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  • 1
    Umfang: 1 online resource (VII, 309 p.)
    ISBN: 9783110745528 , 9783110766820
    Serie: Medien und kulturelle Erinnerung , 8
    Inhalt: Die Erinnerungskultur entsteht nicht aus dem Nichts. Sie wird von sozialen Akteuren verhandelt und konstruiert. Anhand des Romans, des Hörspiels und der Fernsehserie Am grünen Strand der Spree (1955-1960), in denen eine Massenerschießung von Juden und Jüdinnen in der besetzten Sowjetunion während des Zweiten Weltkrieges geschildert wird, untersucht die Autorin die westdeutsche Zirkulation der Erinnerung an den sog. Holocaust by bullets. In drei mikrohistorischen Studien analysiert sie die Akteure, die Wirkung sowie die Materialität dieser Schilderungen. Dabei geht sie tief ins Detail, um die Mechanismen nachzuzeichnen, die das kulturelle Gedächtnis an die Massenerschießungen in Bewegung bzw. zum Stillstand bringen. Wie war es möglich, dass eine umfangreiche Darstellung eines NS-Verbrechens in der frühen Bundesrepublik erschien und fürs Radio und Fernsehen adaptiert wurde? Wieso wurden alle Fassungen von Am grünen Strand der Spree über Jahrzehnte nur Spezialist/-innen bekannt? Aus welchen Gründen gewinnen der Roman, das Hörspiel und die Fernsehserie allmählich wieder an Popularität?
    Inhalt: Who constructs memory culture? What kind of impact do conceptions of history have on their users? What kind of infrastructure activates cultural memory? In three microhistorical studies, this volume examines Through the Night as a novel, audio play, and TV series (1955-1960) to ask how memories of the mass shootings of Jews in the occupied Soviet Union during the Second World War circulated in the Federal Republic of Germany.
    Anmerkung: Frontmatter -- , Inhalt -- , Prolog: Orscha 1941 -- , Einführung: Wieso drei Geschichten über Am grünen Strand der Spree? -- , Erste Geschichte: Akteure und Institutionen -- , Zweite Geschichte: Authentizität und Affekte -- , Dritte Geschichte: Medien und Technologien -- , Fazit: Sackgassen der Erinnerungskultur -- , Bibliografie und Quellen -- , Personenregister -- , Danksagung , Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web. , In German.
    In: DG Plus DeG Package 2022 Part 1, De Gruyter, 9783110766820
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE COMPLETE 2021, De Gruyter, 9783110753776
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE Literary, Cultural, Area Studies 2021, De Gruyter, 9783110753899
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 9783110745566
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 9783110633672
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Fachgebiete: Allgemeines
    URL: Cover
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 2
    Zürich :Diogenes,
    Umfang: 374 S.
    ISBN: 3-257-06510-8
    Inhalt: As a child Peter Debauer finds a incomplete novel about a German prisoner of war who escapes from a Russian camp to return to his wife who believes he is dead. Years later he embarks on a search for the missing pages which turns into a search for his missing father, a German soldier he believed to have been killed in the war.
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Fachgebiete: Germanistik
    Schlagwort(e): Deutscher Soldat ; Heimkehrer ; Ehefrau ; Nichteheliches Kind ; Heranwachsender ; Identitätsfindung ; Fiktionale Darstellung ; Fiktionale Darstellung ; Fiktionale Darstellung ; Belletristische Darstellung ; Fiktionale Darstellung ; Fiktionale Darstellung
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 3
    Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; Delhi ; Singapore :Cambridge University Press,
    Umfang: xix, 334 Seiten : , Illustrationen.
