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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Dordrecht : Springer
    Format: Online-Ressource (564p) , digital
    Edition: Springer eBook Collection. Chemistry and Materials Science
    ISBN: 9789401003476
    Series Statement: NATO Science Series, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 60
    Content: This up-to-date survey of the interplay between gravity and particle physics theory contains treatments of cosmological perturbations, trans-Planckian problems in cosmology, the cosmological basis in a framework of projective unified field theory, atom interferometry in black holes and the early universe and semiclassical gravity. There are also discussions of spinorial matter in affine theory of gravity, the phase problem and Mach's principle, a Hamiltonian formulation of gravitational theory, and spin fluctuations. A special section covers Dirac geometry and real space-time, Dirac wave functions and black holes, properties of black hole solutions, black hole spectroscopy and thermodynamics. The emphasis is on observational aspects and in this context there are discussions of attempts to measure Newtonian G, the stability of G and multidimensional gravitational models, improved measurements and the experimental limit of G-dot, past results and new experimental tests for violation of the principle of equivalence, signals observed with a detector having 2021 intrinsic spins, virtual graviton exchange consistent with constant G and the weak equivalence principle. There is an update on neutrino oscillations and the helicity precession of fermions in gravitational / inertial fields
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781402005930
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9781402005930
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9781402005923
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9789401003483
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
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  • 2
    Format: VIII, 554 p. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 2002.
    ISBN: 9789401003476
    Series Statement: NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 60
    Content: In this XVII Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation devoted to "ADVANCES IN THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN QUANTUM AND GRAVITY PHYSICS" we have considered different aspects of the influence of gravity on quantum systems. In order to achieve this aim, in many lectures, seminars and discussions we have strengthened the interplay between gravity and quantum systems starting from the situation in the early universe based on astrophysical observations, up to the earthly based experiments with atom interferometry for probing the structure of space-time. Thus we have had timely lectures on the quantum field and horizon of a black hole including reviews of the problem of black holes thermodynamics and entropy, quantum information, quantum black holes, quantum evaporation and Hawking radiation, recent advances in stockastic gravity. We have also discussed quantum fluctuations in inflationary universe, quantum effects and reheating after inflation, and superplanckian energies in Hawking radiation. In this regard the subject of spinors in purely affine space-time and Dirac matter according to Weyl in the generalized theory of gravitation were developed . The dualism between space-time and matter has been deeply analyzed in order to see why, for general relativity, this is an obstacle for quantization of the theory. Also canonical Gravity and Mach's principle, torsion and curvature as commutator for Quantum Gravity and Dirac Geometry of real space-time were analysed, together with the problem of 5-Dimensional Projective Unified Field theory and Multidimensional Gravity and Cosmology.
    Note: Quantum Information and Quantum Black Holes -- Atomic Clocks and Atom Interferometry -- Canonical Gravity and Mach's Principle: Kinematic and Dynamic Solutions of the Space Problem -- Radiation and Gravitation -- Torsion and Curvature as Commutator for Quantum Gravity -- Experimental Perspectives on the Interplay between Quantum and Gravity Physics -- Quantum Physics-motivated Measurements and Interpretation of Newtonian Gravitational Constant -- Recent Advances in Stochastic Gravity: Theory and Issues -- Quantum Cosmology: New Results and Prospects -- Normal mode Quantization of Relativistic scalar Fields in an Einstein Elevator -- Geometric Algebra, Dirac Wavefunctions and Black Holes -- Modern Trends in Multidimensional Gravity and Cosmology -- Quantum Systems in weak Gravitational Fields -- Laboratory Searches for Effects beyond Classical Gravity -- Prospects for a Test or Measurement of (G-dot)/G by a SEE (Satellite Energy Exchange) Mission -- Lagrangian Description of Duality-Symmetric Fields -- The Cosmological Influence on Matter (Cosmic Objects, Dark Matter and Particles) predicted by the 5-dimensional Projective Unified Field Theory -- Ettore Majorana and Matvei Bronstein (1906-1938): Men and Scientists -- Dualism between Space-Time and Matter analyzed from Epistemological Point of View -- The Thermodynamics of Black Holes -- Black Holes with Hair.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781402005930
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9781402005923
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789401003483
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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