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    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 9783837630930 , 9783839430934
    Series Statement: Edition Politik
    Content: Long description: Ob auf den Weltmärkten, in der EU oder im Völkerrecht - längst findet eine folgenreiche Verfassungsbildung jenseits des Staates statt. In diesem postdemokratischen Konstitutionalismus wird ein marktliberales Programm zum unbefragbaren Konsens erhoben und mit einem höherrangigen Recht abgestützt. Kolja Möller verbindet systemtheoretische, postmarxistische und demokratietheoretische Ressourcen und zeigt an unterschiedlichen Beispielen: Weder eine Rückbesinnung auf die nationale Demokratie noch die Verbreitung individueller Weltbürgerrechte schaffen hier Abhilfe. Vielmehr braucht es eine destituierende Macht, um die inhaltliche Überformung der Verfassungsbildung jenseits des Staates zu lösen. Die so entstehende neuartige, kritische Verfassungstheorie fordert die aktuellen Verfallsdiagnosen zum Zustand der Demokratie heraus.
    Content: Long description: Whether in global markets, in the EU, or in international law - constitutions are long being formed beyond the state with severe consequences. In this post-democratic constitutionalism, a market-liberal program is given the status of an unquestionable consensus, reinforced by a higher-ranking law. Kolja Möller connects system theory, post-Marxist resources, and democracy theory to show, using different examples: Neither returning to national democracy nor spreading individual global citizen rights will improve this situation. Instead, a deposing power is needed to resolve the substantive over-formation of constitutions beyond the state. The new and critical constitutional theory thus created challenges the current diagnoses of declining status of democracy.
    Content: Biographical note: Kolja Möller (Dr.) ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Exzellenzcluster »Normative Ordnungen« der Universität Frankfurt am Main. Er forscht zu Fragen internationaler politischer Theorie, Soziologie und Rechtstheorie.
    Content: Quote: »Eine unbedingt lesenswerte Untersuchung, die nicht nur bekannte Stränge einer im Ausgang von Marxschen Verfassungsbegriffen geprägten Verfassungstheorie einer bemerkenswerten Wandlung unterzieht und das Konzept destituierender Macht für die postnationale Verfassungskonstellation fruchtbar macht, sondern auch ganz nebenbei eine konzise und präzise Kritik zeitgenössischer Verfassungstheorien liefert.« Sabine Müller-Mall, Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur, 5/3 (2017) »Eine sehr anregende Studie mit Innovationsgehalt.« Veith Selk, Neue Politische Literatur, 61 (2016) »Möller (legt) einen der anspruchsvolleren Beiträge zur transnationalen Demokratiedebatte vor.« Björn Wagner, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 26.05.2016 »Eine interdisziplinär informierte, komplex angelegte und dicht geschriebene Auseinandersetzung mit den aktuellen Debatten um Verfassung und Demokratie jenseits des Staates. Sehr lesenswert.« Cara Röhner, Kritische Justiz, 49/1 (2016) Besprochen in: Außerschulische Bildung, 4 (2016), Detmar Doering
    Note: PublicationDate: 20150801
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783839430934
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
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    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 9783837631357 , 9783839431351
    Series Statement: Gesellschaft der Unterschiede
    Content: Long description: Warum ist es so schwierig, sich als Betroffene gegen Armut und Erwerbslosigkeit sozial zu engagieren? Ihr Einsatz ist zwar vielfältig - ob bei den Tafeln, in der Beratung oder im Protest gegen »Hartz IV«. Doch auch in der Zivilgesellschaft wirken Mechanismen der Diskriminierung, die dem Anspruch dieser Akteure auf Gleichheit als Bürger entgegenstehen. Leiv Eirik Voigtländer analysiert anhand von qualitativen Interviews typische förderliche und hemmende Handlungsbedingungen und trägt so dazu bei, die soziale Spaltung bürgerschaftlichen Engagements im Kontext erodierender sozialer Rechte zu verstehen. Dem vorherrschenden Fokus auf die bürgerschaftliche Apathie der Prekären werden so die Erfahrungen von sozial engagierten Bürgern in Armutslagen entgegengestellt.