    ISBN: 978-1-107-17746-8 , 978-1-316-62837-9
    Inhalt: Blending history and social science, this book tracks the role of social movements in shaping German public memory and values since 1945. Drawn from extensive original research, it offers a fresh perspective on the evolution of German democracy through civic confrontation with the violence of its past. Told through the stories of memory activists, the study upends some of the conventional wisdom about modern German political history. An analysis of the decades-long struggle over memory and democracy shows how grassroots actors challenged and then took over public institutions of memorialization. In the process, confrontation of the Holocaust has been pushed to the centre of political culture. In unified Germany, memory politics have shifted again, as activists from East Germany have brought attention to the crimes of the East German state. This book delivers a novel and important contribution to scholarship about postwar Germany and the wider study of memory politics
    Weitere Ausg.: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 9781316822746
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Geschichte , Soziologie
    Schlagwort(e): Kollektives Gedächtnis ; Soziale Bewegung
    Mehr zum Autor: Wüstenberg, Jenny
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 4
    Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (197 Seiten) : , Illustrationen.
    ISBN: 978-3-8394-4720-8
    Serie: Lettre
    Anmerkung: Dissertation Yale University
    Weitere Ausg.: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 978-3-8376-4720-4
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Germanistik
    Schlagwort(e): 1730-1807 Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim La Roche, Sophie von ; 1829-1911 Zum Zeitvertreib Spielhagen, Friedrich ; 1878-1957 Berlin Alexanderplatz Döblin, Alfred ; Gesicht ; Körper ; Deutsch ; Roman ; Körper ; Hochschulschrift ; Hochschulschrift
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    Mehr zum Autor: Stoicea, Gabriela.
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 5
    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag | Bielefeld :transcript Verlag,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (362)
    Ausgabe: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 3-8394-0774-5
    Serie: Studien zur visuellen Kultur 4
    Inhalt: Das Gegendenkmal gilt gemeinhin als Erfolgsmodell der bundesdeutschen Erinnerungskultur seit den 1980er Jahren. Dieses Buch untersucht anhand zweier Fallstudien erstmals die politische Funktion des neuen Denkmaltypus: Wie sich zeigt, bringen das »Harburger Mahnmal gegen Faschismus« wie auch der Kasseler »Aschrottbrunnen« trotz ihrer avantgardistischen Strategien letztlich problematische Identifikationsangebote hervor. Die Analyse erschließt Erzählungen von feminisierten Opfern, heroischer Männlichkeit und symbolischen Wunden der Nation. Eine akteursspezifische Perspektive macht sichtbar, wie sich dabei geschichtspolitische, generations- und geschlechtsspezifische Anliegen verknüpfen.
    Inhalt: »Tombergers Verdienst ist es, eine umfassende Materialsammlung zu den ausgewählten Denkmälern zusammengetragen zu haben, darunter unveröffentlichtes Aktenmaterial und Berichte der Lokalpresse.« Tanja Schult, H-Soz-u-Kult, 16.04.2008 »The study is to be recommended to scholars interested in Germany's memory culture, in particular for its thorough discussion of two cases that aesthetically challenge the dominant representations and engage the regional public in novel ways.« Dieter K. Buse, German Studies Review, 32/3 (2009)
    Anmerkung: Frontmatter 1 INHALT 5 DANKSAGUNG 7 EINFÜHRUNG 9 THEORETISCH-METHODISCHE ÜBERLEGUNGEN 27 Das Denkmal: Ein versinkender Pfeiler als interaktives Angebot 39 Der Entscheidungsprozess: Streit um Avantgardekunst 46 Das künstlerische Konzept: Avantgardekunst versus Faschismus 61 Die Autorschaft: Männlichkeit, Verletzbarkeit, Überwindung 106 Abbildungen 154 Das Denkmal: Ein versenkter Obelisk als Markierungskonzept 173 Der Entscheidungsprozess: Avantgardekunst als Standortfaktor 181 Das künstlerische Konzept: Verlustanzeige und Wundmal 215 Die Autorschaft: Täterschaft, Nachfolge, Versöhnung 257 Abbildungen 280 ZUSAMMENFÜHRUNG 303 ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS 333 LITERATUR 335 AB BILDUNGSNACHWEIS 359 Backmatter 361 , German.
