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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York ; : Academic Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (281 p.)
    ISBN: 1-282-28982-9 , 9786612289828 , 0-08-095571-1
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering ; v. 61, 2
    Content: Methods of nonlinear analysis
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Methods of Nonlinear Analysis; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; Contents of Volume I; Chapter 9. Upper and Lower Bounds via Duality; 9.1. Introduction; 9.2. Guiding Idea; 9.3. A Simple Identity; 9.4. Quadratic Functional: Scalar Case; 9.5. min u J = max v H; 9.6. The Functional l t o [u'2 + g(u)] dt; 9.7. Geometric Aspects; 9.8. Multidimensional Case; 9.9. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method; 9.10. Alternative Approach; 9.11. J(u) = lto [u'2 + f(t)u2] dt; General f(t); 9.12. Geometric Aspects; Miscellaneous Exercises; Bibliography and Comments , Chapter 10. Caplygin's Method and Differential Inequalities10.1. Introduction; 10.2. The Caplygin Method; 10.3. The Equation u' 〈 a(t)u + f (t); 10.4. The Linear Differential Inequality L(u) 〈 f ( t ); 10.5. Elementary Approach; 10.6. An Integral Identity; 10.7. Strengthening of Previous Result; 10.8. Factorization of the Operator; 10.9. Alternate Proof of Monotonicity; 10.10. A Further Condition; 10.11. Two-point Boundary Conditions; 10.12. Variational Approach; 10.13. A Related Parabolic Partial Differential Equation; 10.14. Nonnegativity of u(t, s); 10.15. Limiting Behavior , 10.16. Limiting Behavior: Energy Inequalities10.17. Monotonicity of Maximum; 10.18. Lyapunov Functions; 10.19. Factorization of the nth-order Linear Operator; 10.20. A Result for the nth-order Linear Differential Equation; 10.21. An Example; 10.22. Linear Systems; 10.23. Partial Differential Equation-I; 10.24. Partial Differential Equation-II; Miscellaneous Exercises; Bibliography and Comments; Chapter 11. Quasilinearization; 11.1. Introduction; 11.2. The Riccati Equation; 11.3. Explicit Representation; 11.4. Successive Approximations and Monotone Convergence , 11.5. Maximum Interval of Convergence11.6. Dini's Theorem and Uniform Convergence; 1 1.7. Newton-Raphson-Kantorovich Approximation; 11.8. Quadratic Convergence; 11.9. Upper Bounds; 11.10. u' = g(u, t ); 11.11. Random Equation; 11.12. Upper and Lower Bounds; 1 I. 13. Asymptotic Behavior; 11.14. Multidimensional Riccati Equation; 11.15. Two-point Boundary Value Problems; 11.16. Maximum Interval of Convergence; 11.1 7. Quadratic Convergence; 11.18. Discussion; 11.19. Computational Feasibility; 11.20. Elliptic Equations; 11.21. Parabolic Equations; 1 1.22. Minimum and Maximum Principles , Miscellaneous ExercisesBibliography and Comments; Chapter 12. Dynamic Programming; 12.1. Introduction; 12.2. Multistage Processes; 12.3. Continuous Version; 12.4. Multistage Decision Processes; 12.5. Stochastic and Adaptive Processes; 12.6. Functional Equations; 12.7. Infinite Stage Process; 12.8. Policy; 12.9. Approximation in Policy Space; 12.10. Discussion; 12.11. Calculus of Variations as a Multistage Decision Process; 12.12. A New Formalism; 12.13. The Principle of Optimality; 12.14. Quadratic Case; 12.15. Multidimensional Case; 12.1 6. Computational Feasibility; 12.17. Stability , 12.18. Computational Feasibility: General Case-I , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-084902-X
    Language: English
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York : Academic Press
    Format: Online Ressource
    ISBN: 0120849011 , 9780120849017
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering v. 61, pt. 1
    Content: In this book, we study theoretical and practical aspects of computing methods for mathematical modelling of nonlinear systems
