xxiv, 312 pages
20 cm
William Collins paperback edition
Uniform Title:
Naked diplomacy
Introduction to the paperback edition -- Preface : the diplomat who arrived too late -- Introduction to the first edition : here lies diplomacy, RIP? -- Early diplomacy : from cavemen to consuls -- Diplomacy by sea : from Columbus to copyboys -- Diplomacy's finest century -- From telephone to television -- From e-mail to e-nvoys -- What makes a good diplomat? -- iDiplomacy : devices, disruption and data -- The end of secrecy? Assange, Snowden and the death of Bond -- Building new power : bombs, books and Beckham -- Using new power : only connect -- Selling ladders for other people to climb down -- A naked diplomat -- Envoy 2025 -- Who runs the digital century? -- The battle for digital territory -- The case for optimism -- A progressive foreign policy 'to do' list -- Citizen diplomacy -- Epilogue : valedictory.
The case for paring diplomacy back to its essential elements. Stripped of the paraphernalia, what is it really about, and why does it still matter? The essential attributes are now thick skin, an open mind and a smart phone. In next century we will need to deal with equivalent in social development of last 43 centuries: like the change from cave paintings to the atom bomb. We will see the arrival of the digital native; the rebirth of the city state; the battle for new energy; disappearing borders; disruption and diplomacy. So who will really be in charge of the 21st century? Will Google be the new emperors? How do you influence the future? Discusses smart power, soft power and the new interventionism alongside lessons from our most notorious leaders and diplomats - Talleyrand, Kissinger, Mandela and the Kennedys. Offering real-world examples of how diplomacy is having a significant impact on people's lives, and why it will continue to do so, this is the refreshed case for diplomacy in the digital century.
First published as 'Naked diplomacy : power and statecraft in the digital age'. William Collins, 2016
Includes bibliographical references and index