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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
    Format: 1 online resource (312 pages)
    Edition: 1
    ISBN: 9783662615744
    Note: Intro -- Vorwort -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Abkürzungsverzeichnis -- 1 Die Facharztprüfung -- 2 Röntgendiagnostik -- 2.1 Messparameter am p.a.-Röntgen des Thorax -- 2.2 Lungenlappen -- 2.3 Beispiel zur systematischen Befundung eines unauffälligen Röntgen-Thorax -- 2.4 Radiologische Befunde -- 2.4.1 Röntgen: Kardiomegalie -- 2.4.2 Röntgen: Hypertonie -- 2.4.3 Röntgen: Linksventrikuläre Hypertrophie -- 2.4.4 Röntgen: Linke Vorhofvergrößerung -- 2.4.5 Röntgen: Rechtsherzinsuffizienzund Rechtsherzhypertrophie -- 2.4.6 Röntgen: Linksherzinsuffizienz bei hypertoner Krise -- 2.4.7 Röntgen: Akute Bronchitis -- 2.4.8 Röntgen: Chronische Bronchitis und Raucherbronchitis -- 2.4.9 Röntgen: Bronchiektasien -- 2.4.10 Röntgen: Lungenemphysem -- 2.4.11 Röntgen: Lobärpneumonie -- 2.4.12 Röntgen: Bronchopneumonie -- 2.4.13 Röntgen: Herdpneumonie -- 2.4.14 Röntgen: Interstitielle Pneumonie -- 2.4.15 Röntgen: Pneumocystis-carinii-Pneumonie -- 2.4.16 Röntgen: Pulmonale Aspergillose -- 2.4.17 Röntgen: Tuberkulose -- Primärtuberkulose -- Miliartuberkulose -- Reaktivierung = Postprimärtuberkulose -- AbgeheilteTuberkulose -- 2.4.18 Röntgen: Bronchialkarzinom -- 2.4.19 Röntgen: Idiopathische Lungenfibrose -- 2.4.20 Röntgen: Mediastinale Erweiterungen -- 3 Thoraxsonographie -- 3.1 Thoraxsonographie: Lungenödem -- 4 Physiologie der Lunge und Atemmechanik -- 4.1 Sauerstoff und Kohlendioxid -- 4.2 Alveolo-arterielle Druckdifferenz (AaDO2) -- 4.3 Atemregulation -- 5 Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik -- 5.1 Spirometrie -- 5.2 Bodyplethysmographie -- 5.3 Provokation -- 5.4 Diffusionskapazität (DLCO) -- 5.5 Fraktioniertes exhaliertes Stickstoffmonoxid (FeNO) -- 5.6 Mundverschlußdruck -- 5.7 Spiroergometrie -- 5.8 Präoperative Risikoeinschätzung -- 6 Blutgasanalyse -- 7 Säure-Base-Haushalt -- 8 Echokardiographie -- 9 Rechtsherzkatheter (RHK) , 10 Bronchoskopie -- 10.1 Bronchoalveoläre Lavage (BAL) -- 11 Endobronchialer Ultraschall (EBUS) -- 12 Krankheitsbilder -- 12.1 Respiratorische Infekte des oberen Respirationstraktes und der Bronchien -- 12.2 Husten -- 12.3 Sinobronchiales Syndrom (SBS) -- 12.4 Influenza -- 12.5 Tracheobronchitis -- 12.6 Gastroösophagealer Reflux (GERD) -- 12.7 Bronchiolitis -- 12.8 Primäre Ziliendyskinesie (PCD) -- 12.9 Zystische Fibrose (CF) -- 12.10 Bronchiektasen -- 12.11 Interstitielle Lungenerkrankungen (ILD) -- 12.11.1 Raucherassoziierte interstitielle Lungenerkrankungen -- 12.11.2 Respiratorische Bronchiolitis mit interstitieller Lungenerkrankung (RB-ILD) -- 12.11.3 Desquamative interstitielle Pneumonie (DIP) -- 12.11.4 Idiopathische pulmonale Fibrose (IPF) -- 12.11.5 Pulmonale Langerhans-Zell-Histiozytose (PLCH) -- 12.11.6 Medikamenten-assoziierte Lungenerkrankungen -- 12.11.7 Pulmonale Lymphangioleiomyomatose (LAM) -- 12.11.8 Exogen allergische Alveolitis (EAA) -- 12.11.9 Pulmonale Alveolarproteinose (PAP) -- 12.12 Pulmonale Manifestation von Systemerkrankungen -- 12.13 Sarkoidose -- 12.14 Infekte des unteren Respirationstraktes -- 12.14.1 Pneumonien: community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), cospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) -- 12.14.2 Q-Fieber -- 12.14.3 Nosokomiale/Hospitale und Respirator-erworbene Pneumonie (HAP und VAP) -- 12.14.4 Pneumocystis-jirovicii-Pneumonie (PCP) -- 12.14.5 Pilzpneumonien bei Immuninkompetenz -- 