    Content: Long description: Why is it so hard as someone living in poverty and unemployment to become socially active against those conditions? Their employment is indeed diverse - whether at the food banks, in counseling or in the protest against »the dole«. But the mechanisms of discrimination which act as barriers to these actors' claims for equality are also in effect in civil society. Leiv Eirik Voigtländer, with the help of qualitative interviews, analyses typical beneficial and inhibiting conditions of action, and thereby contributes to an understanding of the social division of civic action in the context of eroding social rights. The predominant focus on the civil apathy of the precarious is thus countered by the experiences of socially active citizens in situations of poverty.
    Content: Biographical note: Leiv Eirik Voigtländer, geb. 1976 in Itzehoe, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Präsidiums der Europa-Universität Flensburg. Nach dem Studium der Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Oldenburg promovierte er an der Freien Universität Berlin. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die politische Ideengeschichte sowie die empirische Ungleichheits- und Partizipationsforschung.
    Content: Quote: »Trotz scharfer Kritik an den Hartz-Reformen, trotz eigener Tätigkeit in einer sozialpolitischen Initiative und trotz des Ziels, engagierte Sozialforschung zu betreiben, bewahrt Voigtländer kritische Distanz zum Forschungsgegenstand. Das Engagement der Erwerbslosen wird nicht idealisiert, Widersprüche werden klar benannt. Nicht zuletzt deswegen bereichert und erhellt Voigtländers Studie die Partizipations- und Armutsforschung.« Johannes Emmerich, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 29/3 (2016) »Ein sehr lesenswertes Buch [...], das in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Bild von Erwerbslosen vermittelt, das konträr zur öffentlichen Wahrnehmung steht - einer auch medial und politisch geförderten Wahrnehmung, die sich oftmals zwischen Verachtung, Stigmatisierung und Desinteresse bewegt.« Björn Wagner, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 01.05.2016 »Eine beeindruckende Fülle an Informationen.« Joachim Sohns, quer, 15 (2016) »Das Buch gibt einen großartigen Einblick in die subjektiven Perspektiven der sogenannten Betroffenen auf eben die förderlichen und hemmenden Handlungsbedingungen für ein soziales und sozialpolitisches Engagement. Ausnahmslos empfehlenswert für in sozialprofessionellen und sozialpolitischen Bezügen handelnde Akteure, ob noch als Studierende oder als hauptamtlich tätig Professionelle bzw. als Lehrende in Form einer gut zugänglichen und ausgesprochen fundiert dargelegten Wissens-, Erkenntnis- und Reflexionsquelle.« Stefan Bestmann,, 08.01.2016 »[Die] Analyse deckt erschreckende Mechanismen der Diskriminierung auf.« Neue Caritas, 19 (2015) Besprochen in:, 8 (2015) Die Stiftung, 5 (2015) Rundbrief des Begegnungszentrums für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit, 155/3 (2015)
    Note: PublicationDate: 20150801
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783839431351
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
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  • 3
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    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 9783837631012 , 9783839431016
    Series Statement: Global Studies & Theory of Society
    Content: Long description: Der Zerfall der sowjetischen Organisationsgesellschaft hat vielfältige Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt. Evelyn Moser perspektiviert diese Veränderungen mithilfe der Differenzierungstheorie und der Theorie der Weltgesellschaft. Auf der Grundlage ethnographischer Feldforschung untersucht sie die Umstellungen und Neuordnungen, die sich im Kontext von politischer Dezentralisierung und landwirtschaftlicher Privatisierung vollziehen und die Transformationsgesellschaft im ländlichen Russland kennzeichnen. Zu beobachten ist lokale Kontingenz im Horizont der Weltgesellschaft: Änderungsabsichten müssen Engpässe passieren, Normalitätserwartungen verschieben sich und neue Anschlussmöglichkeiten entstehen.
    Content: Long description: From the perspective of systems theory, this study enquires into the dynamics of political and economic differentiation in rural areas in Post-soviet Russia
    Content: Biographical note: Evelyn Moser (Dr. phil.) forscht am Forum Internationale Wissenschaft der Universität Bonn. Ihre Schwerpunkte liegen in der politischen Soziologie und der Wirtschaftssoziologie.
    Content: Quote: »Die Fallstudien unterstreichen [...] den analytischen Mehrwert, systemtheoretische Ansätze mit ethnografischen Methoden zu kombinieren.« Holger Niemann, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 25.02.2016
    Note: PublicationDate: 20150801
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783839431016
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
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  • 4
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    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 9783837630138 , 9783839430132
    Series Statement: Global Studies
    Content: Long description: How is ethnicity viewed by scholars of different academic disciplines? Can its emergences be compared in various regions of the world? How can it be conceptualized with specific reference to distinct historical periods? This book shows in a uniquely and innovative way the broad range of approaches to the political uses of ethnicity, both in contemporary settings and from a historical perspective. Its scope is multidisciplinary and spans across the globe. It is a suitable resource for teaching material. With its short contributions, it conveys central points of how to understand and analyze ethnicity as a political resource.
