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  • 1
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (XIX, 325 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    ISBN: 9783031214981
    Series Statement: Springer Theses, Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research
    Content: Outline -- General Background -- From Two-Cluster State to Chimera -- Coexistence Patterns of Four Oscillators -- A Hierarchy of Solutions for N = 2n -- Conclusion and Outlook.
    Content: This book is about coexistence patterns in ensembles of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators. Coexistence patterns in this respect are states of a dynamical system in which the dynamics in some parts of the system differ significantly from those in other parts, even though there is no underlying structural difference between the different parts. In other words, these asymmetric patterns emerge in a self-organized manner. As our main model, we use ensembles of various numbers of Stuart-Landau oscillators, all with the same natural frequency and all coupled equally strongly to each other. Employing computer simulations, bifurcation analysis and symmetry considerations, we uncover the mechanism behind a wide range of complex patterns found in these ensembles. Our starting point is the creation of so-called chimeras, which are subsequently treated within a new and broader context of related states.
    Note: Dissertation Technical University of Munich
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783031214974
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783031214998
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783031215001
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9783031214974
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9783031214998
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9783031215001
    Language: English
    Keywords: Oszillator ; Gekoppelte nichtlineare Schwingung ; Muster ; Hochschulschrift
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  • 2
    Format: XIX, 325 p. 146 illus., 132 illus. in color. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 2023.
    ISBN: 9783031214981
    Series Statement: Springer Theses, Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research,
    Content: This book is about coexistence patterns in ensembles of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators. Coexistence patterns in this respect are states of a dynamical system in which the dynamics in some parts of the system differ significantly from those in other parts, even though there is no underlying structural difference between the different parts. In other words, these asymmetric patterns emerge in a self-organized manner. As our main model, we use ensembles of various numbers of Stuart-Landau oscillators, all with the same natural frequency and all coupled equally strongly to each other. Employing computer simulations, bifurcation analysis and symmetry considerations, we uncover the mechanism behind a wide range of complex patterns found in these ensembles. Our starting point is the creation of so-called chimeras, which are subsequently treated within a new and broader context of related states.
    Note: Outline -- General Background -- From Two-Cluster State to Chimera -- Coexistence Patterns of Four Oscillators -- A Hierarchy of Solutions for N = 2n -- Conclusion and Outlook.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783031214974
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783031214998
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783031215001
    Language: English
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