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  • 1
    New York, NY [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press
    Format: XII, 307 S. , Ill., graph. Darst. , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9780195131581 , 9780195131598 , 0195131592 , 0195131584
    Series Statement: Santa Fe Institute studies in the sciences of complexity
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
    Additional Edition: Online-Ausg. Bonabeau, Eric Swarm Intelligence Cary : Oxford University Press, 1999 ISBN 9781602563940
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe Bonabeau, Eric Swarm intelligence New York : Oxford University Press, 1999 ISBN 9780197561485
    Language: English
    Subjects: Computer Science , Biology
    Keywords: Insekten ; Soziale Insekten ; Intelligenz ; Mathematisches Modell ; Schwarmintelligenz
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York :Oxford University Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (xii, 307 pages) : , illustrations (black and white).
    ISBN: 9780197561485 (ebook) :
    Series Statement: Santa Fe Institute studies in the sciences of complexity
    Content: Social insects-ants, bees, termites, and wasps-can be viewed as powerful problem-solving systems with sophisticated collective intelligence. Composed of simple interacting agents, this intelligence lies in the networks of interactions among individuals and between individuals and the environment. This book provides a detailed look at models of social insect behaviour and how to apply these models in the design of complex systems. The book shows how these models replace an emphasis on control, preprogramming, and centralization with designs featuring autonomy, emergence, and distributed functioning. These designs are proving immensely flexible and robust, able to adapt quickly to changing environments and to continue functioning even when individual elements fail. In particular, these designs are an exciting approach to the tremendous growth of complexity in software and information.
    Note: Previously issued in print: 1999.
    Additional Edition: Print version : ISBN 9780195131581
    Language: English
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