1 online resource (533 p.)
Series Statement:
Advances in psychology ; 43
Description based upon print version of record.
Front Cover; The Adaptive Brain II; Copyright Page; TABLE OF CONTENTS; CHAPTER 1. THE QUANTIZED GEOMETRY OF VISUAL SPACE: THE COHERENT COMPUTATION OF DEPTH, FORM, AND LIGHTNESS; 1. Introduction: The Abundance of Visual Models; 2. The Quantized Geometry of Visual Space; 3. The Need for Theories Which Match the Data's Coherence; 4. Some Influences of Perceived Depth on Perceived Size; 5. Some Monocular Constraints on Size Perception; 6. Multiple Scales in Figure and Ground: Simultaneous Fusion and Rivalry; 7. Binocular Matching, Competitive Feedback, and Monocular Self-Matching
8. Against the Keplerian View: Scale-Sensitive Fusion and Rivalry9. Local versus Global Spatial Scales; 10. Interaction of Perceived Form and Perceived Position; 11. Some Influences of Perceived Depth and Form on Perceived Brightness; 12. Some Influences of Perceived Brightness on Perceived Depth; 13. The Binocular Mixing of Monocular Brightnesses; 14. The Insufficiency of Disparity Computations; 15. The Insufficiency of Fourier Models; 16. The Insufficiency of Linear Feedforward Theories; 17. The Filling-In Dilemma: To Have Your Edge and Fill-In Too
18. Edges and Fixations: The Ambiguity of Statistically Uniform Regions19. Object Permanence and Multiple Spatial Scales; 20. Cooperative versus Competitive Binocular Interactions; 21. Reflectance Processing, Weber Law Modulation, and Adaptation Level in Feedforward Shunting Competitive Networks; 22. Pattern Matching and Multidimensional Scaling Without a Metric; 23. Weber Law and Shift Property Without Logarithms; 24. Edge, Spatial Frequency, and Reflectance Processing by the Receptive Fields of Distance-Dependent Feedforward Networks
25. Statistical Analysis by Structural Scales: Edges With Scaling and Reflectance Properties Preserved26. Correlation of Monocular Scaling With Binocular Fusion; 27. Noise Suppression in Feedback Competitive Networks; 28. Sigmoid Feedback Signals and Tuning; 29. The Interdependence of Contrast Enhancement and Tuning; 30. Normalization and Multistability in a Feedback Competitive Network: A Limited Capacity Short Term Memory System; 31. Propagation of Normalized Disinhibitory Cues; 32. Structural versus Functional Scales
33. Disinhibitory Propagation of Functional Scaling From Boundaries to Interiors34. Quantization of Functional Scales: Hysteresis and Uncertainty; 35. Phantoms; 36. Functional Length and Emmert's Law; 37. Functional Lightness and the Cornsweet Effect; 38. The Monocular Length-Luminance Effect; 39. Spreading FIRE: Pooled Binocular Edges, False Matches, Allelotropia, Binocular Brightness Summation, and Binocular Length Scaling; 40. Figure-Ground Separation by Filling-In Barriers
41. The Principle of Scale Equivalence and the Curvature of Activity-Scale Correlations: Fechner's Paradox, Equidistance Tendency, and Depth Without Disparity
Additional Edition:
ISBN 0-444-70118-4