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  • 1
    London u.a. : Acad. Pr.
    Format: XIV, 381 S. , Ill., graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 0123234409
    Series Statement: International solid waste professional library
    Language: English
    Subjects: General works
    Keywords: Organisches Düngemittel ; Stickstoffgehalt ; Boden ; Stickstoffhaushalt
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :Academic Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (396 p.)
    ISBN: 0-08-098424-X , 1-299-19637-3
    Series Statement: International solid waste professional library
    Content: Organic wastes are traditionally applied to land to recover their fertilizer value, but the microbial turnover of such organic matter in soil is often out of phase with the requirements of growing plants. Therefore, nutrients may be lost and may even act as potential pollutants of water and air, posing a particular challenge to agricultural and environmental engineers.This book addresses both experimental and modeling methodology under the main headings of nitrogen and carbon transformations, gaseous losses, chemical means of controlling nitrification, and nitrate leaching. The articles ar
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soils; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Authors; Preface; PART I: NITROGEN AND CARBON TRANSFORMATIONS; Chapter 1. An in situ Technique for Simultaneous Measurements of Mineralization, Leaching and Plant Uptake of Nitrogen Applied to Agricultural Soils; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; CALCULATION OF CHANGES IN SOIL MINERAL N; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; NITROGEN BALANCES; CONCLUSIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Chapter 2. Measurement of Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil Incubations; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION , SITES, MATERIALS AND METHODSRESULTS; DISCUSSION; CONCLUSIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Chapter 3. Turnover of the Soil Microbial Biomass as Influenced by Soil Compaction; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; CONCLUSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; REFERENCES; Chapter 4. The Effect of Protozoan Grazing on Nitrification - Implications from the Application of Organic Wastes Applied to Soils; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; EVIDENCE FOR AN INTERACTION BETWEEN PROTOZOA AND NITRIFICATION; REFERENCES; Chapter 5. Responses of Soil Micro-organisms to the Addition of Cattle Slurry , ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION; SLURRY CHARACTERISTICS; ADDITION OF SLURRY TO SOIL; MOVEMENT OF SLURRY ORGANISMS THROUGH SOIL; CONCLUSIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Chapter 6. Effects of Earthworms upon Transformations and Movement of Nitrogen from Organic Matter Applied to Agricultural Soils; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; DIRECT AND INDIRECT CONTRIBUTIONS OF EARTHWORMS TONITROGEN FLUXES; EARTHWORM MEDIATED DENITRIFICATION LOSSES FROM SOILS; EARTHWORM LYSIMETER EXPERIMENTS: NITROGEN MOVEMENTIN MACROPORES; CONCLUSIONS: EARTHWORMS AND AGRICULTURALMANAGEMENT PRACTICES; REFERENCES , Chapter 7. Nitrogen Mineralization in Rhizosphere and Non-rhizosphere Soil, Effect of the Spatial Distribution of N-rich and N-poor Plant ResiduesABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; CONCLUDING REMARKS; REFERENCES; Chapter 8. Nitrogen Dynamics of a Leguminous Green Manure; ABSTRACT; Chapter 9. A 3-Year N Balance Study with Aerobic, Anaerobic and Fresh 15N-labelled Poultry Manure; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; DISCUSSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES , Chapter 10. Accumulation and Loss of Nitrogen from Manure, Sludge and Compost: Long-term Experiments at Rothamsted and WoburnABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; EFFECT OF FARMING SYSTEM AND SOIL TEXTURE ON SOILORGANIC MATTER; CONCLUSIONS; REFERENCES; Chapter 11. A Simple Model to Predict Manure N Availability to Crops in the Field; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; THE MODEL; MINERALIZATION - IMMOBILIZATION TURNOVER; N0/Na RATIO FOR CHARACTERIZING MANURE N; CHEMICAL TESTS FOR NO AVAILABILITY; CONCLUSIONS; REFERENCES , Chapter 12. Simulation of Nitrate Leaching from Arable Soils Treated with Manure , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-323440-9
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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