    Content: Biographical note: The University of Cologne Forum »Ethnicity as a Political Resource« is an interdisciplinary body of researchers promoting inter-institutional and international scientific exchange. The members are: Sarah Albiez-Wieck, Anja Becker, Mario Krämer, Albert Manke, Michaela Pelican, Antonio Sáez-Arance, Tobis Schwarz, Sofie Steinberger, and Thomas Widlok.
    Content: Quote: Besprochen in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 28.01.2016, Wolfgang Denzler Sociologus, 66/2 (2016), Reinhard Kößler
    Note: PublicationDate: 20150801
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783839430132
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
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  • 5
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    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    ISBN: 9783837628425 , 9783839428429
    Series Statement: Urban Studies
    Content: Long description: The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many Southern European cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty, political instability, severe cuts in the welfare state budgets and a wide spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the social foundation of the cities. In this book, contributors from Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy provide an insight into the complex interference between the different aspects of the crisis. They show that the recent urban crisis is not purely a result of the budgetary problems of the nation state (»austerity urbanism«) but needs to be seen as multiple contestations. The Crisis of the City is therefore understood as a result of a changing nation state, cultural diversity, challenged urban planning and politics and a globalized economy.
    Content: Biographical note: Frank Eckardt is a political scientist and a professor for urban studies and social research at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In 2007 he was a guest Professor at Science Po Paris and from 2008 till 2010 he was an acting professor for urban sociology at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. His main field of research are social inequalities and cultural diversity in the city. Javier Ruiz Sánchez (PhD) is a professor for urban planning at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
    Content: Quote: »Eine wichtige Bereicherung der stadtsoziologischen Debatte um die europäische Stadt.« Detlef Baum,, 21.03.2016 Besprochen in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 11.02.2016, Matthias Lemke Stadt und Raum, 1 (2016)
    Note: PublicationDate: 20150801
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783839428429
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
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  • 6
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    Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) :IOP Publishing,
    Format: 1 online resource (various pagings) : , illustrations (some color).
    ISBN: 9780750311038 , 9780750311274
    Series Statement: IOP expanding physics,
    Content: Modern electronics is being transformed as device size decreases to a size where the dimensions are significantly smaller than the constituent electron's mean free path. In such systems the electron motion is strongly confined resulting in dramatic changes of behaviour compared to the bulk. This book introduces the physics and applications of transport in such mesoscopic and nanoscale electronic systems and devices. The behaviour of these novel devices is influenced by numerous effects not seen in bulk semiconductors, such as the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, disorder and localization, energy quantization, electron wave interference, spin splitting, tunnelling and the quantum hall effect to name a few. Including coverage of recent developments, and with a chapter on carbon-based nanoelectronics, this book will provide a good course text for advanced students or as a handy reference for researchers or those entering this interdisciplinary area.
