1 Online-Ressource (XXIII, 820 Seiten)
Series Statement:
Progress in probability volume 77
This is a volume in memory of Vladas Sidoravicius who passed away in 2019. Vladas has edited two volumes appeared in this series ("In and Out of Equilibrium") and is now honored by friends and colleagues with research papers reflecting Vladas' interests and contributions to probability theory.
Preface -- Publications of Vladas Sidoravicius -- Existence and coexistence in first-passage percolation -- Ground state stability in two spin glass models -- Approximate and exact solutions of intertwining equations through random spanning forests -- Bernoulli hyperplane percolation -- Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation -- On the four-arm exponent for 2D percolation at criticality -- Universality of noise reinforced Brownian motions -- Geodesic rays and exponents in ergodic planar first passage percolation -- Avalanches in critical activated random walks -- An overview of the balanced excited random walk -- Limit theorems for loop soup random variables -- The stable Derrida-Retaux system at criticality -- A class of random walks on the hypercube -- Non-optimality of invaded geodesics in 2d critical first-passage percolation -- Empirical spectral distributions of sparse random graphs -- Upper bounds on the percolation correlation length -- The roles of random boundary conditions in spin systems -- Central limit theorems for a driven particle in a random medium with mass aggregation -- Structural properties of conditioned random walks on integer lattices with random local constraints -- Random memory walk -- Exponential decay in the loop... -- Non-coupling from the past -- Combinatorial universality in three-speed ballistic annihilation -- Glauber dynamics on the Erdos-Renyi random graph -- The parabolic Anderson model on a Galton-Watson tree -- Reflecting random walks in curvilinear wedges -- Noise stability of weighted majority -- Scaling limits of linear random fields on Z2 with general dependence axis -- Brownian aspects of the KPZ fixed point -- How can the appropriate objective and predictive probabilities get into non-collapse quantum mechanics? -- On one-dimensional multi-particle diffusion limited aggregation -- On the C1 -property of the percolation function of random interlacements and a related variational problem -- On clusters of Brownian loops in d dimensions.
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783030607531
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783030607555
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783030607562
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Brazilian School of Probability (23. : 2019 : São Carlos) In and out of equilibrium 3 Cham, Switzerland : Birkhäuser, 2021 ISBN 9783030607531
Additional Edition:
ISBN 3030607534
Author information:
Newman, Charles M. 1946-