12.14.6 Tuberkulose (TB) -- 12.14.7 Nicht-tuberkulöse-Mykobakteriosen (NTM) -- 12.15 Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD) -- 12.15.1 Raucherentwöhnung -- 12.15.2 Impfungen -- 12.15.3 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin-Mangel -- 12.16 Asthma bronchiale -- 12.17 Allergische bronchopulmonale Aspergillose (ABPA) -- 12.18 Vocal cort dysfunction (VCD) -- 12.19 Pulmonale Rundherde -- 12.19.1 Bronchialkarzinom (BC) , 12.19.2 Paraneoplastische Syndrome -- 12.19.3 Mediastinaltumoren -- 12.20 Pleuraerkrankungen -- 12.20.1 Pleuraerguss -- 12.20.2 Pleuraempyem -- 12.20.3 Pleuramesotheliom -- 12.20.4 Pneumothorax -- 12.21 Skelettmetastasen -- 12.22 Akute Lungenembolie (LAE) -- 12.23 Pulmonale Hypertonie (PAH) -- 12.23.1 Akutes Rechtsherzversagen -- 13 Schlafmedizin -- 13.1 Obstruktives Schlafapnoesyndrom (OSAS) -- 13.2 Hypersomnien -- 13.3 Schlafbezogene Bewegungsstörungen -- 13.4 Obesitas-Hypoventilationssyndrom (OHS) -- 13.5 Schlafstörungen bei Intensivpatienten -- 14 Beatmungsmedizin -- 14.1 Einteilung der Respiratorischen Insuffizienz -- 14.2 Akutes Respiratorisches Dysstressyndrom (ARDS) -- 14.3 Weaning -- 15 Extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung (pECLA, iLA, ECMO) -- 16 Pneumologische Notfälle -- 16.1 Pulmonale Hämorrhagie -- 16.2 Pneumothorax -- 16.3 Asthmaanfall -- 16.4 Aspiration -- 16.5 COPD-Exazerbation -- 17 Berufserkrankungen -- 17.1 Silikose -- 17.2 Asbestose -- 18 Lungentransplantation -- 19 Höhenmedizin -- 20 Tauchmedizin -- Studien -- Weiterführende Literatur -- Weiterführende Links -- Stichwortverzeichnis
    Additional Edition: Print version: Montag, Gerrit Facharztprüfung Pneumologie Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin / Heidelberg,c2020 ISBN 9783662615737
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Abingdon, Oxon ; : CRC Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 volume) : , illustrations (black and white)
    ISBN: 9781003183426 , 1003183425 , 1000404137 , 9781000404142 , 1000404145 , 9781000404135
    Content: This book covers all important nomenclature, theories of bonding and stereochemistry of coordination complexes. The authors have made an effort to inscribe the ideas knowledge, clearly and in an interesting way to benefit the readers. The complexities of Molecular Orbital theory have been explained in a very simple and easy manner. It also deals with transition and inner transition metals. Conceptually, all transition and inner transition elements form complexes which have definite geometry and show interesting properties. General and specific methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties of each element has been discussed at length. Group wise study of elements in d-block series have been explained. Important compounds, complexes and organometallic compounds of metals in different oxidation states have been given explicitly. Note: T & F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
    Note: 11.8 Trace Elements Absorption -- 11.8.1 Inhibitors in Absorption -- 11.8.2 Enhancing the Effect of Absorption of Metals (even trace elements) -- 11.8.3 Toxic Metal Ion -- 11.8.4 Enzymes Inhibition -- 11.8.5 Detoxification by Metal Ion and Chelation -- 11.9 Metal Complexes in the Cure of Cancer -- 12. Uses and Applications of Coordination Complexes -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Applications of Metal Complexes -- 12.2.1 Dye Industry -- 12.2.2 Biological Enzymes -- 12.3 Polymer-Metal Complexes as Catalysts -- 12.3.1 Catalytic Activities of Polymers-Metal Complex -- 