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 3-89942-774-2
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Schlagwort(e): Hochschulschrift
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 6
    Bern : transcript Verlag | Bielefeld, Germany :Transcript Verlag,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (348 p.) , 1587 MB 20 SW-Abbildungen
    Ausgabe: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 3-8394-4840-9
    Serie: Postmigrantische Studien 4
    Inhalt: The concept of »postmigration« has recently gained importance in the context of European societies' obsession with migration and integration along with emerging new forms of exclusion and nationalisms. This book introduces ongoing debates on the developing concept of »postmigration« and how it can be applied to arts and culture. While the concept has mainly gained traction in the cultural scene in Berlin, Germany, the contributions expand the field of study by attending to cultural expressions in literature, theatre, film, and art across various European societies, such as the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Denmark, and Germany. By doing so, the contributions highlight this concept's potential and show how it can offer new perspectives on transformations caused by migration.
    Anmerkung: Cover -- Contents -- List of illustrations -- Introduction -- Part I: Discourses and interventions -- Postmigrant Europe: Discoveries beyond ethnic, national and colonial boundaries -- When do societies become postmigrant? A historical consideration based on the example of Switzerland -- Contested crises Migration regimes as an analytical perspective on today's societies -- "The cultural capital of postmigrants is enormous" Postmigration in theatre as label and lens -- A postmigrant contrapuntal reading of the refugee crisis and its discourse 'Foreigners out! Schlingensief's Container' -- Part II: Cultural representations -- Class, knowledge and belonging Narrating postmigrant possibilities -- Postmigrant remembering in mnemonic affective spaces Senthuran Varatharajah's Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen and Pooneh Rohi's Araben -- "I don't write about me, I write about you" Four major motifs in the Nordic postmigration literary trend -- Towards an aesthetics of migration The "Eastern turn" of German-language literature and the German cultural memory after 2015 -- Towards an aesthetics of postmigrant narratives Moving beyond the politics of territorial belonging in Ilija Trojanow's Nach der Flucht (2017) -- We Are Here Reflections on the production of a documentary film on the theatre in postmigrant Denmark -- Part III: Postmigrant spaces -- The square, the monument and the re-configurative power of art in postmigrant public spaces -- Recovering migrant spaces in Laurent Maffre's graphic novel Demain, Demain -- Zamakan: Towards a contrapuntal image -- "Tense encounters" How migrantised women design and reimagine urban everyday life -- Contemplating the coronavirus crisis through a postmigrant lens? From segregative refugee accommodations and camps to a vision of solidarity -- Contributors. , English
    Weitere Ausg.: ISBN 3-8376-4840-0
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Komparatistik. Außereuropäische Sprachen/Literaturen
    Schlagwort(e): Aufsatzsammlung
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 7
    Cham :Springer International Publishing AG,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (1524 pages)
    Ausgabe: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783031198847 , 3031198840
    Inhalt: The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management, edited by Joseph Sarkis, is a comprehensive reference work that delves into the multifaceted field of supply chain management. It addresses a broad spectrum of topics including strategic and operational issues, logistics, upstream and downstream management, and the role of technology. The handbook is designed to cater to a wide audience, from academics and students to practitioners, policymakers, and community leaders. It explores the evolution of supply chain management, particularly in the wake of global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of efficiency, resilience, and sustainability. The book includes over 60 chapters, each offering insights into specific aspects of supply chain management, with discussions on environmental sustainability, risk management, and technological advancements. It serves as a guide for understanding the interconnected systems that optimize operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.
