Firm as a Competent Team', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 13 (3), June, 275-98 -- Sidney G. Winter (2006), 'Toward a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm', Industrial and Corporate Change, 15 (1), February, 125-41 -- Richard N. Langlois (2002), 'Modularity in Technology and Organization', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49 (1), September, 19-37 -- Herbert A. Simon (2005), 'Darwinism, Altruism and Economics', in Kurt Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 4, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 89-104 -- Leigh Tesfatsion (2002), 'Agent-Based Computational Economics: Growing Economies from the Bottom Up', Artificial Life, 8 (1), March, 55-82 -- Andreas Pyka and Giorgio Fagiolo (2007), 'Agent-Based Modelling: A Methodology for Neo-Schumpeterian Economics', in Horst Hanusch and Andreas Pyka (eds), Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Chapter 29, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 467-87 -- David A. Lane (1993), 'Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part I', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 3 (2), 89-107 -- David A. Lane (1993), 'Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part II', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 3 (3), 177-97 -- Katherine Nelson and Richard R. Nelson (2002), 'On the Nature and Evolution of Human Know-How', Research Policy, 31 (5), July, 719-33 -- Ulrich Witt (2009), 'Novelty and the Bounds of Unknowledge in Economics', Journal of Economic Methodology, 16 (4), December, 361-75 , David A. Lane and Robert R. Maxfield (2005), 'Ontological Uncertainty and Innovation', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 15 (1), January, 3-50 -- Thomas Grebel (2009), 'Technological Change: A Microeconomic Approach to the Creation of Knowledge', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 20 (4), December, 301-12 -- Kurt Dopfer, John Foster and Jason Potts (2004), 'Micro-Meso-Macro', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14 (3), July, 263-79 -- Elinor Ostrom and Xavier Basurto (2011), 'Crafting Analytical Tools to Study Institutional Change', Journal of Institutional Economics, 7 (3), September, 317-43 -- Olivier Brette and Caroline Mehier (2008), 'Building on the Micro-Meso-Macro Evolutionary Framework: The Stakes for the Analysis of Clusters of Innovation', in Wolfram Elsner and Hardy Hanappi (eds), Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals: Regulation, Welfare and the New Economy, Chapter 11, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 227-49 -- John Stanley Metcalfe (2008), 'Accounting for Economic Evolution: Fitness and the Population Method', Journal of Bioeconomics, 10 (1), April, 23-49 -- Uwe Cantner and Jens J. Krüger (2008), 'Micro-Heterogeneity and Aggregate Productivity Development in the German Manufacturing Sector: Results from a Decomposition Exercise', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18 (3), April, 119-33 -- Horst Hanusch and Andreas Pyka (2007), 'Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31 (2), March, 275-89 -- Esben Sloth Andersen (2008), 'Fundamental Fields of Post-Schumpeterian Evolutionary Economics', DRUID Working Paper No. 08-25, i, 1-34 -- Alain Alcouffe and Thomas Kuhn (2004), 'Schumpeterian Endogenous Growth Theory and Evolutionary Economics', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14 (2), June, 223-36 -- Kurt Dopfer (2012), 'The Origins of Meso Economics: Schumpeter's Legacy and Beyond', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22 (1), January, 133-60 -- Witold Kwasnicki and Halina Kwasnicka (1992), 'Market, Innovation, Competition: An Evolutionary Model of Industrial Dynamics', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 19 (3), December, 343-68 -- Sidney G. Winter, Yuri M. 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Brian Arthur (1989), 'Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events', Economic Journal, 99 (394), March, 116-31 -- Ron Martin and Peter Sunley (2010), 'The Place of Path Dependence in an Evolutionary Perspective on the Economic Landscape', in Ron Boschma and Ron Martin (eds), The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 62-92 -- Richard R. Nelson and Bhaven N. Sampat (2001), 'Making Sense of Institutions as a Factor Shaping Economic Performance', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 44 (1), January, 31-54 -- Jason Potts (2007), 'Evolutionary Institutional Economics', Journal of Economic Issues, XLI (2), June, 341-50 -- Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1997), 'The Ubiquity of Habits and Rules', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21 (6), November, 663-84 -- Richard R. Nelson (2008), 'What Enables Rapid Economic Progress: What Are the Needed Institutions?', Research Policy, 37 (1), February, 1-11 -- Wolfram Elsner (2010), 'The Process and a Simple Logic of "Meso". Emergence and the Co-Evolution of Institutions and Group Size', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20 (3), June, 445-77 -- Richard P.F. Holt, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. and David Colander (2011), 'The Complexity Era in Economics', Review of Political Economy, 23 (3), July, 357-69 -- Peter M. 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    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books. ; Electronic books
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  • 7
    Abingdon, Oxon ; : Routledge,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (172 pages) : , illustrations.
