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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    London :ISTE ;
    Format: 1 online resource (xxi, 415 pages) : , illustrations
    ISBN: 9781118603130 , 1118603133 , 9781118603208 , 1118603206 , 9781118603192 , 1118603192 , 9781299187832 , 1299187838
    Series Statement: ISTE
    Content: Classical synchronous motors are the most effective device to drive industrial production systems and robots with precision and rapidity. However, numerous applications require efficient controls in non-conventional situations. Firstly, this is the case with synchronous motors supplied by thyristor line-commutated inverters, or with synchronous motors with faults on one or several phases. Secondly, many drive systems use non-conventional motors such as polyphase (more than three phases) synchronous motors, synchronous motors with double excitation, permanent magnet linear synchron.
    Note: Cover; Control of Non-conventional Synchronous Motors; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Principles of Function and Simplified Control Model; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Design aspects specific to the self-controlled synchronous machine; 1.3. Simplified model for the study of steady state operation; 1.4. Study of steady-state operation; 1.5. Operation at nominal speed, voltage and current; 1.6. Operation with a torque smaller than the nominal torque; 1.7. Operation with a speed below the nominal speed , 1.8. Running as a generator 1.9. Equivalence of a machine with a commutator and brushes; 1.10. Equations inferred from the theory of circuits with sliding contacts; 1.11. Evaluation of alternating currents circulating in steady state in the damper windings; 1.12. Transposition of the study to the case of a negative rotational speed; 1.13. Variant of the base assembly; 1.14. Conclusion; 1.15. List of the main symbols used; 1.16. Bibliography; Chapter 2. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Dynamic Model Including the Behavior of Damper Windings and Commutation Overlap; 2.1. Introduction , Chapter 3. Synchronous Machines in Degraded Mode 3.1. General introduction; 3.1.1. Analysis of failures of the set converter-machine: converters with MOSFET transistors; 3.2. Analysis of the main causes of failure; 3.2.1. Failure of the inverter; 3.2.2. Other failures; 3.3. Reliability of a permanent magnet synchronous motors drive; 3.3.1. Environmental conditions in the motor industry; 3.3.2. The two reliability reports: MIL-HdbK-217 and RDF2000; 3.3.3. Failure rate of permanent magnet synchronous motors actuators; 3.4. Conclusion , 3.5. Optimal supplies of permanent magnet synchronous machines in the presence of faults 3.5.1. Introduction: the problem of a-b-c controls; 3.6. Supplies of faulty synchronous machines with non-sinusoidal back electromagnetic force; 3.6.1. Generalization of the modeling; 3.6.2. A heuristic approach to the solution; 3.6.3. First optimization of ohmic losses without constraint on the homopolar current; 3.6.4. Second optimization of ohmic losses with the sum of currents of non-faulty phases being zero; 3.6.5. Third optimization of ohmic losses with a homopolar current of zero (in all phases)
    Additional Edition: Print version: Control of non-conventional synchronous motors. London : ISTE ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012 ISBN 9781848213319
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books.
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  • 2
    Format: XXI, 415 S. , Ill., graph. Darst. , 2
    ISBN: 9781848213319
    Language: English
    Subjects: Engineering
    Keywords: Synchronmaschine ; Regelung
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