1 online resource (339 p.)
Series Statement:
Tribology series ; v. 6
Uniform Title:
Trenie i iznos polimerov.
Friction and Wear of Polymers
Translation of: Trenie i iznos polimerov.
Front Cover; Friction and Wear of Polymers; Copyright Page; TABLE OF CONTENTS; EDITOR'S PREFACE; PREFACE; FOREWORD BY P. A. REBINDER; NOMENCLATURE; CHAPTER 1. STRUCTURE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYMERS; 1.1 Physical States of Polymers; 1.2 Physical Properties of Macromolecules and Polymer Structure; 1.3 Special Characteristics of Thermal Motion in Polymers; 1.4 The Rubbery State in Polymers; 1.5 Relaxation Properties of Polymers; 1.6 The Principle of Time-Temperature Equivalence; 1.7 Polymer Glass-Transition Processes; 1.8 Cold Flow of Polymers; 1.9 Prolonged Strength (Fatigue) of Polymers
ReferencesCHAPTER 2. FRICTION OF METALS; 2.1 Basic Characteristics of Friction; 2.2 The Real Contact Area; 2.3 Theories of Solid Friction; 2.4 Friction Force and Friction Coefficient; References; CHAPTER 3. POLYMER FRICTION IN THE GLASSY AND CRYSTALLINE STATES; 3.1 Nature of Rigid-Polymer Friction; 3.2 Real Area of Contact; 3.3 Friction Force and Coefficient of Friction; 3.4 Selection of Friction Pairs; References; CHAPTER 4. POLYMER FRICTION IN THE RUBBERY STATE; 4.1 Nature and Mechanism of Elastomer Friction; 4.2 Real Area of Contact; 4.3 Friction Force; References
CHAPTER 5. SLIDING AND FRICTION OF POLYMERS IN THE VISCOUS STATE5.1 Mechanisms of Boundary Sliding in Viscous and Dispersed Systems; 5.2 The Theory of Boundary Sliding; 5.3 Some Experimental Results and Basic Principles; 5.4 The Significance of the Effect of Boundary Sliding; References; CHAPTER 6. WEAR OF POLYMERS; 6.1 Relationship Between Friction and Wear; 6.2 Fatigue Wear; 6.3 Abrasive Wear; 6.4 Special Types of Wear for Friction on Smooth Hard Surfaces; 6.5 Practical Recommendations and Prospects for the Use of Polymers at Friction Contacts; References
CHAPTER 7. INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS FOR FRICTION AND WEAR RESEARCH7.1 General Information; 7.2 Methods for Measuring External Parameters of Friction; 7.3 General-Purpose Instruments and Machines; 7.4 Special-Purpose Instruments and Machines; References; AUTHOR INDEX; SUBJECT INDEX
Additional Edition:
ISBN 0-444-42000-2