    ISBN: 9781000570106 , 100057010X , 9781003187424 , 1003187420 , 9781000570083 , 1000570088
    Serie: Materializing culture
    Inhalt: "This book explores privacy practices and the role of digital technologies in the lives of urban Ghanaians, considering how they use language, materiality and culture to maintain sharp boundaries between the private and public. Focusing on the harbour town of Tema, it offers rich ethnographic portraits that cover topics such as nightlife, domestic architecture, religion, and social media. The volume demonstrates how transformations across Africa such as Pentecostal reformation, neo-liberal reforms and rapid digitisation all raise the need for privacy among middle-class urbanites who use brand new (and very traditional) strategies to uphold an image of their economic or religious state. Overall the book highlights how digital technologies intertwine with local cultures and histories, and how digital anthropology enhances our understanding of the offline as much as the online. It makes a valuable contribution to discourse about the right for privacy and surveillance in the digital age, and will be of interest to scholars from anthropology and African studies"--
    Anmerkung: Introduction: Studying privacy, digital anthropology, and Pentecostalism -- Method and reflection : a gay researcher undercover -- Setting the field : people, place, language and technology -- Treasures of darkness : nightlife & surveilance -- Hidden and incomplete : middle-class houses -- In a relationship with God : the discretness of social media -- Conclusions: Towards an ethnogarphy of privacy.
    Weitere Ausg.: Print version: Elul, Elad Ben. Urban Ghana and privacy in the digital age Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2022 ISBN 9781032017334
    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books.
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 8
    Abingdon, Oxon ; : Routledge,
    Umfang: 1 online resource
    ISBN: 9780367809799 , 0367809796 , 9781000590173 , 1000590178 , 9781000590142 , 1000590143
    Inhalt: "This book critically examines the questions related to the access to and financing of higher education in India. The rapid expansion of knowledge economy in the neo-liberal era of globalisation, has created an unprecedented demand for higher education, especially skill-based advanced learning. However, the inability of the government to meet the demand for public education, the massification of the higher education, and the rapid privatization of the education sector has now created concerns over financing education and ensuring its equitable access. The volume discusses challenges faced by aspiring students to meet the rising cost of higher education, as educational policies increasingly favour marketisation of higher education. It sheds light on several alternative and innovative methods of financing, with a focus on educational loans, to highlight how inequities and inequalities affect access to educational loans in countries like India. The book thus explores how this impacts students from the deprived/disadvantaged sections of the society who are unable to access courses and institutions of their choice, and therefore remain unsuitable to get absorbed in the evolving market economy. An incisive read on the economics of education in India, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of education, higher education, public policy, sociology, development studies, political science, and governance, as well as for the policymakers"--
    Anmerkung: Introduction -- Financing of higher education -- Issues of access and choice in the stage of massification -- Policy trending towards loan financing as an alternative -- Experimenting with other innovative methods of financing -- Conclusion.
    Weitere Ausg.: Print version: Panigrahi, Jinusha. Higher education financing in India Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2022 ISBN 9780367409036
    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books.
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  • 9
    Umfang: 1 online resource (461 pages)
    Ausgabe: First edition.