    Anmerkung: Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- About the Editor -- Contributors -- Part I: Strategic Issues -- Strategic Management and Supply Strategy -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Development of Supply Strategy -- 3 Aligning with Strategic Management -- 3.1 Strategic Environment -- 3.2 Strategy Content and Process -- 4 Achieving Strategic Fit and Alignment -- 5 Supply Structure Decisions -- 5.1 Supply Network Breadth -- 6 Types of Supply Relationships -- 7 Supply Processes and Activities -- 8 Value of Strategic Management Concepts and Theories for Supply Strategy -- 8.1 Maturity and Stage Models -- 9 The Future and Conclusion -- References -- Maturity Tools in the Supply Chain Context: A Framework Proposal -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Maturity Models -- 3 Maturity Models in the Supply Chain -- 3.1 A Supply Chain Maturity Model Construction Framework -- 4 Conclusion -- 5 Future Directions for Practice and Research -- References -- Global Supply Chain Management -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Global Sourcing, Manufacturing, and Distribution -- 2.1 Supply Network Issues -- 2.2 Manufacturing Network Issues -- Location Factors -- Plant Roles in Networks -- Network-Plant Relationships -- 2.3 Distribution Network Issues -- 3 Global Supply Chain Structures -- 3.1 Linear Supply Chain Structures -- 3.2 Divergent Supply Chain Structures -- 3.3 Convergent Supply Chain Structures -- 3.4 Mixed Supply Chain Structures -- 4 Current Concerns -- 4.1 Restructuring the Global Supply Chain -- 4.2 Tax Considerations -- Customs Duties and Compliance -- Direct Taxes, Corporate Income Tax, and Principal Structure -- Indirect Taxes, Value Added Tax and Sales Taxes, and Permanent Establishment -- Tax-Aligned Supply Chain Mapping and Operating Model -- 4.3 National Culture -- 4.4 Risk Management -- 5 Emergent Concerns and Future Directions -- 6 Summary and Conclusion -- References. , Africa and Supply Chain Management -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 2.1 Frame Conditions of Supply Chains in Africa -- Emerging Economies in Africa -- 2.2 Macroeconomic Factors, Infrastructure and Material Flows -- 2.3 Risk and Resilience of Supply Chains -- 3 Emergent Supply Chain Risk and Regulatory Issues in the Africa Context -- 3.1 Risk and Resilience of Supply Chains in Africa: Insights from a Delphi Study -- 3.2 Impacts of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains: An African Perspective -- 3.3 Perceived Risks and Opportunities of the Act on Due Diligence -- 3.4 Measures to Put the Requirements into Practice -- 3.5 Expected Impacts on Sustainability Performance -- 4 Sustainability of Supply Chains in Africa: Prerequisites, Practices, and Sustainable Development Goals -- 5 A SWOT Analysis and Managerial Implications -- 6 Summary and Conclusion -- References -- Supply Chain Management in Latin America -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Supply Chain Management: An Overview -- 3 Supply Chain Management in Latin America -- 3.1 Description of Latin America Supply Chain Management Studies -- Country -- Cooperation -- Research Type -- Sector -- 3.2 Focus and Main Results of Research -- 4 Discussions About the State of Art Concerning the SCM Subject in Latin America and Recommendations for Further Future Resear... -- 5 Final Considerations -- References -- Entrepreneurship in Supply Chain Management -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Areas of SCM Related to Entrepreneurship -- 2.1 Strategic Issues -- Sustainability in Supply Chains -- Supply Chain Finance -- Supply Chain Capabilities -- Performance Measurement and Management -- Partnership Development -- 2.2 Upstream Management -- 2.3 Operational Issues -- Operational Performance -- Operational Capabilities -- Quality Management -- Miscellaneous Topics -- 2.4 Logistics and Transportation. , 3 Future Directions and Managerial Implications -- 3.1 Relying on and Developing Theories -- 3.2 Multilevel Modeling Studies -- 3.3 Novel Data Sources and Analysis Methods -- 3.4 The Impact of the Pandemic -- 3.5 Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives -- 3.6 Interface of Global SCM and International Entrepreneurship -- 3.7 Government, Policy, and Regulation -- 4 Summary and Conclusion -- References -- Gender Diversity for Supply Chain Sustainability -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 3 Current Concerns -- 4 Deliberate Victimization -- 5 Taken-for-Granted Victimization -- 6 Emergent Concerns, Outstanding Research, and Future Directions -- 7 Positive Discrimination and Representative Organizations -- 8 ``Self-Made Women´´ as Change-Makers for Sustainability in Supply Chains -- 9 Future Direction on Gender Diversity for Sustainability in SCM -- 10 Managerial Implications -- 11 Summary and Conclusion -- References -- Integrated Thinking