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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press
    Format: 1 online resource (656 pages)
    Edition: First edition
    ISBN: 9780367802530 , 9781420050516
    Series Statement: Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation
    Content: Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a Walk Through Superspace provides a comprehensive, detailed, and self-contained account of four dimensional simple supersymmetry and supergravity. Throughout the book, the authors cultivate their material in detail with calculations and full discussions of the fundamental ideas and motivations. They develop the subject in its superfield formulations but where appropriate for illustration, analogy, and comparison with conventional field theory, they use the component formulation. The book discusses many subjects that, until now, can only be found in the research literature. In addition, it presents a plethora of new results. Combining classical and quantum field theory with group theory, differential geometry, and algebra, the book begins with a solid mathematical background that is used in the rest of the book. The next chapter covers algebraic aspects of supersymmetry and the concepts of superspace and superfield. In the following chapters, the book presents classical and quantum superfield theory and the superfield formulation of supergravity. A synthesis of results and methods developed in the book, the final chapter concludes with the theory of effective action in curved superspaces. After studying this book, readers should be well prepared to pursue independent research in any area of supersymmetry and supergravity. It will be an indispensable source of reference for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and researchers involved in quantum field theory, high energy physics, gravity theory, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics
    Note: Preface. Mathematical background: The Poincar D'e group, the Lorentz group; Finite-dimensional representations of ISpin(3,1); The Lorentz algebra; Two-component and four-component spinors; Representations of the Poincar D'e group; Elements of differential geometry and gravity; The conformal group; The mass-shell field representation; Elements of algebra with supernumbers; Elements of analysis with supernumbers; The supergroup of general coordinate transformations on R Tp/q. Supersymmetry and superspace: Introduction: from R Tp/q to supersymmetry; Superalgebras, Grassmann-shells and super Lie groups; The Poincar D'e superalgebra; Unitary representation of the Poincar D'e superalgebra; Real superspace R T4/4 and superfields; Complex superspace C T4/2, chiral superfields and covariant derivatives; The on-shell massive superfield representations; The on-shell massless superfield representations; From superfields to component fields; The superconformal group. , Field theory in superspace: Supersymmetric field theory; Wess-Zumino model; Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models; Vector multiplet models; Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories; Geometric approach to super Yang-Mills theories; Classically equivalent theories. Quantized superfields: Picture-change operators; Equivalence of component field and superfield perturbation theories; Effective action (super) funtional; The Wess-Zumino model: perturbative analysis; Note about gauge theories; Feynman rules for super Yang-Mills theories; Renormalization; Examples of counterterm calculations: an alternative technique; Superfield effective potential. Superspace geometry of supergravity: Gauge group of supergravity and supergravity fields; Superspace differential geometry; Supergeometry with conformal supergravity constraints; Prepotentials; Einstein supergravity; Prepotential de formations; Supercurrent and supertrace; Supergravity in components. , Dynamics in supergravity: Pure supergravity dynamics; Linearized supergravity; Superg
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9780750305068
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Supergravitation ; Supersymmetrie
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Taylor & Francis | Boca Raton, FL :CRC Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (xx, 656 p. )
    Edition: Revised edition.
    ISBN: 0-367-80253-8 , 0-585-30663-X , 1-4200-5051-6
    Series Statement: Studies in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation Ideas and methods of supersymmetry and supergravity, or, A walk through superspace
    Content: Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a Walk Through Superspace provides a comprehensive, detailed, and self-contained account of four dimensional simple supersymmetry and supergravity. Throughout the book, the authors cultivate their material in detail with calculations and full discussions of the fundamental ideas and motivations. They develop the subject in its superfield formulations but where appropriate for illustration, analogy, and comparison with conventional field theory, they use the component formulation. The book discusses many subjects that, until now, can only be found in the research literature. In addition, it presents a plethora of new results. Combining classical and quantum field theory with group theory, differential geometry, and algebra, the book begins with a solid mathematical background that is used in the rest of the book. The next chapter covers algebraic aspects of supersymmetry and the concepts of superspace and superfield. In the following chapters, the book presents classical and quantum superfield theory and the superfield formulation of supergravity. A synthesis of results and methods developed in the book, the final chapter concludes with the theory of effective action in curved superspaces. After studying this book, readers should be well prepared to pursue independent research in any area of supersymmetry and supergravity. It will be an indispensable source of reference for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and researchers involved in quantum field theory, high energy physics, gravity theory, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics.
