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Wegen Wartungsarbeiten steht das KOBV-Portal am 11.03.2025 ggf. nur eingeschränkt zur Verfügung. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
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  • 1
    Format: XI, 556 S. , graph. Darst. , 23 cm
    Edition: 2. ed.
    ISBN: 012323851X , 0123238528
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 509 - 526
    Language: English
    Subjects: Chemistry/Pharmacy , Physics
    Keywords: Flüssiges System ; Flüssiger Zustand
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  • 2
    London u.a. :Acad. Pr.,
    Format: XI, 556 S. : graph. Darst.
    Edition: 2. ed., paperback ed.
    ISBN: 0-12-323852-8 , 0-12-323851-X
    Language: English
    Subjects: Chemistry/Pharmacy , Physics
    Keywords: Flüssigkeit ; Theorie ; Flüssigkeit ; Physik
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :Academic Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (569 p.)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    ISBN: 0-08-057101-8
    Content: This book gives a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of the theory of ""simple"" liquids. The new second edition has been rearranged and considerably expanded to give a balanced account both of basic theory and of the advances of the past decade. It presents the main ideas of modern liquid state theory in a way that is both pedagogical and self-contained. The book should be accessible to graduate students and research workers, both experimentalists and theorists, who have a good background in elementary mechanics.Key Features* Compares theoretical deductions with experimental r
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Theory of Simple Liquids; Copyright Page; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Table of Contents; Chapter 1. Introduction; 1.1 The liquid state; 1.2 Intermolecular forces; 1.3 Experimental methods; Chapter 2. Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Distribution Functions; 2.1 The Liouville equation and the BBGKY hierarchy; 2.2 Time averages and ensemble averages; 2.3 Canonical and isothermal-isobaric ensembles; 2.4 Chemical potential and the grand canonical ensemble; 2.5 Equilibrium particle densities and distribution functions , 2.6 The YBG hierarchy and the Born--Green equation2.7 Fluctuations; Chapter 3. Computer ""Experiments"" on Liquids; 3.1 Methods of computer simulation; 3.2 Molecular dynamics ""experiments"" on hard spheres; 3.3 Molecular dynamics for continuous potentials; 3.4 Ensemble averages and the Monte Carlo method; 3.5 Implementation of the Monte Carlo method; 3.6 Molecular dynamics at constant pressure and temperature; Chapter 4. Diagrammatic Expansions; 4.1 The imperfect gas and the second virial coefficient; 4.2 Functional differentiation; 4.3 Diagrams; 4.4 Five fundamental lemmas , 4.5 The virial expansion of the equation of state4.6 The equation of state of the hard-sphere fluid; Chapter 5. Distribution Function Theories; 5.1 The static structure factor; 5.2 The Ornstein-Zernike direct correlation function; 5.3 Diagrammatic expansions of the pair functions 1; 5.4 Functional expansions and integral equations; 5.5 The PY solution for hard spheres; 5.6 The mean-spherical approximation; 5.7 Numerical results; 5.8 Extensions of integral equations; 5.9 Integral equations for non-uniform fluids; Chapter 6. Perturbation Theories; 6.1 Introduction: the van der Waals model , 6.2 The λ-expansion6.3 Treatment of soft cores; 6.4 An example: the Lennard-Jones fluid; 6.5 Long-range perturbations; 6.6 Liquid mixtures; 6.7 Density-functional theories of inhomogeneous fluids; Chapter 7. Time-dependent Correlation Functions and Response Functions; 7.1 General properties of time-correlation functions; 7.2 An illustration: the velocity autocorrelation function and self-diffusion; 7.3 Brownian motion and the generalized Langevin equation; 7.4 Correlations in space and time; 7.5 Inelastic neutron scattering; 7.6 Linear-response theory; 7.7 Properties of the response functions , 7.8 Applications of the linear-response formalism7.9 Mean-field theories of the density response function; Chapter 8. Hydrodynamics and Transport Coefficients; 8.1 Thermal fluctuations at long wavelengths and low frequencies; 8.2 Space-dependent self motion; 8.3 The Navier-Stokes equation and hydrodynamic collective modes; 8.4 Transverse current correlations; 8.5 Longitudinal collective modes; 8.6 Hydrodynamic fluctuations in binary mixtures; 8.7 Generalized hydrodynamics and long-time tails; Chapter 9. Microscopic Theories of Time-correlation Functions; 9.1 The projection-operator formalism , 9.2 Self correlation functions , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-323852-8
    Language: English
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