XII, 149 S.
2., completely rev. ed.
Series Statement:
IFLA publications 147
The mission and purposes of the public library -- The legal and financial framework -- Meeting the needs of customers -- Collection development -- Human resources -- The management of public libraries -- The marketing of public libraries -- Appendix 1. The IFLA/UNESCO public library manifesto -- Appendix 2. The Finnish Library Act 1998 -- Appendix 3. Customer charter, Buckinghamshire County Library -- Appendix 4. Library building standards : Ontario, Canada and Barcelona, Spain -- Appendix 5. Update of IFLA manifesto -- Appendix 6. Queensland standards and guidelines for public libraries
1. Aufl. u.d.T.: The public library service
The mission and purposes of the public library -- The legal and financial framework -- Meeting the needs of customers -- Collection development -- Human resources -- The management of public libraries -- The marketing of public libraries -- Appendix 1. The IFLA/UNESCO public library manifesto -- Appendix 2. The Finnish library act 1998 -- Appendix 3. Library service customer charter, Buckinghamshire County Library -- Appendix 4. Library building standards : Ontario, Canada and Barcelona, Spain -- Appendix 5. Update of IFLA manifesto -- Appendix 6. Queensland standards and guidelines for public libraries.
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783110232271
Additional Edition:
Online-Ausg. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions IFLA public library service guidelines Berlin [u.a.] : de Gruyter Saur, 2010 ISBN 9783110232271
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe IFLA public library service guidelines Berlin : de Gruyter Saur, 2010 ISBN 9783110232264
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe IFLA public library service guidelines Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2010 ISBN 9783110232271
General works
Öffentliche Bibliothek
Öffentliche Bibliothek
Author information:
Koontz, Christie 1949-