    ISBN: 3-658-42644-6
    Serie: Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität
    Anmerkung: Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Common framework -- Introduction: Economic Neoliberalism-A New Spirit of Capitalism? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Approach -- 3 The Generalized Results -- 4 Internationalization of Management -- 5 Triumph of Economics and Business Schools? -- 6 Neoliberal Action Orientations -- References -- Research Perspective: The "Spirit" of Capitalism and its Supporting Classes -- 1 The Classic Perspective: Max Weber's "Spirit of Capitalism" -- 1.1 Summary -- 2 Boltanski/Chiapellos' "New Spirit of Capitalism" -- 2.1 Summary -- 3 The Relation to the Current Discussion: Paradigm of Convergence and Divergence -- 3.1 Summary -- 4 Quintessence -- References -- The Operationalization of the Study: Global Carriers and Neoliberal Thinking -- 1 The Analysis of Life Course -- 2 Hypotheses about Change in Education and Career Paths -- 3 The Qualitative Part: Analysis of Collective Mindsets -- 4 Hypotheses on Neoliberal Management -- References -- Collective Mindsets: How to Analyze Neoliberal Thinking -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Sociological Approach and Two Versions of Collective Mindset Analysis -- 3 The CMA-Method and Methodology -- 4 The Case Study: A Lesson in Analyzing Neoliberal Mindsets of Top Managers in Brazil -- 5 Conclusions -- References -- Country studies -- Germany: On the Verge of a New Capitalist Spirit? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Development of the German Industry -- 3 Globalization and the Recruitment of the German Economic Elites-Results from Life Course Analysis -- 3.1 Internationalization -- 3.2 The Educational Background of the German Economic Elites -- 3.3 Career Mobility -- 3.4 Conclusions -- 4 The New Spirit of Capitalism in Germany-the Collective Mindsets in Action -- 4.1 The Collective Mindsets of Going Global -- 4.2 Outfoxing the System: The Financial Market Mindsets. , 4.3 The Neoliberal Principles of Capitalist Organization in Germany -- 5 The Neoliberal Principles of Self-Management and Self-optimization -- 5.1 The Entrepreneur of the Self -- 6 The New Spirit of Capitalism in Germany-General Conclusions -- References -- The Establishment of Global Elites with Neoliberal Mindsets? Liberal Bureaucratization in Switzerland -- 1 Varieties of Capitalism in Switzerland (1945-2015): Transition from Neo-Corporatism to a Liberal Market Economy? -- 2 The Life-Courses of Top Executives in Switzerland -- 2.1 Elite and Organizational Demographics -- 2.2 Education -- 2.3 International Circulation -- 2.4 International Recruitment -- 2.5 Explanation -- 3 The Collective Mindsets of Swiss Top Managers -- 3.1 Principles of Economic Management: Financial Markets -- 3.2 Principles of Corporate Management: Leadership -- 3.3 Principles of Life Conduct: Work and Performance Orientation -- 3.4 Summary -- 4 Conclusions: Making the Case for Liberal Bureaucratization and Swiss Divergence -- References -- Neoliberal State Capitalism in China: Integration Without Opening -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Current Status of Research -- 1.2 Economic Background -- 1.3 Sampling -- 2 Life Course Analysis -- 2.1 Educational Background -- 2.2 Disciplinary Background -- 2.3 Internationalization of Top Managers -- 2.4 Career Models -- 2.5 Conclusion -- 3 New Spirit of Capitalism in China?-Test of Neo-Liberalism at Chinese Enterprises -- 3.1 Capital-Market-Oriented Approach of Corporate Management? -- 3.2 Personnel Management: Traditional vs. Modern -- 3.3 Top Managers' Choice: Work or Family Life -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Modern Family Capitalism in South Korea -- 1 State of the Art: Literature Review on Korean Capitalism and Economic Elites -- 2 Rapid Economic Development in Korea -- 3 Life Course Analysis -- 3.1 Strengthening of Business Education?. , 3.2 Internationalization -- 4 International Experience -- 5 Career Pattern -- 6 Resume -- 7 Collective Mindset Analysis -- 7.1 Financial Market Orientation -- 8 Family-Owned System as a Final Winner -- 9 Financial Market-Orientation as a Tool -- 10 Contextualization -- 11 Explanation -- 12 Leadership -- 13 Caring Paternalistic Leadership -- 14 Strong Hierarchy Leadership -- 15 Communication Leadership -- 16 Hierarchical Delegation -- 17 Contextualization -- 18 Explanation -- 19 Work and Life -- 20 Work Comes First for the Sake of Nation-Building -- 21 Family as a Driving Force for Work -- 22 Contextualization -- 23 Explanation -- 24 Conclusions -- References -- Japan's Flashback to Traditional Capitalism -- 1 State of the Art -- 2 Manufacturing Sectors and Japan Inc. After World War II -- 3 Life-Course Analysis -- 3.1 Increase of Business Study? -- 3.2 Internationalization -- 3.3 Career Pattern -- 3.4 Resume -- 4 Collective Mindset Analysis -- 4.1 Financial Market Orientation -- 4.2 Leadership -- 4.3 Work and Life -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- All at the Same Time: Coexistence of Tradition and Modernity in India -- 1 State of the Art -- 2 Generation, Education & -- Career Pattern amongst Indian Top Managers -- 3 Collective Mindset Analysis -- 3.1 The Manager & -- Economic Action -- 3.2 The Manager & -- The Organisation -- 3.3 The Manager & -- Life Orientation -- 4 Conclusion and Contextualisation -- References -- Restructuring Modernity: The Hong Kong Banking Sector -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Economic Context and the Role of the Financial Industry -- 3 State of the Art -- 4 The Emergence of a Global Financial Elite? -- 4.1 Life-Course Analysis -- 5 Collective Mindset Analysis -- 5.1 Principles of Business-Financial Market Orientation -- 5.2 Principles of the Organization-Business Management and Leadership. , 6 Conclusion: On the Trail of Change-Breaches and Continuity in the Spirit of Capitalism -- References -- Traditional Modernity: The Cultural Imprint of the Brazilian Economy -- 1 State of the Art -- 2 The Development of Industry -- 3 Life-Course Analysis -- 3.1 The Triumph of Economics? -- 3.2 International Recruitment and Career -- 3.3 Career Pattern -- 3.4 Resume and Conclusion -- 4 Collective Mindsets Analysis -- 4.1 The Collective Mindset on Financial Market Orientation -- 4.2 The Collective Mindset on Conduct of Life -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Global and Bankrupt-Argentina's Fragmented Integration into Global Capitalism -- 1 State of the Art -- 2 The Development of Industry in Argentina -- 3 Life Course Analysis -- 3.1 The Triumph of Economics -- 3.2 Internationalization -- 3.3 Geographic Mobility -- 3.4 Career Mobility -- 3.5 Resume -- 4 Collective Mindset Analysis -- 4.1 Financial Market Orientation -- 4.2 Leadership -- 4.3 Conduction of Life -- 5 Conclusions -- References.
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 3-658-42643-8
    Sprache: Englisch
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 10
    New York, NY :Springer US :
    Umfang: XV, 784 p. , online resource.
    Ausgabe: 1st ed. 1973.
    ISBN: 9781489903303
    Serie: Environmental Science Research ; 2
    Inhalt: The rapid deterioration of the environment in many countries around the world, or of segments and aspects of the environment in specific locations, made it necessary that immediate - even if only short term - solutions be found to as many of these problems as possible. Nevertheless, in the long run, long range and long term solutions must be found taking into account the effects of one country or region on another as well as of the inter-action between the different types of pollution over extended periods of time. It was the purpose of the Tel Aviv meeting on Pollution: Engineering and Scientific Solutions, to address presently known or foreseeable "environmental insults;" that is, to focus on those aspects of air, noise, land, water or any other environmental quality for which there already exist engineering, scientific, legal or other solutions. Consequently, people from all disci­ plines which are relevant to environmental problems and their solutions were invited to participate.
    Anmerkung: 1. Climatic Aspects of Pollution -- 1.1 Global Effects of Contaminants in the Upper Atmosphere -- 1.2 Climatic Aspects of Waste Heat -- 1.3 Cooling Towers and Weather Modification -- 2. Pollution and Space -- 2.1 Man-Made Alterations of the Near Earth Space Environment -- 2.2 Orbital Pollution Control -- 2.3 Global Air Pollution Monitoring from Satellites: Prospects and Problems -- 2.4 Environmental Observations from Space - The Promise and the Challenge -- 3. Air Pollution -- 3.1 A Model for Fluid Mechanical Studies of Air Pollution -- 3.2 A Systematic Method for Evaluating the Potential Environmental Impact of New Industrial Chemicals -- 3.3 Effect of Additives on Boiler Cleanliness and Particulate Emissions -- 3.4 High Temperature Dust Control - Application of a Combination Particle Collector and Heat Exchanger -- 4. Agricultural and Pest Control Aspects of Pollution -- 4.1 Solutions to Problems of Soil Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals -- 4.2 Control of Air Pollution