of the Construction Supply Chain and Project Management -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 3 The Construction Supply Chain, Project Performance Domains (PPD), and Project Delivery Principles (PDP) -- 3.1 CSCM´s Contribution to PM Principles and Performance Areas -- 4 Recommendations for Supporting the Construction Project Management (CPM) and the Construction Supply Chain Management (CSCM)... -- 5 Summary and Conclusion -- References -- Conceptualizing Circular Supply Chains: A Theory Building Approach -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Critiques of the CE -- 3 Basis for Conceptualization -- 4 Conceptualizing CSCs -- 4.1 Integration of Forward Supply Chains and RSCs -- 4.2 CSC (Type 1) with RSC (Type 1) Where the EoL Products Are Returned to Their Origin -- Close the Loop with CE motivation - Restorative Approach Through Reduce and Reuse (Short-Term Loops). , 4.3 CSC (Type 2) with RSC (Type 2) Where the EoL Products Are Returned to Another Supply Chain as a Resource -- Open a New Loop with CE Motivation - Regenerative Approach Through Repurpose (Medium-Term Loops) -- 4.4 CSC (Type 3) with RSC (Type 3) Where the EoL Products Inside and Outside of the Own Supply Chain Are Returned as a Resource -- While Closing Its Own Loop, Several Resources Are Also Brought in Through Another Open Loop - Restorative Through Recycling (L... -- 4.5 Comparison Among Three CSC Types -- 5 Discussion -- 6 Managerial and Policymaking Implications -- 7 Conclusion -- References -- Remanufacturing and the Supply Chain -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Business Practices and Policy Support for Remanufacturing -- 2.1 Get Moving: Collection of Used Products -- 2.2 Governmental Efforts for Remanufacturing Systems Support -- 3 Competitiveness and Uncertainties for a Remanufacturing Supply Chain -- 3.1 Competitiveness Between an OEM and a Remanufacturer -- 3.2 Uncertainties for a Remanufacturing Supply Chain -- Uncertainties and Contract Coordination -- Risk Attitudes for Uncertainties -- Information Asymmetry Among Practicers -- Analytical Models for Uncertainty -- 4 Market Acceptance Issues of Remanufactured Products -- 4.1 The Impact of Consumer Preferences and Government Subsidies -- Modeling -- 4.2 Remanufacturing Supply Chain Service Modes -- Sales and Service Modes for Remanufacturing -- Observations and Recommendations on Sales-Service Modes for Remanufacturing -- 5 Future Prospects and Concerns -- References -- Supply Chain Strategizing in New Product Development -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 2.1 SC Strategy -- 2.2 The Importance of SC Strategizing in NPD -- 2.3 Summary of Sect. 2 -- 3 SAP -- 3.1 Dimensions of SAP -- Strategizing ``Practitioners´´ -- Strategizing ``Activities´´ -- Strategizing ``Practices´´ -- 3.2 Summary of Sect. 3. , 4 SC Strategy-as-Practice in NPD -- 4.1 Dimensions of SC Strategizing in NPD -- SC Strategizing ``Practitioners´´ in NPD -- SC Strategizing ``Activities´´ in NPD -- SC Strategizing ``Practices´´ in NPD -- 4.2 Interplay Among Dimensions of SC Strategizing in NPD -- 4.3 Challenges of Engaging in SC Strategizing in NPD -- Uncertainty Challenges -- Political Challenges -- Learning and Knowledge Acquisition Challenges -- 4.4 Summary of Sect. 4 -- 5 Conclusion and Future Directions -- References -- Viewing Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) Through Paradox Theory and an Innovation Framework -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Risk Management -- 3 Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) for Risk Identification -- 4 Concept of Ambidexterity (CoA) and Paradox Theory -- 4.1 Relevance of Ambidexterity in Practice -- 4.2 Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) -- 5 Linking Supply Chain Integration and Supply Chain Agility via Paradox Theory -- 6 Future of Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) -- 7 Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) Outcomes and Observations -- 8 Ambidextrous Growth Mindset (AGM) and Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) Management Model -- 9 Sustainability, Supply Chains, Theories, and AGM as a Resource -- 10 Conclusion -- References -- Operations and Supply Chain Planning -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 2.1 Terminology and Foundational Concepts -- 2.2 Concepts and Characteristics -- 2.3 IT Systems, Models, and Solution Approaches -- 3 Concerns, Outstanding Research, and Future Directions -- 3.1 Augmented Processes for Supply Chain Planning -- 4 Changes in the Business Environment -- 5 Enhanced Models and Systems for Supply Chain Planning -- 6 Managerial Implications -- 7 Summary and Conclusion -- References -- Part II: Operational Issues -- Production Management and Supply Chain Integration -- 1 Introduction. , 2 Development and Design Issues Relationships to Supply Chain Management.