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Print version record , Front Cover; Methods of Nonlinear Analysis; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1. First- and Second-order Differential Equations; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. The First-order Linear Differential Equation; 1.3. Fundamental Inequality; 1.4. Second-order Linear Differential Equations; 1.5. Inhomogeneous Equation; 1.6. Lagrange Variation of Parameters; 1.7. Two-point Boundary Value Problem; 1.8. Connection with Calculus of Variations; 1.9. Green's Functions; 1.10. Riccati Equation; 1.11. The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality; 1.12. Perturbation and Stability Theory; 1.13. A Counter-example , 1.14. ?8 | f'(t)| dt 〈 81.15. ?8|f'(t)| dt 〈 8; 1.1 6. Asymptotic Behavior; 1.17. The Equation u"- (1 + f (t))u = 0; 1.18. More Refined Asymptotic Behavior; 1.19. ?8 f2 dt 〈 8; 1.20. The Second Solution; 1.21. The Liouville Transformation; 1.22. Elimination of Middle Term; 1.23. The WKB Approximation; 1.24. The One-dimensional Schrödinger Equation; 1.25. u" + (1 + f (t))u = 0; Asymptotic Behavior; 1.26. Asymptotic Series; 1.27. The Equation u' = p(u, t)/q(u, t ); 1.28. Monotonicity of Rational Functions of u and t; 1.29. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of u' = p(u, t)/q( u, t ) , Miscellaneous ExercisesBibliography and Comments; Chapter 2. Matrix Theory; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Determinantal Solution; 2.3. Elimination; 2.4. Ill-conditioned Systems; 2.5. The Importance of Notation; 2.6. Vector Notation; 2.7. Norm of a Vector; 2.8. Vector Inner Product; 2.9. Matrix Notation; 2.10. Noncommutativity; 2.11. The Adjoint, or Transpose, Matrix; 2.12. The Inverse Matrix; 2.13. Matrix Norm; 2.14. Relative Invariants; 2.15. Constrained Minimization; 2.16. Symmetric Matrices; 2.17. Quadratic Forms; 2.18. Multiple Characteristic Roots , 2.19. Maximization and Minimization of Quadratic Forms2.20. Min-Max Characterization of the ?k; 2.21. Positive Definite Matrices; 2.22. Determinantal Criteria; 2.23. Representation for A-1; 2.24. Canonical Representation for Arbitrary A; 2.25. Perturbation of Characteristic Frequencies; 2.26. Separation and Reduction of Dimensionality; 2.27. Ill-conditioned Matrices and Tychonov Regularization; 2.28. Self-consistent Approach; 2.29. Positive Matrices; 2.30. Variational Characterization of ?(A); 2.31. Proof of Minimum Property; 2.32. Equivalent Definition of ?(A); Miscellaneous Exercises , Bibliography and CommentsChapter 3. Matrices and Linear Differential Equations; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Vector-Matrix Calculus; 3.3. Existence and Uniqueness of Solution; 3.4. The Matrix Exponential; 3.5. Commutators; 3.6. Inhomogeneous Equation; 3.7. The Euler Solution; 3.8. Stability of Solution; 3.9. Linear Differential Equation with Variable Coefficients; 3.10. Linear Inhomogeneous Equation; 3.11. Adjoint Equation; 3.12. The Equation X' = AX + X B; 3.13. Periodic Matrices: the Floquet Representation; 3.14. Calculus of Variations; 3.15. Two-point Boundary Condition; 3.16. Green's Functions , 3.17. The Matrix Riccati Equation
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0120849011
    Additional Edition: ISBN 012084902X
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Methods of nonlinear analysis. Volume 1 New York : Academic Press, 1970
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    Author information: Bellman, Richard 1920-1984
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York : Academic Press
    Format: Online Ressource (xvii, 261 pages)
    ISBN: 012084902X , 9780080955711 , 0080955711 , 9780120849024
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering v. 61, pt. 2
    Content: Methods of nonlinear analysis
