1 Holzkassette
4 Illustrationen (schwarz-weiß)
24,1 x 22,5 x 4,5 cm
Umfangreiche Beschreibung in Wikipedia-Eintrag
"Water Yam was among the first (possibly the first) of the Fluxus multiples intended as the complete works of Brecht up until the time of inssuance; each succeeding edition has included increasing numbers of scores, until the originally published material was exhausted circa 1970. The earliest versions were a small number in a pale unvarnished wooden box; a larger number in a paper slide-out box; several variations in a plastic box (starting about mid-1964), with possibly small numbers of others in between (Maciunas has stated that a cumulative total of all his Water Yam editions would probably not exceed 100.)" -- The book of the art of artist's books, [um 1978], S. 130
Holzkassette mit Titel-Etikett, Inhalt: 103 ungezählte bedruckte Karten in unterschiedlichen Formaten , 1 Umschlag mit 7 bedruckten Karten
Die Datierung ist nicht gesichert, da die Schachtelform zwar der ersten Ausgabe von 1963 entspricht, diese Ausgabe jedoch nur mit 69 Karten dokumentiert ist. -- Fluxus etc., Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Michigan 1981, Nr. 35
Mehr zum Autor:
Maciunas, George 1931-1978
Mehr zum Autor:
Brecht, George 1926-2008
Mehr zum Autor:
Schmit, Tomas 1943-2006