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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Hoboken, New Jersey :Wiley,
    Format: 1 online resource
    Edition: Fourth edition.
    ISBN: 9781119018612 , 1119018617 , 9781119018285 , 1119018285 , 1118675576 , 9781118675571 , 1119018269 , 9781119018261
    Content: Employ the latest satellite positioning tech with this extensive guide GPS Satellite Surveying is the classic text on the subject, providing the most comprehensive coverage of global navigation satellite systems applications for surveying. Fully updated and expanded to reflect the field's latest developments, this new edition contains new information on GNSS antennas, Precise Point Positioning, Real-time Relative Positioning, Lattice Reduction, and much more. New contributors offer additional insight that greatly expands the book's reach, providing readers with complete, in-depth coverage of.
    Note: Includes index. , Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Least-Squares Adjustments; 2.1 Elementary Considerations; 2.1.1 Statistical Nature of Surveying Measurements; 2.1.2 Observational Errors; 2.1.3 Accuracy and Precision; 2.2 Stochastic and Mathematical Models; 2.3 Mixed Model; 2.3.1 Linearization; 2.3.2 Minimization and Solution; 2.3.3 Cofactor Matrices; 2.3.4 A Posteriori Variance of Unit Weight; 2.3.5 Iterations; 2.4 Sequential Mixed Model; 2.5 Model Specifications; 2.5.1 Observation Equation Model; 2.5.2 Condition Equation Model. , 2.5.3 Mixed Model with Observation Equations2.5.4 Sequential Observation Equation Model; 2.5.5 Observation Equation Model with Observed Parameters; 2.5.6 Mixed Model with Conditions; 2.5.7 Observation Equation Model with Conditions; 2.6 Minimal and Inner Constraints; 2.7 Statistics in Least-Squares Adjustment; 2.7.1 Fundamental Test; 2.7.2 Testing Sequential Least Squares; 2.7.3 General Linear Hypothesis; 2.7.4 Ellipses as Confidence Regions; 2.7.5 Properties of Standard Ellipses; 2.7.6 Other Measures of Precision; 2.8 Reliability; 2.8.1 Redundancy Numbers. , 2.8.2 Controlling Type-II Error for a Single Blunder2.8.3 Internal Reliability; 2.8.4 Absorption; 2.8.5 External Reliability; 2.8.6 Correlated Cases; 2.9 Blunder Detection; 2.9.1 Tau Test; 2.9.2 Data Snooping; 2.9.3 Changing Weights of Observations; 2.10 Examples; 2.11 Kalman Filtering; Chapter 3 Recursive Least Squares; 3.1 Static Parameter; 3.2 Static Parameters and Arbitrary Time-Varying Variables; 3.3 Dynamic Constraints; 3.4 Static Parameters and Dynamic Constraints; 3.5 Static Parameter, Parameters Subject to Dynamic Constraints, and Arbitrary Time-Varying Parameters; Chapter 4 Geodesy. , 4.1 International Terrestrial Reference Frame4.1.1 Polar Motion; 4.1.2 Tectonic Plate Motion; 4.1.3 Solid Earth Tides; 4.1.4 Ocean Loading; 4.1.5 Relating of Nearly Aligned Frames; 4.1.6 ITRF and NAD83; 4.2 International Celestial Reference System; 4.2.1 Transforming Terrestrial and Celestial Frames; 4.2.2 Time Systems; 4.3 Datum; 4.3.1 Geoid; 4.3.2 Ellipsoid of Rotation; 4.3.3 Geoid Undulations and Deflections of the Vertical; 4.3.4 Reductions to the Ellipsoid; 4.4 3D Geodetic Model; 4.4.1 Partial Derivatives; 4.4.2 Reparameterization; 4.4.3 Implementation Considerations. , 4.4.4 GPS Vector Networks4.4.5 Transforming Terrestrial and Vector Networks; 4.4.6 GPS Network Examples; Montgomery County Geodetic Network; SLC Engineering Survey; Orange County Densification; 4.5 Ellipsoidal Model; 4.5.1 Reduction of Observations; Angular Reduction to Geodesic; Distance Reduction to Geodesic; 4.5.2 Direct and Inverse Solutions on the Ellipsoid; 4.5.3 Network Adjustment on the Ellipsoid; 4.6 Conformal Mapping Model; 4.6.1 Reduction of Observations; 4.6.2 Angular Excess; 4.6.3 Direct and Inverse Solutions on the Map.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Leick, Alfred. GPS satellite surveying. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley and Sons, Inc., [2015] ISBN 9781118675571
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books.
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