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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Northampton :Edward Elgar Publishing,
    Format: 1 online resource (1,712 pages).
    ISBN: 9781786430700 (e-book)
    Series Statement: The international library of critical writings in economics series
    Content: "This innovative collection of readings analyses how the theory of the firm evolved from several core concepts and building blocks that underpin this important area of economics. The first volume presents a variety of perspectives from leading scholars in the field before introducing the basic elements of: risk and uncertainty; information and knowledge; bounded rationality and decision making; motives and incentives; resources and capabilities; and transactions. The second volume looks at how the various elements are integrated into the modern Theory of the Firm with the notion of organization coming increasingly to the fore. It focuses on norms; rules and routines; the entrepreneur; governance; hierarchies; co-operation, teams and networks; innovation and appropriability. Together with an introduction by the editors, this collection is an invaluable reference tool for all researchers and students with an interest in the modern theory of the firm, highlighting how it needs to evolve further to address the important management and policy issues of our time"--
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): 1. Nicolai J. Foss, Henrik Lando and Steen Thomsen (2000), 'The Theory of the Firm', in Boudewijn Bouckaert and Gerrit De Geest (eds), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume III: The Regulation of Contracts, Article No. 5610, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 631-58 -- 2. Fritz Machlup (1967), 'Theories of the Firm: Marginalist, Behavioral, Managerial', American Economic Review, LVII (1), March, 1-33 -- 3. Oliver Hart (1989), 'An Economist's Perspective on the Theory of the Firm', Columbia Law Review: Contractual Freedom in Corporate Law, 89 (7), November, 1757-74 -- 4. Harold Demsetz (1988), 'The Theory of the Firm Revisited', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4 (1), Spring, 141-61 -- 5. Brian J. Loasby (1971), 'Hypothesis and Paradigm in the Theory of the Firm', Economic Journal, 81 (324), December, 863-85 -- 6. Frank H. Knight ([1921] 1964), 'The Meaning of Risk and Uncertainty', in Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, Part Three, Chapter VII, New York, NY, USA: Augustus M. Kelley, 197-232 -- 7. John Maynard Keynes (1936), 'The State of Long-Term Expectation', in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Book IV, Chapter 12, New York, NY, USA: Harcourt, Brace and World, 147-64 -- 8. Armen A. Alchian (1950), 'Uncertainty, Evolution, and Economic Theory', Journal of Political Economy, 58 (3), June, 211-21 -- 9. Richard N. Langlois and Metin M. Cosgel (1993), 'Frank Knight on Risk, Uncertainty, and the Firm: A New Interpretation', Economic Inquiry, XXXI (3), July, 456-65 -- 10. Kenneth J. Arrow (1982), 'Risk Perception in Psychology and Economics', Economic Inquiry, XX (1), January, 1-9 -- 11. David Teece, Margaret Peteraf and Sohvi Leih (2016), 'Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: Risk, Uncertainty, and Strategy in the Innovation Economy', California Management Review, 58 (4), Summer, 13-35 -- 12. Michael Polanyi ([1966] 2009), 'Tacit Knowing', in The Tacit Dimension, with a new foreword by Amartya Sen, Chapter 1, Chicago, IL, USA and London, UK: University of Chicago Press, 3-25 -- 13. Kenneth J. Arrow (1962), 'Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention', in Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research and Committee on Economic Growth of the Social Science Research Council (eds), The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors, Part VI, Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press and New York, NY, USA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 609-26 -- 14. F. A. Hayek (1945), 'The Use of Knowledge in Society', American Economic Review, XXXV (4), September, 519-30 -- 15. Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama and Akiya Nagata (2000), 'A Firm as a Knowledge-creating Entity: A New Perspective on the Theory of the Firm', Industrial and Corporate Change, 9 (1), March, 1-20 -- 16. David J. Teece (1981), 'The Multinational Enterprise: Market Failure and Market Power Considerations', Sloan Management Review, 22 (3), Spring, 3-17 -- 17. Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander (1993), 'Knowledge of the Firm and the Evolutionary Theory of the Multinational Corporation', Journal of International Business Studies, 24 (4), December, 625-45 -- 18. Herbert A. Simon (1972), 'Theories of Bounded Rationality', in C. B. McGuire and Roy Radner (eds), Decision and Organization: A Volume in Honor of Jacob Marschak, Chapter 8, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Company, 161-76 -- 19. Richard M. Cyert and James G. March ([1963] 1992), 'A Summary of Basic Concepts in the Behavioral Theory of the Firm', in A Behavioral Theory of the Firm, 2nd edn, Chapter 7, Cambridge, MA, USA and Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 161-76 , 20. Brian J. Loasby (1967), 'Long-Range Formal Planning in Perspective', Journal of Management Studies, 4 (3), October, 300-308 -- 21. Linda Argote and Henrich R. Greve (2007), 'A Behavioral Theory of the Firm - 40 Years and Counting: Introduction and Impact', Organization Science, 18 (3), May-June, 337-49 -- 22. Oliver Hart (1990), 'Is "Bounded Rationality" an Important Element of a Theory of Institutions?', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 146 (4), December, 696-702 -- 23. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman (1981), 'The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice', Science, 211 (4481), 30th January, 453-58 -- 24. Dale T. Miller (1999), 'The Norm of Self-Interest', American Psychologist, 54 (12), December, 1053-60 -- 25. Michael C. Jensen (1994), 'Self-Interest, Altruism, Incentives, and Agency Theory', Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 7 (2), Summer, 40-45 -- 26. Oliver E. Williamson (1993), 'Opportunism and its Critics', Managerial and Decision Economics, 14 (2), March-April, 97-107 -- 27. Charles W. L. Hill (1990), 'Cooperation, Opportunism, and the Invisible Hand: Implications for Transaction Cost Theory', Academy of Management Review, 15 (3), July, 500-13 -- 28. Michael L. Barnett and Robert M. Salomon (2012), 'Does it Pay to be Really Good? Addressing the Shape of the Relationship between Social and Financial Performance', Strategic Management Journal, 33 (11), November, 1304-20 -- 29. Alexander Pepper and Julie Gore (2015), 'Behavioral Agency Theory: New Foundations for Theorizing About Executive Compensation', Journal of Management, 41 (4), May, 1045-68 -- 30. Edith T. Penrose (1960), 'The Growth of the Firm - A Case Study: The Hercules Powder Company', Business History Review, 34 (1), Spring, 1-23 -- 31. Kathleen R. Conner (1991), 'A Historical Comparison of Resource-Based Theory and Five Schools of Thought Within Industrial Organization Economics: Do We Have a New Theory of the Firm?', Journal of Management, 17 (1), March, 121-54 -- 32. Jeroen Kraaijenbrink, J.-C. Spender and Aard J. Groen (2010), 'The Resource-Based View: A Review and Assessment of Its Critiques', Journal of Management, 36 (1), January, 349-72 -- 33. David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen (1997), 'Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management', Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7), August, 509-33 -- 34. David J. Teece (2014), 'The Foundations of Enterprise Performance: Dynamic and Ordinary Capabilities in an (Economic) Theory of Firms', Academy of Management Perspectives: Symposium, 28 (4), November, 328-52 -- 35. David J. Teece (2019), 'A Capability Theory of the Firm: An Economics and (Strategic) Management Perspective', New Zealand Economic Papers, 53 (1), 1-43 -- 36. John R. Commons (1932), 'The Problem of Correlating Law Economics and Ethics', Wisconsin Law Review, 8, 3-26 -- 37. Ian R. Macneil (1978), 'Contracts: Adjustment of Long-Term Economic Relations under Classical, Neoclassical, and Relational Contract Law', Northwestern University Law Review, 72 (6), 854-905 -- 38. Oliver E. Williamson (1981), 'The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach', American Journal of Sociology, 87 (3), November, 548-77 , 39. Sumantra Ghoshal and Peter Moran (1996), 'Bad for Practice: A Critique of the Transaction Cost Theory', Academy of Management Review, 21 (1), January, 13-47 -- 40. Neil M. Kay (2015), 'Coase and the Contribution of "The Nature of the Firm"', Managerial and Decision Economics, Special Issue: Coase and the Theory of the Firm, 36 (1), January, 44-54 -- 41. David J. Teece (1980), 'Economies of Scope and the Scope of the Enterprise', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1 (3), September, 223-47 -- 42. David J. Teece (1982), 'Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3 (1), March, 39-63 -- 43. Kirk Monteverde and David J. Teece (1982), 'Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry', Bell