    Note: "Version: 20150801"--Title page verso. , Preface -- Author biography -- 1. The world of nanoelectronics -- 1.1. Moore's law -- 1.2. Nanostructures -- 1.3. On the concept of localization -- 1.4. Some electronic time and length scales -- 1.5. Heterostructures for mesoscopic devices -- 1.6. Nanofabrication , 2. Wires and channels -- 2.1. The quantum point contact -- 2.2. The density of states -- 2.3. The Landauer formula -- 2.4. Temperature, scattering, and anomalies -- 2.5. Beyond the simple theory for the QPC -- 2.6. Landauer's contact resistance and scaled CMOS -- 2.7. Simulating the channel: the scattering matrix -- 2.8. Simulating the channel: the recursive Green's function -- Appendix A. Coupled quantum and Poisson problems -- Appendix B. The harmonic oscillator -- Appendix C. Discretizing the Schrödinger equation , 3. The Aharonov-Bohm effect -- 3.1. Simple gauge theory of the AB effect -- 3.2. Temperature dependence of the AB effect -- 3.3. The AB effect in other structures -- 3.4. Gated AB rings -- 3.5. The electrostatic AB effect -- 3.6. The AAS effect -- 3.7. Weak localization -- Appendix D. The gauge in field theory , 4. Carbon and other new materials -- 4.1. Graphene -- 4.2. Carbon nanotubes -- 4.3. Topological insulators -- 4.4. The chalcogenides -- Appendix E. Klein tunneling , 5. Localization and fluctuations -- 5.1. Localization of electronic states -- 5.2. Conductivity -- 5.3. Conductance fluctuations -- 5.4. Phase-breaking time , 6. The quantum Hall effect -- 6.1. The Shubnikov-de Haas effect -- 6.2. The quantum Hall effect -- 6.3. The Büttiker-Landauer approach -- 6.4. The fractional quantum Hall effect , 7. Spin -- 7.1. The spin Hall effect -- 7.2. Spin injection -- 7.3. Spin currents in nanowires -- 7.4. Spin relaxation -- Appendix F. Spin angular momentum -- Appendix G. The Bloch sphere , 8. Tunnel devices -- 8.1. Coulomb blockade -- 8.2. Single-electron structures -- 8.3. Quantum dots and qubits -- 8.4. Resonant tunneling diodes -- Appendix H. Simple tunneling -- Appendix I. The Darwin-Fock spectrum , 9. Open quantum dots -- 9.1. Conductance fluctuations in open dots -- 9.2. Pointer states -- 9.3. Hybrid states -- 9.4. Imaging the pointer state scar , 10. Hot carriers in mesoscopic devices -- 10.1. Energy-loss rates -- 10.2. The energy-relaxation time. , Also available in print. , Mode of access: World Wide Web. , System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Additional Edition: Print version: ISBN 9780750311021
    Language: English
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  • 7
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    Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) :IOP Publishing,
    Format: 1 electronic document (various pagings) : , illustrations (some color).
    ISBN: 0-7503-1127-4 , 0-7503-1103-7
    Series Statement: IOP expanding physics,
    Content: Modern electronics is being transformed as device size decreases to a size where the dimensions are significantly smaller than the constituent electron's mean free path. In such systems the electron motion is strongly confined resulting in dramatic changes of behaviour compared to the bulk. This book introduces the physics and applications of transport in such mesoscopic and nanoscale electronic systems and devices. The behaviour of these novel devices is influenced by numerous effects not seen in bulk semiconductors, such as the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, disorder and localization, energy quantization, electron wave interference, spin splitting, tunnelling and the quantum hall effect to name a few. Including coverage of recent developments, and with a chapter on carbon-based nanoelectronics, this book will provide a good course text for advanced students or as a handy reference for researchers or those entering this interdisciplinary area.
    Note: "Version: 20150801"--Title page verso. , EPUB version includes embedded videos. , 10. Hot carriers in mesoscopic devices -- 10.1. Energy-loss rates -- 10.2. The energy-relaxation time. , 9. Open quantum dots -- 9.1. Conductance fluctuations in open dots -- 9.2. Pointer states -- 9.3. Hybrid states -- 9.4. Imaging the pointer state scar , 8. Tunnel devices -- 8.1. Coulomb blockade -- 8.2. Single-electron structures -- 8.3. Quantum dots and qubits -- 8.4. Resonant tunneling diodes -- Appendix H. Simple tunneling -- Appendix I. The Darwin-Fock spectrum , 7. Spin -- 7.1. The spin Hall effect -- 7.2. Spin injection -- 7.3. Spin currents in nanowires -- 7.4. Spin relaxation -- Appendix F. Spin angular momentum -- Appendix G. The Bloch sphere , 6. The quantum Hall effect -- 6.1. The Shubnikov-de Haas effect -- 6.2. The quantum Hall effect -- 6.3. The Büttiker-Landauer approach -- 6.4. The fractional quantum Hall effect , 5. Localization and fluctuations -- 5.1. Localization of electronic states -- 5.2. Conductivity -- 5.3. Conductance fluctuations -- 5.4. Phase-breaking time , 4. Carbon and other new materials -- 4.1. Graphene -- 4.2. Carbon nanotubes -- 4.3. Topological insulators -- 4.4. The chalcogenides -- Appendix E. Klein tunneling , 3. The Aharonov-Bohm effect -- 3.1. Simple gauge theory of the AB effect -- 3.2. Temperature dependence of the AB effect -- 3.3. The AB effect in other structures -- 3.4. Gated AB rings -- 3.5. The electrostatic AB effect -- 3.6. The AAS effect -- 3.7. Weak localization -- Appendix D. The gauge in field theory , 2. Wires and channels -- 2.1. The quantum point contact -- 2.2. The density of states -- 2.3. The Landauer formula -- 2.4. Temperature, scattering, and anomalies -- 2.5. Beyond the simple theory for the QPC -- 2.6. Landauer's contact resistance and scaled CMOS -- 2.7. Simulating the channel: the scattering matrix -- 2.8. Simulating the channel: the recursive Green's function -- Appendix A. Coupled quantum and Poisson problems -- Appendix B. The harmonic oscillator -- Appendix C. Discretizing the Schrödinger equation , Preface -- Author biography -- 1. The world of nanoelectronics -- 1.1. Moore's law -- 1.2. Nanostructures -- 1.3. On the concept of localization -- 1.4. Some electronic time and length scales -- 1.5. Heterostructures for mesoscopic devices -- 1.6. Nanofabrication , Also available in print. , System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader or EPUB reader. , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7503-1102-9
    Language: English
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  • 8
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    Online Resource
    Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) :IOP Publishing,
    Format: 1 online resource (various pagings) : , illustrations (some color).