    Weitere Ausg.: Print version: Sarkis, Joseph The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2024 ISBN 9783031198830
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 8
    Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press [u.a.]
    Umfang: XII, 264 S. , Ill.
    Ausgabe: 1. publ.
    ISBN: 9780801453045 , 9780801479403
    Serie: Signale : modern German letters, cultures, thought
    Inhalt: Introduction: Guilty pleasures -- The conceptual landscape of luxury in Germany -- Thinking about luxury editions in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Germany -- The appetite for reading around 1800 -- The enlightenment novel as artifact: J.H. Campe's Robinson der Jüngere and C.M. Wieland's Der goldne Spiegel -- Karl Philipp Moritz and the system of needs -- Products of the imagination: mining, luxury, and the Romantic artist in Novalis's Heinrich von Ofterdingen -- Symbolic economies in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften -- Conclusion: Useful subjects?
    Anmerkung: Includes bibliographical references and index
    Weitere Ausg.: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe, PDF ISBN 978-0-8014-7043-1 10.7591/9780801470431
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Germanistik
    Schlagwort(e): Deutsch ; Literatur ; Verbraucherverhalten ; Geschichte 1770-1815 ; Deutschland ; Literaturproduktion ; Literarisches Leben ; Geschichte 1770-1815
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Mehr zum Autor: Erlin, Matt 1968-
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 9
    Evanston, Illinois :Northwestern University Press,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (xv, 229 pages .)
    ISBN: 9780810133990 , 0810133997
    Inhalt: In Adulterous Nations, Tatiana Kuzmic enlarges our perspective on the nineteenth-century novel of adultery and how it often served as a metaphor for relationships between the imperial and the colonized. In the context of the long-standing practice of gendering nations as female, the novels discussed--Eliot's Middlemarch, Fontane's Effi Briest, and Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, along with Šenoa's The Goldsmith's Gold and Sienkiewicz's Quo Vadis--can be understood as depicting international crises on the scale of the nuclear family. Kuzmic argues that the hopes, anxieties, and interests of European nations in this period can be discerned in the destabilizing force of adultery. Reading the work of Šenoa and Sienkiewicz, Kuzmic illuminates the relationship between the literature of dominant nations and that of the semicolonized territories that posed a threat to them. Kuzmic's study enhances our understanding of not only these novels but nineteenth-century European literature more generally.
    Anmerkung: Empires -- Middlemarch : the English heroine and the Polish rebel(lions) -- Effi Briest : German realism and the young empire -- Anna Karenina : the Slavonic question and the dismembered adulteress -- Nations -- The goldsmith's gold : the origins of Yugoslavism and the birth of the Croatian novel -- Quo vadis : Polish messianism and the proselytizing heroine.
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Komparatistik. Außereuropäische Sprachen/Literaturen , Slawistik
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 10
    West Lafayette : Purdue University Press | West Lafayette, Indiana :Purdue University Press,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (xi, 201 pages) : , digital file(s).
    ISBN: 9781612494173 , 161249417X , 9781612494210 , 1612494218 , 9781557537508 , 155753750X
    Serie: Comparative cultures and literatures
    Inhalt: Examines a key moment in the development of the modern gay novel by analysing four novels by German, British, and American writers. James P. Wilper studies how the texts are influenced by and respond and react to four schools of thought regarding male homosexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
    Anmerkung: Also available in print form. , English
    Weitere Ausg.: Print version: ISBN 9781557537317
    Sprache: Englisch
    Fachgebiete: Germanistik , Anglistik
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books ; Electonic books ; Electronic books.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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