Journal of Economics, 13 (1), Spring, 206-13 -- 44. David J. Teece (1986), 'Transactions Cost Economics and the Multinational Enterprise: An Assessment', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 7 (1), March, 21-45 -- 1. Douglass C. North (1986), 'The New Institutional Economics', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics: 3rd Symposium on The New Institutional Economics, 142 (1), March, 230-37 -- 2. Oliver Hart (2001), 'Norms and the Theory of the Firm', University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Symposium: Norms and Corporate Law, 149 (6), June, 1701-15 -- 3. Markus C. Becker (2005), 'The Concept of Routines: Some Clarifications', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29 (2), March, 249-62 -- 4. Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter (1982), 'Organizational Capabilities and Behavior', in An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Part II, Chapter 5, Cambridge, MA, USA and London, UK: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 96-136, references -- 5. Joseph A. Schumpeter ([1934] 1983), 'Entrepreneurial Profit', in The Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycle, trans. by Redvers Opie, with a new introduction by John E. Elliott, Chapter IV, New Brunswick, NJ, USA and London UK: Transaction Publishers, 128-56 -- 6. Joseph A. Schumpeter ([1942] 1962), 'Crumbling Walls', in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Part II, Chapter XII, New York, NY, and Evanston, IL, USA: Harper and Row Publishers, 131-42 -- 7. Edith Tilton Penrose (1959), 'The Productive Opportunity of the Firm and the "Entrepreneur"', in The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, Chapter III, New York, NY, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 31-42 -- 8. Richard N. Langlois (2007), 'The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm and the Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm', Journal of Management Studies, Special Issue: The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm, 44 (7), November, 1107-24 -- 9. Mark Casson (2005), 'Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58 (2), October, 327-48 -- 10. B. J. Loasby (1982), 'The Entrepreneur in Economic Theory', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 29 (3), November, 235-45 -- 11. Sharon A. Alvarez and Jay B. Barney (2007), 'The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm', Journal of Management Studies, Special Issue: The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm, 44 (7), November, 1057-63 -- 12. David J. Teece (2016), 'Dynamic Capabilities and Entrepreneurial Management in Large Organizations: Toward a Theory of the (Entrepreneurial) Firm', European Economic Review, 86, July, 202-16 -- 13. Alfred Marshall ([1890] 1920), 'Industrial Organization, Continued. Business Management', in Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, 8th edn, Book IV, Chapter XII, London, UK: Macmillan and Co., 291-313 , 14. Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means ([1932] 1933), 'The Divergence of Interest between Ownership and Control', in The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Book I, Chapter VI, New York, NY, USA: The Macmillan Company, 119-25 -- 15. Harold Demsetz (1983), 'The Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm', Journal of Law and Economics: Corporations and Private Property: A Conference Sponsored by the Hoover Institution, XXVI (2), June, 375-90 -- 33. David J. Teece (1986), 'Profiting from Technological Innovation: Implications for Integration, Collaboration, Licensing and Public Policy', Research Policy, 15 (6), December, 285-305 -- 16. Oliver E. Williamson (2002), 'The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure: From Choice to Contract', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16 (3), Summer, 171-95 -- 34. David J. Teece (2006), 'Reflections on "Profiting from Innovation"', Research Policy, 35 (8), October, 1131-46 -- 17. Thomas Donaldson and Lee E. Preston (1995), 'The Stakeholder Theory of the Corporation: Concepts, Evidence, and Implications', Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), January, 65-91 -- 35. David J. Teece (2010), 'Technological Innovation and the Theory of the Firm: The Role of Enterprise-Level Knowledge, Complementaries, and (Dynamic) Capabilities', in Bronwyn H. Hall and Nathan Rosenberg (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Volume I, Part III, Chapter 16, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Company, 679-730 -- 18. Albert O. Hirschman (1980), 'Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Further Reflections and a Survey of Recent Contributions', Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly: Health and Society, 58 (3), Summer, 430-53 -- 36. Sidney G. Winter (2006), 'The Logic of Appropriability: From Schumpeter to Arrow to Teece', Research Policy, 35 (8), October, 1100-106 -- 19. David J. Teece (2012), 'Management and Governance of the Business Enterprise: Agency, Contracting, and Capabilities Perspectives', in Dennis C. Mueller (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Capitalism, Part III, Chapter 8, New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 220-49 -- 37. Paul Milgrom and John Roberts (1988), 'Economic Theories of the Firm: Past, Present, and Future', Canadian Journal of Economics, XXI (3), August, 444-58 -- 20. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. ([1962] 1990), 'Conclusion - Chapters in the History of the Great Industrial Enterprise', in Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise, Cambridge, MA, USA and London, UK: MIT Press, 383-96, notes -- 38. Christos N. Pitelis and David J. Teece (2009), 'The (New) Nature and Essence of the Firm', European Management Review, 6 (1), Spring, 5-15 -- 21. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1991), 'The Functions of the HQ Unit in the Multibusiness Firm', Strategic Management Journal, Special Issue: Fundamental Research Issues in Strategy and Economics, 12 (S2), Winter, 31-50 -- 39. Pierre Garrouste and Stéphane Saussier (2005), 'Looking for a Theory of the Firm: Future Challenges', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58 (2), October, 178-99 -- 22. Oliver E. Williamson (1975), 'The Multidivisional Structure', in Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications, Chapter 8, New York, NY, USA: The Free Press, 132-54, references -- 23. Armen A. Alchian and Harold Demsetz (1972), 'Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization', American Economic Review, 62 (5), December, 777-95 -- 24. William G. Ouchi (1980), 'Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans', Administrative Science Quarterly, 25 (1), March, 129-41 -- 25. Candace Jones, William S. Hesterly and Stephen P. Borgatti (1997), 'A General Theory of Network Governance: Exchange Conditions and Social Mechanisms', Academy of Management Review, 22 (4), October, 911-45 -- 26. J. Carlos Jarillo (1988), 'On Strategic Networks', Strategic Management Journal, 9 (1), January-February, 31-41 -- 27. Walter W. Powell (1987), 'Hybrid Organizational Arrangements: New Form or Transitional Development?', California Management Review, 30 (1), Fall, 67-87 -- 28. Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett (1990), 'The Multinational Corporation as an Interorganizational Network', Academy of Management Review, 15 (4), October, 603-25 -- 29. Thorstein Veblen (1898), 'Why is Economics not an Evolutionary Science?', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 12 (4), July, 373-97 -- 30. Joseph A. Schumpeter ([1942] 1962), 'The Process of Creative Destruction', in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Part II, Chapter VII, New York, NY, and Evanston, IL, USA: Harper and Row Publishers, 81-86 -- 31. W. Brian Arthur (1989), 'Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events', Economic Journal, 99 (394), March, 116-31 -- 32. Giovanni Dosi (2013), 'Innovation, Evolution, and Economics: Where We Are and Where We Should Go', in Jan Fagerberg, Ben R. Martin and Esben Sloth Andersen (eds), Innovation Studies: Evolution and Future Challenges, Part I, Chapter 5, New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 111-33
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
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  • 2
    Format: 220 Seiten , Illustrationen, Karten
    ISBN: 9789189338203
    Series Statement: Theses and papers in archaeology. B 12
    Language: English
    Subjects: History , Scandinavian Studies
    Keywords: Wikinger ; Stadt ; Konferenzschrift
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Leiden, [Netherlands] ; : Brill,
    Format: 1 online resource (202 pages) : , illustrations, tables.
    ISBN: 9789004313842 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Commentaria, Volume 6
    Additional Edition: Print version: LaVere, Suzanne. Out of the cloister : scholastic exegesis of the Song of Songs, 1100-2013; 1250. Leiden, [Netherlands] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : Brill, c2016 ISBN 9789004311985
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    Keywords: Electronic books.