    Note: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Preface. Mathematical background: The PoincarD'e group, the Lorentz group; Finite-dimensional representations of ISpin(3,1); The Lorentz algebra; Two-component and four-component spinors; Representations of the PoincarD'e group; Elements of differential geometry and gravity; The conformal group; The mass-shell field representation; Elements of algebra with supernumbers; Elements of analysis with supernumbers; The supergroup of general coordinate transformations on RTp/q. Supersymmetry and superspace: Introduction: from RTp/q to supersymmetry; Superalgebras, Grassmann-shells and super Lie groups; The PoincarD'e superalgebra; Unitary representation of the PoincarD'e superalgebra; Real superspace RT4/4 and superfields; Complex superspace CT4/2, chiral superfields and covariant derivatives; The on-shell massive superfield representations; The on-shell massless superfield representations; From superfields to component fields; The superconformal group. Field theory in superspace: Supersymmetric field theory; Wess-Zumino model; Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models; Vector multiplet models; Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories; Geometric approach to super Yang-Mills theories; Classically equivalent theories. Quantized superfields: Picture-change operators; Equivalence of component field and superfield perturbation theories; Effective action (super) funtional; The Wess-Zumino model: perturbative analysis; Note about gauge theories; Feynman rules for super Yang-Mills theories; Renormalization; Examples of counterterm calculations: an alternative technique; Superfield effective potential. Superspace geometry of supergravity: Gauge group of supergravity and supergravity fields; Superspace differential geometry; Supergeometry with conformal supergravity constraints; Prepotentials; Einstein supergravity; Prepotential de formations; Supercurrent and supertrace; Supergravity in components. Dynamics in supergravity: Pure supergravity dynamics; Linearized supergravity; Superg. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7503-0506-1
    Language: English
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (xx, 656 Seiten)
    Edition: Revised edition
    ISBN: 9780585306636 , 9781420050516 , 9780750305068
    Series Statement: Series in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation
    Content: 1. Mathematical background -- 2. Supersymmetry and superspace -- 3. Field theory in superspace -- 4. Quantized superfields -- 5. Superspace geometry of supergravity -- 6. Dynamics in supergravity -- 7. Effective action in curved superspace.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references (pages 640-643) and index
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 0750305061
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Supersymmetrie ; Supergravitation ; Electronic books
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Taylor & Francis
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (656 p.)
    ISBN: 9780367802530 , 9781420050516 , 9780750305068 , 9780367802530
    Content: Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a Walk Through Superspace provides a comprehensive, detailed, and self-contained account of four dimensional simple supersymmetry and supergravity. Throughout the book, the authors cultivate their material in detail with calculations and full discussions of the fundamental ideas and motivations. They develop the subject in its superfield formulations but where appropriate for illustration, analogy, and comparison with conventional field theory, they use the component formulation. The book discusses many subjects that, until now, can only be found in the research literature. In addition, it presents a plethora of new results. Combining classical and quantum field theory with group theory, differential geometry, and algebra, the book begins with a solid mathematical background that is used in the rest of the book. The next chapter covers algebraic aspects of supersymmetry and the concepts of superspace and superfield. In the following chapters, the book presents classical and quantum superfield theory and the superfield formulation of supergravity. A synthesis of results and methods developed in the book, the final chapter concludes with the theory of effective action in curved superspaces. After studying this book, readers should be well prepared to pursue independent research in any area of supersymmetry and supergravity. It will be an indispensable source of reference for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and researchers involved in quantum field theory, high energy physics, gravity theory, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics
    Note: English
    Language: English
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  • 5
    Format: XX, 656 Seiten , Illustrationen
    Edition: Revised edition
    ISBN: 9780750305068 , 0750305061
    Series Statement: Studies in high energy physics cosmology and gravitation
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 978-0-585-30663-6
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Supergravitation ; Supersymmetrie
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 6
    Format: 1 online resource (xx, 656 pages)
    Edition: Revised edition.