Affecting or Caused by Agriculture -- 4.3 The Creation and Control of Pest Situations Through Engineering: Past, Present and Future -- 4.4 The Neo-Technological Landscape Degradation and Its Ecological Restoration -- 4.5 Some Aspects of the Role of Engineering in the Competition Between Insects and Man -- 5. Sulfur Dioxide -- 5.1 Sulfur Dioxide Removal from Gases, U. S.: Lime-Limestone -- 5.2 Special Problems of the Smelter Industry -- 5.3 Sulfur Dioxide Removal from Waste Gases: A Status Report from United States: Recovery Processes -- 5.4 Sulphur Dioxide Removal from Waste Gases: A Status Report from Japan -- 5.5 Sulfur Dioxide Removal from Waste Gases: A Status Report - Europe -- 6. Propellants and Explosives -- 6.1 Pollution Abatement in the Manufacture and Loading of Propellants and Explosives -- 6.2 Investigations Related to Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in the U. S. TNT Industry -- 6.3 Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions for Nitric Acid Plants -- 6.4 Abatement of Nitrobodies in Aqueous Effluents from TNT Production and Finishing Plants -- 6.5 Explosive Incineration -- 6.6 The U. S. Navy PEPPARD Program -- 6.7 Elimination of Styphnic Acid from Plant Effluents -- 7. Solid Waste, Land Use -- 7.1 Environmental Problems and Solutions Associated with the Development of the World's Largest Lead Mining District -- 7.2 A Study of the Effectiveness of Backfilling in Controlling Mine Drainage -- 7.3 Land Disposal of Septage (Septic Tank Pumpings) -- 7.4 Resource Recovery from Municipal Waste - A Review and Analysis of Existing and Emerging Technology -- 7.5 Removal of Trace Metals from Wastewater by Lime and Ozonation -- 7.6 A Floating Settler for Low Cost Clarification -- 8. Sensing, Instrumentation, and Measurement -- 8.1 Measurement and Collaborative Testing for Implementation of Air Quality -- 8.2 The Use of Airborne Sensor Systems for Environmental Monitoring -- 8.3 Radio Wave Monitoring of the Depth and Salinity of the Water Table -- 8.4 Remote Measurement of Air Pollutants Utilizing the Raman Effect -- 8.5 Remote Sensing of Pollutants by Means of Stereo Analysis -- 8.6 Profiles of the Natural Contaminant Radon 222 as a Measure of Vertical Diffusivity -- 8.7 Spectrophotometric Determination of Indole and Skatole Using Lignine Extractions -- 9. Models -- 9.1 The Steady-State Demand-Output-Waste Economy -- 9.2 Simulation of Populations, with Particular Reference to the Grain Beetle, Tribolium -- 9.3 Pollution by Diffusive Processes -- 9.4 Computer Control of Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment -- 9.5 Computation and Mapping of the Dispersion and Herbage Uptake of Gaseous Effluents from Industrial Plants -- 9.6 Particle Deposition and Diffusivities along Smooth Surfaces -- 10. Noise -- 10.1 Industrial Noise Pollution -- 10.2 Motor Vehicle Noise -- 10.3 Engineering and Scientific Implications of Noise Control Legislation -- 10.4 Noise Pollution in Developing Countries and in Israel in Particular -- 11. National and Local Problems and Solutions -- 11.1 Environmental Protection in the U. S. -- 11.2 Pollution Problems in Australia - A Large, Sparsely Populated, Rapidly Developing Country -- 11.3 The Canadian Pollution Problem - A Need for Broader Perceptions -- 11.4 A Cooperative Approach to Pollution Problems in Canada -- 11.5 Some Pollution Problems in Nigeria -- 11.6 Legal Control of Industrial Air Pollution in Israel -- 11.7 Air Pollution Trends in Tel Aviv, Israel -- 11.8 A Dual-Purpose Air Pollution Alert and Implementation System for the Greater Tel-Aviv Area -- 12. Political, Social, Educational, and Industrial Aspects of Pollution -- 12.1 Politics and Pollution: Political Solutions to a Deteriorating Environment -- 12.2 Some Economic, Spatial, Social, and Political Indicators of Environmental Quality of Urban Life -- 12.3 Teratological Hazards due to Phenoxy Herbicides and Dioxin Contaminants -- 12.4 Strategy for Maintaining Environmental Quality in Developing Technological Societies -- 12.5 Environment's Most Dangerous Pest: Man -- 12.6 Environmental Education as a Means of Creating an Awareness of Pollution by Tomorrow's Youth -- 12.7 Pollution and Public Information -- 12.8 Are Industry and Government Fulfilling Their Responsibilities for Pollution Control? -- 12.9 Industrial Zoning.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Weitere Ausg.: Printed edition: ISBN 9781489903327
    Weitere Ausg.: Printed edition: ISBN 9780306363023
    Weitere Ausg.: Printed edition: ISBN 9781489903310
    Sprache: Englisch
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