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  • 4
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    Series Statement: Histoire
    Content: Le livre numérique enrichi comportera des extraits du documentaire " Juifs et musulmans. Si loin si proches", réalisé par Karim Miské, qui sera diffusé sur Arte en 2013
    Content: Extrait de l’introduction d’Abdelwahab Meddeb et Benjamin Stora : "Cet ouvrage, qui n’occulte ni les malheurs ni les heures fastes, a pour humble ambition de rendre accessible le résultat des recherches contemporaines afin de proposer une synthèse commune sur les mémoires des uns et des autres. Il pourra servir de préambule destiné à être prolongé en suscitant les rencontres et les concertations. Notre intention est de donner la chance au laboratoire du chercheur de féconder le sens commun du citoyen. Alors chacun sera en mesure d’établir le bilan du contentieux en fabriquant le compromis qui l’aidera à tracer les voies de la réconciliation (sans forcément occulter la part de l’inconciliable). Nous ambitionnons aussi de mettre à la disposition des autorités des pays concernés la matière pédagogique qui pourra rapprocher les systèmes éducatifs, afin d’établir les fondementsdidactiques de la reconnaissance mutuelle tant attendue et qui reste à venir."
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    Language: French
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Judentum ; Islam ; Interreligiöser Dialog
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  • 5
    Format: 22 S. , überw. Ill.
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
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    Language: German
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  • 6
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    Note: Bibliogr. K. Stackmann S. 342 - 349
    Language: German
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    Keywords: Deutsch ; Literatur ; Geschichte 1100-1500 ; Mittelalter ; Stackmann, Karl 1922-2013 ; Deutsch ; Literatur ; Geschichte 800-1500 ; Literatur ; Geschichte 1000-1550 ; Stackmann, Karl 1922-2013 ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Bibliografie ; Festschrift
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  • 8
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  • 9
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 235 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Karten
    ISBN: 9789004446038
    Series Statement: Maps, spaces, cultures volume 3
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    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Cartography between Christian Europe and the Arabic-Islamic world, 1100-1500 Leiden : Brill, 2021 ISBN 9789004444911
    Language: English
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Europa ; Araber ; Islam ; Kartografie ; Geschichte 1100-1500 ; Historische Kartografie ; Konferenzschrift ; Aufsatzsammlung
    URL: DOI
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  • 10
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (ix, 253 Seiten).
    ISBN: 978-1-31688-452-2
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    Note: Preface: "This volume is the result of a conference on Bronze Age warfare held in December 2012 at the University of Gothenburg ... The conference was part of the European Union Seventh Framework Programme‘Forging Identities’(FP7/2007–2013)... ". - Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 24 Apr 2018). - 1. Introducing Bronze Age warfare / Christian Horn and Kristian Kristiansen -- 2. Bronze Age encounters : violent or peaceful? / Anthony Harding -- 3. Warfare and the political economy : Europe 1500-1100 BC / Kristian Kristiansen -- 4. Warfare vs. exchange? : thoughts on an integrative approach / Christian Horn -- 5. Maritime warfare in Scandinavian rock art / Johan Ling and Andreas Toreld -- 6. Bronze weaponry and cultural mobility in Late Bronze Age southeast Europe / Barry Molloy -- 7. The emergence of specialized combat weapons in the Levantine Bronze Age / Florian Klimscha -- 8. Beyond the grave : crafting identities in the middle Bronze Age Southern Trans Urals / Derek Pitman and Roger Doonan -- 9. Carp's tongue swords and their use : functional, technological, and morphological aspects / Marc Gener -- 10. Warfare or sacrifice? : archaeological research on the Bronze Age site in the Tollense Valley, Northeast Germany / Gundula Lidke, Ute Brinker, Detlef Jantzen, Anne Dombrowsky, Jana Drager, Joachim Kruger and Thomas Terberger -- 11. Violence and ritual in Late Bronze Age Britain : weapon depositions and their interpretation / Tobias Mortz -- 12. "Warrior graves" vs. warrior graves in the Bronze Age Aegean / Ioannis Georganas -- 13. The Chief and his sword? : some thoughts on the swordbearer's rank in the early Nordic Bronze Age / Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld -- 14. Becoming the warrior : constructed identity or functional identity? / Kate Anderson -- 15. Body aesthetics, fraternity, and warfare in the long European Bronze Age : postscriptum / Helle Vandkilde
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe, Hardcover ISBN 978-1-10718-556-2
    Language: English
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Bronzezeit ; Gesellschaft ; Krieg ; Konferenzschrift
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
    Author information: Horn, Christian 1978-
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