    ISBN: 9781420050516
    Additional Edition: Print version: Buchbinder, I. L. Ideas and methods of supersymmetry and supergravity, or, A walk through superspace. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1998 ISBN 9780750305068
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Milton : Taylor & Francis Group
    Format: 1 online resource (676 pages)
    ISBN: 9781420050516
    Content: Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Preface to the First Edition -- Preface to the Revised Edition -- 1 Mathematical Background -- 1.1 The Poincare group, the Lorentz group -- 1.1.1 Definitions -- 1.1.2 Useful decomposition in SO(3, 1)↑ -- 1.1.3 Universal covering group of the Lorentz group -- 1.1.4 Universal covering group of the Poincaré group -- 1.2 Finite-dimensional representations of Spin(3, 1) -- 1.2.1 Connection between representations of SO(3, 1)↑ and SL(2, C) -- 1.2.2 Construction of SL(2, C) irreducible representations -- 1.2.3 Invariant Lorentz tensors -- 1.3 The Lorentz algebra -- 1.4 Two-component and four-component spinors -- 1.4.1 Two-component spinors -- 1.4.2 Dirac spinors -- 1.4.3 Weyl spinors -- 1.4.4 Majorana spinors -- 1.4.5 The reduction rule and the Fierz identity -- 1.4.6 Two-component and four-component bi-Iinear combinations -- 1.5 Representations of the Poincaré group -- 1.5.1 The Poincaré algebra -- 1.5.2 Field representations -- 1.5.3 Unitary representations -- 1.5.4 Stability subgroup -- 1.5.5 Massive irreducible representations -- 1.5.6 Massless irreducible representations -- 1.6 Elements of differential geometry and gravity -- 1.6.1 Lorentz manifolds -- 1.6.2 Covariant differentiation of world tensors -- 1.6.3 Covariant differentiation of the Lorentz tensor -- 1.6.4 Frame deformations -- 1.6.5 The Weyl tensor -- 1.6.6 Four-dimensional topological invariants -- 1.6.7 Einstein gravity and conformal gravity -- 1.6.8 Energy‒momentum tensor -- 1.6.9 The covariant derivatives algebra in spin or notation -- 1.7 The conformal group -- 1.7.1 Confonnal Killing vectors -- 1.7.2 Confonnal Killing vectors in Minkowski space -- 1.7.3 The conformal algebra -- 1.7.4 Conformal transformations -- 1.7.5 Matrix realization of the con formal group -- 1.7.6 Confonnal invariance.
    Note: Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780750305068
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9780750305068
    Language: English
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Taylor & Francis | Boca Raton, FL :CRC Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (xx, 656 p. )
    Edition: Revised edition.
    ISBN: 0-367-80253-8 , 0-585-30663-X , 1-4200-5051-6
    Series Statement: Studies in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation Ideas and methods of supersymmetry and supergravity, or, A walk through superspace
    Content: Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a Walk Through Superspace provides a comprehensive, detailed, and self-contained account of four dimensional simple supersymmetry and supergravity. Throughout the book, the authors cultivate their material in detail with calculations and full discussions of the fundamental ideas and motivations. They develop the subject in its superfield formulations but where appropriate for illustration, analogy, and comparison with conventional field theory, they use the component formulation. The book discusses many subjects that, until now, can only be found in the research literature. In addition, it presents a plethora of new results. Combining classical and quantum field theory with group theory, differential geometry, and algebra, the book begins with a solid mathematical background that is used in the rest of the book. The next chapter covers algebraic aspects of supersymmetry and the concepts of superspace and superfield. In the following chapters, the book presents classical and quantum superfield theory and the superfield formulation of supergravity. A synthesis of results and methods developed in the book, the final chapter concludes with the theory of effective action in curved superspaces. After studying this book, readers should be well prepared to pursue independent research in any area of supersymmetry and supergravity. It will be an indispensable source of reference for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and researchers involved in quantum field theory, high energy physics, gravity theory, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics.