    ISBN: 9780750311434 , 9780750311458
    Series Statement: IOP expanding physics,
    Content: Infrared thermal imaging is a rapid and non-invasive procedure for mapping skin temperature distribution of the human body. Advanced software and high-resolution infrared detectors has allowed for a renaissance in the use of infrared thermal imaging or thermography in medical research and practice. After a review of theory, technology and methodology of medical infrared imaging, the remainder of the book consists of a collection of clinical case studies demonstrating the wide variety of applications of thermography in modern medicine. The combined expertise from a number of centres is used to create this database of images and cases that will be invaluable for medical researchers and practitioners in making diagnoses and measuring treatment efficacy. This book is recommended reading for practising and training radiographers, medical physicists and clinicians.
    Note: "Version: 20150801"--Title page verso. , Preface -- Acknowledgements -- About the editors -- List of contributors -- part 1. Technical -- 1. The technique of infrared imaging in medicine -- 2. The reproducibility of standard positions used for image capturing within the standard protocol for thermal imaging -- 3. The reliability of temperature readings from selected standard views for thermal imaging -- 4. The influence of colour scale on the accuracy of infrared thermal images -- part 2. The head and neck -- 5. New standards for fever screening with thermal imaging systems -- 6. Infantile haemangiomas--IR thermography in assessment -- 7. Exploratory thermal and laser speckle contrast imaging measurements of eye inflammation in a case of thyroid eye disease -- 8. Thermographic examination of a boy with an abscess near to the maxillary sinus -- 9. Malignant melanoma characterization with thermal and visual imaging -- 10. Thermographic monitoring of ophthalmic surgery--extraction of a cataract -- 11. Application of thermal imaging in the diagnosis of inflammatory changes of nasal sinusitis -- 12. Thermal evaluation of the temperature distribution in the oral cavity during dental operations -- part 3. The trunk -- 13. Thermographic assessment of the presence of fatty tumours in myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres -- 14. Tietze's syndrome and the role of infrared imaging in the differential diagnosis of acute chest pain in adolescents -- 15. Thoracic vertebral block--the technique of injecting local anaesthetic -- part 4. The upper extremities -- 16. The sensitivity of infrared imaging for diagnosing Raynaud's phenomenon is dependent on the method of temperature extraction from thermal images -- 17. Nerve entrapment and skin temperature of the human hand -- 18. Imaging assessments of patients with suspected systemic sclerosis and associated inflammatory lung disease -- 19. The use of infrared thermography to differentiate 'cold intolerance' from 'true Raynaud's phenomenon' in the context of fibromyalgia -- 20. Hand arm vibration syndrome documented by thermal imaging--a case report -- 21. Thermal imaging and its potential for arterio-venous fistula function assessment -- 22. Thermographic monitoring of blood flow in arterio-venous fistulas -- part 5. The lower extremities -- 23. A case study in the diagnosis of a grade III ankle sprain using a combination of medical images -- 24. Thermal imaging in the monitoring of grade III ankle sprain rehabilitation--a case study -- 25. Application of thermal imaging in the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of complex regional pain syndrome type I -- 26. The thermal imaging potential for assessing diabetic Charcot foot syndrome -- 27. Thermal imaging of the foot in different forms of diabetic disease -- 28. Thermal imaging in the screening diagnosis of crural varices in adolescents -- 29. Thermographic investigation in the diagnosis of femoral vein thrombosis -- 30. Infrared thermal imaging of critical leg ischaemia -- 31. Infrared imaging of angiomatosis syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome) -- 32. Thermal imaging: a monitoring tool for the treatment of erythromelalgia. , Also available in print. , Mode of access: World Wide Web. , System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Additional Edition: Print version: ISBN 9780750311441
    Language: English
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) :IOP Publishing,
    Format: 1 online resource (various pagings) : , illustrations (some color).