12.4 Application of Polymer-Metal Complexes as Catalysts -- 12.4.1 Oxidation -- 12.4.2 Hydrogenation -- 12.4.3 Hydrolysis -- 12.4.4 Hydroformylation of Olefins -- 12.5 Initiation of Radical Polymerisation -- 12.6 Asymmetric Synthetic and Optical Resolution -- 12.7 The decomposition of H2O2 -- 12.8 Polymer-metal complexes as Heterogeneous Biologically Active Catalysts -- 12.8.1 Porosity and Surface Area -- 12.8.2 Extent of Cross-Linking -- 12.8.3 Spacer Groups -- 12.8.4 Coordination Complex in Analytical Chemistry -- 12.8.5 Detecting Cations -- 12.8.6 Group I Cations -- 12.8.7 Confirmatory Test for Pb2+ Ions -- 12.8.8 Confirmatory Test for Ag+ Ions -- 12.8.9 Confirmatory Test for Mercury (1) ion -- 12.8.10 Group II Cations -- 12.8.11 Group reagent -- 12.9 Role of HCl in Group II Analysis -- 12.9.1 Group III Cations -- 12.9.2 Confirmatory Test for Fe3+, Al3+, Cr3+ -- 12.9.3 Group IV cations -- 12.9.4 Group Reagent -- 12.9.5 Confirmatory Tests -- 12.9.6 Group V cations -- 12.9.7 Group VI Cations -- 12.9.8 Zero Group Cations -- 12.9.9 Confirmatory Test for NH4+ ion -- 12.10 Detecting Anions -- 12.10.1 Group I Anions -- 12.10.2 Group of II Anions -- 12.11 Confirmatory Test for Cl- Ion -- 12.11.1 Chromyl Chloride Test -- 12.11.2 Br- and I- -- 12.11.3 Test for NO3- Ion -- 12.11.4 Test for C2O42- Ion. , 12.11.5 Group III Anions -- 12.11.6 SO42- Ion Test -- 12.11.7 PO43- Ion Test -- 12.11.8 BO33- Ion Test -- 12.12 Modern Techniques -- 12.12.1 Quantitative Analysis -- 12.12.2 Quantitative Vs. Qualitative -- 12.13 Extraction of Metal from Complex Ores -- 12.14 High Temperature Chemical Reduction -- 12.14.1 Photography -- 12.14.2 Artificial Silk -- 12.15 Metal Complexes in Medicine -- 12.15.1 Platinum Anticancer Agents -- 12.15.2 Hydrolysis -- 12.15.3 Attack on DNA -- 12.15.4 Monofunctional Adducts -- 12.15.5 DNA Base Recognition by Pt Complexes -- 12.15.6 Binding to Meta Thiamine -- 12.15.7 Metallo Thionein and Glutathione -- 12.15.8 Targeting Via Transferring Receptor: Ruthenium and Titanium -- 12.16 Gold Antipathetic Drugs -- 12.17 Bismuth Anticancer Drugs -- 12.18 Conclusion -- 12.18.1 Metal Complexes as Drugs and Chemotherapeutic Agents -- 13. Metal Carbonyls and Nitosyls -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Preparation of Metal Carbonyls -- 13.3 Structure and Bonding in Carbonyls -- Coordinate Mononuclear Metal Carbonyls -- Applying EAN Rule to [Ni(CO)4] Complex -- 13.4 Iron Pentacarbonyl [Fe(CO)5] -- Physical Characteristics -- Structure and Bonding in [M(CO)5] -- Physical Characteristics -- 13.5 Polynuclear Metal Carbonyls -- Dimanganese decacarbonyl [Mn2(CO)10] -- Diironnonacarbonyl [Fe2(CO)9] -- 13.6 Dicobalt Octacarbonyl [Co2(CO)8] -- Tetranuclear Metal Carbonyls [M4(CO)12] -- 14. Organometallics -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Definition -- 14.3 Classification -- 14.4 Nomenclature -- 14.5 Synthesis Of Organometallic Compounds -- Synthesis of Sandwich Compounds -- Synthesis of Alkene Complexes -- Preparation of Zeise's Salt -- Synthesis of Alkyne Complexes -- Allyl Complexes -- Metal-Benzenoid Complexes -- Carbenes and Alkylidene Complexes -- Carbene and Alkalidyne Complexes -- Carbene Compounds -- Physical Characteristics -- Chemical Characteristics.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Soni, P.L. Chemistry of coordination complexes and transition metals. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021 ISBN 9781032024615
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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  • 3