    Note: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Preface. Mathematical background: The PoincarD'e group, the Lorentz group; Finite-dimensional representations of ISpin(3,1); The Lorentz algebra; Two-component and four-component spinors; Representations of the PoincarD'e group; Elements of differential geometry and gravity; The conformal group; The mass-shell field representation; Elements of algebra with supernumbers; Elements of analysis with supernumbers; The supergroup of general coordinate transformations on RTp/q. Supersymmetry and superspace: Introduction: from RTp/q to supersymmetry; Superalgebras, Grassmann-shells and super Lie groups; The PoincarD'e superalgebra; Unitary representation of the PoincarD'e superalgebra; Real superspace RT4/4 and superfields; Complex superspace CT4/2, chiral superfields and covariant derivatives; The on-shell massive superfield representations; The on-shell massless superfield representations; From superfields to component fields; The superconformal group. Field theory in superspace: Supersymmetric field theory; Wess-Zumino model; Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models; Vector multiplet models; Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories; Geometric approach to super Yang-Mills theories; Classically equivalent theories. Quantized superfields: Picture-change operators; Equivalence of component field and superfield perturbation theories; Effective action (super) funtional; The Wess-Zumino model: perturbative analysis; Note about gauge theories; Feynman rules for super Yang-Mills theories; Renormalization; Examples of counterterm calculations: an alternative technique; Superfield effective potential. Superspace geometry of supergravity: Gauge group of supergravity and supergravity fields; Superspace differential geometry; Supergeometry with conformal supergravity constraints; Prepotentials; Einstein supergravity; Prepotential de formations; Supercurrent and supertrace; Supergravity in components. Dynamics in supergravity: Pure supergravity dynamics; Linearized supergravity; Superg. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7503-0506-1
    Language: English
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Taylor & Francis | Boca Raton, FL :CRC Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (xx, 656 p. )
    Edition: Revised edition.
    ISBN: 0-367-80253-8 , 0-585-30663-X , 1-4200-5051-6
    Series Statement: Studies in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation Ideas and methods of supersymmetry and supergravity, or, A walk through superspace
    Content: Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a Walk Through Superspace provides a comprehensive, detailed, and self-contained account of four dimensional simple supersymmetry and supergravity. Throughout the book, the authors cultivate their material in detail with calculations and full discussions of the fundamental ideas and motivations. They develop the subject in its superfield formulations but where appropriate for illustration, analogy, and comparison with conventional field theory, they use the component formulation. The book discusses many subjects that, until now, can only be found in the research literature. In addition, it presents a plethora of new results. Combining classical and quantum field theory with group theory, differential geometry, and algebra, the book begins with a solid mathematical background that is used in the rest of the book. The next chapter covers algebraic aspects of supersymmetry and the concepts of superspace and superfield. In the following chapters, the book presents classical and quantum superfield theory and the superfield formulation of supergravity. A synthesis of results and methods developed in the book, the final chapter concludes with the theory of effective action in curved superspaces. After studying this book, readers should be well prepared to pursue independent research in any area of supersymmetry and supergravity. It will be an indispensable source of reference for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral faculty, and researchers involved in quantum field theory, high energy physics, gravity theory, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics.
    Note: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph , Preface. Mathematical background: The PoincarD'e group, the Lorentz group; Finite-dimensional representations of ISpin(3,1); The Lorentz algebra; Two-component and four-component spinors; Representations of the PoincarD'e group; Elements of differential geometry and gravity; The conformal group; The mass-shell field representation; Elements of algebra with supernumbers; Elements of analysis with supernumbers; The supergroup of general coordinate transformations on RTp/q. Supersymmetry and superspace: Introduction: from RTp/q to supersymmetry; Superalgebras, Grassmann-shells and super Lie groups; The PoincarD'e superalgebra; Unitary representation of the PoincarD'e superalgebra; Real superspace RT4/4 and superfields; Complex superspace CT4/2, chiral superfields and covariant derivatives; The on-shell massive superfield representations; The on-shell massless superfield representations; From superfields to component fields; The superconformal group. Field theory in superspace: Supersymmetric field theory; Wess-Zumino model; Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models; Vector multiplet models; Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories; Geometric approach to super Yang-Mills theories; Classically equivalent theories. Quantized superfields: Picture-change operators; Equivalence of component field and superfield perturbation theories; Effective action (super) funtional; The Wess-Zumino model: perturbative analysis; Note about gauge theories; Feynman rules for super Yang-Mills theories; Renormalization; Examples of counterterm calculations: an alternative technique; Superfield effective potential. Superspace geometry of supergravity: Gauge group of supergravity and supergravity fields; Superspace differential geometry; Supergeometry with conformal supergravity constraints; Prepotentials; Einstein supergravity; Prepotential de formations; Supercurrent and supertrace; Supergravity in components. Dynamics in supergravity: Pure supergravity dynamics; Linearized supergravity; Superg. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7503-0506-1
    Language: English
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