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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York, NY :Springer US,
    Format: XV, 372 p. 75 illus. , online resource.
    Edition: Second Edition.
    ISBN: 9781461250289
    Series Statement: Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics,
    Content: The goal of this text is to help students learn to use calculus intelligently for solving a wide variety of mathematical and physical problems. This book is an outgrowth of our teaching of calculus at Berkeley, and the present edition incorporates many improvements based on our use of the first edition. We list below some of the key features of the book. Examples and Exercises The exercise sets have been carefully constructed to be of maximum use to the students. With few exceptions we adhere to the following policies . • The section exercises are graded into three consecutive groups: (a) The first exercises are routine, modelled almost exactly on the exam­ ples; these are intended to give students confidence. (b) Next come exercises that are still based directly on the examples and text but which may have variations of wording or which combine different ideas; these are intended to train students to think for themselves. (c) The last exercises in each set are difficult. These are marked with a star (*) and some will challenge even the best studep,ts. Difficult does not necessarily mean theoretical; often a starred problem is an interesting application that requires insight into what calculus is really about. • The exercises come in groups of two and often four similar ones.
    Note: 13 Vectors -- 13.1 Vectors in the Plane -- 13.2 Vectors in Space -- 13.3 Lines and Distance -- 13.4 The Dot Product -- 13.5 The Cross Product -- 13.6 Matrices and Determinants -- 14 Curves and Surfaces -- 14.1 The Conic Sections -- 14.2 Translation and Rotation of Axes -- 14.3 Functions, Graphs, and Level Surfaces -- 14.4 Quadric Surfaces -- 14.5 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates -- 14.6 Curves in Space -- 14.7 The Geometry and Physics of Space Curves -- 15 Partial Differentiation -- 15.1 Introduction to Partial Derivatives -- 15.2 Linear Approximations and Tangent Planes -- 15.3 The Chain Rule -- 15.4 Matrix Multiplication and the Chain Rule -- 16 Gradients, Maxima, and Minima -- 16.1 Gradients and Directional Derivatives -- 16.2 Gradients, Level Surfaces, and Implicit Differentiation -- 16.3 Maxima and Minima -- 16.4 Constrained Extrema and Lagrange Multipliers -- 17 Multiple Integration -- 17.1 The Double Integral and Iterated Integral -- 17.2 The Double Integral Over General Regions -- 17.3 Applications of the Double Integral -- 17.4 Triple Integrals -- 17.5 Integrals in Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinates -- 17.6 Applications of Triple Integrals -- 18 Vector Analysis -- 18.1 Line Integrals -- 18.2 Path Independence -- 18.3 Exact Differentials -- 18.4 Green’s Theorem -- 18.5 Circulation and Stokes’ Theorem -- 18.6 Flux and the Divergence Theorem -- Answers.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9780387909851
    Language: English
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York, NY : Springer US
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (XV, 372p. 431 illus)
    Edition: Second Edition
    ISBN: 9781461250289 , 9780387909851
    Series Statement: Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
    Note: The goal of this text is to help students learn to use calculus intelligently for solving a wide variety of mathematical and physical problems. This book is an outgrowth of our teaching of calculus at Berkeley, and the present edition incorporates many improvements based on our use of the first edition. We list below some of the key features of the book. Examples and Exercises The exercise sets have been carefully constructed to be of maximum use to the students. With few exceptions we adhere to the following policies . • The section exercises are graded into three consecutive groups: (a) The first exercises are routine, modelled almost exactly on the exam­ ples; these are intended to give students confidence. (b) Next come exercises that are still based directly on the examples and text but which may have variations of wording or which combine different ideas; these are intended to train students to think for themselves. (c) The last exercises in each set are difficult. These are marked with a star (*) and some will challenge even the best studep,ts. Difficult does not necessarily mean theoretical; often a starred problem is an interesting application that requires insight into what calculus is really about. • The exercises come in groups of two and often four similar ones
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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