    Format: 1 online resource (315 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9780750320887
    Series Statement: IPEM-IOP Series in Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Series
    Content: The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of regenerative medicine and fluid mechanics principles for the management of clinically diseased blood vessels. Authors discuss tissue engineering aspects and computational fluid mechanical principles, and how they can be used to understand the state of blood vessels in diseased conditions.
    Note: Intro -- Preface -- Editor biographies -- Arindam Bit -- Jasjit S Suri -- Contributors -- Chapter 1 Anatomy and physiology of blood vessels -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Structure of blood vessel -- 1.2.1 Tunica intima -- 1.2.2 Tunica media -- 1.2.3 Tunica externa -- 1.3 Types of blood vessels -- 1.3.1 Arteries -- 1.3.2 Pulmonary artery -- 1.3.3 Coronary artery -- 1.3.4 Systemic artery -- 1.3.5 Hepatic artery -- 1.3.6 Carotid artery -- 1.3.7 Retinal artery -- 1.3.8 Splenic artery -- 1.3.9 Capillaries -- 1.3.10 Fenestrated capillaries -- 1.3.11 Sinusoidal capillaries -- 1.3.12 Continuous capillaries -- 1.3.13 Veins -- 1.3.14 Pulmonary vein -- 1.3.15 Systemic veins -- 1.3.16 The heart veins -- 1.3.17 The veins of the head and neck -- 1.3.18 The veins present in the exterior part of the head and face -- 1.3.19 The veins in the neck -- 1.3.20 The veins of the brain -- 1.3.21 Opthalmic vein -- 1.3.22 Hepatic vein -- 1.3.23 Splenic vein -- 1.4 Circulatory networks -- 1.4.1 Pulmonary circulation -- 1.4.2 Coronary circulation -- 1.4.3 Systemic circulation -- 1.5 Physiology of blood flow -- 1.5.1 Blood flow between capillaries and tissues -- 1.5.2 Regulation of blood pressure -- 1.5.3 Baroreceptor response -- 1.5.4 Chemoreceptor response -- 1.5.5 Rennin-angiotensin-aldosterine activation system -- 1.5.6 Autoregulation of blood flow -- 1.6 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 Neurovascular structure and function -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Pathology in neurovascular units -- 2.3 Medial neurovascular structures -- 2.4 Cerebral vascular disease in ischemic stroke -- 2.5 Vascular risk factors -- 2.6 Neurovascular mechanics -- 2.7 Pathology of microvascular components in the NVU -- 2.8 Neurogenesis and neurovascular homeostasis -- 2.9 Neurovascular structure at coronal segment -- 2.10 Neurovascular structure and pathology near the foot. , 2.11 Neurovascular pathology at the shoulder joint -- 2.12 Neurovasculature at the hip joint and meniscus -- 2.13 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 3D bioprinting in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Types of 3D bioprinting -- 3.2.1 Extrusion-based bioprinting -- 3.2.2 Inkjet bioprinting -- 3.2.3 Laser based bioprinting -- 3.3 Hard tissue engineering -- 3.3.1 Bone -- 3.3.2 Cartilage -- 3.4 Soft tissue engineering -- 3.4.1 Vascular tissue -- 3.4.2 Skin -- 3.5 Tissue engineering for application in specific organs -- 3.5.1 Liver -- 3.5.2 Kidney -- 3.5.3 Bladder -- 3.5.4 Retina -- 3.6 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4 Numerical analysis of blood flow in vasculature structure -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Methodology -- 4.2.1 Construction of geometry -- 4.3 Results and discussion -- 4.3.1 Hemodynamics of blood through axi-symmetric aneurismal blood vessel -- 4.3.2 Comparative assessment of hemodynamics of blood in a stenosed or aneurismal vessel -- 4.