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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (296 pages)
    ISBN: 9781118189658 , 1118189655 , 9781118189627 , 1118189620 , 9781118074503 , 1118074505
    Series Statement: IEEE Series on Digital and Mobile Communication
    Content: Tackling problems from the least complicated to the most, Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems provides readers with a comprehensive look at resource allocation and scheduling techniques (for both single and multi-cell deployments) in uplink OFDMA wireless networks--relying on convex optimization and game theory to thoroughly analyze performance. Inside, readers will find topics and discussions on:Formulating and solving the uplink ergodic sum-rate maximization problemProposing suboptimal algorithms that achieve a close performance to the optimal case at a considerably reduced co.
    Note: RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN UPLINK OFDMA WIRELESS SYSTEMS: OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS AND PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATIONS; CONTENTS; PREFACE; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; ACRONYMS; CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION; 1.1 Evolution of Wireless Communication Systems; 1.2 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access; 1.3 Organization of this Book; CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND ON DOWNLINK RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN OFDMA WIRELESS NETWORKS; 2.1 Centralized Single Cell Scheduling; 2.1.1 Continuous Versus Discrete Rates; 2.1.2 Optimal Versus Suboptimal Scheduling; 2.2 Distributed Scheduling; 2.3 Scheduling in Multicell Scenarios. , 2.3.1 Multicell Scheduling in LTE; 2.4 Summary; CHAPTER 3 ERGODIC SUM-RATE MAXIMIZATION WITH CONTINUOUS RATES; 3.1 Background; 3.2 Problem Formulation; 3.3 Problem Solution; 3.3.1 Solution of the Dual Problem; 3.3.2 Duality Gap Analysis; 3.3.3 Complexity Analysis; 3.3.4 Solution Approach in a MIMO Scenario; 3.4 Achievable Rate Region; 3.4.1 K-user Achievable Rate Region without Rate Constraints; 3.4.2 K-user Achievable Rate Region with Rate Constraints; 3.4.3 Application to the Two-Users Rate Region; 3.5 Results and Discussion; 3.5.1 Simulation Parameters. , 3.5.2 Multiplier Calculation and Convergence; 3.5.3 Duality Gap Results; 3.5.4 Sum-Rate Results; 3.6 Summary; CHAPTER 4 ERGODIC SUM-RATE MAXIMIZATION WITH DISCRETE RATES; 4.1 Background; 4.2 Problem Formulation; 4.3 Problem Solution; 4.3.1 Duality Gap Analysis; 4.3.2 Complexity Analysis; 4.4 Results and Discussion; 4.4.1 Simulation Model; 4.4.2 Continuous Versus Discrete Rates; 4.4.3 Impact of Modulation and Coding Schemes; 4.4.4 Impact of Varying the User Weights; 4.5 Summary; CHAPTER 5 GENERALIZATION TO UTILITY MAXIMIZATION; 5.1 Background. , 5.2 Ergodic Utility Maximization with Continuous Rates; 5.2.1 Duality Gap; 5.3 Ergodic Utility Maximization with Discrete Rates; 5.3.1 Duality Gap; 5.4 Summary; CHAPTER 6 SUBOPTIMAL IMPLEMENTATION OF ERGODIC SUM-RATE MAXIMIZATION; 6.1 Background; 6.2 Suboptimal Approximation of the Continuous Rates Solution; 6.3 Suboptimal Approximation of the Discrete Rates Solution; 6.4 Complexity Analysis of the Suboptimal Algorithms; 6.4.1 Complexity Analysis in the Continuous Rates Case; 6.4.2 Complexity Analysis in the Discrete Rates Case; 6.5 Results and Discussion; 6.5.1 Simulation Parameters. , 6.5.2 Results of the Continuous Rates Approximation; 6.5.3 Results of the Discrete Rates Approximation; 6.5.4 Results in the Case of Imperfect CSI; 6.5.5 Comparison to Existing Algorithms; 6.6 Summary; CHAPTER 7 SUBOPTIMAL IMPLEMENTATION WITH PROPORTIONAL FAIRNESS; 7.1 Background; 7.2 Proportional Fair Scheduling; 7.2.1 PF Scheduling Methods; 7.2.2 Equivalence of PF and NBS; 7.3 Low Complexity Utility Maximization Algorithms; 7.3.1 Complexity Analysis of the Utility Maximization Algorithms; 7.3.2 Comparison to Existing Algorithms; 7.3.3 Rate Calculations; 7.4 Proportional Fair Utilities. , 7.5 Results and Discussion.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Dawy, Zaher. Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems : Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementations. Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, ©2012 ISBN 9781118074503
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books.
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Format: XVIII, 276 S.
    ISBN: 9781118074503
    Series Statement: IEEE series on digital & mobile communication
    Language: English
    Subjects: Engineering
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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