    ISBN: 0-7503-1143-6 , 0-7503-1145-2
    Series Statement: [IOP release 2]
    Content: Infrared thermal imaging is a rapid and non-invasive procedure for mapping skin temperature distribution of the human body. Advanced software and high-resolution infrared detectors has allowed for a renaissance in the use of infrared thermal imaging or thermography in medical research and practice. After a review of theory, technology and methodology of medical infrared imaging, the remainder of the book consists of a collection of clinical case studies demonstrating the wide variety of applications of thermography in modern medicine. The combined expertise from a number of centres is used to create this database of images and cases that will be invaluable for medical researchers and practitioners in making diagnoses and measuring treatment efficacy. This book is recommended reading for practising and training radiographers, medical physicists and clinicians.
    Note: "Version: 20150801"--Title page verso. , Preface -- Acknowledgements -- About the editors -- List of contributors -- part 1. Technical -- 1. The technique of infrared imaging in medicine -- 2. The reproducibility of standard positions used for image capturing within the standard protocol for thermal imaging -- 3. The reliability of temperature readings from selected standard views for thermal imaging -- 4. The influence of colour scale on the accuracy of infrared thermal images -- part 2. The head and neck -- 5. New standards for fever screening with thermal imaging systems -- 6. Infantile haemangiomas--IR thermography in assessment -- 7. Exploratory thermal and laser speckle contrast imaging measurements of eye inflammation in a case of thyroid eye disease -- 8. Thermographic examination of a boy with an abscess near to the maxillary sinus -- 9. Malignant melanoma characterization with thermal and visual imaging -- 10. Thermographic monitoring of ophthalmic surgery--extraction of a cataract -- 11. Application of thermal imaging in the diagnosis of inflammatory changes of nasal sinusitis -- 12. Thermal evaluation of the temperature distribution in the oral cavity during dental operations -- part 3. The trunk -- 13. Thermographic assessment of the presence of fatty tumours in myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres -- 14. Tietze's syndrome and the role of infrared imaging in the differential diagnosis of acute chest pain in adolescents -- 15. Thoracic vertebral block--the technique of injecting local anaesthetic -- part 4. The upper extremities -- 16. The sensitivity of infrared imaging for diagnosing Raynaud's phenomenon is dependent on the method of temperature extraction from thermal images -- 17. Nerve entrapment and skin temperature of the human hand -- 18. Imaging assessments of patients with suspected systemic sclerosis and associated inflammatory lung disease -- 19. The use of infrared thermography to differentiate 'cold intolerance' from 'true Raynaud's phenomenon' in the context of fibromyalgia -- 20. Hand arm vibration syndrome documented by thermal imaging--a case report -- 21. Thermal imaging and its potential for arterio-venous fistula function assessment -- 22. Thermographic monitoring of blood flow in arterio-venous fistulas -- part 5. The lower extremities -- 23. A case study in the diagnosis of a grade III ankle sprain using a combination of medical images -- 24. Thermal imaging in the monitoring of grade III ankle sprain rehabilitation--a case study -- 25. Application of thermal imaging in the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of complex regional pain syndrome type I -- 26. The thermal imaging potential for assessing diabetic Charcot foot syndrome -- 27. Thermal imaging of the foot in different forms of diabetic disease -- 28. Thermal imaging in the screening diagnosis of crural varices in adolescents -- 29. Thermographic investigation in the diagnosis of femoral vein thrombosis -- 30. Infrared thermal imaging of critical leg ischaemia -- 31. Infrared imaging of angiomatosis syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome) -- 32. Thermal imaging: a monitoring tool for the treatment of erythromelalgia. , Also available in print. , Mode of access: World Wide Web. , System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7503-1144-4
    Language: English
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