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5 Numerical analysis of blood flow in a micro-capillary in in vitro conditions -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Methodology -- 5.2.1 Micro-viscometer study -- 5.3 Numerical modeling -- 5.4 Grid independence study -- 5.5 Results and discussions -- 5.5.1 Evaluation of fluid flow parameter in a microviscometer -- 5.6 Numerical assessment of the rheological model for blood flowing in an inclined plane -- 5.7 Discussion -- 5.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6 Experimental analysis of blood flow in vessels with pathological conditions -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Methodology -- 6.2.1 Overview of experimental table -- 6.2.2 lDV principle -- 6.3 Laser head -- 6.4 Plasma tube -- 6.5 Power supply -- 6.6 Multi-colour beam splitter -- 6.7 Fiber optic transmitter probe -- 6.8 Photo detector module -- 6.9 FSA signal processor -- 6.10 Down-mixer. , 6.11 Burst acquisition system -- 6.12 Photo multiplier tube voltage -- 6.13 Burst threshold -- 6.14 SNR and downmixing frequency -- 6.15 Noise in LDV -- 6.16 Test bench of blood vessel -- 6.17 Result -- 6.17.1 Analysis of stenosis influence length -- 6.18 Uncertainty analysis -- 6.18.1 Shifted frequency of reflected light at the receiver (fr) -- 6.19 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7 Biomaterials for a synthetic and tissue engineered blood vessel -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Blood-biomaterial interaction -- 7.3 Synthetic polymer -- 7.4 Natural polymer -- 7.5 Decellularized matrix -- 7.6 Hybrid material -- 7.7 Assessment of practical use of a vascular graft -- 7.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8 3D printing technology, bioink, fabrication technique of blood vessel and system used for cell culturing -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 3D printing technology for tissue engineering -- 8.2.1 Fused deposition modelling (FDM) -- 8.2.2 Selective laser sintering: the laser based -- 8.2.3 Stereolithography -- 8.2.4 Laser metal deposition -- 8.2.5 Digital laser processing -- 8.2.6 Jet-based bioprinting technology -- 8.2.7 Inkjet printing -- 8.2.8 Micro-valve printing -- 8.2.9 Acoustic printing -- 8.2.10 Laser-assisted printing -- 8.2.11 Electrospun -- 8.2.12 Electrohydrodynamic jet printing -- 8.3 Bio-ink/Biomaterial -- 8.3.1 Criteria for selection of biomaterial -- 8.3.2 Types of biomaterials -- 8.4 Blood vessel formation using a 3D printer -- 8.4.1 Anatomy of a blood vessel -- 8.4.2 Self-assembly approach -- 8.4.3 Extrusion-based 3D printing system with rotatory printing device -- 8.4.4 Drop and demand method -- 8.4.5 Hydrogel bio-printed micro-channel -- 8.4.6 Laser-based 3D bioprinting of a blood vessel -- 8.4.7 Embedded bioprinting for vascular engineering -- 8.5 Importance of bioreactors -- 8.6 Conclusion -- References. , Chapter 9 Blood flow evaluation in different circulatory systems -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Methodology -- 9.3 Results and discussions -- 9.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 10 Fabrication techniques of artificial blood vessels -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Cell types used for blood vessel regeneration -- 10.3 Techniques for the regeneration of blood vessels -- 10.3.1 Scaffold-free technology -- 10.3.2 Freeze drying -- 10.3.3 Decellularized vascular graft -- 10.4 Bioprinting technique -- 10.5 Electrospinning -- 10.6 Hybrid scaffold fabrication technique -- 10.7 Characterization of an artificial blood vessel -- 10.8 Mechanical properties of an artificially