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Print version record , Front Cover; Methods of Nonlinear Analysis; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; Contents of Volume I; Chapter 9. Upper and Lower Bounds via Duality; 9.1. Introduction; 9.2. Guiding Idea; 9.3. A Simple Identity; 9.4. Quadratic Functional: Scalar Case; 9.5. min u J = max v H; 9.6. The Functional l t o [u'2 + g(u)] dt; 9.7. Geometric Aspects; 9.8. Multidimensional Case; 9.9. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method; 9.10. Alternative Approach; 9.11. J(u) = lto [u'2 + f(t)u2] dt; General f(t); 9.12. Geometric Aspects; Miscellaneous Exercises; Bibliography and Comments , Chapter 10. Caplygin's Method and Differential Inequalities10.1. Introduction; 10.2. The Caplygin Method; 10.3. The Equation u' 〈 a(t)u + f (t); 10.4. The Linear Differential Inequality L(u) 〈 f ( t ); 10.5. Elementary Approach; 10.6. An Integral Identity; 10.7. Strengthening of Previous Result; 10.8. Factorization of the Operator; 10.9. Alternate Proof of Monotonicity; 10.10. A Further Condition; 10.11. Two-point Boundary Conditions; 10.12. Variational Approach; 10.13. A Related Parabolic Partial Differential Equation; 10.14. Nonnegativity of u(t, s); 10.15. Limiting Behavior , 10.16. Limiting Behavior: Energy Inequalities10.17. Monotonicity of Maximum; 10.18. Lyapunov Functions; 10.19. Factorization of the nth-order Linear Operator; 10.20. A Result for the nth-order Linear Differential Equation; 10.21. An Example; 10.22. Linear Systems; 10.23. Partial Differential Equation-I; 10.24. Partial Differential Equation-II; Miscellaneous Exercises; Bibliography and Comments; Chapter 11. Quasilinearization; 11.1. Introduction; 11.2. The Riccati Equation; 11.3. Explicit Representation; 11.4. Successive Approximations and Monotone Convergence , 11.5. Maximum Interval of Convergence11.6. Dini's Theorem and Uniform Convergence; 1 1.7. Newton-Raphson-Kantorovich Approximation; 11.8. Quadratic Convergence; 11.9. Upper Bounds; 11.10. u' = g(u, t ); 11.11. Random Equation; 11.12. Upper and Lower Bounds; 1 I. 13. Asymptotic Behavior; 11.14. Multidimensional Riccati Equation; 11.15. Two-point Boundary Value Problems; 11.16. Maximum Interval of Convergence; 11.1 7. Quadratic Convergence; 11.18. Discussion; 11.19. Computational Feasibility; 11.20. Elliptic Equations; 11.21. Parabolic Equations; 1 1.22. Minimum and Maximum Principles , Miscellaneous ExercisesBibliography and Comments; Chapter 12. Dynamic Programming; 12.1. Introduction; 12.2. Multistage Processes; 12.3. Continuous Version; 12.4. Multistage Decision Processes; 12.5. Stochastic and Adaptive Processes; 12.6. Functional Equations; 12.7. Infinite Stage Process; 12.8. Policy; 12.9. Approximation in Policy Space; 12.10. Discussion; 12.11. Calculus of Variations as a Multistage Decision Process; 12.12. A New Formalism; 12.13. The Principle of Optimality; 12.14. Quadratic Case; 12.15. Multidimensional Case; 12.1 6. Computational Feasibility; 12.17. Stability , 12.18. Computational Feasibility: General Case-I
    Additional Edition: ISBN 012084902X
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780120849024
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Bellman, Richard, 1920-1984 Methods of nonlinear analysis. Vol. 2 New York : Academic Press, 1973
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Electronic books
    Author information: Bellman, Richard 1920-1984
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 4
    New York and London : Academic Press
    Show associated volumes
    Format: xvii, 261 Seiten , Diagramme
    ISBN: 012084902X
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering Volume 61-II
    In: 2
    Language: English
    Author information: Bellman, Richard 1920-1984
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  • 5
    New York, NY [u.a.] : Acad. Press
    Show associated volumes
    Format: XVII, 261 S. , graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 012084902X
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering 61,2
    Note: Literaturangaben
    In: Vol. 2
    Language: English
    Subjects: Mathematics
    Author information: Bellman, Richard 1920-1984
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  • 6
    Format: xvii, 261 Seiten : , Diagramme.
    ISBN: 0-12-084902-X
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering Volume 61-II
    In: Methods of nonlinear analysis.
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Format: xvii, 261 Seiten : , Diagramme.
    ISBN: 0-12-084902-X
    Series Statement: Mathematics in science and engineering Volume 61-II
    Language: English
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