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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York, NY :Springer US :
    Format: XIV, 214 p. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 1971.
    ISBN: 9781468407242
    Content: The present volume is essentially a qualitative survey of modern trends in the diagnostics of high-temperature plasmas, with particular orientation toward laboratory plasmas of interest in connection with research in controlled thermonuclear fusion. Among the broad topics considered are probe diagnostics, optical methods (including the use of lasers and holography), microwave diagnostics, and diagnostics with particle beams. Having infor­ mation on these methods available in compact form and in one place, as is the case in the present volume, should make it pos­ sible to evaluate different diagnostic approaches to specific prob­ lems. The volume will be useful as an introduction for advanced students making their first contact with experimental plasma physics and for physicists and engineers who are entering the field and desire a rapid survey of principles and modern trends in the diagnostics of high-temperature plasmas. v Foreword to the American Edition The material in this book is based on lectures given at Mos­ cow State University. It is intended to acquaint the reader with the basic aspects of plasma diagnostics and contains information re­ quired for the experimental physicist who wishes to carry out straightforward measurements of laboratory plasmas. It will be evident that in choosing the material we have been guided pri­ marily by the scientific interests of the author, and the great bulk of the material is based on work carried out in the USSR.
    Note: 1. Oscilloscope Measurements of Current and Voltage in Pulsed Thermonuclear Devicesr -- References -- 2. Plasma Diagnostics with Probes -- 2.1. Langmuir Probes -- 2.2. Electrostatic Plasma Analyzer -- 2.3. Magnetic Probes and Pressure Balance -- References -- 3. Determination of Electron Temperature from Emission Intensity Ratios in Line Spectra -- 3.1. Line Spectrum of a Plasma -- 3.2. Low-Density Plasma -- 3.3. High-Density Plasma -- 3.4. Ionization State of a Plasma -- References -- 4. Determination of Plasma Parameters from the Shape of Spectral Lines -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Determination of Ion Temperature from the Doppler Broadening of Spectral Lines -- 4.3. Doppler Effect in a Scattered Light -- 4.4. Stark Broadening of Spectral Lines in a Plasma -- 4.5. Time Scan of a Spectral Line -- References -- 5. Continuous Spectra. Determination of Electron Density and Temperature -- 5.1. Brems Strahlung and Recombination Radiation in the X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and Visible Regions of the Spectrum -- 5.2. Infrared Region of a Continuous Spectrum -- References -- 6. Time Sweep Photography -- References -- 7. Determination of the Dielectric Constant of a Plasma -- 7.1. Measurement of Plasma Density with Microwaves -- 7.2. Interferometer Methods for Investigating Plasma in the Visible Region. Use of Lasers -- References -- 8. Particle Methods for Plasma Diagnostics -- 8.1. Use of a Beam of Charged Particles to Measure Electric Fields in a Plasma -- 8.2. Measurement of the Density of Neutral Particles and Charged Particles -- 8.3. Mass Spectrometer Method for Studying Fast Particles in a Plasma -- 8.4. Calorimetric Methods of Plasma Diagnostics -- 8.5. Detection of Hard Plasma Radiation -- References -- 9. Measurement of the Parameters of Accelerated Plasmoids -- References.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781468407266
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9780306304897
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781468407259
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Format: XIV,214 S. , graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 9780306304897
    Uniform Title: Lekcii po diagnostike plazmy
    Note: EST: Lekcii po diagnostike plazmy (engl.)
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 978-1-4684-0724-2
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Plasmaphysik ; Hochtemperatur
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
    BibTip Others were also interested in ...
  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Boston, MA : Springer US
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (XIV, 214 p)
    ISBN: 9781468407242 , 9781468407266
    Note: The present volume is essentially a qualitative survey of modern trends in the diagnostics of high-temperature plasmas, with particular orientation toward laboratory plasmas of interest in connection with research in controlled thermonuclear fusion. Among the broad topics considered are probe diagnostics, optical methods (including the use of lasers and holography), microwave diagnostics, and diagnostics with particle beams. Having infor­ mation on these methods available in compact form and in one place, as is the case in the present volume, should make it pos­ sible to evaluate different diagnostic approaches to specific prob­ lems. The volume will be useful as an introduction for advanced students making their first contact with experimental plasma physics and for physicists and engineers who are entering the field and desire a rapid survey of principles and modern trends in the diagnostics of high-temperature plasmas. v Foreword to the American Edition The material in this book is based on lectures given at Mos­ cow State University. It is intended to acquaint the reader with the basic aspects of plasma diagnostics and contains information re­ quired for the experimental physicist who wishes to carry out straightforward measurements of laboratory plasmas. It will be evident that in choosing the material we have been guided pri­ marily by the scientific interests of the author, and the great bulk of the material is based on work carried out in the USSR.
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 978-0-306-30489-7
    Language: English
    Subjects: Physics
    Keywords: Plasmaphysik ; Hochtemperatur
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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