fabricated blood vessel by different techniques -- 10.9 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 11 Bioreactors for tissue engineered blood vessels -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Properties of a bioreactor -- 11.3 Blood vessel bioreactors -- 11.3.1 Pulsatile perfusion bioreactor -- 11.3.2 Biaxial bioreactor -- 11.3.3 VascuTrainer bioreactor -- 11.3.4 Perfusion bioreactor with longitudinal stretch -- 11.3.5 Pulsatile flow bioreactors -- 11.3.6 Bioreactor with cyclic strain -- 11.3.7 Multi-cue bioreactor -- 11.4 Bioreactors specifically designed for tissue engineered heart valves -- 11.4.1 Cardiac valve bioreactor -- 11.4.2 Pulsatile bioreactors for cardiac valves -- 11.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 12 An artificial blood vessel and its controlling aspects-I -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Formation of blood vessels in the human body -- 12.3 New capillaries formed from sprouting -- 12.4 Angiogenesis controlling factors -- 12.5 Functions of blood vessels -- 12.6 Biological control of blood vessel structure and its effects on various physiological parameters -- 12.7 Need for artificial blood vessels -- 12.7.1 Buerger's disease -- 12.7.2 Peripheral venous disease and varicose veins. , 12.7.3 Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome -- 12.8 Development of artificial blood vessels through tissue engineering -- 12.9 Vascular tissue regeneration -- 12.9.1 Decellularized matrices based scaffolds -- 12.9.2 Scaffolds from natural polymers -- 12.9.3 Scaffolds from biodegradable synthetic polymers -- 12.9.4 Synthetic and natural scaffolds -- 12.9.5 Hybrid scaffolds from synthetic and natural polymers -- 12.9.6 TEVGs without scaffolds -- 12.10 Selection of biomaterials and design parameters -- 12.11 Biomaterials preferred for preparing vascular grafts -- 12.11.1 Synthetic nondegradable polymers (ePTFE, dacron and polyurethanes) -- 12.11.2 Polymer functionalization -- 12.11.3 Degradable scaffolds -- 12.11.4 Biopolymers -- 12.11.5 Nanocomposites -- 12.11.6 Alternative tissue sources -- 12.12 Controlling factors and functional requirements in blood vessel tissue engineering -- 12.12.1 Mechanical requirements -- 12.12.2 Biological requirements -- 12.13 Vascular grafts and their main applications -- References and further reading -- Chapter 13 Control aspects of the circulatory system -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Passive control system of circulatory system -- 13.2.1 The ventricles -- 13.2.2 The atria -- 13.2.3 The systemic and pulmonary vessels -- 13.3 Neural and humoral control system -- 13.3.1 Baroreceptor reflexes -- 13.3.2 Input-output relationship of the baroreceptor -- 13.4 Transformation of afferent baroreceptor signals into heart rate -- 13.4.1 Control of cardiac contractility -- 13.4.2 Sympathetic control of fluid resistance of systematic arterioles -- 13.4.3 Control of systemic venous volume -- 13.4.4 Model of cardiovascular control loop -- 13.5 Behaviour of the controlled cardiovascular system -- 13.5.1 Cardiac rhythm caused by the LV assist pump -- 13.5.2 Animal experiment -- 13.5.3 Role of circulatory system in LV by-pass surgery. , 13.6 Cardiovascular circulatory system and assist pump model.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Bit, Arindam Flow Dynamics and Tissue Engineering of Blood Vessels Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing,c2020 ISBN 9780750320894
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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